2020 US Election - Current Events

this kid? young man? gives some details of how the "young woman" got shot. he was right behind her smh. no graphic stuff just an interview

and apparently they just pushed all the rioters outside. i figured they arrested them all.. but no. smh. the really scary part is he doesnt even seem to fathom that they were doing anything wrong! he's blaming the "government". amazing

Source: https://youtu.be/McHJg1r_X1Q?t=10
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Tonight, after CNN and FOX stopped airing the readjourn'd congressional live feed (after the violent intrusion), I moved over to C-SPAN2.
There, I could hear the live arguments of the first contested electoral objection....re- Arizona (it's alphabetical).
Hearing the short speeches, I was struck by a few, but in particular..... the exiting and (just) recently out-voted Senator K. Loeffler (R, GA), who seemed to have a change of heart....... (and who Trump heavily campaigned-for, 24 hours earlier.)
(1:55 minutes)
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Lindsey Graham, in the Senate, just now:
If you're looking for a way to convince people there is no fraud, having a commission chosen by Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell and John Roberts is not gonna get you to where you wanna go. It ain't gonna work.
Content from External Source
That speech is hilarious. Another great speaker!
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i figured they arrested them all.. but no.
The NBC analysts figure that the Congressional police simply didn't have the manpower to do the arrests in that situation. (I expect we'll have written facts on that tomorrow.) There's lots of video footage, there'll certainly be consequences for some.
There is tons of insight, by monitoring, using C-SPAN.
I'm following the streams I linked earlier, both the PBS youtube feed and the NBC feed on their site; they've been live continuously from the start of the joint session at 1 pm, and they're still going.
There's lots of video footage, there'll certainly be consequences for some.
well they are to blame for the objections being halted, so i know its mean but i hope the people who wanted the electoral votes contested maybe provide some of their own consequences. The violence in the streets in this country is .. we look like the friggin Middle East lately.

on an up note if Trump does get renominated in 2024 maybe the RNC will have the nads to deny him the nomination!
6 Senators affirmed the Arizona objection; 93 voted against. Senator Purdue's seat is still vacant until Ossoff is sworn in.
The NBC analysts figure that the Congressional police simply didn't have the manpower to do the arrests in that situation. (I expect we'll have written facts on that tomorrow.) There's lots of video footage, there'll certainly be consequences for some.
At least 30 people had been arrested for violating curfew as of 9:30 p.m., [mayor] Bowser's office said; 15 people were arrested after the mob stormed the Capitol.
Content from External Source
Source: NBC News
They've counted Georgia and Michigan and Nevada, but now Josh Hawley and Scott Perry object to Pennsylvania.
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Let's equate these "state" objections into food items......and debate those....
... not so many riots here.....and more delicious ....

Georgia = peaches or peanuts ?
Pennsylvania = pretzels or cheese steak ?
Arizona = frybread or blue corn muffins ?
Nevada = same shit as Arizona.
Wisconsin = cheese curds or....stuff made from curds ?
Michigan = the Patsy or the deep-dish pan pizza ?
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Forgive me if I put this plainly......
... but if gov't officials knew that there was a Trump rally, on the very day of contested congressional verification of electorates.... why would,'t they suspect that a large populated rally might be a threat.......especially when the rally was pre-planned to march to the Capitol or White House ???????
This should not have been a 20/20 hindsight event.... The rally's location and plans were well known, prior.
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Forgive me if I put this plainly......
... but if gov't officials knew that there was a Trump rally, on the very day of contested congressional verification of electorates.... why would,'t they suspect that a large populated rally might be a threat.......especially when the rally was pre-planned to march to the Capitol or White House ???????
This should not have been a 20/20 hindsight event.... The rally's location and plans were well known, prior.
EXACTLY. The decison to not prevent and hope all went calmly was deliberate. Whether right ot wrong. And mobs incited to rebellion and overthrow of law and order will always risk going too far. It is NOT a risk unique to USA in such a situation. BUT when the Chief Executive personally incites the action it would take a courageous official to go against the de-facto command.
I don't think any mob protests were deliberately "planned" - (maybe, but I can't prove that). I just think the potential outcome should have been much more anticipated by local law enforcement.
If you read my earlier post.... I watched Trump's rally begin in the late morning, and I thought to myself, before they marched..."this might turn bad'.

