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  1. TEEJ

    Disappearing Falcons near Bournemouth, UK [Limited MLAT Coverage]

    The following is a classic case of poor aircraft recognition involving the Bear Cornwall mission on the 18th Feb. Russian bomber flew inland over Cornwall, witness claims At least one of the two Russian Bear bombers that were escorted away from the Cornish coast entered British airspace, a...
  2. TEEJ

    Disappearing Falcons near Bournemouth, UK [Limited MLAT Coverage]

    That Russian footage is from the 28th January English Channel mission. The Typhoon with the FB on the tail was one of the Typhoons scrambled from RAF Coningsby.
  3. TEEJ

    Debunked- Dane Wigington's 10 "bullet" points regarding geoengineering

    This 36 second movie clip shows the Boeing 747 Wing Tip Vortex Test. As part of the overall National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) study of trailing vortices -- the invisible flow of spiraling air that trails from the wings of large aircraft and can "upset" smaller aircraft flying...
  4. TEEJ

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers
  5. TEEJ

    Low Flyer

    Yes it is a C-17 Globemaster III. An aviation enthusiast logged RAF C-17 serial ZZ173 active over the East Coast of the UK on the 11th February using virtual radar SBS. 15:46:18 RRR6605 43C173 P-77 ZZ173 36000 4741 Boeing C-17A Globemaster III Royal Air Force/99 Squadron SBS LOG 11/02/15...
  6. TEEJ

    Identified: UFO over Scotland, 2015. [Venus]

    Oh good grief! I stumbled into the "Venus" not really "Venus" community. :eek:
  7. TEEJ

    Identified: UFO over Scotland, 2015. [Venus]

    Thanks Mick for the graphics. I agree, Balance. I also watched Venus tonight. It amazing how far it moves in 15 mins! I've invited the person that filmed the Loch Lomond video over to the discussion. A video showing different artifacts when filming.
  8. TEEJ

    Identified: UFO over Scotland, 2015. [Venus]

    I believe that this video is another case of Venus being misinterpreted? I've had a look at Stellarium for 1st February, 2015 and it matches for Venus setting. Flight Radar 24 shows one aircraft heading over the region but that would have passed over during the period of filming. Rough geo for...
  9. TEEJ

    Disappearing Falcons near Bournemouth, UK [Limited MLAT Coverage]

    The Tornado F.3s were retired during March 2011. The retired F.3s were used for spares recovery for the GR.4 fleet.
  10. TEEJ

    Disappearing Falcons near Bournemouth, UK [Limited MLAT Coverage]

    Thanks for that link. The F-15s from RAF Lakenheath certainly got the locals and the local media fired up. The initial headline in the Bournemouth Echo was the following. It has since been updated with the headline now removed. :) "Fighter jets scrambled to intercept two Russian bombers over...
  11. TEEJ

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    I did report that post and received the standard reply from Facebook. We reviewed the comment you reported for containing credible threat of violence and found it doesn't violate ourCommunity Standards.
  12. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    Cheyenne Autumn, 1964
  13. TEEJ

    Help me! Wife is Chemtrailing...

    No doubt your Wife will come across the following video if she is frequenting the chemtrail websites? It is absolute nonsense.
  14. TEEJ

    Help me! Wife is Chemtrailing...

    Welcome, For identification of some of the aircraft I suggest the following app. Identify planes flying overhead in the augmented reality view by simply pointing your phone to the sky
  15. TEEJ

    Disappearing Falcons near Bournemouth, UK [Limited MLAT Coverage]

    Looks like a routine Thursday War exercise. Sometimes the enthusiasts post up the logs on the following websites. You have to be a member to access some of the content. I'll keep an eye out to see if any logs are posted. 'Mode-S (SBS/Radarbox) and...
  16. TEEJ

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    I was looking through 'Chemtrails Global Skywatch' FB page. From Red Dawn, 1984. 1960
  17. TEEJ

    Debunked: Chemtrail Plane and Other Unlabeled Photos from Facebook etc.

    Thanks! I would imagine that it was picked up from the PPRuNe website? '727 stolen from Angola'
  18. TEEJ

    J. Marvin Herndon's chemtrail letter to San Diego City Council

    I agree, Mick. He appears on the following talk radio show and promotes the latest Tanker Enemy production. 26:40 "There is a really excellent Italian video ....... on You Tube googling Tanker Enemy. It is an excellent video with much, much science in that." Part 2 of the interview is only...
  19. TEEJ

    Charlie Hebdo Conspiracy Theories - Ignore or Address?

    The Sky News reporter, Ian Woods, has confirmed that during the live report he meant to say sand had been 'put' there.