Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

Here's one I found today on

Have you guys really seen them that low? Around here (Arizona) they are much much much higher than any other planes in the sky. I don't know how to look up and estimate, but others have told me they are at 30k +. In Australia they use commercial airlines to spray (Quantus), but not here in AZ at least. They are probably soooo high here because they have to stay clear of Sky Harbor, and probably the biggest reason is because we all own guns. It's guaranteed that if one of them flew low enough, they'd be shot by the good citizens of Arizona. :o)~ Trust me, if I had the funds to build a personal heat seeking missile in my backyard, it would have been done a long time ago.
Content from External Source
Here's one I found today on

Have you guys really seen them that low? Around here (Arizona) they are much much much higher than any other planes in the sky. I don't know how to look up and estimate, but others have told me they are at 30k +. In Australia they use commercial airlines to spray (Quantus), but not here in AZ at least. They are probably soooo high here because they have to stay clear of Sky Harbor, and probably the biggest reason is because we all own guns. It's guaranteed that if one of them flew low enough, they'd be shot by the good citizens of Arizona. :eek:)~ Trust me, if I had the funds to build a personal heat seeking missile in my backyard, it would have been done a long time ago.

Ouch....a couple of the people involved there are from my neck of the woods. Trust's a very small group.
I don't know how I missed seeing it! Unless I replied to it, LOL I was so astounded I just headed over here and cut and paste!
That's because in AZ we don't need no stinking background checks! lol Seriously though, many people buy from friends and neighbors or at gun shows. And I think rural AZ is probably quite different than Phoenix or Tucson.
Debunking unfortunately involves some finger pointing, as someone is spreading the bunk.

For chemtrail debunking, start at, but feel free to ask questions here.

Please point out any errors you find, and I will fix them.

Yea Mick, you're the one spreading the bunk, your contrailscience is nothing but a load of crap as well. I can't believe so many fluoridated zombies believe the lies you put out for free, shill.
Yea Mick, you're the one spreading the bunk, your contrailscience is nothing but a load of crap as well. I can't believe so many fluoridated zombies believe the lies you put out for free, shill.

You keep saying this, and yet you cannot point out a single error on either site.
You keep saying this, and yet you cannot point out a single error on either site.

This is the first time I have said that, You're doing satans work I hope you know, and because of that you'll be riding satans penis forever, I know we're being sprayed like insects because I've skydived through the crap, and I'm not a moron like you and all you followers, it's like a scientology, you spread some crazy shit and a bunch of dumb slaves believe you, you'll get what's coming to you, and I'll get what's coming to me.
Jason, this site is about examining fact and examining claims, not insulting people. If you've found any errors, please point them out. Future tirades will be deleted or edited.
(repost) This guy almost needs to be reported....he claims to know who is killing cops, Alberta, CA
...the whole idea came from some facebook post giving tiny a amount of detail from a rather "unstable" gentleman, Jason Murphy.

That's all the detail there is.

He seems to be getting worse ?


There's more, what he says about anarchy and the action to make that happen.....
This dude is nuts.

Hahaha, do you live near a cell phone tower? Why would you waste so much of your time monitoring somebody's facebook account that was born to fight your corrupt insane government and cause alternative thoughts to form in peoples minds, believe me he finds it amusing you all sit around being online forum hero's judging and analyzing him when you are obviously the clueless government dependant slave ;) And about anarchy, if you people had the slightest clue we'd already have anarchy, and things would be peacefull, you're crap government wouldn't be bombing innocent middle eastern people right now.
Jason, this site is about examining fact and examining claims, not insulting people. If you've found any errors, please point them out. Future tirades will be deleted or edited.

That's the thing there Micky, you edit and delete anything that strikes a valid point, and I'm sure you've got a master masons degree in deception and manipulation, you just seem to have a tounge that lies roll off of so smoothly people take them as lies, you don't examine facts, you spread lies, you can try and convince me otherwise but you and I both know who the liar is, I was born to expose the truth, just as you were indoctrinated to cover it up we both have our own battles, You and your kind will loose, you've pushed the human race so far you're forcing them to wake up because of your own actions, thus people like you are put in place, a smooth talking liar to herd the cattle into the trucks, well I'm not going, I'm not buying, I know your true colors, you will pay in the end whether you like it or not, the universe will have it's way with you.
I'm not sure I understand.
Does he mean he told the police that 'chemtrails' are killing everyone, including the police themselves?
Further, because they don't take him seriously, they must be criminals and deserve to be removed if they won't act in the public's interest and fight for the cause?

Actually I was just using my freedom of speech to get people to use their brains to think and question, which it works flawlessly, look I made it on Mick West's propaganda filth sites, but yes I've called the police about chemtrails and the ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to take ANY SORT OF ACTION on the chemtrail matter, thus proving the guilt of the RCMP here in Canada, as well as verifying the existance and the REALITY of the chemtrail program. The police in this country and many others are guilty, simply doing nothing is a violation of 467.11 of the criminal code of Canada.
Jason has been banned.

Jason, I've not edited your posts - however you've not actually made any points. You've not pointed out any errors. You just make lots accusations, and present no evidence. Coming here and insulting people is not productive for anyone.
Jason has been banned.