Then you might wonder.... why were many of the "protesters/simple Trump supporters" equipped with bp vests and helmets and anti-tear gas apparatus ? .....if the rebel protests were simply planning a peaceful protest. ?
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Then you might wonder.... why were many of the "protesters/simple Trump supporters" equipped with bp vests and helmets and anti-tear gas apparatus ? .....if the rebel protests were simply planning a peaceful protest. ?
Intruder with Zip ties.jpg
Rioters enter the Senate Chamber on Wednesday. | McNamee/Getty Images

Bringing defensive gear to a protest is just common sense. For example, Martin Gugino would've been better off if he'd worn his. But bringing zip ties? If you're not law enforcement, you planned on taking hostages.
The final results are 306-232 for Biden. Vice President Mike Pence completed his duties and announced Mr. Biden as the winner just after 3:40 a.m.

It appears that Arizona and Pennsylvania remained the only state votes objected to.

"Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th," Trump said, according to a statement attributed to him and released by the White House.
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. But bringing zip ties? If you're not law enforcement, you planned on taking hostages.

"You're seeing [protest group Antifa] really capitalize on this," Montgomery said of the nationwide protests. "They may not make up the majority but they're hellbent on doing so much damage. And it is heartening to see other protesters sort of shovel them to the police."

"So if you're going out and protest and you're a peaceful protester, take some zip ties and subdue some of these people and [make] a citizen's arrest if they are hurting people, if they're lobbying Molotov cocktails, if they're setting things on fire, if they're breaking things and committing crimes then go ahead help them find what they ultimately want, which is apparently arrest."

not that this guy looks like he wants to keep the peace. whats that thing with the light on his chest?
At approximately 7 p.m., Giuliani called newly sworn-in Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville, a staunch Trump ally, imploring him to stall the process. [..] The problem for Giuliani? He left his message on the voicemail of another senator, who shared it with The Dispatch. [..]

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EoLug0n0KM

Senator Tuberville? Or I should say Coach Tuberville. This is Rudy Giuliani, the president's lawyer. I'm calling you because I want to discuss with you how they're trying to rush this hearing and how we need you, our Republican friends, to try to just slow it down so we can get these legislatures to get more information to you. And I know they're reconvening at 8 tonight, but it … the only strategy we can follow is to object to numerous states and raise issues so that we get ourselves into tomorrow—ideally until the end of tomorrow.

I know McConnell is doing everything he can to rush it, which is kind of a kick in the head because it's one thing to oppose us, it's another thing not to give us a fair opportunity to contest it. And he wants to try to get it down to only three states that we contest. But there are 10 states that we contest, not three. So if you could object to every state and, along with a congressman, get a hearing for every state, I know we would delay you a lot, but it would give us the opportunity to get the legislators who are very, very close to pulling their vote, particularly after what McConnell did today. It angered them, because they have written letters asking that you guys adjourn and send them back the questionable ones and they'll fix them up.

So, this phone number, I'm available on all night, and it would be an honor to talk to you. Thank you.
Methodology: YouGov polled 1,448 registered voters, including 1,397 who were aware of the events at the Capitol. The survey was conducted on January 6, 2021 between 5:17 p.m. and 5:42 p.m. Eastern time. The survey was carried out through YouGov Direct. Data is weighted on age, gender, education level, political affiliation and ethnicity to be nationally representative of adults in the United States. The margin of error is approximately 3.3% for the overall sample.

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51% of Republicans think that was Biden's fault; only 28% blame Trump.
So, 51% of the Republican respondents in this poll are entrenched conspiracy theorists who believe that Biden caused this by stealing the election.
Several resignations, one cabinet member.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao resigned on the heels of a mob attack on the Capitol fueled by President Donald Trump’s rhetoric.
Chao is the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and the first Trump Cabinet member to quit in connection with Wednesday’s chaos.
Tyler Goodspeed, acting chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, resigned because of the violent invasion of the Capitol complex as Congress met to confirm the election of Joe Biden as the next president.
Also leaving is Trump’s deputy national security advisor, Matt Pottinger, Melania Trump’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, and Mick Mulvaney, special envoy to Northern Ireland who had been White House chief of staff.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCxGBU3KpHI&feature=youtu.be

"We must revitalize the sacred bonds of love and loyalty that bind us together as one national family."
"To all of my wonderful supporters, I know you are disappointed. But I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning."

