Claim - UFO Crashes near Las Vegas, crash captured on Cop's Body-cam


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A Las Vegas family claims something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911 about “non-human” beings – the thing is, this time, several people saw it.



it's almost midnight on May 1st when a Las Vegas metro police officer's body cam catches this - something flashing low in the sky


Location on the Cop's Satnav seems to be [...]1686215567824.png

The video seems to show what looks like a meteor burning up in the earth's atmosphere. Meteors are logged and tracked by the American Meteor Society, so lets see if anyone else saw a Meteor around midnight on May 1st 2023.

.... and yes they did.


Twenty one witnesses as far away as North Eastern Utah saw a meteor at this time. This strong suggests that the 'crash' wasnt a local event near Las Vegas, but was at a much higher altitude and is as you'd expect for a meteor.

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Meteor debris (meteorite), sounds likely.

Funny quote from the text:
“Hey, if those 9-foot beings come back, don’t call us alright?” an officer said as he walks away from the house and back to his cruiser.

I believe there is no video or photos from those "9-10 feet tall beings with big eyes and mouths". How convenient. Normally people have their phone ready in a nanosecond.
A Las Vegas family claims something crashed in their backyard, prompting them to call 911
about “non-human” beings – the thing is, this time, several people saw it.
What fabulous luck for the 10-foot aliens, to land in the backyard
of the only household [...] to have no smartphones!!

Surely the cops separated the family members to get each person's individual
description of these amazing beings. Can't wait to read & compare those interviews!
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Poppa here sure knows how to squeeze everything out of this story, 1 hour podcasts.. Jeez. All the links point to his own podcast.

The "imprint" in the ground looks suspiciously like these rings resulting from horses going round and round on a leash. Or a dog on a leash. Not saying it is non sense! Ow sorry, yes I did.

Ps, I think I saw a bird view image of the supposed yard it took place, cannot find it anymore. If this is traceable, let's look up google maps pictures from the yard from a month ago or so. I predict we see the same circle.

I found an example of such. Very close [...]
Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 15.41.13.png
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Ps, I think I saw a bird view image of the supposed yard it took place, cannot find it anymore. If this is traceable, let's look up google maps pictures from the yard from a month ago or so. I predict we see the same circle.

yep, been trying to find this location in NW Las Vegas, no luck yet.


The writing on this roof seems quite unique - "LFF 4004" - what does that mean?


Edit - found it:
[Admin: Location information removed]

1686231837538 copy.png

Pretty sure thats the house:

Edit 2: Is this DOXing? Don't want to ID the people involved, but determining the exact location of the sighting/landing is kinda key to the investigation. Happy to delete these pics if it is considered DOXing.


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google earth has a better circle June 2022...i cant move my pushpin though for better view lol!! (i'm an airhead)

1686235799289 copy.png

Screenshot 2023-06-08 103811.png
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It seems like a hobby amongst Las vegas folks to have these circles. I see them everywhere, lol.
we used to call them "doing donuts". do people do donuts with motorcycles/dirtbikes though? i imagine a dirtbike donut would be a smaller circumference.
There are lots of dimmer circular patterns above that as well. It looks like a storage yard full of vehicles of different sizes, all of which have to circle around and exit by the same gate they came in, so tire tracks are likely.
From another angle, what would be the likelihood an object would fall down and leave a perfect circle in the ground. Just not possible. It does not even look like earth/soil has been moved.
But hey, it sure brings in some clicks (cash) for mr Poppa! I guess even old policemen are not getting enough pension.
No idea, but if you look on Google Earth instead you can look at "historic data." It's a little button that looks like a clock, just over the actual map. I'm not able to get to it at the moment, but if nobody else does so by the time I get home I'll give it a look.
thanks. yea i did that above.
My theory: He saw / heard a meteor, got startled then his imagination played a trick on him.

The ring camera video is interesting. At ~ 1:50 you see a short bright flash, followed by a bang a second later. I wonder if that can be used to calculate the speed of the object and / or how far it crashed.

With thunder they say count the number of seconds from the flash to the thunder, and divide by 5 to get the distance in miles so maybe 0.2 miles?

