
  1. Davd

    V shape UFO on thermal camera [Probably Birds]

    Hello, I found this video on youtbe(is not mine): Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzUNVkFpPA8 Source: https://giphy.com/gifs/l1J3pFv7SDrldSqfS/html5 can anyone give a better explanation or point in a the right direction in order to find an explanation? In description you could find...
  2. Ruben Lianza

    Aguadilla Infrared Footage of 'UFOs' - Probably Hot Air Wedding Lanterns

    The following post is a series of excerpts from a report prepared by Rubén Lianza, Commodore (ret), Argentine Air Force, Head of the Argentine Air Force Committee for Aerospace Phenomena Research. On the night of April 25, 2013 at about 09:22 PM (local time), a Bombardier DHC 8 airplane...
  3. Mick West

    Lights over Sacramento - Just a Plane, But what's that Beam?

    When I first saw the light it did not seem to moving I had no idea what it was. Venus maybe? Then I saw it actually was moving, so I thought it might be the International Space Stations, which had made a couple of good passes over here in the last two days. I tried to take some photos, and got...
  4. Laurdhavemercy

    UFO.. drone maybe?

    I was watching fireworks and caught this, fairly sure it's a drone but I cannot find a model that matches exact so I was hoping someone could shed some light or tell me what it really is?
  5. Mick West

    Sideways Flying UFO Hawk

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_f7ElR3oVs Video Source: http://www.kcra.com/article/100-acre-grass-fire-burning-near-mather-airport/10256173 While watching coverage of a minor grass fire in Rancho Cordova at around 4:40, July 3 2017, I saw a weird black shape fly out of the smoke...
  6. P

    Bizarre alien ship spotted by ISS! Or, you know, maybe not

    It looks like internal reflections in the camera lens to me, from the bright earth below. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/bizarre-megaship-captured-international-space-9974030 A bizarre 'megaship' has allegedly been captured by an International Space Station (ISS) camera before Nasa...
  7. Mick West

    Explained: Chilean Navy "UFO" video - Aerodynamic Contrails, Flight IB6830

    If you are short on time, then I made a one minute video explaining this: Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bFfuIidCK0 Background: Infrared footage from the Chilean Navy appears to show some kind of flying object that briefly leaves a trail behind it...
  8. Mick West

    Explained: Moon Terminator/Shadow UFOs

    The Moon's "terminator" is simply the line between the light and dark areas of the moon, i.e. the line between the sunlit portion of the moon and the shadowed portion. To the naked eye this looks like a smooth line, but if you look closer (with some binoculars, or zoomed in with a camera) you...
  9. Mick West

    Explained: Exmouth UFO Flying Saucer - Sunlit Contrail and Motion Blur

    http://www.exeterexpressandecho.co.uk/exmouth-ufo-rocked-my-skepticism-says-photographer/story-30020380-detail/story.html Tyron Osbourne, 52, shocked by the soaring oval, managed to take these spooky photographs over his Brixington home on Wednesday. ... He stared up in awe with neighbours Mark...
  10. Mick West

    Explained: Chinese UFO Crashes in Fiery Crater - Space Junk, Part of Rocket Motor

    Chinese media reports that on Dec 12th something crashed in Zhangjiabian village, Fugu New District, causing a fire and leaving a large crater. The object also left quite a bit of debris. While "Alien Spacecraft" is always a popular explanation, the most likely thing is that this is some space...
  11. TEEJ

    Claim of "UFO" interacting with "Chemtrail", Paris, France, 28th September 2016

    The following video claims to show a "UFO/Orb" interacting with a "chemtrail". All the details are provided by the person filming. Location Paris, France. 28th September 2016, 7:41 PM. 19:41 CEST. This is clearly Venus being filmed through a dissipating contrail. From the UK Daily Star...
  12. Marin B

    UFO over Golden Gate Bridge, or Reflection?

    I presume the latter, but these pictures were sent to me by someone who believes the former. The pictures were taken about 5-6 years ago on a cruise ship on a foggy day in San Francisco Bay using a Canon digital camera. The object wasn't noticed at the time the picture was taken. Supposedly...
  13. Mick West

    Debunked: 'UFO Trailing Blue Smoke' over airport [Atlas V Rocket Launch]

    In a bit of recycled bunk, some video of the September 2nd, 2015 Atlas V Rocket Launch in Florida has popped up on social media wth misleading headlines. The footage was upload to Liveleak with the headline "Unkown object over Azerbaijan - July 2016" [sic] and also posted on the Facebook page of...
  14. M

    Physical Object or Camera Artifcat?

    [EDIT] I apologize for the inconvenience. I was not aware that the Album containing the pictures was set to private. I have since rectified the situation. My Dad's girlfriend noticed a strange anomaly in this picture and believes it to be an Alien Spacecraft. I'm not even confinced it's...
  15. Veronica!

    Any resources for debunking a 'cold case' UFO sighting?

    Hey all, I have a friend who recently mentioned that she saw a UFO once in the late 80s. It was a pretty uneventful sighting, as far as these things go. No probes, little green men, lost time or mutilated cattle. Just a large light that seemed to hover over them for a few seconds and meander...
  16. endoplasmic_reticulum

    Claim: Aliens are controlling the SUN (Small, bright "UFO" dots near the Sun)

    First time poster, recently I found this on Daily Mail. It shows a few bright dots in SDO imagery, heading towards the sun, that the YouTuber claims are UFOs. What are these things? A YouTuber and 'UFOlogist’ has spotted what he claims to be numerous UFOs traveling around the sun this week in...
  17. Mick West

    Debunked: Airplane passenger 'takes picture of UFO that was giving off bright lights and orbs'

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3332099/Airplane-passenger-takes-picture-UFO-giving-bright-lights-orbs-ground-near-secret-Area-51-military-base.html An airline passenger claims to have captured images of a UFO giving off 'bright lights and orbs' on the ground near the top-secret Area 51...
  18. Mick West

    Explained: Large Cigar Shaped Object Caught Shooting Into Storm Cloud In Spain [Reflection]

    A video of a lightning storm shared on Facebook appears to show a large white object flying into a cloud, which then lights up, like from an explosion. However if we flip the bottom half of the image, we can see that the "object" is exactly opposite the bright side-light of the passing car...
  19. Chew

    Explained: UFO CAPTURED In Airplane above the clouds! WHAT IS THIS? [Air France 747]

    It's obviously an aircraft turning to starboard but I can't find it on FR24. Because my machine is so slow everything freezes and jumps. Filmed from SWA3357 (STL to FLL) on Sep 26, 2015 about 15-20 minutes after takeoff. FR24 playback...
  20. mrfintoil

    Greenwood Crown Flash

    This thread might not be so much about debunking the video, as internet already seems to have pinpointed the phenomenon as a rare weather phenomenon called crown flash. The effect looks very cool, but I find very little information about the phenomenon. Perhaps because it is so rare and hard...