Claim: US military are preparing a major PSYOP/martial law - Op Jade Helm

Ok, Jade Helm started and not a single word from the usual suspects.

As expected, they will just pretend they never "fear monged" that one and move on.
Ok, Jade Helm started and not a single word from the usual suspects.

As expected, they will just pretend they never "fear monged" that one and move on.

Not exactly

Liberty Beacon seemed incredulous that embedded reporters are not allowed to accompany special operations during training. It also can't seem to understand why Posse Comitatus does not apply to training exercises.

The New York Times entered the fray a little late.
Ok, Jade Helm started and not a single word from the usual suspects.

As expected, they will just pretend they never "fear monged" that one and move on.
Ahhh, but don't forget the 'dry run' get-out-of-bullshit-clause.

This one passed off quietly because all the patriots were ready to resist the tyranny, but next time the sheeple will be unprepared...
I found this yesterday. It is an interesting twist on what the CT community thinks of Jade Helm.

As of now though, right in line with the launch of Jade, which in short, is an A.I. Quantum Computing System, Cellular service has been dropping at an unprecedented rate. First, it seemed the State of California was targeted, but according to Down Detector, it seems as though this has started to spread across the country, so far limited mostly to AT&T, however reports are beginning to come in about other service providers having issues.
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The Hagmann and Hagmann Report made a similar claim two weeks ago in an interview with a “researcher” who goes by the name of “D.J.”

D.J.,” an investigative researcher and the founder and developer of (currently under construction) will be our very special guest tonight to discuss her startling research findings that connect some very interesting dots pertaining to the computer GeoSpatial Intelligence Network (GeoINT) and “the net” that is about to be dropped upon humanity.

Just coming off of an interview with J.B. Wells of Caravan to Midnight (Episode 309), “D.J.” will offer a very informative look into Jade Helm 15 that no other researcher has yet to provide. Having a strong background in system & network engineering, “D.J.” will provide a very detailed analysis of the backbone of Jade Helm 15, which is an artificial intelligence (AI) based computer system with astounding, futuristic capabilities.

Is it possible that JADE II is part of a bigger command and control system that goes beyond military applications? Based on countless hours of recent research and tireless investigation, “D.J.” has the answers, or at least many of them, which connect important yet overlooked dots about the ultimate role quantum computing will play in this new “geospatial intelligence network centric” battlefield.
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Geospatial warfare is not new. In fact, you can go back a 1996 Department of Defense Document titled Joint Vision 2010 and find elements of it. The same is true of doctrine centered around the “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA) that appeared in the late nineties.

Human terrain mapping, which “D.J.” mentions during her interview on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, has also been around for at least a decade. You could make the argument that it extends back to the data collection systems implemented in latter stages of the Vietnam War.

It is interesting that the ResistanceJournals added quantum computing to the Geospatial Intelligence Network story. It is the sort of mash up that you find among people who conflate facts without full well knowing what they mean. But the idea of a military-controlled omnipotent computer system that can invade individual privacy seems to have an obvious appeal for conspiracy theorists.
Todd Schnitt is a voice of (relative) reason from the conservative radio world. He has been very vocal against conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook, Boston, and of course Jade Helm right now. I'm trying to find a clip or excerpt of his show yesterday but he is taking great pleasure in ridiculing the Jade Helm Conspiracy Theory. Yesterday, he faked a listener call in, from Broken Arrow, and made it seem that she was kidnapped on air by a black helicopter while discussing Jade Helm. Then he closed his show by pretending to call her back and played audio of "the number you have dialed is disconnected".

I hope that more conservative personalities call the CTs out as the exercise goes on. It will go a long way to isolate the theories, more so than if Left leaning media does so.
The first post on this thread was March 25. It's now 11 pages long, with all sorts of good information inside. Now I know that the conspiracy world does not revolve around what you guys do here, but if 3 and a half months of working over this "problem" doesn't convince at least SOME people that the threat of jack booting thugs in our streets is about as possible as snow inside a volcano then I don't know what else to say.

