I think chemtrails are real breaking news

Which aluminum? The Aluminum that occurs in the ground and is pretty much everywhere? Or are you in the chemmie camp that still claims that Aluminum is not naturally part of the earth?
Mick your mixing up many different stories.. try not to confuse yourself.. your talking about different situations where they are spraying different substances. Surely your not that locked up in your mind to think that fleets of jet and over 700 different geoengineering experiments alone vote on my congress are spraying the same thing.. Really.. come on de bunker.. use your head.. just a little.. It's like your not even reaching the level of conspiracy theorist with this comment.. step it up a little bro.. Hey just stone sharpening stone.. that's all ..
That just seems to be about cloud seeding. The term "weather modification" generally just refers to any of the various forms of cloud seeding that have been openly practiced for over 60 years.

Ok so you will say that they are using aircraft to put stuff in our atmosphere or it's all contrails? Yes or No Chemicals or Contrails?
You want to start calling cloud seeding "chemtrails"? How exactly is that useful?

There are many ways in which planes spray chemicals. Everybody knows this. But the term "Chemtrails" does not refer to those. It's about the long white lines in the sky that look and behave exactly like contrails.
That said... could you please point out which document or documents, on Rosalind Peterson's website, prove that jets are spraying chemtrails?

He cant. Its just a continuation of their scattergun approach, where they just throw up an endless series of links, and hope that something is true in it somewhere.

Instead of himself putting up link after link, he just linked to a Rosalinds coalition website (of herself) where she did that.
It appears like they are different people. Both from the peekay22 part of the world though.
Whoever added this bunker buster box on my profile or whatever thanks.. it's kinda cool

You banned the orb guy Mick what happened.. he has some very interesting videos? What you guys just want to hang out together and play like they aren't spraying and killing your children too? If that's the case .. don't ban me I'll leave you alone.. no problem.. you will find out soon enough we were right.. but whatever.. I'm not in to pee ing people off....

I'm from your part of the World Mick and you know it.. about 600 miles north.. very close in terms of how broad our universe is.. didn't I see you at an Alex Jones Rally Occupy the Fed.. I think we talked...

I'm really promoting your website.. a place where we all can come toghether and be honest about the facts and not ignore stupid crap and lies.. we will debunk all the lies Mick... Thanks so much for doing this and spending your spare time seeking the truth.. it means so much to me as a human.. what do you think about all the eugenicist in Austin? OH I should start another thread... I'm trying to stay focused...
Bunkerbuster, I'd appreciate it if you could explain the point you are trying to make.

I really hope you are not simply making the argument "planes spray chemicals, so the chemtrail theory is REAL!!!"

Of course planes can and do spray chemicals. There's just no evidence that they are doing it to make long white trails that persist and spread like contrails do. And that's what people usually refer to when they say "chemtrails".

If you'd like to broaden your personal definition of "chemtrails" to include clouds seeding and crop dusting, then that's up to you. But it hardly helps the discussion, does it?
Like that one guy from UT who said they wanted to depopulate the planet by 80% in the very near future.. Do you want documents.. I'll get the for you.. are you aware or part of that bunch Mick?
Bunkerbuster, I'd appreciate it if you could explain the point you are trying to make.

I really hope you are not simply making the argument "planes spray chemicals, so the chemtrail theory is REAL!!!" Of course planes can and do spray chemicals. There's just no evidence that they are doing it to make long white trails that persist and spread like contrails do. And that's what people usually refer to when they say "chemtrails".

If you'd like to broaden your personal definition of "chemtrails" to include clouds seeding and crop dusting, then that's up to you. But it hardly helps the discussion, does it?

Well Mick when you don't admit that ANY of it is going on it leaves the subject broad now does it not.. ? Everything is contrails. and you know that is not correct so if that's the way we play the field is open for me to run... WEEEE
You know as well as I they are mixing the aluminum in jet fuel to reflect the sun back into the atmosphere to combat global warming.. and they've designed it to linger so for you to say that the chemtrails do not linger is like me saying OBOMBA qualifies for the peace prize both are ridiculous.. so you want me to be logical while you are jumping around on a pogo stick and slinging a hoola hoop around your waste of time.
And the jet fuel is one of over 700 experiments that have been voted on and funded by congress.. it's LAW.. and I've given you guy links to it and no I'm not going to spoon feed the information to you... I expect that you are adults and can click your mouse if you want to look if not then you are choosing to be uneducated and that speaks for itself.
There's zero evidence of aluminum being mixed with jet fuel. I don't know if that's ever been serious suggestion.

