Debunked: Fake Snow, Burning Snow.


Stop the press! A recent snowstorm that blanked Atlanta and parts of Virginia sending thousands of residents into turmoil, causing nearly the entire city to come to a standstill, may have been a false flag operation or beta test carried out by diabolic factions of the U.S. government.
While the motive is not yet fully known, one thing is for sure, havoc has ensued and something is just not sitting right with people in the region.
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Havoc has ensued? Where? On twitter?
I guess youre not right all the time eh?
Shaved ice would probably work better. Some snow cone makers are more like a cheese grater. More surface area the better.
I tried shaving some of the frost from our freezer. Soot formed from the lighter, but it still melted more like an ice cube.
I don't know why people are so unscientific...the thing to do would be to fill a jar up to 10 inches with the snow and let it melt (or not melt) at room temperature... this would normally leave an inch of water and whatever impurities in the bottom of the jar... if it didn't melt then wed have to admit theres a problem whether it be intentional or not... any impurities could be kept with the water in the jar and wed have proof of some kind. Again I don't know why but the internet community seems intent on being vague [...]... bic lighters... blow torches matches lol... [...]
Hah, I thought he was talking about the "fake snow" thing.

Snow causes havoc every single year.
well... its obviously not fake... it fell from the sky... from what ive seen hundreds of people have had similar results... could it be acid snow? I have worked on cars paint for 24 years now and I can tell you acid rain is absolutely real...
Mick, I have had 3 or 4 links to your tests here show up on my wall today. We may see some new members from it.
This is what happens every time it snows in Atlanta. At least the 4 or 5 times it's snowed since I've lived here. They are usually more prepared for it but it snows and then melts and freezes making the roads impossible to pass. The Atlanta area is not very flat. Lots of hills. We don't need fake snow to cause the traffic mess.
Page response has been really slow for me. I assume it's due to increased traffic.

Taking website performance discussion to PM, as it's off topic.
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The smell is from the soot, if you burn a piece of glass with a lighter and then smell it you smell the soot, which has a chemical smell. Probably because it's a chemical.
I can burn snow but before I bother putting my shoes on, wont they just say my snow isn't poison snow? not to mention if my lighter blows up in my hand I'm suing you.
The smell is from the soot, if you burn a piece of glass with a lighter and then smell it you smell the soot, which has a chemical smell. Probably because it's a chemical.

Yeah, besides being hampered by my lack of snow, I'm also hampered by my lack of sense of smell due to having the flu right now. I could detect a bit of a smell during my experiment, but not enough to call it.
What about the smell? Are YOU personally willing to go get a bucket of this stuff and EAT it? Please make a video when you do. Snow doesn't smell, melts when heated and doesn't melt and evaporate like Styrofoam.
I'm not sure this kids behavior is helping the myth : )
Georgia 2 days ago
Yeah, besides being hampered by my lack of snow, I'm also hampered by my lack of sense of smell due to having the flu right now. I could detect a bit of a smell during my experiment, but not enough to call it.
Well anyone can test this, as long as they have a lighter and something to burn that wont light on fire. Like an ice cube or glass. Smell it before, burn it, then smell it again.

Hope you feel better soon!
Mick, I have had 3 or 4 links to your tests here show up on my wall today. We may see some new members from it.

I hope so, there are multiple threads on Chemtrails Global Skywatch. One guy is calling everyone who is explaining this a troll and government shill. Apparently the snow that fell is a "nanoplastic".
You know something is bunk when even Before It's News tries to debunk it: (

Well, I did some in-depth research, and I am happy to tell everyone who is hearing these reports (including my previous post) of ‘snow that won’t melt when heated’ and ‘snow that turns black when heated’—it’s perfectly normal!

