Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

That is why they will eventually have to abandoned their theories . . . visibility has little or nothing to do with injected aerosols and more to do with ambient atmospheric temperature and relative humidity . . . or ice super saturation in the case of persistence . . .

Or change them, and I have seen people mention "invisible chemtrails."
Steam is a transparent gas at the exhaust temperature of 1100 deg C. NO is a transparent gas at the exhaust temperature of 1100 deg C, but the chances are it'll oxidize to the brown gas NO2.

No other compound is transparent at that temperature.

At all.

Metals, carbon, they all shine. It's an irony that Welsbach materials shine when they are hot, and these are the materials these fools insist are in the trail.
"How about a smartphone app that lets a user take over the planes controls, forcing it to land?"
Sure why not, there's an app for everything.
Now this post was making my head spin from the talk about nitrogen emissions killing nano-tech because liquid nitrogen will kill nano-tech. Then I noticed someone "joked" about blowing up a tanker of liquid nitrogen.

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I don't know if Facebook will save these comments we are noticing forever. I do know that people referring to this thread some weeks or months afterwards will find that the comments we are taking screen shots of will have fallen off the page and may take quite some time for them to verify them for accuracy. Some people may be unable to actually find a link and thus be persuaded that we ae simply making up these comments, threats, etc. It takes a few more seconds to include a direct link on facebook. Here is how to get a link directly to the comment:

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This is the link that you go to which will take the viewer directly to the comment:
will find that the comments we are taking screen shots of will have fallen off the page
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may be my doin to some degree.. ive reported about 70 of these as credible threats of violence to fb and surprisingly enough over 50% have been removed either by fb or by the user after fb informed them of the reporting.
eventually, Mary came around and accepted the groupthink, it's OK...... everybody thinks about firing rocket launchers at airplanes......

Ben Thatcher said:

Nah, in my mind I've seen them completely destroy everything over the past decade and I've had enough.
Content from External Source
In your mind indeed Ben.
Tanner's group is becoming completely out of control and he is fueling it.

Tanner and Dane Wigington have created a monster which is beyond their control. The threats are coming from their group faster and faster. On their last broadcast May 7, 2013they tried to calm people down, but it has had no effect.

Tanner has tried to portray the people making these threats as "Plants", suspicious interlopers intent on disruption of their group, "Agents Provocateurs".

In the FB posting below, however, Randy Schmuki is just an ordinary Honda car salesman from Colorado, musician and nudist who has been herded into the conclusion that the rule of "fair is fair" applies and "shooting back" is an option which should be considered for disgruntled chemtrail believers.

Tanner and Dane Wigington have created a monster which is beyond their control. The threats are coming from their group faster and faster. On their last broadcast May 7, 2013they tried to calm people down, but it has had no effect.

Tanner has tried to portray the people making these threats as "Plants", suspicious interlopers intent on disruption of their group, "Agents Provocateurs".

In the FB posting below, however, Randy Schmuki is just an ordinary Honda car salesman from Colorado, musician and nudist who has been herded into the conclusion that the rule of "fair is fair" applies and "shooting back" is an option which should be considered for disgruntled chemtrail believers.


It really bothers me when they start that "tribulation" talk. They're fired up and fervent for the cause.
On that picture it looks as if the contrail is dissolving already. Seeing how they get all riled up about an apparently non-persisting contrail, at this point it doesn't seen to matter anymore whether what they call chemtrails persists or not. Are any contrails chemtrails now? No wonder they consider commercial planes fair game. Scary.
On that picture it looks as if the contrail is dissolving already. Seeing how they get all riled up about an apparently non-persisting contrail, at this point it doesn't seen to matter anymore whether what they call chemtrails persists or not. Are any contrails chemtrails now? No wonder they consider commercial planes fair game. Scary.

Russ Tanner has been telling his group the following:

Russ Tanner said:
Since the writing of my series of articles exposing contrails, multiple professional airline pilots have contacted me and thanked me for my stance against the contrail deception.

All of them told me personally that they have never seen trails come out of jet engines and that they appreciate my work exposing the disinformation about contrails. Every one of these pilots knew that contrails are so rare that most people will never see one in their lifetime, and if they do occur, they are at high altitudes that cannot be seen from the ground. ...and after all these 30-plus years, I have never, ever in my life seen a trail come out of a jet engine at any altitude, under any condition, at any time.

Those spraying chemtrails would like nothing more than for you to believe that short, non-persistent plumes coming out of jets are harmless contrails. If they convince you of this, then, when upgrades in equipment allow them to spray chemtrails which produce only short, non-persistent plumes, you will be convinced that they are perfectly harmless. These upgrades in equipment are already occurring. Non-persistent chemtrails are now appearing all over the world.
But that's not the end of the story. Now, people in many areas are reporting no visible chemtrails at all. Have they gone away? No. They have only gone high-altitude.

I have personally witnessed chemtrails change from:
(1) Persistent chemtrails, to
(2) Non-persistent chemtrails, to
(3) Non-visible chemtrails (high-altitude chemtrails not visible from the ground),
and because I have a sensitive sense of smell and taste, I have an important story to tell........

None of what Tanner is telling his people is true.
He is a holocaust denier, hates the Jews, and judging from his posts if I look further I will probably find he "liked" IMO just the kind of guy who would actually DO something violent. And not a teenager, either.