Debunked: Natural News - Boston controlled explosion exercise

They seem to be timed to coincide with the point in the race when the most competitors would be finishing together.
The Boston Marathon is not a normal one. It requires a qualifying time which means that the runners tend to finish much faster than a marathon like LA or NY.

There were about 5,000 yet to finish. Most of the field had finished. The devices were also placed in the spectator area. Since we know very little about who did it or what the motive was it is too early to make any conclusions. Remember what happened in the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta. As Mick mentioned the FBI faffed around for a long time focused on Richard Jewel, the security guard who found the device, before concluding it was Eric Rudolph.
If they were intending to hit the most people, then the best time would have been a couple of hours earlier, when the mens winner came in. The sidewalk was packed then.
This event has some similarities with the 7/7/05 London bombings.

On the morning that the bombings took place, a terrorism expert named Peter Power and his private company were running a rehearsal of such a scenario involving exactly the same tube stations, at exactly the same times that the incidents occurred.

It is difficult to debunk this version of events, given that Mr. Power himself talked about it to several radio stations on the afternoon of 7/7/05, and further confirmed it shortly after when attempting to downplay its significance. This is a little like winning multi-million dollar lottery prizes on three successive days, and then shrugging it off as normal.

Perhaps as interesting is the fact that among mainstream media outlets across the world, only one (the CBC in Canada) covered it. Everywhere else there was silence.

Colman Jones, an Associate Producer on CBC: Sunday, claimed in his blog that, while escorting participants from the CBC building, he enquired of Power 'why there had not been more media coverage of this.' 'They were trying to keep it quiet,' Power purportedly responded, with what Jones called 'a knowing smile.'
This event has some similarities with the 7/7/05 London bombings.

On the morning that the bombings took place, a terrorism expert named Peter Power and his private company were running a rehearsal of such a scenario involving exactly the same tube stations, at exactly the same times that the incidents occurred.

It is difficult to debunk this version of events, given that Mr. Power himself talked about it to several radio stations on the afternoon of 7/7/05, and further confirmed it shortly after when attempting to downplaying its significance. This is a little like winning multi-million dollar lottery prizes on three successive days, and then shrugging it off as normal.

Perhaps as interesting is the fact that among mainstream media outlets across the world, only one (the CBC in Canada) covered it. Everywhere else there was silence.

Colman Jones, an Associate Producer on CBC: Sunday, claimed in his blog that, while escorting participants from the CBC building, he enquired of Power 'why there had not been more media coverage of this.' 'They were trying to keep it quiet,' Power purportedly responded, with what Jones called 'a knowing smile.'

Power spoke on ITV and BBC TV news regarding a crisis management simulation exercise his company allegedly ran on this day, working in the premises of a private company in the City of London, using a scenario very similar to the 7 July 2005 London bombings. Power said this was a coincidence and was based on the previous terrorist incidents in London, including 18 bombs already detonated on the London Underground since 1885 (see Attacks on the London Underground). An investigation by the BBC series The Conspiracy Files identified the client Power's company worked for that day delivering a simulation exercise. It examined allegations about his company and others, involved in an alleged UK government "cover up" similar to 9/11 conspiracy theories. Power has always denied this and the programme found no evidence to support such allegations.
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Ooh, a 'knowing smile'. Definitely proof.

One would expect a simulation of an attack to not be widely publicised, just kept to the participants, so as to avoid confusion or interference with the exercise.
Sometimes experts are just good at their job.

Olympic organizers asked West German forensic psychologist Georg Sieber to create 26 terrorism scenarios to aid the organizers in planning security. His "Situation 21" accurately forecasted armed Palestinians invading the Israeli delegation's quarters, killing and taking hostages, and demanding Israel's release of prisoners and a plane to leave Germany. Organizers balked against preparing for Situation 21 and the other scenarios, since guarding the games against them would have gone against the goal of "Carefree Games" without heavy security.[11][12]
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The photos I linked to show the crowd at the explosion site two and a half hours BEFORE the explosion. Hence my suggestion that the culprit might be in the photos.

