Illuminati symbolism and numerology, like in the olympics

Some 'One World Government' quotes:

Revealing quotes from those who know

"Some even believe we are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it." - David Rockefeller from his book, David Rockefeller: Memoirs.

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." - James Warburg (Rothschild Banking Agent 1950)

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England ... (and) ... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established." - Carroll Quigley, Professor of History Georgetown University, in his book "Tragedy and Hope".

"The interests behind the Bush administration, such as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - and the Bilderberg Group have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years." - Dr. Johannes Koeppl (Former official of the German Ministry for Defence and advisor to NATO)

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax exempt foundation (i.e. Rockefeller), and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education, and mass communication media, that it should be familiar to every American concerned with good government and with preserving and defending the US Constitution and our free-enterprise system. Yet, the nation's right-to-know machinery, the news media; usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities. The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the US from a sovereign Republic into a servile member of a one-world dictatorship." - Congressman John R. Rarick

"I think there are 25,000 individuals that have used offices of powers, and they are in our Universities and they are in our Congresses, and they believe in One World Government. And if you believe in One World Government, then you are talking about undermining National Sovereignty and you are talking about setting up something that you could well call a Dictatorship - and those plans are there!" - Congressman Ron Paul at an event near Austin, Texas on August 30th, 2003

"What is being arranged in Washington these days is really a gigantic experiment in internationalism. We are witnessing the creation of a supranational control of the world's necessities. The old notions of sovereignty no longer govern the facts. We have entered upon another phase of political unification, a phase greater in its methods to the formation of national states in the nineteenth century. This is the birth of the League of Nations." - Walter Lippman (American writer, journalist, and political commentator.), April 1917

"Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be grateful! This would especially be true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a World Government." - Henry Kissinger, Bilderburg Conference, Evians, France 1991

"The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts." - Henry Ford, Industry Giant

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years... "It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government." "The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries." - David Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission Founder 1991

"Actually it was the calculated shearing of the public by the World-Money powers triggered by the planned sudden shortage of call money in the New York Money Market" (That triggered the collapse of the stock market in '29) "For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But he didn't... Most of his thoughts were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations - One World Money Group." "The United Nations is but a long range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power."

"The One-World government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve bank." - Curtis Dall, FDR's Son-in-law (These are quotes from his book - FDR: My Exploited Father-in-law)

"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all." - Strobe Talbott, Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State 1992

"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as words and money." - Arthur Schlesinger, U.S. Historian 1995 "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - G. Brock Chisholm, co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, former director of UN World Health Organization

"Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order, to efficiency of operation, to scientific advancement and the like." - William O. Douglas 1898-1980), U. S. Supreme Court Justice

"The Rockefeller File is not fiction. It is a compact, powerful and frightening presentation of what may be the most important story of our lifetime - the drive of the Rockefellers and their allies to create a one-world government combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.......not one has dared reveal the most vital part of the Rockefeller story: that the Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent". On 31 August 1983, McDonald was killed aboard Korean Airline 007 flight which "accidentally" strayed over Soviet airspace and was "accidentally" shot down. The media reporting was scant and short-lived and not a single mention was publicly made about the fact that McDonald had been heading a congressional effort to expose what he called a dangerous international conspiracy." - In November of 1975, Congressman Larry P. McDonald spearheaded efforts against the New World Order. He wrote the introduction to The Rockefeller File which stated the above.
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I would just like to add: There must be some jokers out there with plenty of money to spend as we see by the Illumicorp video which must have cost a lot but we also have some very difficult to track down 'investors' who at great expense decided we could all do with this little mystery. Talk about symbolism and numerology:

American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse

What in the world would it be for? Fendley asked. Christian explained that the structure he had in mind would serve as a compass, calendar, and clock. It would also need to be engraved with a set of guides written in eight of the world's major languages. And it had to be capable of withstanding the most catastrophic events, so that the shattered remnants of humanity would be able to use those guides to reestablish a better civilization than the one that was about to destroy itself.
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A Christian organization is pressuring the community of Elberton, Ga., to tear down a massive, granite monument that lists an alternative set of Ten Commandments that the organization labels satanic.

