Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

I don't know if Facebook will save these comments we are noticing forever. I do know that people referring to this thread some weeks or months afterwards will find that the comments we are taking screen shots of will have fallen off the page and may take quite some time for them to verify them for accuracy. Some people may be unable to actually find a link and thus be persuaded that we ae simply making up these comments, threats, etc. It takes a few more seconds to include a direct link on facebook. Here is how to get a link directly to the comment:

howto  screenshot.JPG

This is the link that you go to which will take the viewer directly to the comment:

Please, Please, Please always capture these comments using a screen shot, and also PLEASE attach a direct link to the individual Facebook post.
It is virtually impossible to locate a Facebook posting a year or so on among thousands of such posts, but quite easy if the link is a direct one.

On Youtube, some comments have run into 20,000 or more. Same problem, almost impossible to find after a year or so. Below is how to get a direct link to a specific youtube comment..

youtubehow1.JPG youtubehow2.JPG

There is likely a way to do this for twitter, does anyone know how to do that?
The person is claiming that when he sees errors creating discontinuous ADS-B flight tracks it is evidence of passenger flights being diverted to a secret island in the Gulf of Guinea. They don't seem to realize that ADS-B only has a range of 200 km, so any tracks like this would not have come from a properly functioning system but rather some sort of error. It didn't deter someone from contemplating bombing the airfield on the unnamed secret island. A real mess. One has to ask "who benefits?" when looking at these sites. When they show stuff and intimate they hold 'special information', it is just a teaser of some sort which is done to generate interest to the benefit of the site owner, not to benefit public knowledge.

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The person is claiming that when he sees errors creating discontinuous ADS-B flight tracks it is evidence of passenger flights being diverted to a secret island in the Gulf of Guinea. They don't seem to realize that ADS-B only has a range of 200 km, so any tracks like this would not have come from a properly functioning system but rather some sort of error. It didn't deter someone from contemplating bombing the airfield on the unnamed secret island. A real mess. One has to ask "who benefits?" when looking at these sites. When they show stuff and intimate they hold 'special information', it is just a teaser of some sort which is done to generate interest to the benefit of the site owner, not to benefit public knowledge.

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Hahahaha. I have been blocked from that page already. I asked a few questions and only received the answer of "we will get back to you". My latest enquiry was to the claim that a BA A320 was retrofitted by Evergreen. I don't know much about aircraft but google suggested that this particular plane G-EUUH may have to fly on the edge of its range to get to Evergreen (I may be wrong). The claim then mentioned the Bay of Guinea.

For someone that claims to have all the answers Ian Simpson and his admins have great difficulty expressing them. This is a place that is encouraging people to take court actions yet can't handle questions from a bored middle aged bloke. It will be interesting to see how he defends himself if people do make County Court claims and an airline decides to take it to the High Court.
That "secret island" is at coordinate 0.0000,0.0000. It's just the default location transmitted when there are no coordinates available. A glitch basically. There's nothing there.

Unfortunately it can be hard to explain to people who are not that familiar with coordinates and computers, hence the nonsense gets traction.

You see it on the contrail map as well:
They are basing a lot of what they say on monitoring Flight Radar24. The limitations of amateur ADSB tracking, and their own paranoia is taking them to some strange places.
"We just witnessed 2 planes deliberately crossing paths to create this giant x in the sky". It's hard to comprehend such blithe lack of knowledge.
And it doesn't even make any sense. If you wanted to run a covert program spraying toxic chemicals into the sky, why would you "deliberatly" make such obvious patterns?
And it doesn't even make any sense. If you wanted to run a covert program spraying toxic chemicals into the sky, why would you "deliberatly" make such obvious patterns?
Well, I think one explanation they use is: they want you to fear their lack of concern for the recognition of their actions . . . as in-your-face . . . we don't care that you know because you cannot stop us . . .
Published on Dec 28, 2013

This video was created to inform people of the fear and anger that the chemtrails hoax has caused which has resulted in many otherwise ordinary people advocating violence. That situation is unacceptable and needs to end. The leadership of the movement are in a position to stop this if they inform their people that they are seeing ordinary passenger planes making contrails. They have been made aware of this and are being irresponsible by not admitting that fact and misleading their followers into a false belief.