If you live in an area with higher emissions of black carbon in your air, the snow will turn black when you heat it.
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They go on to say the snow is sublimating. Now I'm sure there is SOME sublimation, but at ground level pressures is it going to be significant? A high temperatures and pressures, ice melts. I'm pretty sure the wicking effect is what's going on here. But I'd be interested to see the numbers.
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This guy does a good job showing black ice, non-black ice, smell, no smell, fast melt, slow melt....takes about 2 minutes to get to the fun bits

I held a lighter up to the bottom of a normal, clear drinking glass. Soot formed in about 5 seconds and it smelled heavily of a burning plastic. Took too good of a whiff and made me feel a bit gross for a few mins.
This guy does a good job showing black ice, non-black ice, smell, no smell, fast melt, slow melt....takes about 2 minutes to get to the fun bits

Wonder how long it will take that empty pot he left burning on the stove to catch fire
Explain the crystals in the bowl after melting it.
Explain the little white balls on the ground after snow is melting.
Explain the dirt left after snow melts in baggy.
Explain the odor.
All of your questions have been anserer except for the "little white balls" on the ground after snow melts. First id like to say to the scent, i tried this at home myself. There was in fact a scent. I did not use gloves or anything like that and the scent was barely there and i had to take huge up close whiffs of the snowball to smell it. If it were smelling because of chemicals being caught on fire the smell would be overbearing.
The little white balls on the ground after snow melts.... Uh hunny i dont know where youre from but here in michigan we call em the salt that melted the snow. Usually on sidewalks and roads in bulk. In places it hadnt been layed from being tracked on shoes (ask my floor, that stuffs highly trackable!) Or kicked around.
I have some questions for you.why would the.government do such a thing? Dont get me wrong, im no government fan... But attempting to kill their Entire country all at once? Wheres the logic wheres the motive for this attempted murder?
Also... Don't you think or government is smart enough to put much more chemicals in it if they wanted us all dead? seriously, we live with so many chemicals the small amount that would have to Be for the snow to not explode or At least catch fire wouldbe another day in the life.
Also, why make it so complicated? If they wanted us all dead they could do it much faster and simpler than orchastrating all of this.
All of your questions have been anserer except for the "little white balls" on the ground after snow melts. First id like to say to the scent, i tried this at home myself. There was in fact a scent. I did not use gloves or anything like that and the scent was barely there and i had to take huge up close whiffs of the snowball to smell it. If it were smelling because of chemicals being caught on fire the smell would be overbearing.
The little white balls on the ground after snow melts.... Uh hunny i dont know where youre from but here in michigan we call em the salt that melted the snow. Usually on sidewalks and roads in bulk. In places it hadnt been layed from being tracked on shoes (ask my floor, that stuffs highly trackable!) Or kicked around.
I have some questions for you.why would the.government do such a thing? Dont get me wrong, im no government fan... But attempting to kill their Entire country all at once? Wheres the logic wheres the motive for this attempted murder?
Also... Don't you think or government is smart enough to put much more chemicals in it if they wanted us all dead? seriously, we live with so many chemicals the small amount that would have to Be for the snow to not explode or At least catch fire wouldbe another day in the life.
Also, why make it so complicated? If they wanted us all dead they could do it much faster and simpler than orchastrating all of this.
No one has died as a direct result of the so called "polar vortex." There is no conspiracy. The multitude of meteorologists have carefully explained what is happening. It's not normal and depending on your beliefs most would attribute it to climate change. That said, this idea of "fake" snow is so dead in the water that the only cause for concern is not that our government has engineered something but rather that we have an unsustainable way of modern life
No one has died as a direct result of the so called "polar vortex."

Well, except for the homeless people who froze to death.

Record-breaking temperatures and wind chills claimed the life of one Maryland man Tuesday.

An arctic blast brought record-breaking temperatures and wind chills near minus 20 degrees to the area late Monday evening and into Tuesday. Many local officials warned of hypothermia cases, especially among the homeless population.

In Morningside, Md., the body of a possibly homeless Maryland man was found behind a business in the 4700 block of Allentown Road around 10 a.m. Tuesday.