The monument, known as the Georgia Guidestones, was built under a cloud of mystery in 1980. It lists 10 commandments in eight different languages, including a call to establish a new world language, limit human population to 500 million and avoid being “a cancer on the Earth.”

“We have atheists and Satanists getting the Bible’s Ten Commandments removed from public property,” said Mark Dice, spokesman for the group The Resistance, “yet the satanic Georgia Guidestones have stood for decades, and nobody seems to care. Well, we do.”

Comparing the monument’s command to “maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature” with an estimated world’s population of over 6 billion, Dice told WND, “Regardless of anyone’s religion, I think they would find it objectionable that there’s this monument that calls for the elimination of over 90 percent of the world’s population.”
Who was R.C. Christian?

It was an ordinary Friday afternoon in 1979 when he first appeared at the Elberton Granite Finishing Company. The well-dressed stranger told the owner that he wanted to build a granite monument of a scale and complexity that was unheard of even in a major hub of the granite industry. The owner dismissed the stranger as a practical joker and sent him to a local banker, Wyatt Martin, to see if the man could actually fund such a massive project. To the shock and surprise of the locals, Mr. Christian made good on his intention to build the monument, and the Georgia Guidestones were unveiled to the world on the spring equinox of 1980.

“Christian told Martin that he represented a group of individuals who had planned this project for more than 20 years, and that each one of the group was a loyal American who believed in God and country. He said the group of sponsors wished to remain anonymous and went on to say that his real name was not Robert C. Christian as he had introduced himself, but this was simply a name chosen because of his Christian faith.”

“The group feels by having our identity remain secret, it will not distract from the monument and its meaning,” said Christian. ‘The message. to be inscribed on the stones, is to all mankind and is non-sectarian, nor nationalistic, nor in any sense political. The stones must speak for themselves to all who take note and should appeal to believers and non-believers, wherever, and at all times,” he continued.”

The true identity of Mr. Christian and his anonymous group is still shrouded in mystery. Only the looming face of the stones, local legends, and a curious book written by the monument’s creator seem to shed much light on the subject.

Many believe that R.C. Christian was merely spinning a cover story, and that his name links the small “group of loyal Americans” to a secret society known as the Order of the Rosy Cross. Find out more in The Georgia Guidestones: America’s Most Mysterious Monument, coming Summer 2011
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Not to be confused with:'s_Stonehenge near Salem home of your commonal garden witch trials
Buddy, move on. You're doing this whole crusade thing based on symbols, for Pete's sake. And again, Masons and Illuminati are not related at all. That means that the pyramid with the eye that you hail so much is completely unrelated to to the crap you are spouting NWO. Speaking of it though, I have something that you might want to read. Of course, this person explains it much better then I could, so here goes:

Enjoy :)
To me, all of this makes no sense... a bunch of conspiracy buffs are arguing that such a group does exist, but when you ask them for proof, the only thing they've got to show are symbols, hand gestures, and misquoting people with power. the previous guy on top of this page (who I presume is Lee Oswald) gives a big amount of 'facts' in order to prove his point and to make Mick feel overwhelmed. ( I mean, he just copy pasted an entire website page, and that website looks shady as all hell)

Not only does it make no sense, but it scares people to death, especially with those youtube videos. The only thing I can say to conspiracy believers, is that when they have evidence that is peer reviewed, corrected, and to proven, come back to show this to us. And by the time you might get it, well, all of the folks on Metabunk would be dead.
I would just like to add: There must be some jokers out there with plenty of money to spend as we see by the Illumicorp video which must have cost a lot but we also have some very difficult to track down 'investors' who at great expense decided we could all do with this little mystery. Talk about symbolism and numerology:

The true identity of Mr. Christian and his anonymous group is still shrouded in mystery. Only the looming face of the stones, local legends, and a curious book written by the monument’s creator seem to shed much light on the subject.

