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  1. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max at it yet again with the low aircraft claims in his recent video. He has a good old rant about Metabunk and Contrail Science, but I think he gets mixed up yet again with units stating that the aircraft is at 6,000 metres. I think he actually meant feet. In other videos he has then down to a...
  2. TEEJ

    Discussion of use of the "Advocating Violence" thread

    Really? Sadly there are a lot of very unstable people out there. All it takes is the likes of Max Bliss and other key figures to demonize and ramp up a rally against Metabunk and it can all sadly get out of hand for some individuals. The Chemtrail Community is hyped and stoked with claims that...
  3. TEEJ

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers
  4. TEEJ

    Kristen Meghan, former US Air Force whistle-blower?

    See 16:22 in the following video. ....people have come out of the woodworks. From EPA Compliance Officers to ex people that I worked with in my career field who I cannot state for obvious reasons. I've had Pilots come forward! I've had people come forward that actually load the canisters onto...
  5. TEEJ

    Kristen Meghan, former US Air Force whistle-blower?

    "Little planes"? Where does that come from? You are clearly not listening to what Kristen Meghan is informing you of the types of aircraft that she believes are involved. In the following video go to 08:37. She describes Navy personnel contacting her with e-mails and messages about TACAMO...
  6. TEEJ

    Kristen Meghan, former US Air Force whistle-blower?

    Quite clear that you won't get any straight answers from her. She obviously doesn't like being challenged on or off Metabunk.
  7. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Max still peddling the low flying planes in his videos. Filmed on 16th January 2014. We know that he has access to Flight Radar 24 apps so why does he not provide the evidence that this aircraft has been caught 'spraying at low level' ? 01:00 Max states "That plane was so low it's ridiculous!"
  8. TEEJ

    Debunked: Unmarked "Chemtrail Sprayer" over San Francisco [Marked A380]

    Nice work, Mick. From the video it looks around midday with that high sun - camera facing south. I set the filter on Flight Radar 24 for A380s for 30th December 2013. Korean Air KAL18, registration HL7611 fits in nicely.,-122.52/7
  9. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Hi Hemi, Not really surprising! He banned me too! I see that he has started an e-petition and wonders why not many people have signed it! :) No doubt when the 100,000 figure has not been met it will be the fault of Metabunk and MI5!
  10. TEEJ

    Debunked: Military Chemtrails On/Off [SU-30 Smoke Skywriting]

    Another Indian Air Force type that has a "party trick" is the HAL/SEPECAT Jaguar. See from 04:03 on the following video. MiG-29s follow demonstrating their notoriously smokey engines. Su-30s appear at 05:00 with their "party trick". The twin-engined HAL/SEPECAT Jaguar fuel jettison pipe is...
  11. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    He has retained one recently posted fuel dump video. He is leaving it up in order to preach to his followers. :) hahaha. you guys make me laugh. I will leave this here for all to see and will investigate and publish the answer soon. Planes do not dump fuel like that. And why, if...
  12. TEEJ

    This is NOT a Rainbow [Morning Overhead Contrail]

    Chianne, Try the following link. Set from 1200 GMT and centred over Stow. That should be 0700 EST and might possibly show a likely candidate on the run up before 0800 EST (1300 GMT)? You can click or pause/click on the aircraft and a data box should appear on the left hand side...
  13. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Look up is now claiming that the Airbus manual has been fabricated.
  14. TEEJ

    9/11: How hard is it to hit a building at 500mph?

    Interesting thread over on Above Top Secret. The OP is certainly deluding himself. Probably requires a bit of reality brought into the thread from the likes of TWCobra and others? '9/11 Truth: An UNMODIFIED Boeing 767 cannot fly @ 510 knots @ Sea Level'...
  15. TEEJ

    Debunked: Alleged "spray pipes" on A-320 are Pylon Drains

    Ross, I noticed that you posted a question to Ian Simpson reference the website. It is this website. You can see why Ian Simpson is making it up as he goes along. [...] Metabunk gets a mention on the following pages :)...
  16. TEEJ

    CAJeffO's chemtrail debate challenge

    The Rev Michelle Hopkins? Are you serious? This woman is seriously deluded and her so-called analysis is simply staggering. Here she is completely clueless on antennas calling everything she stumbles upon a 'TTA' (Tesla Tech Array). Go to 10:03 in the video. She point out a 'Fence type array'...
  17. TEEJ

    Circular Contrails near Adelaide, Australia

    Good analysis, Mick. On the following video you can see the F-18 Hornet initially produce two trails but these then rapidly blend.
  18. TEEJ

    Circular Contrails near Adelaide, Australia

    I agree it looks more like what a Hornet/Super Hornet would produce. On some of the turns you can see the unidentified jet and two trails (twin engines) forming before they spread. Read some of the comments on there :)
  19. TEEJ

    Max Bliss debates chemtrails

    Obviously yet another fabrication by Max. He makes it up as he goes along. Blatant lying is part of his spin game. He claimed after filming outside the UK Met Office that he talked to Staff who admitted knowing about the chemtrail operations. You can see him using that little fib again on the...