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  1. JFDee

    Science aside...

    There are certainly some visitors that give the impression of being robust and self-assured enough to allow for a little irony here and there when replying. In most cases though, any shift to a personal level - even with bullies - will give them room to 'wiggle' and will distract from the...
  2. JFDee

    Anyone care to apply REAL science to explain THIS?

    Farganne, just tell us the exact name of the rice sorts that are planted on these fields, then we'll find an explanation.
  3. JFDee

    Science aside...

    Occasionally, I wonder if it is a good thing to have many "residents" here replying to postings of a visitor, may it be a 'seeker' or a 'disruptor'. In some cases it can be helpful, particularly when the "paid shill" accusation comes up. It will show to readers how lively and inhomogenous the...
  4. JFDee

    Study: "Dead and Alive: Beliefs in Contradictory Conspiracy Theories"

    In the conclusion of the study (p.6), the authors reflect about the social/group aspects: I wonder what that would mean for the debunking side. What would be the expected reaction if the contradictions are pointed out emphatically? Once "The Great Culling" is out, there may be an opportunity...
  5. JFDee

    Study: "Dead and Alive: Beliefs in Contradictory Conspiracy Theories"

    A Study from University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, looks at logic and contradictions in conspiracy theories. Excerpt from the abstract: Bottom line is that obvious contradictions in varying conspiracy theories are sort of levelled out by the believe in the "common enemy", the ones charged with...
  6. JFDee

    Information Diet

    I stumbled upon an enlightening interview on a well respected (German) newspaper's web site. The guest was Clay Johnson who has just released his book "The Information Diet". To put it in a nutshell, he draws an analogy between attractive fast food and the necessity to resist it on one hand...
  7. JFDee

    Discussions with chemtrailers on facebook

    I think there is a posting of an actual test report at FB ChemPro. The resolution is not good but with some effort it may be readable.
  8. JFDee

    High School Kids launch Weather Balloon

    Addendum regarding H.A.R.C. project: The progress bar on the donation page shows 3%. He (the name is Ed Chiarini) has collected roughly $300 so far. A quick calculation results in projected funding of $10000 ... (Shoot, Mick's computing was faster; this and that darn foreign language!)
  9. JFDee

    High School Kids launch Weather Balloon

    This guy here will not settle for $500, as it seems: Donation levels go up to "5", translating to $2500. Maybe someone should point him (and his donors) to the LegoMan Team ...
  10. JFDee

    High School Kids launch Weather Balloon

    Amazing story, that! They acquired some quite breathtaking images. Let's just hope that there will not be numerous follow-ups with people launching balloons in regions with heavy air traffic, without notifying the ATC ...
  11. JFDee

    Discussions with chemtrailers on facebook

    The video discussed by "Chemzy McTrails" and others is showing dogfight training south of Stuttgart. The area is known for regular military exercises. The "Stuttgarter Rundschau" newspaper quotes the civil ATC Helmut Montag, who gives an altitude of 9000 m (30000 ft) for these maneuvers...
  12. JFDee

    Discussions with chemtrailers on facebook

    I wonder how you can judge that they were at the same altitude in the beginning, because that part of the flight is not in the video. They may have been on different levels and later adjusted their altitude to fly in formation. Looks like military training to me. Will try to find out. BTW...
  13. JFDee

    Discussions with chemtrailers on facebook

    Wow. That leaves me speechless and open-mouthed for an above-average moment. That's disconnecting indeed. No more shaking of one's own belief. Very un-scientific, isn't it?
  14. JFDee

    I think chemtrails are real breaking news

    Wow - what a can of worms! I like this statement: "irregardless has become fetishized". Who's to say that linguistics is a dull subject ?
  15. JFDee

    I think chemtrails are real breaking news

    Aluminum is everywhere, it's part of the soil. Not in "free" form though, but it will be found in a chemical analysis. If water is tested, it must be filtered first, or else you get readings for particles - dust - soil again. Common mistake.
  16. JFDee

    I think chemtrails are real breaking news

    OK, but if they are smart, why can't they explain how chemtrails look like - as opposed to contrails?
  17. JFDee

    I think chemtrails are real breaking news

    Bunkerbuster, it has been said before, over and over: The trails we see in the sky can be explained with existing, reproduceable knowledge. They look and behave like we can expect them to if we know the bits about the atmosphere. Up to now, nobody has brought up a convincing argument...
  18. JFDee

    Vinegar and chemtrails

    Uhm - did it occur to anybody that vinegar (acid), sprayed excessively, will have an impact to the soil, freeing metals like, say, Aluminum ? So, if the same persons applying the "cure" decide to test the soil of their properties, what will they get ? Just thinking ...
  19. JFDee

    Faster Than Light?

    What I find a bit encouraging is that there seems to be a new generation of scientists who are at ease with popularizing and promoting their trade. I just learned about Brian Cox and Jim Al-Khalili in Britain, and we have Harald Lesch in Germany. Now it's up to the broadcasters to pick up the...
  20. JFDee

    Chem/Con orbs.. no debunking these things

    I'm doing bird watching from time to time. This occasionally involves following a circling or hovering bird (e.g. a falcon in "heli" mode) with my 10x50 binoculars. What always strikes me is the number of insects/bees/beetles that are crossing through the field of vision in these moments...