Many believe that R.C. Christian was merely spinning a cover story, and that his name links the small “group of loyal Americans” to a secret society known as the Order of the Rosy Cross. Find out more in The Georgia Guidestones: America’s Most Mysterious Monument, coming Summer 2011

I think it most probably a product of The Rosicrucian's 'CRC'

From Manly P Hall's 'The Secret Teachings of all Ages' 1928

The Fraternity of R.C. is an august and sovereign body, arbitrarily manipulating the symbols of alchemy,
Qabbalism, astrology, and magic to the attainment of its own peculiar purposes, but entirely independent
of the cults whose terminology it employs. The three major objects of the Fraternity are:
1. The abolition of all monarchical forms of government and the substitution therefor of the rulership of
the philosophic elect. The present democracies are the direct outgrowth of Rosicrucian efforts to liberate
the maws from the domination of despotism. In the early part of the eighteenth century the Rosicrucians turned their attention to the new American Colonies, then forming the nucleus of a great nation in the New World. The American War of Independence represents their first great political experiment and resulted in the establishment of a national government founded upon the fundamental principles of divine and natural law. As an imperishable reminder of their sub rosa activities, the Rosicrucians left the Great Seal of the United States.

The Rosicrucians were also the instigators of the French Revolution, but in this instance were not wholly successful, owing to the fact that the fanaticism of the revolutionists could not be controlled and the Reign of Terror ensued.

2. The reformation of science, philosophy, and ethics. The Rosicrucians declared that the material arts
and sciences were but shadows of the divine wisdom, and that only by penetrating the innermost
recesses of Nature could man attain to reality and understanding. Though calling themselves Christians, the Rosicrucians were evidently Platonists and also profoundly versed in the deepest mysteries of early Hebrew and Hindu theology. There is undeniable evidence that the Rosicrucians desired to reestablish the institutions of the ancient Mysteries as the foremost method of instructing humanity in the secret and eternal doctrine.

Indeed, being in all probability the perpetuators of the ancient Mysteries, the
Rosicrucians were able to maintain themselves against the obliterating forces of dogmatic Christianity
only by absolute secrecy and the subtlety of their subterfuges. They so carefully guarded and preserved the Supreme Mystery--the identity and interrelationship of the Three Selves--that no one to whom they did not of their own accord reveal themselves has ever secured any satisfactory information regarding either the existence or the purpose of the Order. The Fraternity of R.C., through its outer organization, is gradually creating an environment or body in which the Illustrious Brother C.R.C. may ultimately incarnate and consummate for humanity the vast spiritual and material labors of the Fraternity.

3. The discovery of the Universal Medicine, or panacea, for all forms of disease. There is ample
evidence that the Rosicrucians were successful in their quest for the Elixir of Life. In his Theatrum
Chemicum Britannicum, Elias Ashmole states that the Rosicrucians were not appreciated in England, but
were welcomed on the Continent. He also states that Queen Elizabeth was twice cured of the smallpox
by the Brethren of the Rosy Cross, and that the Earl of Norfolk was healed of leprosy by a Rosicrucian
physician. In the quotations that follow it is .hinted by John Heydon that the Brothers of the Fraternity
possessed the secret of prolonging human existence indefinitely, but not beyond the time appointed by
the will of God:
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To be honest Clock, I do wonder how you manage to make such ill informed and grand pronouncements as
a bunch of conspiracy buffs are arguing that such a group does exist, but when you ask them for proof, the only thing they've got to show are symbols, hand gestures, and misquoting people with power
Just because you do not know about something, does not mean it is wrong or does not exist, have you ever considered that people know more than you do about certain things? Whatever happened to being 'open minded'?
To be honest Clock, I do wonder how you manage to make such ill informed and grand pronouncements as

Just because you do not know about something, does not mean it is wrong or does not exist, have you ever considered that people know more than you do about certain things? Whatever happened to being 'open minded'?