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Not chemtrail related per se, but here's a threat on a dutchsinse vid against fracking operations.

14 hours ago

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Does anybody have any info as to whether or not any of these YouTube threats were made by a guy who calls himself "Tom Alciere"? I saw him on Facebook defending the actions of the DC Naval Yard shooter, and he seems to be just the type of person that would buy into this stuff.

Also, from what I can find on the internet, he claims to be a politician, which is an absolutely terrifying prospect if it is true.
Does anybody have any info as to whether or not any of these YouTube threats were made by a guy who calls himself "Tom Alciere"? I saw him on Facebook defending the actions of the DC Naval Yard shooter, and he seems to be just the type of person that would buy into this stuff.

Also, from what I can find on the internet, he claims to be a politician, which is an absolutely terrifying prospect if it is true.

CONCORD — Former New Hampshire lawmaker Tom Alciere caused a stir in Rhode Island and Ohio when he put the states’ voter registration files on easily searchable websites.

Alciere, a Hudson resident who was forced to resign his House seat in 2000 because of web postings that advocated killing police, said he used the voter information to drive traffic to his website and make money.
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A one-page website manifesto.

(edit.. I did find another page on that website ( a statement about an assault incident) but his website doesn't seem to have any navigation links, or maybe it's just broken for me)

I don’t know much about how to pilot a jet. That’s okay, as long as I stay away from the controls. If I fiddle with the controls, I would be endangering myself, and other persons who did not consent to being endangered.

The same is true about voting. Jet pilots did lots of homework to learn how to pilot jets correctly. When you vote, you are taking control of an army, a navy, an air force and the navy’s marine corps, as well as numerous civilian law enforcement agencies. You need to know what you’re doing. If you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t vote.

On 11 September 2001, some guys took control of some jets and crashed them. It makes no difference how much training those guys got, if they are of a malicious mindset and intended to crash the jets.

Deliberately voting for candidates who are not orthodox libertarian extremists is just as bad.

Maybe those guys who intentionally crashed the jets thought it would be a good idea to do so. They were entitled to their wrong opinion, but that did not entitle them to crash jets and kill persons who did not consent to being killed. Likewise, you may think it is a good idea to elect candidates who are not orthodox libertarian extremists, but your right to hold wrong opinions does not entitle you to vote away other people’s freedoms. Never underestimate the hostility you incite by voting wrong. The victims of the rights violations, the victims of the deprivation of freedoms, did not consent to your voting away their freedoms, and reject all of your excuses for doing so, no matter how well you ignore the flaws in your lines of reasoning.

Those who make the peaceful defense of liberty impossible make the violent defense of liberty inevitable.

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Holy s***! How did I miss that? This guy is definitely real, and definitely off his rocker. I ended up reporting him to the FBI for the Facebook incident, so maybe someone will be paying attention to his actions in the future. In the meantime, perhaps we should all keep a lookout. (

Gnarly CarlyNever mind. I went into the store, and it was crystal clear. Came out about 1/2 hour after I posted these first pics, and got this vomit shot. Fucking hate them. I fucking hate them so much, I swear I am going to fucking kill them. Some how, some way, I will fucking kill them. This is not a damn threat. It's probably not a promise either, because I don't have the means to kill them. But I can promise, that if I ever get the chance to kill any of these bastards, I will. That is 100% guaranteed.
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All that angst over some cirrus clouds streaming ahead of an approaching cold front.
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holoScreenshot (794).png Krzystof isn't the only one.

And check the last couple of posts. How does a hologram spray anything?
@ssfor27 can you give a link to those, for posterity? Right click on the time or date, and "copy link". Then you can just edit your post.
Now, imagine if one of these lunatics decides to take matters in his hands, and explodes a NEXRAD facility or manage to bring down a commercial plane, writing a statement that the government can't keep spraying everybody and that was the reason of his attack. This guy thinks he is going to be a hero to his fellowship.

Sadly (or ironically) the event is going to be pictured as a false-flag by his not-so-long-ago-partners, as are 100% of the terrorist attacks. As his statement says he did that because of the chemtrails, all CTs are going to say that his statement is 100% evidence of false flag because the event was clearly planned to discredit the whole movement.

The guy tries to be a hero and ends up being evidence of the exact thing he was trying to battle.