Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

So is that really a patch that they wear on their uniforms? If so..why? Or is it Photoshopped for facebook?

Photoshopped. That image has turned up repeatedly on various chemtrail discussion boards. eg.

Original (unphotoshopped) image came from here...


Edit: I see these pertinent facts have also been pointed out to the owner of the 'Execute' FB page...
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Edit: I see these pertinent facts have also been pointed out to the owner of the 'Execute' FB page...
Which did not affect his opinion.
Maybe Facebook should provide an explanation as to why they refuse to take action against that group. Of course it's not a provably credible threat, but it contributes to a very aggressive atmosphere in the chemtrail community which may very well lead to violence.
shoot a bunch of inoocents worry.

This is why I am concerned. We see much nonsense, or "bunk" on social media of course.

But when it comes to actual threats of violence? This crosses a line...realizing that there are certain forms of "activism" that demand resolution but...."chem"trails?? That don't even exist in the first place???

I'm at a loss for response.
Gary CameronI don't want to convince ANYBODY of ANYTHING. I want to EXECUTE ALL CHEMTRAIL PILOTS !!
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Gary CameronBro...I have lived 5 miles from glasgow airport for 40 years. No need to prove anything....let's focus on executing plans, eh?
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Frank JohnsonLocate where the trails intersect. This has to be where the sprayerplanes are originating from, or where they are going to land. Get into that area. Look for very large structures, like hangars, but unmarked. Sprayerplanes have to be housed somewhere at night. Find those, you've found the pilots. Pilots have to go in and out of there. Stake out the place, surveil it.
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Gary CameronFrank Johnson is speaking my language.
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Frank JohnsonLocate where the trails intersect. This has to be where the sprayerplanes are originating from, or where they are going to land. Get into that area. Look for very large structures, like hangars, but unmarked. Sprayerplanes have to be housed somewhere at night. Find those, you've found the pilots. Pilots have to go in and out of there. Stake out the place, surveil it.
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This seems like a lot more real threats than anything I have read previously. These people are reinforcing each other, it just takes one mentally unstable person to join the group, and this becomes a very real thing.
The guy Gary Cameron is just [...]. I just dipped into his You Tube videos.

See from 9:09

"But I know that I would do anything, anything at all, anything at all ... to sort this - legal or illegal"

From the video description.

I wonder if the vermin are spraying above the cloud cover. No way to tell. Best to slaughter them as quickly as possible on case they are.
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Please avoid discussion of the mental state/faculties of individuals in this thread. It's for cataloging the various threats.

New threads or private discussion please.



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known government run site.
Yeah, known as in someone claimed it without anything to back it up and people believed it because they WANTED to.
I guess this is directed at all us of, especially Mick.

Yeah, Mr. West has the "weight" on his shoulders. I just posted that I let an asian fellow get a multi-engine rating, here in the USA. (Circa 1978).

I 'think' this bloke went to Japan Airlines....I "HOPE" he did. (and not to Asiana.....)

"Anyone at this point who is not fed up, and mad as hell, is either so damn stupid that they should not draw breath, or is part of the problem. But we are far from crazy. Their behavior has given us no choice but to ammo up to the hilt, and be ready to fight like hell when they come face to face with us. THEY DID THAT, NOT US.

She's a time bomb.
I did report that post and received the standard reply from Facebook.

We reviewed the comment you reported for containing credible threat of violence and found it doesn't violate ourCommunity Standards.
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Id imagine issues like this are treated much the same way threats to the White House are treated.. they're looked over, given a threat assessment and then classified by means, time and ability. If Carly's been reported multiple times, which Im sure she has, I wouldnt be at all surprised if Homeland and the FBI took a look at what she's capable of and rated her as a low threat then passed that info on to FB who then gives the standard "she's not a threat, shaddap" reply. On the upshot, if they're wrong and she actually COMPLETELY batshit crazy and carries out any of the crap she says she's going to, its all on record that she was reported multiple times for uttering threats, etc... Unfortunately she'll actually have to hurt someone before any of that comes to really mean anything tho.
It's done with Google.. I don't see a reason why Facebook wouldn't have something similar.
i've never had a cop respond back "oh dont worry about it, they are a low threat. They say "thank you for the information, we will look into it". And thats the end of the correspondence.

I can see the FBI maybe asking FB or Google to let the guy post more, if they need more info to bust him..
i've never had a cop respond back "oh dont worry about it, they are a low threat. They say "thank you for the information, we will look into it". And thats the end of the correspondence.

I can see the FBI maybe asking FB or Google to let the guy post more, if they need more info to bust him..

You're also a private citizen. The legal departments for both deal with threats like this on a regular basis and have to maintain open lines of communication, especially if there's going to be any prosecution.
i've never had a cop respond back "oh dont worry about it, they are a low threat. They say "thank you for the information, we will look into it". And thats the end of the correspondence.

I can see the FBI maybe asking FB or Google to let the guy post more, if they need more info to bust him..

Dunno how threats are handled in the US, but if someone came to my station to report a Facebook page about open threats to someone/group of somebody's, they'd probably be met with the same level of inaction. The threats to harm or kill must be specific and directed at a victim, causing the victim to be put in fear of the threat actually being carried out. Further to that, the threat must be (to a degree) imminent and plausible. A prosecution based on a one liner, or even pages of one liners, on a Facebook account would not ever be considered. It's worth recording for intel purposes in the same way as any other group with a potential for violence but that's as far as it'd go. There are thousands of perceived threats reported from Facebook every day, most of which are discarded because they just don't fit the criteria of being a 'threat'. That and the difficulty of proving who actually sent the messages make it nearly worthless in court.

Definately not the response you want, but many cops stop listening upon hearing the words "threat" and "facebook", causes the sh*t filter to turn to " emergency white noise mode"...
The link above doesn't work for me, but I can't remember getting blocked by this group. I wonder whether they have a master list of trolls to circulate to all the little facebook groups.
I love that Gail Dilger comment.
So it couldn't be flying from say Heathrow (near enough sod all snow all winter) to Los Angeles (no snow since December to my knowledge) and just fly OVER Pennsylvania?