Claim: Pleiadian Craft part of a fleet of 40 with a mothership.

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You can see the ground between the side flaps of the object, so it lacks the full "wing" typical of wingsuits. Nice idea, though.
Google jet-powered wing suit. There’s a lot of variation.
Okay, I have to eat my words. This is solvable, because I've found the YT video the Hoaxer used. It's called:

Real 4K HDR: Transfagarasan Romania in HDR

Screen Capture from UFO hoax video
UFO Hoax.png

Screen Capture from Real 4K HDR: Transfagarasan Romania in HDR

The playable video

An image was inserted over a static screen capture from this video. A "shadow" was also inserted. No need to go on a hunt for the exact object. It could be anything, including a LEGO model as someone here said. The act of inserting an image into a preexisting video is itself prima facie evidence.

Verdict: Crude hoax.
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There's a debunk on this UFO video below, it's cued up
Basically, the points made by the debunker are

1) The sound is heard but you cant hear the drone noise.
2) He analysed the sound and says it is a repetition
3) The shadows are wrong on the objects


Here's a screen grab of the video audio analysis showing the sound repetition according to the guy who made the video above:

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I guess looking at the shadows cast by the rocks, etc could rule that in/out.
I'm not great at his but I'll give it a try. Here's the opening shot. Looking at the shadows on the rocks and the guard rail I'm thinking the sun is fairly high and slightly to the left in the picture. It's not lower on the horizon right? (I'm screen shooting from Third Phase of the Moon's version of this video as it is eaisier to work with):


Here is our Lego craft with the shadows in about the same location:


But as the Lego craft leaves the frame, the shadow is over here:

It's not slightly under the craft like the rest of the shadows and it looks added.

I'm all for dudes in bat suits, but right now I still think hoax.

Edit: was busy looking at this and didn't notice that Z. W. Wolf and Jackfrosttv had posted.
I'm not great at his but I'll give it a try. Here's the opening shot. Looking at the shadows on the rocks and the guard rail I'm thinking the sun is fairly high and slightly to the left in the picture. It's not lower on the horizon right? (I'm screen shooting from Third Phase of the Moon's version of this video as it is eaisier to work with):


Here is our Lego craft with the shadows in about the same location:


But as the Lego craft leaves the frame, the shadow is over here:

It's not slightly under the craft like the rest of the shadows and it looks added.

I'm all for dudes in bat suits, but right now I still think hoax.

Edit: was busy looking at this and didn't notice that Z. W. Wolf and Jackfrosttv had posted.
I think the the sun is actually coming more from the low left, look at the rock in your left blue circle, if the sun was from the top the shadow would be to the bottom of the rock.
I think the the sun is actually coming more from the low left, look at the rock in your left blue circle, if the sun was from the top the shadow would be to the bottom of the rock.
I'm going to have to go with @NorCal Dave on that point. The shadow of the guardrail, cast on what appears to be a flat surface, shows the sun to be left and above. But the rock shadow is being cast upon a mountainous terrain, and its shadow can't be as diagnostic.
I'm going to have to go with @NorCal Dave on that point. The shadow of the guardrail, cast on what appears to be a flat surface, shows the sun to be left and above. But the rock shadow is being cast upon a mountainous terrain, and its shadow can't be as diagnostic.

If you look at the wider angle shot from the original video you can see more defined shadows from cars on the road that show that the sun is to the left
There's a debunk on this UFO video below, it's cued up
Basically, the points made by the debunker are

1) The sound is heard but you cant hear the drone noise.
2) He analysed the sound and says it is a repetition
3) The shadows are wrong on the objects


Here's a screen grab of the video audio analysis showing the sound repetition according to the guy who made the video above:


Interesting, but he gets so much wrong. i.e. it’s not satellite imagery. The sun direction is strong light from the left of the frame not from the right as he indicates with blue arrows. You just need to go a few frames past the mark on z.w’s youtube clip to see the rest of the valley with shadow on the left, or look at the people by the parked cars and the pylon at the bottom of the frame All casting shadow from left to right. has this lining up with afternoon light in winter. (North is up, shadow model is for a 20m tall object). (So the shadow on the fake craft are reasonably accurate).
He could have just stopped his debunk with ”it’s from Third Phase Of Moon”. I think this ones pretty much debunked. Well played everyone!
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Interesting, but he gets so much wrong. i.e. it’s not satellite imagery. The sun direction is strong light from the left of the frame not from the right as he indicates with blue arrows. You just need to go a few frames past the mark on z.w’s youtube clip to see the rest of the valley with shadow on the left, or look at the people by the parked cars and the pylon at the bottom of the frame All casting shadow from left to right. has this lining up with afternoon light in winter. (North is up, shadow model is for a 20m tall object). (So the shadow on the fake craft are reasonably accurate).
He could have just stopped his debunk with ”it’s from Third Phase Of Moon”. I think this ones pretty much debunked. Well played everyone!

I think his strongest point was the audio repeating. I didn't pay much attention TBH at what else he said.
Interesting, but he gets so much wrong. i.e. it’s not satellite imagery. The sun direction is strong light from the left of the frame not from the right as he indicates with blue arrows.

