Chemtrails in the news

A short newsmagazin-clip by KIII (Texas) about contrails and that they are "normal artificial clouds that exist since Jets were build"

Local Professor Discusses Contrails in the Sky

CORPUS CHRISTI (Kiii News) - Have you ever noticed those white smoke trails left behind by jets in the skies?

Well, they are actually called contrails, and some people have been talking about what they may really mean.

There are many out there who believe those contrails are part of some kind of government experiment, to either reduce global warming or block harmful radiation from reaching the Earth.

Kiii News has been contacted several times by people who are concerned about the contrails in the sky. One man said he believed the government may be putting chemicals into those exhaust trails to shield us from future dangerous radiation produced by a passing asteroid.

The government has received thousands of complaints over the years, and they say the fears are unfounded.

David Bridges, an associate professor at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, has a PHD in aeronautics from Cal Tech. He said there is nothing to the chem-trail conspiracy going around. In fact, he calls it an urban myth, and said it has been around for years and surfaces from time to time.

However, he did say that there is some research into those white smoke trails in the sky.

"There has been some discussion that the contrails may contribute to climate change, global warming," Bridges said.

Bridges said that the jets put out carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas, and that they do help to increase the cloud cover a bit, and that tends to drive global warming; but it is not believed to be a big enough problem to merit serious concern.

So again, there is no scientific proof that the contrails are anything more than artificial clouds made by jets as they streak across the sky.
New Zealand's largest Newspaper the NZ Herald has a "oddities" column called Sideswipe that has a photo of a cumulonimbus cloud in it today- we don't usually get to see such clouds in these parts...if they occur they are normally well hidden by associated weather!!

The photo has generated some comments.....almost instantly degenerating into deriding the chemtrail hoax when someone posted the address of Chemtrailswatch Northland as somewhere to get some laughs at cloud pictures - and no, none of the comments are mine!! :)
Also this:

A Million Poisoning Planes
Reductio ad Absurdum
Kyle Hill

August 14, 2013

The largest fleet of aircraft the world has ever seen was created to poison it. Millions of planes criss-cross the skies, dumbing down the populace with secret and powerful chemical agents. Every time you board a plane, you can’t look out a window without seeing one of these jet-powered poisoners. There is always danger overhead when chemtrails really do cover the sky.

If the chemtrail conspiracy were true, millions of pilots would be needed to crop dust the American population. A typical crop duster might use seven ounces of agent diluted in seven gallons of water to cover one acre of land. Chemtrail “people dusters” would use a similar concentration to cover the entire United States, just.....


Short feature about the Chemtrails-Conspirancy-Theory by "WXYZ-7 Action News", a local TV-broadcaster for Detroit by abc.

Contrails or Chemtrails? 7 Action News gets the truth behind the white trails in the sky

(WXYZ) - You see them in the sky while you're driving. Trails, left behind by aircraft.

The white streaks have many convinced there's some sort of government cover-up.

7 Action News has gone all the way to the Pentagon to get answers about the theory that's taking over the internet.

We're asking the questions:

  • What's really causing those contrails?
  • Are they harmful to your health?
  • Is the government really keeping a secret from us?
We're taking on the popular conspiracy theory and revealing the truth behind the trails.
Content from External Source
WXYZ is presenting a short MP4-Video (about 17 MB) at:

... it´s a good one ;)
This letter (and reply) in the Mt. Shasta weekly were about the WXYZ segment.


  • Rose Taylor Dec 11.pdf
    729 KB · Views: 716
  • Dust and Ash1.pdf
    705.3 KB · Views: 760
  • Dust and Ash2.pdf
    705.3 KB · Views: 764 Rose Taylor's letter mentioned this column by libertarian economist Paul Craig Roberts. Although he does appear to believe in chemtrails, the key part is at the end.
Readers have asked me to write about Fukushima and chemtrails because they trust me to tell them the truth. The problem is that I am not qualified to write about these matters with anything approaching the same confidence that I bring to economic, war and police state matters.
Content from External Source
The problem is that I am not qualified to write about these matters with anything approaching the same confidence that I bring to economic, war and police state matters.[/ex]
Yes, he's so unqualified he goes to looking at bunk. Rose Taylor says:

“Fraud and falsehood only dread examination. Truth invites it.”

Well, Dane Wigington had a debate with Mick West. When Dane's fraud and falsehood got examined, he tried to suppress the debate and would not publish it.

To his credit, Mick West invited truth and typed a transcript which is available here:

The pervasive corruption of the leadership within the chemtrails movement is the prime fault I can lay on it, and the reason why I have chosen my signature at the end of all my postings. Their failure to openly address their errors and to purposefully hide facts which debunk their claims is shown in their reaction to my request for a "Chemtrails Freedom of Information Act". I tried to get these people to sign on to a process similar to the one citizens use to promote responsiveness and openness in government, which is what they claim they seek. They were not willing to do so, demonstrating their hypocrisy and corrupt nature.