I am open minded, that hasn't changed (if I wasn't open minded, I wouldn't be on this website!) Of course people know more than I do in certain things. That's why they have degrees at school. Of course, it may seem like nothing compared to a high school student, which is why I usually just point out the research that they made (and sometimes doing an awful job at it, like in the Bin Laden 9 lives thread) but I am new in this field, so that's that.

What I was talking about the symbols referred to the beginning of the thread, in which Lee (a member Mick banned for 33 years) kept on referring to the amounts of triangles and called it 'proof'. I've done my research on it, and I stand by what I said.
To me, all of this makes no sense... a bunch of conspiracy buffs are arguing that such a group does exist, but when you ask them for proof, the only thing they've got to show are symbols, hand gestures, and misquoting people with power. the previous guy on top of this page (who I presume is Lee Oswald) gives a big amount of 'facts' in order to prove his point and to make Mick feel overwhelmed. ( I mean, he just copy pasted an entire website page, and that website looks shady as all hell)

Not only does it make no sense, but it scares people to death, especially with those youtube videos. The only thing I can say to conspiracy believers, is that when they have evidence that is peer reviewed, corrected, and to proven, come back to show this to us. And by the time you might get it, well, all of the folks on Metabunk would be dead.

Hi. The guy at the top of this page is not lee oswald, that's me. Neither did lee oswald title this thread - it was an offshoot from another thread which had gone off-topic. For the record: personally, I've never mentioned the name 'illuminati' except in reference to others using it. All the symbols in this thread appear to have a connection to freemasonry.

a bunch of conspiracy buffs are arguing that such a group does exist, but when you ask them for proof, the only thing they've got to show are symbols, hand gestures, and misquoting people with power.

But such a group does exist. Take the Masonic president's tour (perhaps not quite up to date, I feel) here:
Hi. The guy at the top of this page is not lee oswald, that's me.

Confused :confused:

But such a group does exist. Take the Masonic president's tour (perhaps not quite up to date, I feel) here:[/QUOTE]

Of course Freemasons exist. I do not deny that. In my opinion, personal beliefs should not matter, especially in a political environment. I'm saying that a government (or governments) ruling with Global Domination Agenda lacks proof, and symbols don't really mean anything.
Confused :confused:

But such a group does exist. Take the Masonic president's tour (perhaps not quite up to date, I feel) here:

Of course Freemasons exist. I do not deny that. In my opinion, personal beliefs should not matter, especially in a political environment. I'm saying that a government (or governments) ruling with Global Domination Agenda lacks proof, and symbols don't really mean anything.

Symbolisim is the earliest means of communication, i.e. as in facial representation, (a smile or baring of teeth, disgust or fear etc); which leads on to posture, (cowering, rolling on to ones back thereby exposing one's vulnerable parts being an act of submission or puffing out one's chest drawing one's self up to full height, being an act of aggression or resistance).

But these evolved into more elaborate signs such as holding up one's hand in a gesture of peace, signifying that you were unarmed etc. Cave drawings and hieroglyphs constituted the first writings.

Symbolism is extremely powerful and can be interpreted in different ways, often having secret meanings to the initiated, a form of code.

Timings of events are regularly symbolic, such as birthdays or anniversary's etc.

Symbolism is found in gangs, nations, religion and many other areas... some of which is plain in meaning but some of which may be dualistic in nature, meaning one thing to the uninitiated and another to the initiated.

What is being suggested here is that there are a number of groups which seek world domination, some overtly as in the case of Catholicism and Communism and some covertly as in the Illuminatti.

As I said before, just simply on the basis of 'you do not see it', does not mean it does not exist.
Not exactly true. Great Britain is the name of the island, the country name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Not exactly true, either.

