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  1. Rory

    A DIY Theodolite for Measuring the Dip of the Horizon

    Here's a video of someone using the liquid level at various elevations (sea level, 1200 feet, and 5600 feet): On the plus side, it shows exactly what we would expect - that the level of the liquid is somewhat higher than the horizon: On the negative, he neither used a tripod for the...
  2. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

    Goddamn: only 2.5 hours and you've already got more likes and funnies than when I posted it last year. :( I guess good comedy really is all about the timing. ;)
  3. Rory

    Why does Polaris appear stationary on a rotating Earth?

    It doesn't stay directly above the north pole. In fact, at some point in the future, Polaris won't be the north star at all. A little googling should answer your questions.
  4. Rory

    Debunking Humor...

    That's gotta be a parody meme. How do I know? Because it contains the correct use of the plural possessive apostrophe.
  5. Rory

    Measuring the Curvature of the Horizon with a Level

    I had a revisit with those photos I'd taken to try and show the curve and realised where I'd gone wrong: I wasn't directly 'straight on' with my level. My compression image, therefore, shows pronounced effects of perspective on the straight edge: Just in case anyone else wants to do the same...
  6. Rory

    Does Zooming in Change How Much of Something is Hidden by the Horizon [No]

    No Gothenburg ferry today but every other day there is one. Schedule here. Or if you went to Kilnsea now there's a ship sailing from Immingham to Vlissingen, Holland, which you can track at At the minute...
  7. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    Good point. That's why I posted my pictures as examples, rather than proofs, and mentioned that they could all be the result of someone smaller than them taking the photos. Done right, from a suitable elevation, it should work. Would be nice to see some flat earth believers try. :)
  8. Rory

    Does Zooming in Change How Much of Something is Hidden by the Horizon [No]

    Sorry, can you explain again what these photos are demonstrating please? To me they look like two different photos - different places? different days? certainly different times - and it's not clear that either of them are zoomed in. What's the source for them? Thanks.
  9. Rory

    Is Spotting Logical Fallacies a Useful Tool?

    Agree to that. I guess for an ad hominem to be effective, there has to be some agreement between both parties that the source for a quote or some information is fallible, in a way that is pertinent to the point at hand.
  10. Rory

    Is Spotting Logical Fallacies a Useful Tool?

    But I guess it's not "batshit" to them?
  11. Rory

    Is Spotting Logical Fallacies a Useful Tool?

    What's your basis/justification for "playing the man" in this case? Beyond, I imagine, "he says things that sound mad (to me)"? (Genuine question, probably leading to some sort of point.)
  12. Rory

    How to Show the Horizon is Below Eye Level, Using Actual Eyes

    Had an idea about how to very clearly and very easily show that the horizon isn't at eye level: take some pictures of some eyes! You will need: 1. A camera 2. A high place with a level surface and a view to the horizon 3. A person pretty much the same height as you 4. The ability to hold a...
  13. Rory

    Is Spotting Logical Fallacies a Useful Tool?

    Doesn't this bring it right back to Mick's original point? That labelling it a logical fallacy may lead to tangential arguments, semantics, and be seen as confrontational, while simply saying, "while the data may be true, the conclusion that it's a secret government program 'doesn't necessarily...
  14. Rory

    Is Spotting Logical Fallacies a Useful Tool?

    I'm partial to a bit of ad hominem myself - but then I suppose it depends on the subject. If we're just talking cold facts, science, math, then person and personality doesn't really come into it, only whether it's right or wrong. But if the subject's say spirituality, morality, literature, love...
  15. Rory

    2017 Westminster attack

    Is it not? Abu Hamza (and others) made it the most famous and oft-reported mosque in the country. The van driver went about four hours out of his way to get there. It's probably the only mosque most people have heard of.
  16. Rory

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America

    From what I've been seeing the last six months or so, having realised the flaws in claiming the AE projection map as a genuine flat earth map, most - if not all - of the leading flat earthers have abandoned it and retreated to a position of, "we don't have the right map, we're working on it...
  17. Rory

    An Easy Experiment to Debunk the Flat Earth by Observing the Size of the Sun

    Drawing a triangle like this one: That's what your man in the video has put forward, trying to say the angle we measure should actually be the one to the 'green' sun, when we know that, in drawing a diagram in profile, perspective doesn't come into it. (Imagine the photographer of this...
  18. Rory

    North Wales beneath the sea

    Usual stuff: how high the peaks are; distances; how much should be hidden; how much is visible; what should be seen on a flat earth; and photo comparisons. Maybe pick what you think is the best one and work on that?
  19. Rory

    North Wales beneath the sea

    With measurements to follow?
  20. Rory

    An Easy Experiment to Debunk the Flat Earth by Observing the Size of the Sun

    When you get down to it, a big part of your question seems to be, "Why can't we superimpose a profile onto a perspective?" To illustrate, let's consider a railroad track - using something from 'real life', as the video says - wherein the ties are spaced approximately 49.5cm apart, and the...