On a side note, I'm very much looking forward to visiting family Texas in a few weeks. Should put me there right in the heat of the battle and I can try my hand at being one of those citizen journalists :rolleyes:


That's my conspiracy name. It lets all the other conspiracy people know how serious I am.
True, but I don't think the people who believe the government is coming to take their guns are reading the New York Times.

Probably not- at least not en masse- but the comments were from all sides of the aisle so-to-speak and from varying perspectives and thus interesting.
JADE HELM: Day 4 -

Guns confiscated or registered: 0
Patriots interred: 0
FEMA camps active: 0
Mailbox dot identifications: 0
UN vehicles deployed: 0
Walmart tunnels breached: 0

The Jackboot of tyranny marches on......
JADE HELM: Day 4 -

Guns confiscated or registered: 0
Patriots interred: 0
FEMA camps active: 0
Mailbox dot identifications: 0
UN vehicles deployed: 0
Walmart tunnels breached: 0

The Jackboot of tyranny marches on......

They're just lulling us into a false sense of security because JH has been so publicized.
I am not sure how Australia is wrapped up in Jade Helm, according to conspiracy theorists.

It's a stark contrast - on the news recently they showed the start of talisman-sabre in the top end of Australia, mentioned involvement of around 30000 marines/us personnel conducting amphibious assaults and involvement of the Japanese and other countries in our corner of the world. Far from screaming "Omg invasion..conspiracy...lizards!" I think most people kinda shrugged and one or two asked if we get a public holiday to go watch.
The most headlines it got was when a US Marines transport was involved in a collision with a civvy vehicle.
Law enforcement seeks to imprison the first two of what will assuredly be millions of patriots.

And it won't be the last either, they just snagged 3 people over in my neck of the woods on weapons and explosives charges not long ago.

Federal documents reveal the possible motivation behind a plan after three Gaston County men were accused of crafting to stockpile guns, ammunition and explosives for an attack on the U.S. government...

Court records showed a controversial military training exercise in Texas and other southwestern states may have been fueling their violent ideas...

The exercise is called Jade Helm, a two-month long special operations training exercise with members of U.S. Army Special Operations Command and service members from the military's four branches, according to the U.S. Army...

Litteral and Campbell didn't approve of the exercise and for several months began collecting military gear like radios with throat microphones, armored vests, grenades, ammunition and assault rifles in preparation for going to war, according to court documents...

Campbell told someone he and Litteral have a base camp on 99 acres of land in Clover, South Carolina, and "intend to booby-trap the camp and draw government forces into the camp and kill them," according to court records.
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  • christopher-campbell-complaint-jadehelm15.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 675
  • chris-barker-criminal-complaint-jadehelm15.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 640
  • walter-litteral-jadehelm15-complaint.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 732
Law enforcement seeks to imprison the first two of what will assuredly be millions of patriots.

Yes, Dahboo's alternative explanation that the Feds arrested these innocent Patriots for 'prepping'....

He doesn't mention the felonies or explosives, but why muddle things with detail...?

He mentions the explosives.

But yeah, his implication the government is cracking down on preppers is pretty ludicrous. Certainly the three men in SC had gone way beyond that.
Half this thread should be moderated and thus deleted. It is completely off-topic to the discussion of the validity of the claim stated in the thread's title.
Half this thread should be moderated and thus deleted. It is completely off-topic to the discussion of the validity of the claim stated in the thread's title.

Oh, really? Show us evidence gun-owning patriots are being disappeared.
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It's a discussion around a complex ongoing event. I will be allow it for now.

The majority of claims around Jade Helm were rather vague conspiracies about the government somehow imposing martial law, or just getting people used to seeing troops on the streets so they could impose martial law later. Seeing if this happens is part of debunking the claims.

But there's also something of a meta discussion here, people taking action, including shooting at soldiers, seems to be in part a reaction to conspiracy theories. The effects of conspiracy theories are important to consider.