Maybe Mick can inteview him on his Youtube channel?
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The writing on this roof seems quite unique - "LFF 4004" - what does that mean?

As seen in the rest of the pictures, it appears to be a shipping container. Not that it means anything here, but for future reference when we see strange number/letter combos on roofs.
Just go to the American Meteor Society site. In the toolbar on the home page click fireballs, open that and click fireball events. You'll find that the "thing" in the sky was a bright meteor: On the AMS log they call it "Event 2408-2023." It happened at 11:50 p.m. PDT and was reported from four states: AZ, CA, NV, UT. It was roughly 100 miles north of Las Vegas.

I turn around the only thing I I see is a big light falling from the sky, and moments after I feel a big impact in a, in a bang. Sort of like a big impact, fall. And me and my brother looked at each other and we were scared about the; but when that impact happened it was sort of like a shock wave...
Eyewitnesses very often think a meteor is very near. The "impact" was a sonic boom. These people were scared and jumped to the conclusion that something fell into their own backyard, when it was a actually a meteor 100 miles north.

My guess, having heard similar reports over the years, is that there was an animal in a tree or on top of something or other. Maybe a possum or raccoon (yes we have both in Vegas) or just a cat. As anyone should know if you shine a light on a nocturnal animal's eyes at night they reflect the light back due to a “mirror” layer at the back of their eye called the tapetum . The rest was misperception, due to extreme emotional upset/fear.

...when I looked at it in the eyes my body just froze like the same way the same experience as having sleep paralysis.

...keep in mind I'm facing the forklift and then I see the alien creature...

The version of the property in Google Earth shows a skip loader. None of the different versions show a fork lift. It looks as if the equipment gets shifted around a lot. Thus the circular tire tracks in the gravel.
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Looking over the transcript of that video again, I think that there's a good chance that the backyard was invaded by a pack of coyotes. You can see them, and hear them, all over Vegas. A neighborhood like that in the far north of town that's semi-rural and near the open desert is going to be full of coyotes.

I could hear his loud deep breathing and I could see his stomach moving...
Coyotes pant. Like dogs. The breathing is a coyote panting.

I tried to look at the object it was all blurry not my vision but only the backyard area
and I hear thousands of footsteps around me and maybe a couple seconds later the
blurriness was gone...
More evidence of fear. The yard looks as if it's covered in gravel. The footsteps are the coyotes running around.

....he went to the backyard and he saw the same thing the same creature I saw he told me to go inside the house at this point we all freaking out...
More evidence of fear.

I'm waiting for the police to come and you could hear Footsteps in the backyard
area and a loud whispering like you hear whisperings.
Coyotes running around and panting.

We were in we were in the living room area you could hear... you can hear footsteps on the roof.
At least one coyote on the roof. They can't jump that high. But when there are piles of stuff or lower structures up against the house, they can get up by climbing/jumping from one to the other. Lower to higher.

The witness saw a coyote maybe 8 feet above the ground... but it was on top of something. The tall skinny body is just misperception.

We went inside the house and we started praying; as we're praying you could hear a loud human like scream in the backyard.

Coyotes make all kinds of weird noises. Yips, hoots, squeaks...

Don't mind the siren. It's just setting them off.

More urban coyotes. Their nightly opera.
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It's part of the larger video where he describes the event.

hhmm... is it just me or does the mom actually say chupacabra at like 2:37 -BEFORE they go into the backyard and see it.

and his description is the classic chupacabra description (vs the american dog like chupacabra description)

and interesting he is so comfortable with mentioning "like sleep paralysis".

PS the officer did not say to shoot the thing if it comes back. Luckily the kid played what the officer actually said right after that claim, but just throwing it out there for those not listening closely.
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Edit 2: Is this DOXing? Don't want to ID the people involved, but determining the exact location of the sighting/landing is kinda key to the investigation. Happy to delete these pics if it is considered DOXing.
Yeah, we should avoid sharing addresses. Location can be shared via DM, etc.