I find it strange that he's invoking loyalty without saying to what; and what is the journey he wants to go on with his supporters?
Random local news (Sacramento, California): A guy down the street from me had a huge Trump flag in his yard for the last 4-5 months. Today it's gone and been replaced by a Blue Lives Matter flag. Probably in response to the events of the 6th.


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It turns out Trump made another call to Georgia 9 days before his conversation with Brad Raffensberger and Ryan Germany.
President Trump urged Georgia’s lead elections investigator to “find the fraud” in a lengthy December phone call, saying the official would be a “national hero,” according to an individual familiar with the call who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the conversation.

Trump placed the call to the investigations chief for the Georgia secretary of state’s office shortly before Christmas — while the individual was leading an inquiry into allegations of ballot fraud in Cobb County, in the suburbs of Atlanta, according to people familiar with the episode.
In an interview with The Washington Post on Friday, Raffensperger confirmed that Trump had placed the Dec. 23 call. He said he was not familiar with the specifics of what the president said in the conversation with his chief investigator, but said it was inappropriate for Trump to have tried to intervene in the case.

“That was an ongoing investigation,” Raffensperger said. “I don’t believe that an elected official should be involved in that process.”

(If you use a private browser window, the WaPo will let you see the article.)

White House Forced Georgia U.S. Attorney to Resign​

White House officials pushed Atlanta’s top federal prosecutor to resign before Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoffs because President Trump was upset he wasn’t doing enough to investigate the president’s unproven claims of election fraud, people familiar with the matter said.

A senior Justice Department official, at the behest of the White House, called the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney Byung J. Pak late on the night of Jan. 3. In that call the official said Mr. Trump was furious there was no investigation related to election fraud and that the president wanted to fire Mr. Pak, the people said.

Mr. Pak resigned abruptly on Monday—the day before the runoffs—saying in an early morning email to colleagues that his departure was due to “unforeseen circumstances.”
Mr. Pak on Jan. 3 considered leaving early after the public release of a call from the day before between Mr. Trump and Georgia’s secretary of state Brad Raffensperger in which the president pushed the official to overturn the November election results, one person said. When Mr. Pak communicated that on the Sunday call, the White House indicated he should leave immediately, the person said.

Mr. Trump then called the prosecutor he wanted to replace Mr. Pak, Savannah’s U.S. Attorney Bobby Christine, and told him he was putting him in the job, the person said. In doing so, Mr. Trump bypassed the traditional process in which the office’s No. 2 official would fill the vacancy, as well as longstanding protocol that discourages a president from directly contacting Justice Department officials.

This is a republished Wall Street Journal article.
The United States Capitol Police is deeply saddened by the off-duty death on January 9, 2021, of Officer Howard Liebengood, age 51. He was assigned to the Senate Division, and has been with the Department since April 2005. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and colleagues.

We ask that his family, and other USCP officers’ and their families’ privacy be respected during this profoundly difficult time.

There are rumors that his death was a suicide; since this is the official announcement, that can't have been confirmed.
Terry Bouton, Associate Professor of History, UMBC
My wife and I attended the “Stop the Steal” Trump Insurrection on Wednesday (as observers, NOT participants) and there are FIVE big take-aways from what we witnessed and heard outside the Capitol that I'd like to share.

1) This insurrection wasn’t just redneck white supremacists and QAnon kooks. The people participating in, espousing, or cheering the violence cut across the different factions of the Republican Party and those factions were working in unison. [..]
I'm sure there were Republicans there who were horrified by what was happening. But the most common emotions we witnessed by nearly everyone were jubilation at the take over and anger at Democrats, Mike Pence, non-Trump supporting Republicans, and the Capitol Police.

2) There is no doubt the Capitol was left purposefully understaffed as far as law enforcement and there was no federal effort to provide support even as things turned very dark. This contrasts sharply with all of other major protests we have attended.

3) The Trump rioters only supported law enforcement as long as they believed law enforcement was supporting them. Rioters, many carrying Thin Blue Line flags, seemed convinced that the Capitol Police would turn against the government and join them.

4) There were also no clear crowd rules imposed for Stop the Steal like there were for all the other protests we have attended. All of the “liberal” protests of the last four years we attended had a long list of things you could not bring [..]