This one in particular, the very top of the photo was where the bomb went off. Time 12:07, bomb went off at 14:50
Boy there is a guy with a heavy looking backpack on the extreme left 1/3 down from the top ?
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Boy there is a guy with a heavy looking backpack on the extreme left 1/3 down from the top ?

Backpack doesn't look big enough for a six-quart pressure cooker. :)

Following Mick's link to the flickr page answered my question of why there weren't more fatalities, considering the injuries. In one photo, I counted fourteen people wearing vests that identified them as physicians. Of course, someone will use that as proof that it was planned.
Backpack doesn't look big enough for a six-quart pressure cooker. :)

Following Mick's link to the flickr page answered my question of why there weren't more fatalities, considering the injuries. In one photo, I counted fourteen people wearing vests that identified them as physicians. Of course, someone will use that as proof that it was planned.
here is a story on what could be one of the bombs before and after . i think its the second bomb ? doesnt look that big if it is of course the bomb
Close up of the backpack. Very unlikely to be the one, but interesting.

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It's believed that both devices were transported in black duffle bags. That info and the fact that the trash can in the above photos appears relatively undamaged in the after photo, probably rules out the tan bag as the bomb.
Close up of the backpack. Very unlikely to be the one, but interesting.

No disrespect, but how is that even interesting, though? Why single out this dude?

At a quick glance, I was able to pick out another dozen plausible backpacks. There are probably quite a few more if I were to get really into it.

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Isn't that Mick in the bottom right corner, talking to the other agents on his ear mike?

It's an amazing group portrait.
Reports are that it was in a duffel bag. Whatever that is.
I always remember duffel bags being bags closed with a drawstring at the top, and having no extra pockets or compartments. a bit like a tent bag. It's now become a generic term for a hold-all, so it doesn't shed much light here. Either way there's only a tiny possibility that the bomber or bombers is in any photos but of course that possibility will be investigated.
RolandD, where did you get the info about duffel bags? If that's the case, then hopefully someone saw them depositing them into the trash cans. That would send up red flags for me personally, or at the least it would stand out a bit. You don't expect to see someone throwing something like that away in a public trashcan on the street, and definitely not during an event like that.

When I think duffelbag, I think of this sort of thing:


  • dakine-crew-67l-duffel-bag-black-front.jpg
    150.3 KB · Views: 1,080
  • duffel_bag.png
    718.5 KB · Views: 1,002
RolandD, where did you get the info about duffel bags? If that's the case, then hopefully someone saw them depositing them into the trash cans. That would send up red flags for me personally, or at the least it would stand out a bit. You don't expect to see someone throwing something like that away in a public trashcan on the street, and definitely not during an event like that.

When I think duffelbag, I think of this sort of thing:

There have been a lot of changing reports. Is the bomb in the trash can still true? I thought I heard differently.
RolandD, where did you get the info about duffel bags? If that's the case, then hopefully someone saw them depositing them into the trash cans. That would send up red flags for me personally, or at the least it would stand out a bit. You don't expect to see someone throwing something like that away in a public trashcan on the street, and definitely not during an event like that.

When I think duffelbag, I think of this sort of thing:

Yes, dufflebag has supplanted the term barrel bag for this style. I think that they were in trashcans is supposition still.

Boston Bombs Were In Pressure Cookers And Hidden In Black Duffel Bags, Says Person Briefed On Probe

It appears that the bags found indicate that they contained the bombs. Also, considering the number of LEOs present, the speculation that black powder was the explosive is probably correct.
Close up of the backpack. Very unlikely to be the one, but interesting.

Is this also interesting enough to post?

Now I am only saying, the authorities do not help themselves by what appears over secretiveness and confusing statements.

Don't shoot the messenger :)

Navy SEALs Spotted at Boston Marathon Wearing Suspicious Backpacks?

