Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

Can you restate this in your own words?

When 100 feet over there the wind is blowing 10mph (45 degree flag) and where we're standing there is no wind (no flapping on flag where we are standing), and 1000 feet above us is a 1-2 meter sack of extremely light foil EID balloons moving at 18mph then, it is being moved by changing windspeeds and we should see it moving in less rigid fashion as we do with other silmilar balloons:

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When 100 feet over there the wind is blowing 18-20mph (45 degree flag) and right here, there is no wind (no flapping on flag where we are standing) then 1000 feet above us is a 1-2 meter sack of extremely light foil EID balloons moving at 18mph then, it is being moved by constant changes of windspeeds, and we should see it moving in less rigid fashion as we do with other silmilar balloons:

You're reinforcing my idea that you're not reading what I post.

I asked if you can restate this in your own words:
...the flapping of a 'flag' is not because of the turbulence in the wind, or the presence of the flagpole," says Zhang. "It [the flapping] is intrinsically embedded in the system, as a result of the inertia dynamics of the flag interacting with the surrounding fluid flow."
The flapping of a flag, is not because of the turbulence in the wind, or the presence of a flag pole" says toobigtofool "it is the result of wind being blown against it"
The flapping of a flag, is not because of the turbulence in the wind, or the presence of a flag pole" says toobigtofool "it is the result of wind being blown against it"
-Not against
-Not addressing the subject

Focus on this:
"It [the flapping] is intrinsically embedded in the system, as a result of the inertia dynamics of the flag interacting with the surrounding fluid flow."
I agree this is our best bet but I also think when you look at the video it looks not at all like this.

But I don't know how blurry or what it is the image there is over 2 meters in size, so likely bigger than what we're looking at, and even then at this scale you can clearly identify the balloon shapes when its scaled down:

I garbled up some of the images... idk Im just doin my best to see what the heck it is were looking at.


There are complicating factors to consider, which have been mentioned upstream:
  • Mixed potential transparency of balloons: A bundle of balloons may consist of latex, mylar (coated and uncoated) or a mix of both. Latex balloons are *mostly* transparent to IR, but as you can see in one of the Dave Falch videos they're not totally transparent; where you're looking along the edges and where they overlap you'll get more opacity. Foil-coated mylar balloons reflect the surrounding environment. Balloons also deflate at different rates, and/or pop, so you can have popped or partially deflated balloons dangling below a bundle.
  • The infrared video has unspecified modications: The camera system involved is apparently a Wescam MX-20 hanging from a Persistent Threat Detection System (PTDS) aerostat, a payload which Wescam advertising as having "Real-time image enhancement on all sensors" with "High-performance haze penetration" and offering "imaging blending," in which "Multi-spectral imaging blends matched images from multiple sensors, uncovering greater detail in each frame." So what we're seeing is a screen-grab of a recording of a heavily processed video intended for threat identification; it may be adding or suppressing details.
I disagree that lots of things move through the air using buoyancy at 1000 feet in a straight line, without going up or down or being effected by windsheer at that altitude.

The buoyancy of a balloon will depend on what's inside it, if the balloon is deflated enough it could just be naturally buoyant at an altitude of around 1000 ft, and if the winds are calm it could just stay at that altitude.

It's really hard to find examples of stable balloons that aren't just flying a couple of miles up, mostly because nobody is out there recording random balloons. Release footage will tend to have the balloon constantly rising up and constantly wobble as it hasn't had much time to find a balanced position. Ironically, I think the best way to find footage of balloons that are travelling in stable conditions would be to look for them in "orbs UFO" videos, but this of course has the issue that they are UFOs and we don't know if those are balloons either.

For example, here
(which is sadly another release video) most balloons are rising and wobbling but you can see that in low winds they are relatively stable (compared to other footage out there where they go crazy). Particularly, there's a green balloon at the bottom right by the end that doesn't seem to be rising much and it is more stable than the rest.

I do realize that this is like a 10 second clip from a weird angle and none of the balloons are really all that stable, but I think it demonstrates briefly the principle of what I'm trying to describe. The balloons still move around, but I don't think they've had time to get to an open place and a stable height to truly be at rest. Overall, I just really wish hot air balloons weren't called that since they take over every search whenever I try looking for a balloon.