Contrails can (and do) persist and spread for hours.
Have you guys had allot of nose bleeds in Austin.. we're having a rash of them here several people have been taken to the hospital. At my work after they sprayed us with a form that does not linger two people had nose bleeds and had to go to the hospital.. I don't think it will be long before we develop lung problems. I have friends in Austin and they say they've been hit too... Hope you don't have children Mick. This stuff is nothing to play around with.
Ok you want to play like that.. then I'm out.. I thought you could at least be honest here.. see ya buddy... I'm not going to play these moronic games..
And the jet fuel is one of over 700 experiments that have been voted on and funded by congress.. it's LAW.. and I've given you guy links to it and no I'm not going to spoon feed the information to you... I expect that you are adults and can click your mouse if you want to look if not then you are choosing to be uneducated and that speaks for itself.

Why exactly can't you just cut and paste one link that shows the vote on aluminum in jet fuel? Did such a vote ever happen, or are you making it up?
And the jet fuel is one of over 700 experiments that have been voted on and funded by congress.. it's LAW.. and I've given you guy links to it and no I'm not going to spoon feed the information to you... I expect that you are adults and can click your mouse if you want to look if not then you are choosing to be uneducated and that speaks for itself.

I am adult enough to know that I am not going to bother spending a heap of time looking through a lot of links for a piece of information that I do not believe exists.

If you REALLY believe this is the case then why do you not make it as easy for people to read as possible??

Why are you hiding a revelation?? Don't you WANT people to know about it????
You know as well as I they are mixing the aluminum in jet fuel to reflect the sun back into the atmosphere to combat global warming..

I don't know this. Theory says that such Geo-engineering isn't even effective at commercial flight altitudes. Geo-engineering to alter climate would be occurring well above the altitude where we see commercial flights leaving persistent contrails. Plus all the contrails and cirrus clouds that I see here correspond to when atmospheric soundings suggest that I should see them and I have yet to see a deviation from this.
Not only that, but since aluminium is not in the specification for Jet A1 such an action would b illegal in pretty much every country in the world - depending on your jurisdiction it would constitute something along the lines of reckless endangerment, use of unauthorised materials, unauthorised interference with the operation of an aircraft, etc.

Anyone who has evidence that it is being done should lay a complaint with law enforcement authorities!!
You banned the orb guy Mick what happened.. he has some very interesting videos?

He was a troll who refused to answer any questions, he used obfuscation, generalisation and avoidance, and offered nothing to back up any of his claims except very poor YouTube videos...

What you guys just want to hang out together and play like they aren't spraying and killing your children too? If that's the case .. don't ban me I'll leave you alone.. no problem.. you will find out soon enough we were right.. but whatever.. I'm not in to pee ing people off....

"They" are not "spraying" and/or "killing our children" . You know that, and you also know you have zero evidence to back up any such claims...

And - 'We' will not be "finding out" any time soon (or any time for that matter) that you were "right". Far from it, you are completely and utterly wrong, and you will continue to be so for as long as you continue to spread your irrational and unfounded beliefs.

Do you have an actual point to make Bunker?
Or is it all going to be illogical make believe fantasy bunk ?
That`s all I have read from you so far...
Ok I'm going to put together a report on this I've stumbled on to some good stuff, but I was to organize it not just paste and copy and sling this very good information around unorganized. I'll be back.
Make sure you full understand what is mean by "radiative forcing" (the difference between ingoing and outgoing radiation). This is often misinterpreted to mean something the programs are doing rather than simply something they are ​measuring.
I watched a video on that report and got all excited. It give good information about the aerosol problem.. but it never admits anything (fail) it's basically point out what we say is the problem of chemtrails, but does not admit it. The guy that made the video was wrong... should I de-bunk him? hahaha.. I've still found some other links that look good but I'm going to read before believing.

This was interesting too.. I'm sure the answer is going to be a change in temperature, but it's good footage.

Here's the link to the report:

The video you link to basically shows planes at different altitudes.


  • sap2-3-final-report-all.pdf
    4.7 MB · Views: 115
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I watched a video on that report and got all excited. It give good information about the aerosol problem.. but it never admits anything (fail) it's basically point out what we say is the problem of chemtrails, but does not admit it. The guy that made the video was wrong... should I de-bunk him?

Absolutely - if there is bunk ther then show it......but of course you wil be expected to show jsutification and evidence ......
Ok I'm going to put together a report on this I've stumbled on to some good stuff, but I was to organize it not just paste and copy and sling this very good information around unorganized. I'll be back.

NO, You are not.

You are not going to "put together a report on this"

I await your report...
There's zero evidence of aluminum being mixed with jet fuel. I don't know if that's ever been serious suggestion.

If it were put into practice for the purpose of geo-engineering climate, I think there would be observable consequences.

It would presumably displace fuel in the tank. Airplanes would either need to be retrofitted with larger tanks, or make more refueling stops. But the aluminum couldn't displace too much fuel, or it wouldn't burn well enough to fly.

Exhaust from jet engines can reach 800°C or more which is above the 660°C melting point of aluminum. If the goal were to distribute large particles to reflect sunlight, jet engine fuel probably isn't a good way to do it.

However, I learned that aluminium borohydride (PDF link) is a component of some jet and rocket fuels while looking into this. I wonder how much aluminum remains after combustion.
All of it would remain, seeing as how the theorists usually don't distinguish between elemental (metal) aluminum, and aluminum compounds.

I suspect that the use of Aluminum Borohydride is historical, based on the amount of information available. It was probably used to removed water for the fuel, rathe than a jet fuel itself.
Absolutely - if there is bunk ther then show it......but of course you wil be expected to show jsutification and evidence ......

This forum is doing nothing more than planting seeds in peoples minds.....seeds of confusion and doubt. Contrail, chemtrail, schmiltrail.......call it whatever you want it but you have already 'confessed' that planes are releasing chemicals so it doesn't matter what name you want to assign to it. I agree that there is no 'scientific' proof that 'they' are spraying us with chemicals but there is ample evidence that there is something wrong with our skies (caused by planes or do you want to disagree on that too). You are totally making a fool of yourselves and quite frankly I don't think you are not concerned with the truth at all because if you were than you would support any investigations against government programs who admit that they are spraying chemicals in the air for weather modification purposes (that really sounds a lot like chemtrails but again, it doesn't matter what you call it, just observe and understand history).

I also know that you guys have a really smart answer to my comment and that is ok. Your responses are often very well constructed but lacks the necessary common sense to understand there is more going on that you think. Many government programs are born in secrecy, especially when it concerns an experiment. You cannot possibly disagree that there have never been controversial government programs/experiments and in light of geo engineering, chemtrais or contrails are no different. You prefer to maintain naief and trust your government because they always have the best interest in mind for you. As far as I know you haven't shown any concern about the chemicals put out in the sky by our governments or private companies by order of the government and my guess this is because then you would have to go against the government which I am sure you are a part of in some form or fashion. In any other case, you simply don't have the balls to stand up for yourself, let alone for the people around you.
I certainly don't trust those in power, and nor do I think they have my best interests at heart. But that's not a reason to believe every arbitrary conspiracy theory without any evidence to back it up.

You say there is "something wrong with the skies" - but what exactly are you referring to? Are you just concerned that contrails are spoiling too many clear blue skies? Are you concerned about pollution from jet exhausts? Do you think there's a secret plot to change the climate with long white trails in the sky?

"Something wrong" is very vague. I like to be very specific, to say exactly what I mean, and to avoid confusion. I apologized if at any point I've not been clear, but if you could just be a bit more precise about what this "something" is that you are referring to, then perhaps we can get to the bottom of the matter?