"He was frozen solid," a witness told News4's Erika Gonzalez. "
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But still, hardly a reason to suspect a conspiracy.
Chemtrails planet tried to debunk this, but goes in entirely the wrong direction. (

Several videos at this site use matches, lighters and torches to reveal the snow has no water. But these tests cause the snow (ice) to evaporate into water vapor (a gas) before it has a chance to manifest as “water” (liquid)

So if the snow is truly “fake” and can be demonstrated to contain no water, the source is more likely to be a polymer sprayed from a jet aircraft – and spider web type Polymers sprayed from chemtrails are more likely to be the culprit.
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Chemtrails planet tried to debunk this, but goes in entirely the wrong direction. (

Several videos at this site use matches, lighters and torches to reveal the snow has no water. But these tests cause the snow (ice) to evaporate into water vapor (a gas) before it has a chance to manifest as “water” (liquid)

So if the snow is truly “fake” and can be demonstrated to contain no water, the source is more likely to be a polymer sprayed from a jet aircraft – and spider web type Polymers sprayed from chemtrails are more likely to be the culprit.
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I know I'm an airhead but doesn't the first paragraph SAY it contains water? or are they saying the gas isn't water vapor but something else. ?
I know I'm an airhead but doesn't the first paragraph SAY it contains water? or are they saying the gas isn't water vapor but something else. ?

No they are saying the "tests" are flawed, because even if the snow was water, it would give this result.

It's not really clear what the conclusion is though.
I know I'm an airhead but doesn't the first paragraph SAY it contains water? or are they saying the gas isn't water vapor but something else. ?

I think what they are trying to say is that the fire-based method is flawed, not because the source of flame leaves a soot residue or snow is porous and readily absorbs moisture, but because apparently a bic lighter will evaporate ice crystals before they have a chance to transform into a liquid state... and therefor isn't a reliable method of testing government false-flag snow.
I'm not a scientist but i do remember how to seperate coffee from water to have clean water and see the coffee left behind. Wouldn't the best way to test this theory be to boil a crap load of this snow and once the pot is dry.. scrape the bottom of the pot to see the residue? then experiment however you smarty pants science guys do to the left over residue to determine if its natural or chemical? just a suggestion. seems way more sufficient then trying to burn a chunk of snow with a lighter, which would also burn your evidence of debunk or foul play. and a good hypothesis for an experiment like this one would be "Snow may or may not have additives uncommon from previous snow falls." Not "our snow is fake" or "fake snow is not fake snow". concluding.. all tests are unreliable until we have a sample of previous winters. BUT.. if you do boil down a few gallon of liquefied snow and there is a distinct film of oil/plastic residue.. id see reason for alarm, and more testing would be necessary. like i said.. im not a scientist, but i do remember the scientific method from school, but that was over ten years ago...
Back when I had my dogs, I preferred the weather to turn warm and sunny after a snowfall, since the snow would sublimate and not soak into the dirt, making mud. A hard freeze of muddy ground, followed by warm sun, would reduce the mud.

A friend in Loveland, Col, posted this the other day on her FB page

"As I was making coffee, something out the window caught my eye and made me jump! Smoke! Coming off the lawn chair cover, actually billowing! Then I realized it was just evaporation because the sun is out! o_O"

A reasonable person she is.
I am Glad Mick covered this. I thought he may. then again the government is up to some damn sadistic stuff in the open. Doesn't need to be a secret.
Dude you are so full of crap with your debunking what the hell is wrong with you. I been around snow all my life being up north in ohio and have never seen it turn that black. NEVER not even close
What's quite stunning is that you can take something totally normal, tell people it's not normal so everyone tries it, everyone gets the same results (cos it's normal) and then end up with the conclusion that something not normal is going on everywhere.

It's amazing to watch.
A friend in Loveland, Col, posted this the other day on her FB page

"As I was making coffee, something out the window caught my eye and made me jump! Smoke! Coming off the lawn chair cover, actually billowing! Then I realized it was just evaporation because the sun is out! o_O"

A reasonable person she is.

That reminded me....sorry this is jumping around, I never take videos, this is from just after the last polar vortex. It got quite warm and as the sun hit different objects they threw off quite a bit of mist.

I don't know if I"m attaching this correctly.


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