My thinking is that, after flying for several miles, you would expect any balloon to be at a relatively constant altitude if the winds are calm.
The buoyancy of a balloon will depend on what's inside it, if the balloon is deflated enough it could just be naturally buoyant at an altitude of around 1000 ft, and if the winds are calm it could just stay at that altitude.

It's really hard to find examples of stable balloons that aren't just flying a couple of miles up, mostly because nobody is out there recording random balloons. Release footage will tend to have the balloon constantly rising up and constantly wobble as it hasn't had much time to find a balanced position.
Another issue is that a lot of the videos posted of wandering balloons were videoed by drones with a short focal length lens camera. Which means the drone had to get pretty close, even though it may not look like it.

The turbulence from the drone is sometimes tossing the balloon around.

Turbulence is most evident in the video of the guy on the ultralight catching escaped balloons in midair. Not too subtle since he talks about them spinning in his wake.
Not the greatest video, but from around 1m20 onward there's a good look at balloon of some kind travelling at a constant speed in the wind, without ascending, or bits of it flapping.

Also light a match and blow it out. The smoke goes all over the place in a chaotic turbulent way even at very low speeds.
They key phrase here is "BLOW it out". Of course that causes turbulence. But if I light a stick of incense (and the window is closed, and the furnace is not blowing air into the room), the smoke tends to rise in a smooth flow.
Balloon stuffing.
How it's done.

This is what it looks like.

Probably not directly relevant to this sighting, but it got me thinking. Instead of a net...

What if our UAP is several different flimsy plastic bags filled with very small latex balloons such as the hearts we see in the wedding video? Maybe 6 or 8 flimsy bags filled with small helium latex balloons and tied all together. The flimsy bags don't have helium; they just hold the helium balloons together.

I mean like dry cleaning bags.




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The flapping of a flag, is not because of the turbulence in the wind, or the presence of a flag pole" says toobigtofool "it is the result of wind being blown against it"
The flag (1) does not have the buoyancy we see in balloons, and (2) is fastened to the flagpole, so its movement is constrained. It isn't floating with the wind. This is an essential point you're not grasping: a tethered thing must fight against a wind, while a free-floating thing travels along with the wind.

If you travel in a convertible at twenty miles an hour with no external wind, you feel a twenty mile an hour wind. If you are in a balloon going along with a twenty mile an hour wind, you don't feel much at all, unless there's turbulence.
Cleaning bags.png

Oh, man. I cropped it too close on the left. The one in the upper left hand corner is supposed to say "corner of bag."

The lower left "leg" (on our right) is a bit ripped on the bottom, and a shred is hanging down.

The "legs" are cinched to the bags above them with string or tape, or some such. Making a kind of rigid attachment.

What do you think?
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6 Pieces Balloon Transport Bags


But our balloon-like object could be made up of dry cleaning bags, which would be smaller still.

So maybe a Baghdad street vendor assembled a makeshift bundle of transport bags... and lost it.

"Well, there goes today's profits."
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The Berliner 3 balloon weighs 2.2 tons
OK. What does that have to do with anything, though? It will be accelerated to wind speed, just like a smaller balloon, after which it will move along at the same speed as the wind. Just like a small balloon. After which, unless there is turbulence to shove different parts of it at different rates, it will be in zero relative wind.
Yet we have wind that is pushing it approximately 5, 10, 18 or so MPH (based on best estimates ITT afik) and a flag that looks as though there is barely any breeze on the ground below.
Wind speed on the ground is slower and more turbulent than in clear air above the ground. Friction with the ground as the wind flows around obstructions reduces wind speed, and creates lots of turbulence, at and just above the ground. Are you now claiming the behavior of the flag is anomalous? I'm not sure what your point is.
I think it will, when we find evidence of a balloon flying through the air in the same way because that shouldn't be hard to reproduce.
A balloon at 1000 ft up from a stationary camera is typically a "white dot" UFO sighting. I think we had one in London when there was an aerial parade, but you're going to doubt it really was a balloon.

