Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

I figured it out... Me not so good with the computers. I used the link on the laser pointer reward site. It was easy and I made sure to use good buzzwords in my description plus the link to the Facebook post. I hope I get an email back but I hope I don't get two men in dark suits at my door. That would be too much for me.
Wow that was fast!! I received a response that was NOT a form letter and not automated. It contained verbiage which led me to believe my tip was read by a person and the response was written by a person. I, however, have to submit my tip to another branch for further review. Off I go.
I tried to find the actual post but I couldn't... Since it's an archived link here is it possible it's gone on the actual Facebook site? Or just buried and I couldn't find it. I would like to submit the post to the Feds. I think it's just like yelling fire in a theater. I don't believe it's free speech if it's a specific threat. Plus the Feds are offering a reward. I want a piece of that.

Post is still there. Maybe you were banned from that page?
Well, that wasn't as satisfying... I had to report to the TSA. 3 seconds later a form letter came back with tips for carry-on luggage and a disclaimer that not all inquiries could be responded to. I put laser pointer and aircraft in the subject line... Hopefully that helps.
Sorry, missed your later post.

I've attached a zip file of the page, and a pdf. Which might be useful for sharing with people who can't access Facebook.


    426.6 KB · Views: 537
  • Chemtrails Global Skywatch.pdf
    789.4 KB · Views: 857
Hmmmm. I suppose I didn't think about that. I should have included those files as well. I bet the TSA won't even respond. The FBI did though... That was awesome.
Oh, well then at least three people reported it including me. I think she crossed the line and made a very specific threat. I hope she gets a visit and her life is made very complicated for at least an afternoon.
So obviously this is a direct threat of terrorism with someone's name on it. Maybe it's been explained but has anyone here actually started the process of reporting this to "the authorities"? Who did you contact and what was the response or result? Can someone be arrested for the mere threat of doing this or do they have to do it? I just don't know how that type of post can go without punishment..... Even if that person doesn't do it directly, t
I reported this to the FBI, I've also been assured it was forwarded to Australian authorities since that is where Rachael is from. You can read the conversation here, (

Related threads show another report to the FBI,

You can find all of Rachael's information including phone number,

We will just have to wait and see if the authorities take action.
Well that's what I'm wondering... Has anyone here actually contacted the FBI regarding a post like this and if so what was the follow up? Did the post disappear? Did the account get closed?
I think if you post that you plan to do something that would endanger lives it should be treated like you are going to do it and you should be stopped by a period of incarceration.

Last week I reported this one to the FBI, ,

his account no longer exists. the worst outcome is that I don't think either Bucket Head or Rachael
will make another public threat
Screenshot 2014-08-10 at 4.44.51 PM.png I didn't see this one posted yet. Not sure how serious it is but it's worth posting for the record.

From the "What in the World are they Spraying" video:
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I'm not as concerned with the types of threats that are basically unachievable. I don't think it possible to get the type of equipment mentioned in the screenshot whereas laser pointers are available easily. Plus the last one was phrased like most of the others. It falls within the boundaries of free speech.
I'm not as concerned with the types of threats that are basically unachievable. I don't think it possible to get the type of equipment mentioned in the screenshot whereas laser pointers are available easily. Plus the last one was phrased like most of the others. It falls within the boundaries of free speech.
This not just to show actual threats but that the some in the chemtrail community tend to advocate violence.
This not just to show actual threats but that the some in the chemtrail community tend to advocate violence.
Certainly but I'm not going to go to the trouble of filling out the FBI tip form for this type of threat. It's too obscure. But yes, I agree that we should use these posts to document the propensity of this group towards violence. If the group does not disavow and disassociate the violence and those that advocate it, it's as good as explicit approval of such violence.
You have to wonder if these people ever fly. Some of them must do. How do they reconcile this attitude with getting on a plane?
You have to wonder if these people ever fly. Some of them must do. How do they reconcile this attitude with getting on a plane?
Probably something along the lines of Christmas-and-Easter Catholics: Sure, they believe and that's all well and good, but damned if they'll let it inconvenience their day to day lives.
You have to wonder if these people ever fly. Some of them must do. How do they reconcile this attitude with getting on a plane?
I've never had the opportunity to directly address one of the folks who have made threats regarding if they fly or not. I have been in "discussions" with some of the chemtrail believers that have vacation pictures including in the plane. I've asked them how they justify flying with their belief, it's always been ignored.
What does that mean??:confused:

Ppl that practice only on the holidays.. basically they only go to church and do the "Im a Catholic" thing (going to Mass etc) on Xmas and Easter because they're the most important dates on the Catholic calendar. I think Hevach is comparing weekend chemtrailers to holiday catholics... they talk a big game and arent really that hard core about it.. but they like to sit and cheer the others on.
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I've never had the opportunity to directly address one of the folks who have made threats regarding if they fly or not. I have been in "discussions" with some of the chemtrail believers that have vacation pictures including in the plane. I've asked them how they justify flying with their belief, it's always been ignored.
Well, I suppose there is a faction of believers who think that commercial aircraft are not involved, and that secret unmarked military jets are responsible for all trails in the sky. (Something that can easily be disproved in 10 minutes with a smartphone app!)

But then other believers (eg Look-Up) say that all of the main "alliance" airlines are sprayers.
Ppl that practice only on the holidays.. basically they only go to church and do the "Im a Catholic" thing (going to Mass etc) on Xmas and Easter because they're the most important dates on the Catholic calendar. I think Hevach is comparing weekend chemtrailers to holiday catholics... they talk a big game and arent really that hard core about it.. but they like to sit and cheer the others on.
Holiday practitioners can still be serious believers. Belief is easy, but when it comes down to actually changing your life because of that belief - getting up early on your day off or seriously changing your family vacation plans (train, bus, or car is a lot slower than a plane, either cutting into your vacation time or limiting how far you can go) - well, now, that's hard. Especially when most of the time there's nobody to call you on it.
Comment on a video of crepuscular and anti-crepuscular rays that the vid maker calls 'chemtrail rays'.

8 hours ago

Here in the Northern AZ area there have been Town hall meetings on the problems of GeoEngineering, CHEMTRAILS and the HAARP System Weapons Of Mass Destruction. The attendees have not been kooks, but what would be considered intelligent, open minded concerned citizens wondering who authorized these attacks on American citizens in their homeland. The anger that has been expressed has prompted the terrorists behind these crimes against humanity and actions tantamount to war on America have moved their timeline for spraying from after sunset to before sunrise, but on very moonlit nights you can still see the patterns. They have also started using CHEMBOMBS, to make cloud formations that appear more natural during the day. Look up ChemBombs on YT. This action to take what has been a very overt operation to a very covert operation should proof enough these people are terrorists. In every state affected the Air National Guard should be deployed to shoot down these death planes. Let's bring this undeclared war to them!!!

Chembombs... :confused:
