Global March Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering

Truro, Cornwall (South West England). Maybe 20 people.

The weather was not cooperating for them, just "normal" cumulus clouds and blue skies.
Here's some perspective on the contrails over the Virginia Beach. You can see why they get a lot of parallel trails, as they in a massive flyover location for traffic to Florida.
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Well the protest in Dallas wasn't very large- 6 or 7 people with a handful of small signs, no pamphlets or bullhorns and the streets around us were deserted. I wore my uniform which worked great since I didn't have to waste time explaining who I was. I walked up and broke the ice by telling them I was the enemy, they all thought it was funny. They were being filmed by a small crew from some production company and I was invited to interact with them while they filmed. I didn't care though, I didn't want to be "that guy" who couldn't be on camera.

It was 6 against 1 and very difficult to have a conversation but I will say that with the exception of one lady, they were all very respectful and friendly. They all (except for one) let me finish all of my points and they seemed very tolerant. But I had to be careful about what I said because of the fast pace I found myself accidentally using their terms and forgetting some fundamental rules of debate. Plus it was hard to stay on topic with 6 rebuttals to my one point. And it was very, very hot.

This group was very entrenched as one would expect and they were all indoctrinated to the aluminum climate manipulation theory but the one rude one was very stuck on her symptoms from the spray. I showed her some charts that had lots of intersections on them as well as my medical and license. The rude one couldn't explain why I was so healthy but claimed it was my age.

The leader was very well spoken but her points were pretty common, many of which I didn't have a one or two line rebuttal for so I wasn't as effective in that setting as I would have liked. I did point out some inconsistencies in her arguments but of course it went no where. All in all I probably spent 30 mins with them. I offered to hang around and answer any questions but I think they didn't like my presence so no one took me up on it. As a I was leaving their group they all smiled and shook my hand (except for the one) and it was very non- confrontational. I chatted with the police for a few minutes and then left. I'm sure I looked very out of place in my uniform.

I wouldn't do it again unless it was cooler and I had some points to reference I think to keep it on target. I think I would print out a FAQ and hand that out maybe but I doubt it would help.
This is how it was from the perspective of a believer:

Fire speech from march in Winnipeg, Canada.

Definitely more action than the poor excuse for speech I had to endure.
Truro, Cornwall (South West England). Maybe 20 people.

The weather was not cooperating for them, just "normal" cumulus clouds and blue skies.

Of course, the believers at various protest marches who saw trails in the sky thought they were intentionally being "sprayed", so proof they are right. The ones who saw no trails concluded that the lack of trails was intentional, so also proof they are right. :facepalm:
Of course, the believers at various protest marches who saw trails in the sky thought they were intentionally being "sprayed", so proof they are right. The ones who saw no trails concluded that the lack of trails was intentional, so also proof they are right. :facepalm:
When some people here in Sweden on Facebook said "Oh, how damn convinient for them to stop spraying today" I just respond with "Yep, gotta hate that this planet got something called weather and climate". Pretty amusing.
Of course, the believers at various protest marches who saw trails in the sky thought they were intentionally being "sprayed", so proof they are right. The ones who saw no trails concluded that the lack of trails was intentional, so also proof they are right. :facepalm:

And some claim that the sky is never blue failed to see the irony right behind them:

From the Redding, CA march:
blue skyGMAC.jpg
Was in Missoula Montana yesterday a single CT supporter "marching"with a dazed look and cardboard sign. Lots of hippies there but this guy seemed so spaced out and distance not a single person engaged him. I asked him as I ran into a bar to get out if the rain if he thought the storm was part of the geoengineering? Just a dazed look. Maybe too much aluminum? Kind of disappointed not to see any literature being circulated. I guess they can not trust the local solo operative with any funds. What's really missing is any sign of coordinated effort. Seems like each " chapter" makes its own claims based on local lack of evidence!
Here is my report from Berlin:
Unfortunately I don't have time for a translation, but if anyone is interested, it may be possible with the Google Translator.

In the video at the end of the text of the website you can see some pictures. The sound is a recension of the debunking-book ("Das Chemtrailhandbuch") in a skeptics podcast.

The "Reichsbürger" (FreiZeitGeist mentioned him), here he studied the flyer for the debunking-book:

Here, a leader of the German chemtrail movement the flyer will be handed over:

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Looks like the Bavarian Illuminati arranged for a suspiciously "normal" sky that day:

That was the morning sky over Berlin:

From midday was something convection. But the prompt "Look at the sky" was very funny.
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I see he characterizes what you said, but where is the interview to be heard?

The writer is female, you can see her pic at the bottom of that post.

I think they were planning on a longer documentary-style piece, so it might not be out for a bit.
Video of the march down 3rd Street in Santa Monica. I missed this bit.

We should be glad that these are the type of people who are representing this cause/hoax. No wonder the public pays them very little attention, though I must admit I find their antics oddly amusing.
A google news search for "Chemtrails" articles from 25/08/2013 onwards reveals these marches have had almost zero impact in the media..,cd_min:25/08/2013,cd_max:&tbm=nws

This news outlet that have picked it up appear to have sensibly got the opinion of an atmospheric scientist... I'll be interested to read any follow up story that they write..

And thankfully it sems like the residents of Gainesville that know how to use the internet are reasonably switched on.. (read the comments)
It's a bit early yet but I think we can reasonably assume that the marches have not had anything like the effect that the people organising had hoped for. In Australia and New Zealand, going on what is on Facebook, I think we can reasonably surmise a total turnout of no more than 100 people for both countries.

It's had to spin that any way apart from apathy.
I popped over to see the group here on the Gold Coast.
There was four of five of them, in the first half hour they managed to hand out one or two piece of paper.
Then one of them came over and asked me if I knew about chemtrails ....
Anyway after another half an hour I'd explained to him why chemtrails were pure fiction, why 11/9 wasn't a conspiracy, though we didn't get around to the Moon landings as I ran out of time. He seemed to take it on though I wish some of the more active ones had come over to talk.
Redding March had about 50 people. It was fairly low key. The organizers were mostly tea party types, which is different than the Mt. Shasta bunch. I don't know whether I influenced anyone, but I did get some space in the local paper, page two with a bullet headline on page 1. On-line edition has a paywall. The owner of the largest nutritional supplement store in town was recommending Zeo-loc, among other products. A chiropractor named Steven Davis also recommended Zeolites, which contain aluminum oxide.

Crowd at City Hall decries 'chemtrails'

Protests cite a conspiracy by government

By Alayna Shulman 530-225-8372

Dozens gathered at Redding City Hall on Sunday to protest "geoengineer-ing," an alleged government plot to spray the air %ith dangerous chemicals that pollute the sky with white streaks they call "chemtrails."

Signs propped up outside City Hall showed the crowd's staunch opposition to chemtrails, with slogans such as, "CHEMTRAILS KILLHS and "Ignorance is not bliss. Educate yourself!"

The crowd listened to a host of speakers on chemtrails, "including pilots and an alternative medicine doctor who warned , of the^ato impacts pf the. .yo-ranfetfcrpmCTaflfr '

The event was part of an international series of protests against chemtrails on the same day.

Believers' theories on why the heavy metals — including aluminum and cadmium — are being sprayed tend to vary, from a governmental climate-altering regime to a more sinister plan centered on mind control or even mass ! murder.

Christine Miller, a' supporter of the anti-- chemtrail cause, said she believes the government — not just in the United States — is trying to control the climate by spraying metals.

"They're basically doing it without thinking about the harm they're doing to us [or the planet," Miller said.

Miller said, after she moved back to. Redding in 2005 from Hawaii, the difference she saw in the cloud patterns alarmed her.

"If you start to pay attention, you can start to recognize what's (natural) and what's not," she said. "We aren't told the truth all the time about what they (those in the government) do."

Kimberly Steele, of Redding, said she wanted to live in Redding because of its natural beauty.

But the strange cloud patterns began to disturb her, too.

"They weren't the clear blue skies after a few years. ... They were becoming littered with lots of crisscrossing (clouds)," she said. "This is probably one of the most critical things people don't know about."

Steele said people who want to know about the issue should go to

But at least one man at Sunday's event wasn't buy-

Steve Funk, of Mount Shasta, wore an "It's a contrail" T-shirt to protest the protesters.

"It's something I do to be a good citizen,'' he said ""It kind of concerns me that people are so worried about this problem that there's really no evidence it exists, and, you know, one of the most serious things is every day on the Internet somebody says, 'We've gotta shoot these planes down,' and I'm afraid someday there's going to be some nut with a military background and some connections, and carries through on that."

Funk said he has a general science background as a forester and just wanted to show people that there are different perspectives.

"I don't know if I did any good by being here or not," Funk said.

The protest comes just weeks after chemtrail activists implored the Shasta County Board of Supervisors to look into the issue. Supervisors agreed to redistribute material worn a talk on chemtrails several years ago but haven't yet made a commitment to take any more action.
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This last winter there were sometimes 4 planes flying abreast from south to north. Normal plane flights run east to west.
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That's a new one. No planes fly north to south. How does that work then if you want to fly from NY to Florida?

Actually an old myth that keeps popping up. Here it is still on line from over a decade ago, waiting like an encysted disease ready to infect a susceptible host:
7) Aircraft dispersing chemtrails always fly back and forth over a set area, creating circular or zig-zag patterns of vapor in the sky. Often many chemtrail aircraft can be seen in one area, flying in crisscross patterns laying down vapor trails before flying off over the horizon. Large airliners operating under Air Traffic Control fly on set airways and do not make such patterns in the sky. Government representatives have tried to pass off reports of crisscross chemtrail patterns as merely the convergence of airliner contrails at normal air traffic intersections, but this is false. For one thing, almost all airways in the US run in straight lines, east to west. Neither do airliners fly in close formation with other aircraft. In addition, chemtrail sightings almost never come close to normal airway intersections.

I really think that some of these get picked up and passed along exactly like an STD.
"Citing patents"...

GlobalSkywatch and Geoengineeringwatch consider patents such as #1631753 to be evidence for "chemtrails".
What does it do? It's a 1927 patent for heating up water using electricity, to use in coffee percolators for example.

They use patents such as #1957075 - "Airplane Spray Equipment", without realizing the design is for small propeller planes from the first half of the last century.

Anyone linking to these "exhaustive" lists of patents have clearly not read any of them. Some might be vaguely relevant, but most of them are just random patents that contain the keywords "aerosol" or "spraying" somewhere.

It was strange that Mick West would show up to the march just to spread propaganda and misinformation. He did not have adequate answers for my questions on why we never saw “persistent contrails” in the 80s through early 90s, and he also had a dubious response to why some “contrails” start and stop.
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How much editing do they have to do to get this twist from the interview?
He did not have adequate answers for my questions on why we never saw “persistent contrails” in the 80s through early 90s
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I know Mick already have good answers for this, and that the guy talking to him probably never understood the points anyway.
But for me it comes down to three factors:

  1. Increased flight traffic = More situations where persistent contrails can form, making them more noticeable.
  2. Planes fly at higher altitudes = Colder altitudes might produce more oversaturation which produces more ice particles making contrails persist longer.
  3. More efficient engines and fuel = Resulting in more heat and water production from the combustion process (this one might not be that significant from what I have been told however.)
There is also an important psychological factor involved in the notion that contrails never persisted many decades ago.
The problem I see is that people had no reason to pay attention to contrail behaviour many decades ago, which creates a false memory of "not observing" persistent contrails in the past.
Because obviously things we never pay attention to in our daily lives won't stick in our memory either.

With the notion that "contrails should not persist" an expectation is planted, and the believer will interpret "no memory of persistent contrails" as "no memory of observing persistent contrails".

This notion falls flat if we ask anyone who actually had reason to observe contrail behaviour in the past, such as pilots, aviation and flight personnel, meteorologists or atmospheric scientists. Or even common aviation enthusiasts.

If you had no reason to memorize the colours of cars you saw during one day when you went in to town, and were later asked if you ever saw a red car during that time, would your inability to recall seeing any red cars indicate that there were actually no red cars in town that day? Let's say if someone told you that there was a reason you cannot recall seeing any red cars that day, like there was a huge car convention for red cars and every red car went there, that would make sense to you, especially if you want it to be true and don't like to think of yourself as lacking attention skills. But we tend to overestimate our own memory and observation skills sometimes, believing we are constantly aware of everything around us. But the brain is lazy and doesn't spend time memorizing information it doesn't need to store.

Besides, it's more comfortable for us to think that there is a reason other than ourselves for failing to memorize things. And if we throw the conspiranoid mindset into the mix believers will force themselves into believing the reason for not remembering is not because of themselves. It sort of ties in to the Dunning-Kruger effect, where unintelligent people tend to overestimate their own skills. But this is also the reason why a healthy self-critical attitude always help you improve your intelligence.

The fallibility of memory of things we have seen but not noticed is a fascinating area.
It's interesting that many chemtrail believers state they have never seen the trails prior to the 90s yet they inevitably would have seen them in popular movies and TV but were too busy paying attention to other things to notice.
It's really that simple, just like the .. counting balls etc in video above
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That moonwalking bear video is a very good example of this. Thank you GregMc.

To put it in context, if you let one person look at the video and later ask "Have you ever seen a moonwalking bear?" without letting them review the video, they would most likely say - "No, I have never seen a moonwalking bear."
But does that mean they had never been exposed to or had the opportunity to see one? In this case they clearly had the opportunity, but never had any reason to look for a moonwalking bear as their brain was distracted with collecting more relevant information.
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Here's some perspective on the contrails over the Virginia Beach. You can see why they get a lot of parallel trails, as they in a massive flyover location for traffic to Florida.

I tried explaining that to someone once. They called me a sheeple and told me to wake up.

That's a nice illustration though of what I've been seeing in the sky my entire life having grown up in Hampton Roads and having spent any time not in school out on the water fishing or in the field working.

It is also illustration of why I've become annoyed with believers to the point that I've given up engaging them. Hampton Roads gets flyover traffic from FL to the Northeast, US Airways between Charlotte and the Northeast. Delta between Atlanta and the Northeast (the trails from the Charlotte and Atlanta traffic drift in from the west). The skies have been crazy busy my entire life. On days when the weather was right as a child I'd marvel that I could often see (by their trails) 10+ planes in the sky at one time. In my teens while working on a farm I connected that those days when you see the trails like that were almost always in advance of weather. In college I took meteorology and learned about over-running moisture associated with approaching warm fronts....I relay any of that to a believer like Miss Va. Beach Chemtrails and I get angrily insulted, accused of being brainwashed, stupid, a shill, etc...

Plus any attention they get just means to them that they've obvious struck a nerve with TPTB.
I'm always amazed at the amount of traffic on that corridor. On a bad weather day it's especially bad because of all the restricted airspace to the east. There's just not enough room for deviation and changing altitudes usually puts you in the weather.

I can recall towards the winter we would be flying through contrails several times and you could identify several of the routes visually by looking at the trails.
[Broken YouTube Link]

From somewhere in Canada. I've explained for the woman with the megaphone (when they are walking) and her followers about persistent contrails and managed to debunk everything they threw at me, they were all polite (surprising), but seemed to not want to get/didn't get what I was talking about or if I was speaking for or against the chemtrail theory. I even linked the video where Michael Murphy admits persistent contrails exist to her, but still didn't seem to get what I was trying to point out. Looked to be pretty dead at their protest anyway
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