Chemtrail Fleet - Peter A. Kirby


Senior Member.
I noticed this one currently doing the rounds on the various forums. Peter Kirby claims that part of this dedicated chemtrail fleet are Lockheed C-141 Starlifters (long since retired) and that this "Chemtrail Fleet" has been imaged thousands of times. Kirby has stated that he doesn't believe that civilian airliners are involved in the "spraying". I've invited him over to the thread to discuss and present this photographic evidence.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Death from Above: the New Manhattan Project Chemtrail Fleet

By Peter A. Kirby

Today's chemtrail spraying operations necessarily require a massive fleet of specialized jumbo jet airliners operating covertly. The volume and frequency of chemtrail reports from all over the world, the author's own observations and the massive task of controlling Earth's weather in the fashion of the New Manhattan Project suggest that these planes number over 1000. If you do not know what the New Manhattan Project is, please see the author's previous article "A History of the New Manhattan Project."

These planes must necessarily be of a certain breed. Any old plane rigged up with some spraying equipment or even with spiked jet fuel simply will not do. For example, a commercial passenger airliner following a predetermined route is not an effective chemtrail spraying plane. The chemtrail spray needs to be emitted at specific locations at a moment's notice. The super high-tech nature and payload requirements of the New Manhattan Project also demand specialization. The fuselage of an effective chemtrail spraying aircraft needs to be loaded up not with passengers and luggage, but with chemtrail spray, spraying equipment, communications gear, computers and atmospheric monitoring equipment. An effective chemtrail spraying plane is a dedicated chemtrail spraying plane.

Not only does the New Manhattan Project require over 1000 dedicated airplanes, the project requires that these airplanes operate covertly. Even though there is a mountain of evidence proving the existence of this Project, our federal Government refuses to admit the obvious. Just like the original Manhattan Project was, this project is still officially a big secret. Only this time, it's going on in the sky above us.. ....

The Davis-Monthan boneyard

Evidence suggests that today's chemtrail fleet consists of overhauled older model jumbo jet aircraft. The 2010 cost analysis study done by Aurora Flight Sciences found the most cost effective chemtrail spraying aircraft to be retrofitted jumbo jets. In congressional testimony geoengineers repeatedly suggested retrofitting existing U.S. Air Force planes.

Some chemtrail fleet planes have been expertly identified as retrofitted jumbo jets. Allan Buckmann is a former United States Air Force meteorologist who worked on the Tiros III weather satellite system with NASA, RCA and the U.S. Navy. He says he has repeatedly witnessed Boeing KC-135s, Boeing 707s and Lockheed C-141s spraying chemtrails.

Although there are surely other credible witnesses out there, Allan Buckmann has been very public about it and is the most credible witness known to the author. There may very well be other types of planes that have been indoctrinated into this program, but KC-135s, 707s and C-141s have been identified expertly and therefore are worthy of further examination.
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I notice that entire article contains not one photo of one of these alleged chemtrail tankers, just the endlessly recycled David Dees image of the KLM Boeing 747* with retrofitted skulls, and a couple of Evergreen pics. Where is his "proof" of these planes spraying in the sky?

(*Original here:
I agree. Peter Kirby claims the following in the comments. Perhaps he will kindly present the images?

The offending airplanes have been observed and recorded probably thousands of times as all white, UNMARKED aircraft. It is not totally ludicrous as you write. All it takes is a telescope or a good set of binoculars in order to see the lack of any distinguishing markings. Yes, we can see them at 40,000 feet. Aviation enthusiasts do record them. Your claims are baseless. The even better news is that they don't always fly exactly that high. Sometimes, it's more like 30,000. We get good footage of these suckers at that height. I've seen at least one video where the thing must have been about 1500 feet away; all white, unmarked.
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The article references Allan Buckmann, calling him a "former meteorologist". Of course, he was never a meteorologist. He was, according to Buckmann's own article, a "weather observer"(50 years ago).

I am a trained U.S. Air Force weather observer who worked in the military as an observer from 1960‐1964
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Here is what Buckmann believes about contrail formation:

Contrails are by definition ‘condensation trails’ left by hot jet exhaust melting ice crystals which rapidly cool and refreeze and disappear. They do not stay in the sky and create clouds. A contrail is usually of low volume and extends some 2‐20 times the length of the aircraft. Exceptions occurred during WW II from large deployments of combustion engine bombers, but did not generally extend into the jet age.
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Buckmann seems to have the opposite belief to other chemtrail proponents, in that he thinks older prop planes could make contrails, but not jets.
Jet clouds made their major appearance for weather observers in the early 1990s, after many years of jet traffic without such clouds. One can go back and look at the sky in old movies to see the changes.
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The origin of the plane-type claims seems to have been Buckmann.

To answer this question, I began to observe the aircraft with telescope and binoculars. My observations found that the majority of cloud-creating aircraft were all white, unmarked KC‐135 (Boeing 707) or large C‐141 air tankers, flying in groups and in grid patterns including turn around, flying in both military and commercial airspace, and clearly not commercial aircraft. They have to be military or military contractors.
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Evidence suggests that today's chemtrail fleet consists of overhauled older model jumbo jet aircraft. The 2010 cost analysis study done by Aurora Flight Sciences found the most cost effective chemtrail spraying aircraft to be retrofitted jumbo jets. In congressional testimony geoengineers repeatedly suggested retrofitting existing U.S. Air Force planes.

Some chemtrail fleet planes have been expertly identified as retrofitted jumbo jets. Allan Buckmann is a former United States Air Force meteorologist who worked on the Tiros III weather satellite system with NASA, RCA and the U.S. Navy. He says he has repeatedly witnessed Boeing KC-135s, Boeing 707s and Lockheed C-141s spraying chemtrails.
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Besides Buckmann's lack of credentials or evidence, this seems a little contradictory. A "Jumbo Jet" is a Boeing 747, and the planes listed there are relatively smaller planes. Perhaps the term "Jumbo Jet" here is just being used to mean "Large Jet"?

I've attached the Aurora Study.


  • 16M_2010_Aurora_Flight_Sciences_Geoengineering_Cost_Analysis_Final_Report_October_30_2010.pdf
    2.8 MB · Views: 874
Well those retrofitted c141s.
They built 285. 19 were lost in accidents and 15 of them are on display at various places.

That leaves 251. Many of which are here:
Idon;t know about you but I reckon

that perhaps a reasonable amount of retrofitting work is required here.

apart from that, the C141 has a distinctive T Tail, quite unlike every aircraft I have ever seen making a trail, and I have yet to see Mr Buckmann;s photos or video of these planes flying in groups and grid patterns. In fact, apart from obvious holding patterns, I have NEVER seen any evidence of a plane turning and coming back spraying in the other direction back and forth in a grid pattern, despite the many times the claim has come up.
In fact, apart from obvious holding patterns, I have NEVER seen any evidence of a plane turning and coming back spraying in the other direction back and forth in a grid pattern, despite the many times the claim has come up.

Agreed. Considering this is such a central part of the chemtrail my this, why does nobody have any videos of it happening? I've seen lots of photos of planes flying parallel to existing contrails, as you'd expect with normal flight behaviour, but NONE of the same plane turning back to create a parallel grid.
Considering this is such a central part of the chemtrail my this, why does nobody have any videos of it happening?

I have asked for such vids probably 50 times from people claiming to see planes turning around and flying "back and forth". Not ONE has ever been presented.