Great Britain is the name given to the political union of England, Scotland and Wales. The UK is the political union of those three plus Northern Ireland, which is really a partitioned bit of another country (Ireland).

The British Isles is the name given to all the islands including the island of Ireland, Scilly Isles, Isle of Wight, Orkneys, Shetlands, Hebrides etc etc
The name given to that political union was the Kingdom of Great Britain. Great Britain is the name of the island, the largest of the British Isles that gave its name to that Kingdom.

Actually, I believe it comes from the French and was originally Grande Bretagne, which merely signifies it is the larger part of Brittany. It has nothing to do with being 'great' in the other sense.

The old name was Albion which is rooted in the Arabic Albi, meaning white, as in albino. It may well have derived from the White Cliffs of Dover.
Actually, I believe it comes from the French and was originally Grande Bretagne, which merely signifies it is the larger part of Brittany. It has nothing to do with being 'great' in the other sense.

Brittany was indeed known as Little Britain, but it was well before it became a part of the French state.
Brittany got its name from romano-Britons who went there some time in the late Roman or early medieval period.

The Islands of Briton were known by that name from antiquity - Aristotle wrote of them - "There are two very large islands in it, called the British Isles, Albion and Ierne", and hte Romans called the islands "Britannia", and the inhabitants "Britons"
Thank you. And my point is that they seem to be cherry-picked meaningless coincidences.

That was post 236 in the thread (2+3+6 = 11), and your 1073rd post (1+0+7+3 = 11). You joined in September 2011, The string "lee h oswald" with spaces has 11 letters, without it has 9 (9/11 duality). "Senior Member" without spaces has 11 letters. The word "coincidence" has 11 letters.


[Edit] And why post at a meaningless time like 7:33? I was confused by the automatic conversion to PDT. Of course that's 14:33 GMT.1+4+3+3 = 11. It must have taken you forever to plan and execute such a magnificent array of synchronicity!

How's that for a BAM!!!! I know that post was a few months old, but that was sheer Brilliance!
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How's that for a BAM!!!! I know that post was a few months old, but that was sheer Brilliance!

Glad you brought this up. Considering there's very little actual Numerology going on, it might be 'quite good', rather than 'brilliant' - but only if you actually get things right - it's a technical point.

The string "lee h oswald" with spaces has 11 letters, without it has 9 (9/11 duality).

No it doesn't have 11 letters and spaces, it has 12. All you have to do is count them. Without it does not have 9 - it has ten. So a 10-12 'duality' then? Whatever that is.

I was confused by the automatic conversion to PDT. Of course that's 14:33 GMT.1+4+3+3 = 11. It must have taken you forever to plan and execute such a magnificent array of synchronicity!

Confused indeed. Because when the post was made - in the UK - the time was actually in BST - British Summertime, which is one hour ahead at 15:33 - making 12 again! Not eleven.

"Senior Member" without spaces has 11 letters

No it does not. Senior has 6 letters and so does member - without a space that makes 12 - again.

That's three 12's then - seems Mick is a 9. Know what I mean?

Mate - you should actually try checking what people say is true - especially when it's laid out right in front of you.
Lee, I think you're missing the point. The fact is in that the previous points you were looking at numerology at everywhere, and I guess Mick was giving you a taste of your own "medicine".

And I can do numerology too:

that's 3 12's that you mentioned in the post. And 2012 is the last year in which we are going to have repeating numbers for dates and years (as long as we are alive)

December (12th month of the year) 12th 2012


Also, you're post was posted at 7:11.


And you know what 7/11 also stands for?


You guessed it!

Lee is payed by 7/11 gas stations to do his posts!!!!!!!

Is this a dumb reply? Incredibly so.
Is this a silly subject? You bet.
Speaking of numerology, where are the "official rules" of numerology? I'm trying to do a piece on numerology and it seems the rules change depending on where you look. :cool:
To me, all of this makes no sense... ..........the previous guy on top of this page (who I presume is Lee Oswald)

Not surprising you can't make any sense out of it when you can't even tell who's posting!