5) These people are serious and they are going to keep escalating the violence until they are stopped by the force of law. There were many, many people there who were excited by the violence and proud and excited about the prospect of more violence. [..]

The most alarming part to me was the matter-of-fact, causal ways that people from all walks of life were talking about violence and even the execution of “traitors” in private conversations, like this was something normal that happened every day.

You can see the effects of QAnon in all of this, plus hints of a new conspiracy theory of the insurrection that was somehow supported by law enforcement skimping on personnel.
whats that thing with the light on his chest?
The tall rectangle with the red showing at the upper left (his right) is a cell phne in a case, worn as sort of a body cam. All the "tacticool" kids are wearing them these days, very fashionable.

Dozens Arrested for Capitol Riot After Feds Find Guns, Violent Threats and Molotov Cocktails​

Another is the case announced against Alabama resident Lonnie Coffman. U.S. Capitol Police officers saw the handle of what appeared to be a firearm in a pickup truck registered to Coffman, police said. Members of the Capitol police bomb squad searched the truck and found 11 Molotov cocktails and a cache of firearms, including an automatic weapon.
Federal officials said there's no indication that Antifa was involved.
The United States Capitol Police is deeply saddened by the off-duty death on January 9, 2021, of Officer Howard Liebengood, age 51. He was assigned to the Senate Division, and has been with the Department since April 2005. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends, and colleagues.

We ask that his family, and other USCP officers’ and their families’ privacy be respected during this profoundly difficult time.

There are rumors that his death was a suicide; since this is the official announcement, that can't have been confirmed.
A US Capitol Police officer on duty during Wednesday's coup attempt by Trump supporters died by suicide on Saturday, his family has announced.

Officer Howard Liebengood, 51, had been assigned to the Senate Division and joined the department in 2005.

Barry Pollack, a lawyer for Liebengood's family, told BuzzFeed News the officer had been at the Capitol during the insurrection.

"His death is a tragedy that has deprived all of us a dedicated public servant," Pollack said. "His family has suffered a devastating loss and asks that they be given space to grieve in private."

His death came days after an attempted coup by violent Trump supporters left a fellow Capitol Police officer dead. Officer Brian Sicknick was injured while "physically engaging" with rioters and later died at a hospital.

According to CBS News, several Capitol Police officers have threatened self-harm in the days following the riot.
Several Capitol Police officers have been suspended in connection with last week's fatal riot at the U.S. Capitol by protesters loyal to President Trump, Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman announced Monday evening.

Earlier, Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, had said one of the suspended officers took a selfie with a rioter, and another donned a Make America Great Again hat and "started directing people around."

Ryan chairs the House subcommittee that is investigating the police response to last Wednesday's riot. He also said that about 10 to 15 other Capitol Police officers are under investigation.
You can see the effects of QAnon in all of this, plus hints of a new conspiracy theory of the insurrection that was somehow supported by law enforcement skimping on personnel.
Watching the "protest" both in real time and now on video, it seems evident that QAnon is pervasive within this particular group of Trump supporters. They seem to be indistinguishable on a certain level. It seems like a pretty safe generalization to state that QAnon is presently the greatest threat to American if not world democracy and social stability. For all practical purposes it is a cult at this point, with a staggering amount of adherents. It's like a super-conspiracy theory-with belief in chemtrails, reptilian overlords, the hand of George Soros in all things nefarious, Rothschild banking conspiracy, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and of course Satanic pedophile rings.
Couple this with the very questionable law enforcement response and now you definitely have the makings of a new conspiracy to lay on top of it all.
Sites like this have an immeasurable value at this moment in time.

Decoding the extremist symbols and groups at the Capitol Hill insurrection​

One of the militia who was inside the chamber bore a motif of a flag that looked like the traditional stars and stripes with a stylised skull overlaid on it. Googling for that was futile, as it kept returning skulls with US flags on them, rather than US flags with skulls on them - any idea what group or ideology that represents?
One of the militia who was inside the chamber bore a motif of a flag that looked like the traditional stars and stripes with a stylised skull overlaid on it. Googling for that was futile, as it kept returning skulls with US flags on them, rather than US flags with skulls on them - any idea what group or ideology that represents?
Something like this? I think it is just something people think look 'cool'. Also since it is available on amazon I don't think it is representing something very obscure...