I certainly don't condone calling posters on metabunk (looking for sources of balloon flight characteristics) tantamount to flat earthers.
And I don't condone an "everyone else is wrong" attitude when someone has no sources or evidence.

I can see how you may think that. But the object even if it is a small balloon has a mass that far exceeds the air around it. It is not "one with the wind" as you are claiming.
A neutrally buoyant balloon has exactly the same mass as the air it is displacing, or it wouldn't float; same as a ship has exactly the same mass as the water it is displacing. (This is the "eureka!" moment Archimedes had in his bathtub.)
Also light a match and blow it out. The smoke goes all over the place in a chaotic turbulent way even at very low speeds.
Yes. That's why I have made a distinction between turbulent air (such as hot smoke rising) and non-turbulent flow.

If you travel by airplane, you'll encounter turbulence only in certain conditions, see my above excerpt on wind shear.

Turbulent air is common near the ground as ground features disturb the flow and cause eddies; that's why wind turbines are so large, to harness the less turbulent flows higher up.

If you ever watch a brook or river, notice where eddies form and where they don't.
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I agree this is our best bet but I also think when you look at the video it looks not at all like this.

But I don't know how blurry or what it is the image there is over 2 meters in size, so likely bigger than what we're looking at, and even then at this scale you can clearly identify the balloon shapes when its scaled down:

I garbled up some of the images... idk Im just doin my best to see what the heck it is were looking at.

@John J. maybe someone can edit the following picture from Mick's post quoted below?
1) Shrink the object by 30-50% (to 70% - 50% of its original site) to account for the fact that it's closer to the camera than the people on the ground
2) make one of the two guys on the ground hold it like a bunch of balloons at a fair

At a couple of points it flies in a way that would be in front of people if it were low. They don't react. Maybe it's dark, or maybe it's an indication it's high up

Looks like the slant range is 3.5KM. Slant angle seems, very roughly, about 30°, putting the aircraft at 1.75KM, or around 5-6000 feet.

So this could easily be some balloons 2,000 - 3,000 feet above the ground. With a strong parallax effect.
SmartSelect_20240121-071259_Samsung Internet.jpg
(colorizing is optional)
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A neutrally buoyant balloon has exactly the same mass as the air it is displacing, or it wouldn't float; same as a ship has exactly the same mass as the water it is displacing. (This is the "eureka!" moment Archimedes had in his bathtub.)
A balloon has plastic or latex. That is mass. And it far exceeds the mass of the ambient air. The same principles apply to a small balloon as applies to those massive hot air balloons. Just to a lesser extent.

The entropy of gases tends to be higher than solids or liquids because gases have more random, disordered motion.

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. In the context of thermodynamics, it is often associated with the number of ways that the particles in a system can be arranged. The more ways the particles can be arranged, the higher the entropy.
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Source: Why does the entropy of gases tend to be higher than solids or liquids?
A balloon has plastic or latex. That is mass. And it far exceeds the mass of the ambient air. The same principles apply to a small balloon as applies to those massive hot air balloons. Just to a lesser extent.
Why are you talking about the balloon, and the gas it contains, as separate?

If a helium latex balloon should pop, of course the empty balloon would fall. The helium it contained would rise.

Can't you see that if the balloon - and the gas it contains - were heavier than the air it displaces, it would sink? If it were lighter than the air around it, it would rise.

If it is neither sinking nor rising, the balloon - and the gas it contains - must have the same mass as the air it is displacing. What's hard or controversial about this?
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Can't you see that if were heavier than the air around it, it would sink? If it were lighter than the air around it, it would rise.

If it is neither sinking nor rising it must have the same mass as the air it is displacing. What's hard or controversial about this?
And you accuse me of not knowing physics...

Mass can be experimentally defined as a measure of the body's inertia, meaning the resistance to acceleration (change of velocity) when a net force is applied.[1] The object's mass also determines the strength of its gravitational attraction to other bodies.
Content from External Source

buoyancy is a separate concept.