I am open minded, that hasn't changed (if I wasn't open minded, I wouldn't be on this website!)

That's quite funny.

What I was talking about the symbols referred to the beginning of the thread, in which Lee kept on referring to the amounts of triangles and called it 'proof'. I've done my research on it, and I stand by what I said.

Alright then. You better stand by what you said just there and back up all that research you say you've done. I reckon, if you can make comments like: Lee kept on referring to the amounts of triangles and called it 'proof'
then you can show me where I claimed the 'proof' you're talkng about, yes? And what it was 'proof' of, while you're at it. Please quote the relevant text. That should be easy - I imagine it was part of your extensive research - and it's all right here, to hand, so you can quickly point out what you're referring to. Or can you?

Lee, I think you're missing the point. The fact is in that the previous points you were looking at numerology at everywhere, and I guess Mick was giving you a taste of your own "medicine".

You think I'm missing the point? No, surely the point is that if you're going to make a song and dance to try and make fun of something you don't really understand, then you should at least be correct in your method, no? It's a simple point - you know, like saying that 'lee h oswald' with spaces has 11 characters - which doesn't relate to anything to do with numerology and all to do with bad arithmetic. If you're going to make a point out of it, it should be at the least arithmetically correct, don't you think?

And I can do numerology too:

No, you can't - you haven't got the faintest clue. You shouldn't play around with things you don't understand at all.
And I can do numerology too:
No, you can't - you haven't got the faintest clue. You shouldn't play around with things you don't understand at all.

I thought he did a sterling job of numerology - linking perceived number patterns to other stuff.

What's to not understand? I guess believers do not understand that it is fantasy, but apart from that...???
The Papal Throne... the Resurrection of Christ... Allegedly

I mean, I am not even religious and it sickens me... how anyone with faith puts up with it, is beyond me.

[Broken External Image]:

The backdrop is called 'The Resurrection and is a statue depicting Jesusrising from a nuclear bomb crater, created by Pericle Fazzini for Pope
Paul VI in '77 for the indoor settings for general
audiences with the Pope.

Content from External Source
Bomb crater looks more like Fires of Hell complete with skulls/faces (but that's just an optical illusion lol)

Can't see an owl.

And Jesus wept

Papal priests worshiping the Pontiff in the Papal throne in Rome
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Papal priests worshiping the Pontiff in the Papal throne in Rome

Or alternatively making a gesture of humility.

Why does the man becoming a priest lie prostrate on the floor during the ordination?

Within the ordination rite the man being ordained lies prostrate during the Litany of Saints and the prayer that follows it. It symbolizes his unworthiness for the office to be assumed and his dependence upon God and the prayers of the entire Christian community to be successful in his new ministry.
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Or alternatively making a gesture of humility.

Why does the man becoming a priest lie prostrate on the floor during the ordination?

Within the ordination rite the man being ordained lies prostrate during the Litany of Saints and the prayer that follows it. It symbolizes his unworthiness for the office to be assumed and his dependence upon God and the prayers of the entire Christian community to be successful in his new ministry.
Content from External Source

And yet they prostrate themselves before The Pope. (in all his regal finery and flaunted wealth and pagan symbols)

Where's my Owl!
And yet they prostrate themselves before The Pope. (in all his regal finery and flaunted wealth and pagan symbols)

Where's my Owl!

Tell you what, once you start looking, they're everywhere! On the corner of his plinth-thing, an owl in full flight, swooping in on its prey...




  • owl-flying.jpg
    50.8 KB · Views: 587
The Papal Throne... the Resurrection of Christ... Allegedly

I mean, I am not even religious and it sickens me... how anyone with faith puts up with it, is beyond me.

[Broken External Image]:

The backdrop is called 'The Resurrection and is a statue depicting Jesusrising from a nuclear bomb crater, created by Pericle Fazzini for Pope
Paul VI in '77 for the indoor settings for general
audiences with the Pope.

