Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

  • Lock Lockie
    there is a time when violence is the only way to get the msg to them, maybe not on this topic maybe on the other 99% of the problems that we face from the government. and this should be use at last min, pray that we do not have too. thank you for this post
    Like · Reply · 6 · 19 hours ago

  • Sylvia Dixon
    But surely they are an organisation causing violence by spraying us with all that deadly stuff ???
    Like · Reply · 4 · 12 hours ago

    PS. If airports across Europe were blockaded peacefully, we would effectively bring the entire program to a halt. That is a safe thing to say, and very worth considering because it needs no violence to do it and be effective. There are probably 20 airports across Europe involved, and 500 people at each would suffice, so as few as 10,000 people could bring this operation to a complete standstill.
    Like · Reply · 8 hours ago

    There is no easy answer to this and concerns are genuine, but if we resort to, or even suggest violence, we could soon be arrested. If we are, then we are effectively removed from the efforts to end this, so they win in the short term. When this reaches critical mass that will matter less for individuals and we cannot control what individuals do and feel of course, but at this stage it is very dangerous ground for those , such as us, who are considered an 'organisation', so we must ask people who interact with us to adhere to this and be responsible.
    Like · Reply · 8 hours ago

  • Tom Eggerton
    Didnt the pots and pans revolution in iceland that was peaceful work..? I think so
    Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hours ago

  • Sue G. Darton
    Peaceful protest never worked ever
    Like · Reply · 2 · 18 hours ago

  • James Knock
    awareness stops them - violence, at best, merely delays them
    Like · Reply · 7 hours ago

  • Chris Cooke
    No harm to them but as long as they are putting the health of me and my family at risk by spraying toxic chemicals into the environment we have to live in, they are attacking our health and wellbeing which makes anything done to stop them causing us harm an act of self defence,
    They can make all the acts and laws they want but it won't change the fact that we as people have a legal right to voice our concerns and tell them to stop, if that doesn't work then the next and only step available is to stop them by as little or as much force as is required to do so,
    It's no different than if your confronted by a person who is potentially putting you at risk of harm that you asked/warn them you want them to back off and stop, if they continue to put you in danger you react to protect yourself.
    What is the difference?
    Like · Reply · 11 hours ago

  • Francis Ekis
    Like · Reply · 9 hours ago
Content from External Source
Content from External Source
Came across this while following one of the links you guys posted in another thread.. figured it might be a good idea to post it here (and if you guys know how to archive it, please do)
Content from External Source
Came across this while following one of the links you guys posted in another thread.. figured it might be a good idea to post it here (and if you guys know how to archive it, please do)
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Truly frightening, but still glad you shared these particular images, KC-10FE. This murderous mindset needs to be as widely-known as can be. If only some of these chemtrail believers had the weaponry they wished for...I shudder to think.
And they just don't learn.

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And gets called out..

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And some of these people wonder why the government considers them to be terrorists. Now I have to say, I have never agreed with the idea of a government considering someone to be a "terrorist" just because they have different political ideologies, but these people are really insane..I wonder if any of them have been put on the "terrorist watch list" that so many of them are so worried about? I mean, if they are openly posting this stuff on facebook and everything, they are just asking to flagged by the FBI or something.
And some of these people wonder why the government considers them to be terrorists. Now I have to say, I have never agreed with the idea of a government considering someone to be a "terrorist" just because they have different political ideologies, but these people are really insane..I wonder if any of them have been put on the "terrorist watch list" that so many of them are so worried about? I mean, if they are openly posting this stuff on facebook and everything, they are just asking to flagged by the FBI or something.

He tries to cover it up with the page description, as if it makes things better

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An animal rights group in my area tried that after they started getting investigated over a series of facebook groups called, "Destroy [pet shop names, rescue groups, breeders, etc]." Added "With nonviolent public protest and the free exchange of truth, we do not advocate violence."