I think he's pointing *towards* the sun, you're pointing in the direction of the shadows. So you're in agreement.
Okay, I have to eat my words. This is solvable, because I've found the YT video the Hoaxer used. It's called:

Real 4K HDR: Transfagarasan Romania in HDR

Screen Capture from UFO hoax video
UFO Hoax.png

Screen Capture from Real 4K HDR: Transfagarasan Romania in HDR

The playable video

An image was inserted over a static screen capture from this video. A "shadow" was also inserted. No need to go on a hunt for the exact object. It could be anything, including a LEGO model as someone here said. The act of inserting an image into a preexisting video is itself prima facie evidence.

Verdict: Crude hoax.

Oh well done, that explains the stop motion of the original video as they only had a few frames of video to play with.
He could have just stopped his debunk with ”it’s from Third Phase Of Moon”
I was using TPOMs version of the video and to be slightly fair, they did posit that it could have been a QTW-UAS FS4, an unmanned VTOL craft that kinda looks like the Lego craft. I don't know if they ever mentioned the possibility of a hoax, and giving some of the videos still on their channel and what their audience expects, the "hoax" word might not ever be mentioned.

The sun direction is strong light from the left of the frame. You just need to go a few frames past the mark on z.w’s youtube clip to see the rest of the valley with shadow on the left, or look at the people by the parked cars and the pylon at the bottom of the frame all casting shadow from left to right. has this lining up with afternoon light in winter. So the shadows on the fake craft are reasonably accurate.

The shadows on the fake craft are okay, but what about the shadow it 'casts' on the ground?

Original vid states it was taken in September 2018.

I'm screen shooting from Third Phase of the Moon's version of this video as it is eaisier to work with

What's the link for that one?
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I think he's pointing *towards* the sun, you're pointing in the direction of the shadows. So you're in agreement.
Ah, I think I may have done one debunk too many. ;)
(I mean who uses arrows to point AT the sun…honestly).
However, his green arrow on the red car (which is not CGI as he claims) is about the same as mine, but his blue arrows running parallel to the top road are not.

I think since we now know where this was filmed, and have the original footage that was used to make the fake which doesn’t include the object or it’s shadow it is effectively explained as a fake. (Although I’m a bit disappointed not to find a photo of a tandem extreme-ironing wingsuit, which would have been more fun).
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If it were a real craft at altitude it would be be quite small, maybe the same size or smaller than a car.

Interesting. I thought it might have been from a few years ago but it was just last week. The guy there also says "it's been doing the rounds".
I was noting the relationship between Maussan, the VFX artist Ledrack and the Cousins twins (TPOM) on the Mexico City UFO thread and a quick glance at TPOM showed the Lego Ship. Along with Bigfoot, because, you know, Bigfoots and Aliens.
The twitter user "Kab" took this from a YT video and added even more imagination to it.

We don't know where this video comes from originally. Just that it "was sent in just yesterday by Ali Khan." And that "it's visible from a drone." It could be from a movie or video game for all we know. Until someone identifies the original source, and we can see the original video without the zoom and so forth, I don't think this is worth pursuing.

The craft's shadow @5:16 - 5:17 looks wrong to me. It suggests the sun is in the top left and very low but there are no other shadows.
Also I would think the shadow would be distorted but it looks like a shadow cast bu the sun being overhead.
The craft's shadow @5:16 - 5:17 looks wrong to me. It suggests the sun is in the top left and very low but there are no other shadows.
Also I would think the shadow would be distorted but it looks like a shadow cast bu the sun being overhead.
  • We know the location is real [[#34]
  • We know where the original footage comes from [#48] and that the object is not in it. It is fake.
  • We can take the date of the recording of the original footage as 2 Nov 2018 (the YouTube date) and look at what the shadows should be for that location / date.
Here's a gif.

  • First frame is a still from the Twitter video with the object over the road.
  • Second frame is a model of that object set at 10m altitude - just an arbitrary number since we know the object is not really there.
  • Third frame is just the shadow model to clearly show the direction of the shadow.
  • Fourth frame is the Suncalc model showing that the shadows line up with the diagram based on the arguments in [#54] looking at the pylon & figures.
  • Fifth frame shows the object flight path (pink dotted line).
  • Sixth frame shows the frame of the Twitter video that shows the object shadow (red box) and a line parallel to the shadow map shadow (green dotted line). Note there is a distinct altitude change between the right side of the frame and the left side as it's a mountain valley.
Also here's both frames of the video (object and shadow) overlaid on the scene.


I'd conclude that they did an alright job on the fake shadow of the fake object.
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We can take the date of the recording of the original footage as 2 Nov 2018

YouTube vid states it was taken in September 2018.

The craft's shadow @5:16 - 5:17 looks wrong to me. It suggests the sun is in the top left and very low but there are no other shadows.
Also I would think the shadow would be distorted but it looks like a shadow cast bu the sun being overhead.

Have a read of the entire thread, it's all explained therein. And welcome. :)
Slightly cleaned-up/straightened version of all the elements from [#66].
I realise the debunk video above talks about the red car, which isn't in the Twitter video. So I guess there's fuller version out there. I just haven't seen it.

and the elevation difference between the two roads.