Content from External Source
Bomb crater looks more like Fires of Hell complete with skulls/faces (but that's just an optical illusion lol)

It does look creepy indeed... but this is what the artist who designed this thing had to say about it :
“Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy.”

It is basically, a modern representation of the Resurrection of Christ, but I do admit that is looks a bit unsettling.
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It does look creepy indeed... but this is what the artist who designed this thing had to say about it :
“Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy.”

It is basically, a modern representation of the Resurrection of Christ, but I do admit that is looks a bit unsettling.

Well I am glad we can finally agree to some degree on something. But does anyone think it appropriate? I mean where has his gigantic penis gone, (from previous artistic desecrations)?

Whatever happened to the Bible? Second coming is supposed to be from Heaven not Hell... unless the description is slightly wrong i.e. 'Anti Christ rises from this crater torn open by Obama's droned nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy'

Who commissioned it, what was the brief associated with the commission?

What are these people up to?
Hmm, not sure, there isn't that much info on this thing (Wikipedia pages of it are empty) and if there was info on it, it leads to Conspiracy Websites.

'Anti Christ rises from this crater torn open by Obama's droned nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy'

I think that is wrong, considering that the sculpture was made in 1977, during the Cold War days.

I believe that the bible says that Jesus will come back in a time of need, bring up all of his believers and good people with him in heaven and he will leave all of the evil doers on earth to rot. (I'm paraphrasing here, pretty sure it doesn't say 'rot')

I suppose that in a scene of total horror, hope arrives...

But honestly, I don't think that it is a big deal, this hall is just an alternative to St. Peters Square. (Every Wednesday, the pope makes statements to his general audience)
Tell you what, once you start looking, they're everywhere! On the corner of his plinth-thing, an owl in full flight, swooping in on its prey...



That's a nice looking owl. Think it's been held back in life. They could be eagles or griffins or phoenix on the throne though can't see definitively... but I think they are owls :)

Who commissioned it, what was the brief associated with the commission?

What are these people up to?

Secret knowledge, only $69

Sometimes a sculpture is just a sculpture. Sure it's full of symbolism, but just the regular Catholic variety. I grew up Catholic, and the church I went to (Sacred Heart, Bingley, UK), had a huge stained glass window that had a bizzarre amalgam of modern and classical symbols that would probably give you a conniption. I stared at this window every week for a decade, trying to figure it out:

The thing is, it's just one guy. It's just the individual artist trying to tell a story in his or her individual manner.
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Tying this to the owl thread, I just noticed

OWL + 2 = OWN (i.e. N is two letters after L)
OWN backwards = NWO

I thought he did a sterling job of numerology - linking perceived number patterns to other stuff.

What's to not understand? I guess believers do not understand that it is fantasy, but apart from that...???


numerology - linking perceived number patterns to other stuff.

Damn. I've been going under a false assumption all this time. I thought the definition of N was the branch of knowledge dealing with the occult meaning of numbers. Pythagoras and Plato and more than a few others since, would disagree with you. Who should I be more interested in, Plato and Pythagoras, or MikeC? Hm. Let me think.

What's to not understand?

Well, given your 'definition', it's pretty clear you don't understand it.

I guess believers do not understand that it is fantasy

It's no fantasy - it exists. But you can keep guessing.

It's very interesting how the naysayers and denialists ramp it up when it comes to things like this. If it's so ridiculous then just ignore it. But they can't. Not satisfied with not being interested and/or not having the first clue about it, the need is felt to make fun of a subject they simply can't fathom.

Mike, I think you like your 'history' - the truth of which, according to Camus, is the very lowest form of truth - and I'd agree with that sentiment to a large degree. Yet you'll happily soak it up and repeat its dubious tales for others. Numerology - and many other occult practices - are historical fact. Just as much a fact as Napoleon, the Boer wars, Culloden etc.