The Oklahoma city bombing was the result of similar conspiracy theories.
If you understand the security clearance process used to vet Special Operations members, you'll know that theses guys probably don't even have parking tickets. They certainly don't have domestic violence complaints, don't have DUIs or moving traffic violations, they have impeccable personal finances and credit scores, they love their mums and say please and thank you. They sometimes even have to declare basic conversations with law enforcement officers in case it causes a security clearance issue in the future. I think it is telling that these service members are being accused by CTs of unconstitutional activities and slandered by the notion that they'd repress US citizens. But at the same time these shooting suspects, with their previous convictions AND alleged drug use AND illegal firearms and explosives possession are lauded as patriots.

Just as the CTs are clutching for straws looking for evidence of Jade Helm mischief, they're clutching for straws in the search for 'patriot heroes'.

I think these news items are very valid in discrediting the anti-Jade Helm movement by bringing to light some of the nastier characters that conspiracy theories attract.
FreedomFighter2127 is again asserting that they were arrested for being 'preppers', and downplaying their explosive shenanigans....

With the mass roundups and the military takeover of southwest U.S. failing to come to pass, they're going to focus on news like this in a desperate attempt to prove they're right.
With the mass roundups and the military takeover of southwest U.S. failing to come to pass, they're going to focus on news like this in a desperate attempt to prove they're right.

I think they will go one better, and claim that the actions of Bo, Luke and Daisy Duke here exposed their evil plans and prevented the the coming apocalypse by Obama and the Illuminati.

I might also go so far as to predict that when these patriotic intellectuals get released from custody, they will become the darlings of the conspiracy world and will be welcome on every CT site going...
With the mass roundups and the military takeover of southwest U.S. failing to come to pass, they're going to focus on news like this in a desperate attempt to prove they're right.
The CT;s are on a winning wicket whatever happens. If jade helm did every turn into a NWO martial law situation, then would scream 'told you so', and when it passes with only a few incidents like that they will cry 'see we stopped it'. Bullshit triumphs either way..

But that not accepting the fact that any government who REALLY wanted martial law wouldn't pussy foot around with exercises , it would be combat troops, road blocks, tanks and airstrikes on anyone who opposes them from day one. Not to say the logical thing would be to take down all the known preppers, CTs, etc first step.
This is from a 10 August post in The Daily Sheeple:

The martial law forces of Jade Helm are everywhere. In the United States, we are witnessing unprecedented troop movements. Some of the American people are becoming hyper vigilant as they know, from what they are seeing, that something is terribly wrong. The following is a small cross-section of what I receive everyday. The takeover of America well under way as the country sleeps its way through the major events and embraces the beginning of a new NFL season.
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The article follows with a collection of disparate “sightings” scattered across the country. It is as good an illustration of confirmation bias through misapplied correlations as I have seen.

They range from trains with military equipment being ferried across the country, to audio of gunfire in Texas, to “civil unrest” training in Maine.

In the last case, The Daily Sheeple cherry picked information from a cited Bangor Daily News article:

PORTLAND, Maine — Military police and local officers will put their skills to the test in a three-day training exercise to prepare for natural disasters or civil unrest starting Monday on outer Congress Street.

“The Portland Police Department with the 488th Military Police Company of the Maine Army National Guard will be conducting a joint training exercise in Portland to test their ability to communicate and work together,” Sgt. First Class Peter Morrison, a Maine Guard spokesman, said in an email.

Joint Training Exercise: Resurgam is designed to evaluate how the Maine Guard unit works with local law enforcement and civil authorities during natural disasters, such as hurricanes, and civil emergencies, such as an unruly protest.
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The last part of the Sheeple article is interesting:


This is just a small cross-section of what crosses my email every single day. The martial law take over of American is massive and it is proceeding at breakneck speed. The reports from each successive week or more disturbing that the reports from the previous week. These Jade Helm troops are emboldened and they are in violation of their sacred oath to enforce the Constitution.

I predict as we approach the Pope’s upcoming speech, we will see an increase in martial law troops and the scope of their mission as they prepare to enforce what is coming our way this fall.
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I have been seeing a number of recent conspiracy claims online linked to the Pope’s visit. Something for another thread.