The reason this is important is because the Boston Police Commissioner is on record stating that they had “no specific intelligence” that there was a drill, while University of Mobile coach and marathon participant Alastair Stevenson has publicly stated that there was announcements telling people to stay calm and not be alarmed because beefed-up security was part of a “training exercise.”

If police were aware of a perceived threat, wouldn’t it make more sense to be announcing an evacuation order rather than tell everyone to stay calm?

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Lots of armed forces run in marathons, or are there to support their buddies. There's no need for it to be anything "official"

Lots of people will have backpacks too, as they carry a change of clothes, and food and stuff, for their runner friends (lots simpler than checking your bag at the start).
When I said the photo of the backpack was "interesting", I was more referring to the general idea of searching over photos like this one, trying to find clues. It's quite amazing how everyone starts to seem suspicious. There are several backpacks, and the bomber is probably not even in this photo. But he will be in SOME photo, and probably just look like a regular non-suspicious dude.
I find it difficult to believe that the two highlighted men, if they indeed were involved in such a false flag, would stand around afterwards.

Also note that the man standing in between them from the overheard shot looks like an EMS worker judging by the yellow radio he's wearing. I'd argue they're a part of security for the race(you can see one of the men later unzipping his backpack after the explosions).
Is this also interesting enough to post?

Now I am only saying, the authorities do not help themselves by what appears over secretiveness and confusing statements.

Don't shoot the messenger :)

As Mick pointed out, plenty of people serving in the military are likely to have been running in the marathon. One would expect that if Navy Seals were involved in bombing citizens they'd have enough common sense to not wear identifying clothing. That said, the idea that you could find some serving soldiers willing to bomb innocent bystanders at a sports event strikes me as utterly ludicrous. How could anyone be persuaded to do that?

Oh wait, I forgot all about the CIA mind control zombification projects.
When I said the photo of the backpack was "interesting", I was more referring to the general idea of searching over photos like this one, trying to find clues. It's quite amazing how everyone starts to seem suspicious. There are several backpacks, and the bomber is probably not even in this photo. But he will be in SOME photo, and probably just look like a regular non-suspicious dude.
I thought the same . It was interesting even before they said it was a backpack which it was and a black one . Pretty much anyone with a back pack should be looked at . Just like a Agatha Christie novel they are all suspects .
As Mick pointed out, plenty of people serving in the military are likely to have been running in the marathon. One would expect that if Navy Seals were involved in bombing citizens they'd have enough common sense to not wear identifying clothing. That said, the idea that you could find some serving soldiers willing to bomb innocent bystanders at a sports event strikes me as utterly ludicrous. How could anyone be persuaded to do that?

Oh wait, I forgot all about the CIA mind control zombification projects.

I said " Don't shoot the messenger" :)

I didn't say I thought they were guilty of anything.

Although I think there is a good chance that a drill was going on in light of the alleged announcements. Or that they COULD be part of security.
It was pointed out that the other guy is behind him also, right side of the woman in pink. Not 100% sure, but pretty similar.
I saw reports that a police scanner mentioned the name of Sunil Tripathi, a student who has been missing for a month or so. The name suggests Indian descent, but if he was called Murphy would his Irish descent be of any interest whatsoever? He does bear some resemblance to the second bloke, but he's also described as 6'2", and that seems a bit tall for the guy in the photos.
No curly hair like the suspect, and his (Sunil's) mouth appears to be larger.
There is an angle though in that the FBI was helping the search - that's not usual is it?

Shoot, I take that back...
BREAKING: Scanner identified the names : Suspect 1: Mike Mulugeta Suspect 2: Sunil Tripathi

(I'm still catching up threads - this could be old news.)
There is another name out there, but it is an Ethiopian name and neither of the suspects looked Ethiopian. One of the articles on the the Indian student mentioned that they had been examining his computer.
Yeah, it's nuts! He exploded a device on himself and was shot at the same time. One wonders what was planned that he sacrificed himself for the other guy to carry out? Hope he gets stopped.
It's going to be a surreal day in America.
All the best guys.

(sorry Mick maybe this stuff should be on the 'initial impressions' thread)