In fact, here's a series of historical events, put together by an Adept, about 110 years ago. Some very simple numerology and some history, specifically for you. Maybe you'd like to fact check it against your history books. It's other books you'll need if you want to understand these things a bit better, though I feel sure you don't want to understand better, but more probably continue to make uninformed wafting generalizations from the sidelines.

It has been well said that "history repeats itself." Nothing perhaps could so intimately portray this fact than the parallelism, even to minute details, of the lives of St. Louis of France and King Louis XVI of France, as here set forth in detail :-

Birth of St. Louis, April 23 1215
An interval of years 539
Birth of Louis XVI, August 23 1754
Birth of Isabelle, sister of St. Louis 1225
Interval 539
Birth of Elizabeth, sister of Louis XVI 1764
Death of Louis VIII, father of St. Louis 1226
Interval 539
Death of the Dauphin, father of Louis XVI 1765
Minority of St. Louis begins 1226
Interval 539
Minority of Louis XVI begins 1765
Marriage of St. Louis 1231
Interval 539
Marriage of Louis XVI 1770
Majority of St. Louis (King) 1235
Interval 539
Accession of Louis XVI 1774
St. Louis concludes a Peace with Henry III 1243
Interval 539
Louis XVI concludes a Peace with George III 1782
An Eastern Prince sends ambassador to St. Louis, desiring to become a Christian 1249
Interval 539
An Eastern Prince sends ambassador to Louis XVI with the same object 1788
Captivity of St. Louis 1250
Interval 539
Captivity of Louis XVI 1789
St. Louis abandoned 1250
Interval 539
Louis XVI abandoned 1789
Birth of Tristan (Sorrow) 1250
Interval 539
Death of Dauphin 1789
Beginning of Pastoral under Jacob 1250
Interval 539
Beginning of the Jacobins 1789
Death of Isabelle d’Angoulême 1250
Interval 539
Birth of Isabelle d’Angoulême 1789
Death of Queen Blanche, mother of St. Louis 1253
Interval 539
End of the White Lily of France 1792
St. Louis desires to retire and become a Jacobin 1254
Interval 539

Louis XVI quits life at the hands of the Jacobins 1793
St. Louis returns to Madeleine in Provence 1254
Interval 539
Louis XVI interred in the Cemetery of Madeleine 1793

In this return to their native soil the two remarkable lives of these remarkable Kings of France came to a parallel close. It would of itself appear to afford sufficient grounds for a belief in the reincarnation of souls. By a certain numerical valuation of the name St. Louis, which is composed of 6154361 = 26 = 8, it is found equal to 539 = 17 = 8, the number of years between the two kings. Also Louis XVI = 63116 = 17, which again yields a unit value of 8, the number signifying "Cyclic revolution" or, according to the Kabala, "Justice, equilibrium, the balance." Here it would certainly appear that St. Louis had "come again to his own."
Content from External Source
There's a lot more to this world than history books, legislation, science and atheism. For a short cut, I recommend a nice hot mug of ayahuasca, to begin with.
Lee, do you believe these numerical repetitions occur for just people of note or for everyone?? If so can you apply these to your life . . . not that you are not a person of "note" . . . LoL!!!
Lee, do you believe these numerical repetitions occur for just people of note or for everyone?? If so can you apply these to your life . . . not that you are not a person of "note" . . . LoL!!!

I think you might be confusing interest with belief; there's quite a lot of that misconception round here - I thought you were above that, but maybe it's infectious? 'Belief' doesn't come into it - not as far as I'm concerned. It's just an example, specially tailored for someone with a history interest. Why don't you check the historical accuracy in the source? I think you'll find it's in order. What can you say about it? It's a lot of coincidence? or LoL?

Also, G, you've mentioned some things on different threads here, some of them about your belief in people you've known claiming to have healing or diagnostic powers, intuition....the 'supernatural', the power of consciousness etc. I think those subjects are fascinating - and not really to be laughed at.

Look who thanks you though. Maybe there's a sign in there.