Anyone care to apply REAL science to explain THIS?


New Member
This picture was taken in South Korea in the wake of a highly unusual typhoon: Kompasu, Sept. 2010.

Since when do typhoon winds selectively destroy geometrically defined rice paddies?



  • IMG_0991.jpg
    90.5 KB · Views: 718
Looks like different length crops, possibly different types of crop. Note the one that has been damaged is green, the undamaged fields are yellow. Large portions of the green field are undamaged.

Is this from some particular theory, or individual's site?
"Looks like different length crops"

What evidence?

"possibly different types of crop"

Again, what evidence? They're all rice paddies.

"Note the one that has been damaged is green, the undamaged fields are yellow"

The "yellow" comes from the rice grains at the tops of the stalks. The "green" is from stalks exposed through flattening.

"Large portions of the green field are undamaged."

That does nothing to mitigate the damaged parts.

And you have said NOTHING to explain the mystery.

"Is this from some particular theory, or individual's site?"

It is my own personal photo. And I have many more.
Seriously, there is no yellow in the green field?

Look at what you just said.

Then look in the mirror.

Here I've uniformly boosted the color saturation across the image. Clearly the fields are very different. The undamaged portions of the field on the right are totally different to the field on the left, which has probably been harvested, and you are seeing the short dead stalks. Or possibly it's a different, shorter, crop.

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I have saved this thread for everyone's amusement.

That color boost is really a marvel of psy op engineering.


Outta here.

just tell us the exact name of the rice sorts that are planted on these fields, then we'll find an explanation.
Close call. I'll notify world control they can continue using unusual south Korean typhoons to destroy geometrically defined rice paddies...
Try it yourself with your original image. Here's an online photo editor:

Load the image, then under Adjustment use "Hue and Saturation" and boost the saturation:
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Farganne has been banned for 24 hours for repeated politeness policy violations after being warned.

Taking a breather is usually a good thing for the mind.
Wasn't even a strong storm in this location, flimsy power poles without bracing weren't knocked down.
Many unanswered questions such as status of the crop, water in the field or not, excess fertilizer can cause weak crop leading to lodging.
Where exactly was the photo taken?
Topography, did a stream of water flow through one field and not another?
There is not enough information to evaluate anything else at the distance in this photo without further info..
Don't claim a mystery until you have enough information to call it one....