For instance a hot air balloon has a LOT of mass but can be naturally buoyant. It's resistance to acceleration far exceeds the air around it.
How is entropy relevant? The gas is contained.
The entropy of gases tends to be higher than solids or liquids because gases have more random, disordered motion.

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. In the context of thermodynamics, it is often associated with the number of ways that the particles in a system can be arranged. The more ways the particles can be arranged, the higher the entropy.
How is entropy relevant? The gas is contained.
I am just pointing out that wind (gas) has high entropy. It is chaotic and turbulent by nature. It is just a basic piniciple that I think is relevant in this argument. A low entropy wind would be the exception not the rule.
No trolling. But I am right here. Mass is the resistance to acceleration. A balloon does not loose mass when you inflate it with helium.
I'm curious. What is your concept about why an empty latex balloon lies on the ground, but a latex balloon filled with helium rises? And a latex balloon filled with air lies on the ground.

And a hot air balloon rises.
I'm curious. What is your concept about why an empty latex balloon lies on the ground, but a latex balloon filled with helium rises? And a latex balloon filled with air lies on the ground.

"my concept" not loaded at all. Just admit it you did not understand that mass is a objects resistance to acceleration. Don't feel bad, it is not something I would expect anybody that has not taken college level physics to know.

But if you want to understand buoyancy I suggest reading the Wikipedia page.
I am just pointing out that wind (gas) has high entropy. It is chaotic and turbulent by nature. It is just a basic piniciple that I think is relevant in this argument. A low entropy wind would be the exception not the rule.
Ah. You're stuck on the problem of the balloon matching the velocity of the wind. (I guess.)

So your concept is that a balloon could never match the velocity of the wind because gases have more entropy than a solid (latex). (I guess.) Or is it that solids have more mass than gases, and since [your words] "mass is a objects resistance to acceleration" a gas (wind) could never move a solid (latex) as fast as the wind is blowing?

The issue is kinetic energy, not entropy. Yes, gases flow over (around) a solid, but that causes a drag force. Wind is pretty good at transferring kinetic energy to a solid. I think!

The momentum of a body is the product of its mass and its velocity. Isn't it?

And yes, the wind has less mass, per volume, than a latex balloon. But doesn't time have something to do with it? Impulse is the term that quantifies the overall effect of a force acting over time. I think!

The relationship between a force and the time that it acts in to change the momentum of an object is given by the formula FΔt = Δp. Where F is the force that acts, Δt is the time for which the force acts, and Δp is the change in momentum. If time increases, momentum increases. I thought!

... a hot air balloon has a LOT of mass but can be naturally buoyant. It's resistance to acceleration far exceeds the air around it.
Meaning that the resistance of the balloon to acceleration far exceeds the ability of the the air around it to accelerate because the mass of the balloon is greater than the air around it? If the air isn't moving there's only going to be air molecules randomly colliding with the entire surface of the balloon. Air pressure, in other words.

But the wind is blowing. The wind is flowing around the balloon. New air is always coming in. That's a lot of mass over time. The mass of air that flows around the balloon over time is going to be far greater than the mass of the balloon. And since air flowing around an object transfers kinetic energy to the object the balloon is going to accelerate. The wind isn't going to stop. So the kinetic energy is going to keep coming. What's hard about that?

Are you picturing the air flowing over (around) the balloon with no transfer of energy at all? Why do balloons move with the wind at all? Or is it your belief that the balloon will only be nudged and stop accelerating because the energy transfer will be so low? Because of the mass per volume of solids versus gasses?

The ability of wind to do work is pretty well known. I mean how does a windmill generate electricity? How did HMS Victory sail? Didn't Victory out mass the air around her? The blades of a windmill out mass the air around them... plus the wind turns the generator... C'mon. Pushing a hot air balloon should be pretty easy.

Victory never sailed as fast as the wind she was in, before the wind or close-hauled, but there's reason for that. I'll get to it.

Straighten me out, Everyone. Returning to FΔt = Δp... Would F decrease as the balloon moves faster? The wind wouldn't be moving as fast relative to the surface of the balloon as it was earlier. But F wouldn't decrease to zero until the relative velocity of the balloon and the wind equal zero.