I've edited out locations from the above posts, please let me know if I missed any.
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The Ring Camera footage

To me that sounds like a firework. The sounds gets quieter, a rocket ascending, then a flash, and then a bang about 1.5 seconds later. About 510 meters, or 1700 feet away.

Something descending would get louder.
Can coyotes get up on a roof? You bet.
Brain storming is always good and insightful, but as someone with naturally blurry vision while hiking (i rarely wear my glasses) if other hikers told me they think a Bear was around, i'm sure i would see a bear in every log or even the black spots between the branch leaves. He did say the entire backyard was blurry.
I think that there's a good chance that the backyard was invaded by a pack of coyotes. You can see them, and hear them, all over Vegas.
I have them denning in my back yard almost every year ...and I live in the suburbs between Cleveland and Akron. Yes, they're everywhere.

Coyotes aside, I wondered if the height was just a misperception in the dark, and it was really just someone who wanted to steal a front end loader.
Knapp claims the kid said he saw the alien and he froze, and also claims he saw it get into the front loader
he also says at the very end of video that the kid took video of the creatures but hasnt shared it yet. That will be cool to see if we ever do.
I think there are a few things we can say for certain.

-Nothing crashed in the backyard. The men in the backyard misinterpreted a bolide and the sonic boom from the bolide.
-The police who showed up had also misinterpreted the bolide.
-The mark in the yard was not left there by a flying saucer. It's from the wheeled equipment leaving a mark in the gravel, or some other prosaic thing: A kid riding a dirt bike in a circle, a dog on a leash, training a horse, etc, etc.
-Everyone on the scene including the police were scared.
-Some living thing was in the backyard.
-It was misperceived because of fear.
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Frame rate is 29.97, blue Marker 1 is the flash, followed by the bang 1.1 seconds later. I'd put the noise even closer than Mick's estimate, at around 1200 feet.
Why is this a question? We know it was a bolide. Assigned the event number 2408-2023 by the American Meteor Society.
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Why is this a question? We know it was a bolide. Assigned the event number 2408-2023 by the American Meteor Society.
The kid claims the ring video is from the event, but it might not actually be the same event, which could be indicative hoaxing. Worth analyzing I think.
One argument, over in another discussion (not on MB), was that (paraphrase) "the witness has nothing to gain".
Well, he/they now started a channel specifically for this, and called it "Alien society51". Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
One argument, over in another discussion (not on MB), was that (paraphrase) "the witness has nothing to gain".
Well, he/they now started a channel specifically for this, and called it "Alien society51". Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
OTOH would it make sense for a family business with expensive equipment in their compound to draw attention to that and also to risk damaging their professional reputation with customers and the police?
OTOH would it make sense for a family business with expensive equipment in their compound to draw attention to that and also to risk damaging their professional reputation with customers and the police?
according to george knapp (post #27 above) it's the landlord's equipment. (although i dont think they'd call the police for an intentional hoax. I do believe they got freaked out for whatever reason)
OTOH would it make sense for a family business with expensive equipment in their compound to draw attention to that and also to risk damaging their professional reputation with customers and the police?
Why not? I don't see what the difference is over everyone being on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram etc etc, revealing details as they whish. Many people want to make a break on YT to make a bit if extra money, even if that means less privacy. And what is privacy anyway.
That boom sound was relatively clear on the recordings, which is cool. Has anyone done acoustic analysis .. fft/wavelet/etc?

lots of great examples of different meteorites on youtube. Could do a lot with this in terms of visual/audio research

I cut out the first 'h' to get rid of the space spam.

Anyways, entertaining youtube nonsense. Not sure how you guys find the energy to debunk this foolishness, but sure glad someone is.
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According to this person, sounds from meteors are quite rare.
One problem is that larger meteorites can be visible from so many miles away that sound cannot carry that far, or may come so long after the sighting that the connection between sight and sound is not made by the observer. I saw a large one in Ohio that appeared to be right over our high school football field, yet actually landed two states away, hundreds of miles to the east. The only clue to its actual speed and distance was its apparent slow-motion travel and its very flat trajectory. It broke up as it went, an event that I'm sure must have produced sound, but I was aware of none.