Jason, I've not edited your posts - however you've not actually made any points. You've not pointed out any errors. You just make lots accusations, and present no evidence. Coming here and insulting people is not productive for anyone.

haha then why do you let all these computer chair heros insult me and my views, it's not productive for anyone, You hypocrite, biased lying hypocritical shill, You're disgusting, how dare you aid these evil psychopaths in their conquest against us, and YOU and YOUR FAMILY, don't think you'll be spared, you'll be offed once they're done with you, you know it.
Jason has been banned.

Jason, I've not edited your posts - however you've not actually made any points. You've not pointed out any errors. You just make lots accusations, and present no evidence. Coming here and insulting people is not productive for anyone.

You're such a shill, it's so fucking obvious to me it's funny, I don't care if this doesn't make it on your shitty filth website, you're a sack of shit, how dare you help these psychopaths cover up this operation, I got something to tell you dipshit and I'm not lying or trying to convince your stupid sheep of how dumb they are ok? I've skydived through a war crime cloud (AKA - Chemtrail) and I took a few lung fulls of whatever it is they're spraying and I hope your stupid ass doesn't really believe the puke you shit out because I know for an absolute fact that they aren't condensation trails, you're such a dipshit you dork, fucking scumbags like you are why we're in the shape we're in, you could be putting your skills towards fighting these psychopathic war criminals instead you're aiding them, but that's ok, you can go to prison for enhancing the ability of a criminal organization, and you'll get yours punk, I am living breathing anarchy mother fucker, only death may silence me, and even then there's no promises. I know what you are, you don't fool me, you banned me, just as someone who I judged you to be would do, you fucking shill bag.
I'm letting the above posts stand as they are actually on-topic for this thread. Jason is obviously very upset, and not to be reasoned with.
Administrator at "The Oil Drum" told me once that school and library computers are programmed to block any sites with the F world or similar language. That's the tradeoff. Incidentally, I mentioned to the local principal that I would be happy to mentor any students who wish to research thesubject of chemtrails. Don't know if I will get any takers.
It's interesting in his story that he does not actually say that he smelled any sulphur. He just experienced a burning sensation whilst travelling through a cloud at high speed.
Having experienced volcanic sulphurous fumes first-hand I'm not convinced someone would claim a burning sensation before complaining about the stink first.

Many skydivers experience burning nose and throat sensations during skydiving due to the dehydrating effect of cold and dry air blasting through their head at 200km/hr drying out mucus

Encountering normal cold water droplets or ice crystals at at around 200km/hr on bare skin or with screaming open mouth certainly produces an irritating sensation.
It's quite possible that Jason was unaware that having an open mouth at high speed in cold dry air and then falling at such speed through a cloud might actually hurt.
He asks "Should natural clouds burn as you breath them in?"
At 200km/hr or approx 120mph they can produce painful sensations and simply free falling in the drier air of high altitudes gives many folks sinus pain and sore throats, particularly after repeated jumps.

Jason probably just got a stinging sore throat from repeated jumps in cold dry air as others do but decided to blame a cloud he fell through at high speed for a common complaint he was unaware of. His situation is not unlike a naive newbie surfer blaming chemicals in the seawater for board rash.
If he is opposed to war or concerned about genocide and human right abuses then he is not helping those causes by advertising his delusional beliefs in chemtrails and other bunk. That only serves to discredit him and anybody with which he associates. It's like having a protest or rally in support of some legitimate environmental cause and then the Animal Liberation Front or Chemtrail Kooks show up. Who makes the news and becomes the face of your activism? The kooks.
It's pretty clear that this site is full of sheeple and groupies worshipping every words coming from the shameless shills running the show around here. You hopeless sheeple are in for a rude awakening very soon.
It's pretty clear that this site is full of sheeple and groupies worshipping every words coming from the shameless shills running the show around here. You hopeless sheeple are in for a rude awakening very soon.

What time is that going to happen? I don't want to miss it.
I have ben promised "revelations" many times on subjects surrounding geo-engineering & chemtrails.

Ihaveyet to actually have anything revealed to me....or even to find any of them interesting enough to risk turning blue!
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I couldn't find this one on a search - from "Subverted Nation", in the comments section:

Mike says:
April 21, 2012 at 7:44 am
Time to shoot the planes down. They are killing you and your kids, thats trespassing on your god given rights. You have the right to kill them.
Anyone that says otherwise, shoot them too.
Content from External Source
I hasnten to add that the Mike who wrote it is not me!!
To add screen shots you need to click on "Go Advanced" (next to "Post Quick Reply"), and then you can upload and embed attachments.
Okay, I'll try that.

Here's the screen shot:


  • blow them up1.jpg
    blow them up1.jpg
    350 KB · Views: 606
Found at Harold Saive's youtube channel, after he claimed an ordinary commercial flight was "spraying".
Note: Though Saive has deleted many comments, these he has let remain for 17 hours so far:

Found at, this unhealthy comment from another "awakened" soul:


The article is about a supposed "whistleblower" who makes the usual claims following the meme, which the author declares:
Luemas of People Beyond said:
Everything he said matched what Michael Murphy has uncovered in his groundbreaking documentary, “What in the World are they Spraying.”