One of them was sentenced this week, and the judge laughed at the defense. He said it might have worked if they didn't keep posting pictures of weapons pointed at the buildings or run craigslist ads offering free pizza to anyone who walks into a pet store and films themselves punching an employee. They made the page description legal, but since they didn't change the page content, the judge just dismissed one of the fifty-odd counts against them.
It's one of the few times that they are demonstrably thinking the same thing as us (albeit from a radically different standpoint).
Sorry for coming to this discussion late, but are they serious, or are they just trying to outdo each other with demonstrations of piety?

I'm concerned that a 21st Century adult would believe such nonsense in the first place, but I am also positively disturbed that they might take it a step further and actually contemplate violence. Every threat should be reported, but how realistic is it that someone might start shooting at planes due to an illogical fantasy?
Sorry for coming to this discussion late, but are they serious, or are they just trying to outdo each other with demonstrations of piety?

I'm concerned that a 21st Century adult would believe such nonsense in the first place, but I am also positively disturbed that they might take it a step further and actually contemplate violence. Every threat should be reported, but how realistic is it that someone might start shooting at planes due to an illogical fantasy?

I think the biggest concern is the growing number of laser attacks against airplanes. I think at this point it is fairly unrealistic that someone would acquire a surface to air missile. It's still rather disconcerting that they would be dreaming about it and discussing it.

Several pages back there was a video, that has been removed from facebook, where they were laughing about shooting a plane with a laser.
I think the biggest concern is the growing number of laser attacks against airplanes. I think at this point it is fairly unrealistic that someone would acquire a surface to air missile. It's still rather disconcerting that they would be dreaming about it and discussing it.

Several pages back there was a video, that has been removed from facebook, where they were laughing about shooting a plane with a laser.

I agree that it is unlikely to result in a SAM attack, but some nutter with a lifetime membership of the NRA shooting at an airliner is a concern!
but some nutter with a lifetime membership of the NRA shooting at an airliner is a concern!

Well, to back it down a bit....when at altitude, an airliner is not going to be hit by a bullet fired by an NRA member, let's be clear. ;)

Not to dispute their ability to "aim"...( again, ;) )... it's just ballistics.
Well, to back it down a bit....when at altitude, an airliner is not going to be hit by a bullet fired by an NRA member, let's be clear. ;)

Not to dispute their ability to "aim"...( again, ;) )... it's just ballistics.
Yes, agreed, but perhaps I ought not to detail what I meant by that as to not give anyone ideas...
I was hit once coming out of Jackson, Mississippi. Put a hole right through both sides of my horizontal stab. Of course I didn't hear or feel it but we figured it must have happened below a couple hundred feet and even then it was pure luck that they hit me. We figured they knew it was a bank plane so they were trying to shoot it down. The plane and all the contents would have burned up on impact but if it hadn't they would have only found cancelled checks.
Gary Cameron says "Anyone would just think that the clouds are natural above us. I wish I could locate and obliterate every single one of those jets and make those traitorous pilots pay dearly for this outrage."



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Sorry for coming to this discussion late, but are they serious, or are they just trying to outdo each other with demonstrations of piety?

.... but how realistic is it that someone might start shooting at planes due to an illogical fantasy?

I wonder the same thing. It seems more like a buildup - daring one another to do something in the hope that someone else will do it, either through outrage or bravado. I've seen AJ's followers doing the same things on their comments with the likes of "when will a group of patriots rise up" as if goading someone feeble minded enough into doing something stupid.

Well, to back it down a bit....when at altitude, an airliner is not going to be hit by a bullet fired by an NRA member, let's be clear. ;)

Not to dispute their ability to "aim"...( again, ;) )... it's just ballistics.

I reckon most shooters wouldn't bother with a plane at altitude, but it wouldnt take them long to work out how and where to get a shot off on a "tanker".
I wonder the same thing. It seems more like a buildup - daring one another to do something in the hope that someone else will do it, either through outrage or bravado. I've seen AJ's followers doing the same things on their comments with the likes of "when will a group of patriots rise up" as if goading someone feeble minded enough into doing something stupid.

I reckon most shooters wouldn't bother with a plane at altitude, but it wouldnt take them long to work out how and where to get a shot off on a "tanker".
I agree on the bravado, but perhaps it might be best if we did not speculate on methodology too much...