You do think that wind can accelerate a latex balloon to at least some velocity? But why would the acceleration stop before the velocity of the balloon matches the velocity of the wind? At what point would the acceleration stop? At what percentage of the wind velocity?

Here's what I think in my artless way...

Over time the wind continues to do work. The balloon - and the gas inside it - gains momentum . There is a drag force on the balloon as long as it has a velocity different than the velocity of the wind, and there is a fluid flow over (around) the balloon.

When the balloon has a velocity lower than the velocity of the wind the drag force comes from the wind blowing over (around) the balloon, and the force is in the opposite direction to the relative motion of the balloon through the fluid flow; which is in the direction of the wind. I think you could call that thrust.

If the balloon were to have a velocity greater than the velocity of the wind, that would reverse the relative motion of balloon through the fluid flow. There's a drag force that also comes from air blowing over (around) the balloon, but the force is in the opposite direction to the wind. What is commonly called drag or wind resistance. The opposite drag forces will keep the velocity of the balloon steady. When the velocity of the balloon matches the velocity of the wind there is no drag force.

While the balloon is accelerating, there is a fluid flow around the balloon, and there may be turbulence. I'll keep it simple because turbulence is complex beyond my competence. Vortices may disturb the surface of the balloon. It may rustle. The balloon could spin or dance around. All that happens only when there's a mismatch between the balloon's velocity and the wind's velocity. That's what we see most often so that's what we would always expect to see if we were using system 1 thinking instead of system 2 thinking. Slipping some psychology in.

Over time the velocity of the balloon increases to match the velocity of the wind because the wind continues to transfer kinetic energy into the balloon until F equals zero. The turbulence stops.

Once the balloon matches the velocity of the wind the balloon can't continue to accelerate, because at that time the drag force in the opposite direction to the wind would take over. The balloon is bumping into the air in front of it. It would take kinetic energy to overcome the drag force but there's no further source of kinetic energy. The wind can't push something faster than it itself is blowing.

And now there's a balance between drag forces in opposite directions. The balloon continues to travel along with the wind at the same velocity. The is no fluid flow past the balloon so no vortices, as there are in the flapping flag example mentioned earlier. So the surface of the balloon is still. There are no forces coming at it from a different direction. Nothing can accelerate any part of the balloon.

Square-rigged ships sailing before the wind can never sail as fast as the wind because there's another factor, which is drag from the water. But the wind does continue to transfer kinetic energy into the ship as long as it blows. It moves the ship across the Atlantic... in time. A lot of kinetic energy.

But if you think wind can't continue to accelerate a free floating hot air balloon until the velocity of the balloon and the velocity of the wind match... you'll have to show why the wind can't continue to transfer kinetic energy into the balloon before their velocities match. After all, the balloon accelerates in a wind even in your model. At what point, in your model, does the acceleration end?

Do you have an additional source of drag in your model" Such as the drag from the water in the ship example?

In my concept, when there is no fluid flow over (around) the balloon, the surface of balloon is static. And a bunch of balloons are static to one another. And balloon passengers feel no wind. A passenger could hold a the flimsiest half-inflated "mylar" balloon and there wouldn't be a rustle. Or a ribbon, or string, whatever. It's against common experience, but if someone can't get past that, that's a psychological problem.

If anyone has some comments or corrections I'm open. I only know basic physics.

I'll add some things. It's a classic problem in basic physics.

If a hot air balloon is being carried by a continuous wind current in a particular direction, in which direction will the flags on its basket wave?

The balloon will asymptotically approach the wind velocity. As it gets close, the force due to drag will decrease because the apparent wind will be small. To the extent it matches the wind velocity, flags will hang straight down. To the extent it is (barely) below wind velocity, the flags will point (just a little) in the direction of the wind. If the wind slows down a bit, the flags will point backwards until the balloon slows down to the new velocity.
answered Jan 16, 2016 at 15:26
Ross Millikan's user avatar
Ross Millikan

  • Since the wind is moving the balloon and given the size of hot air balloons can the speed of the balloon reach that of the wind?
    Jan 18, 2016 at 7:00

  • @ispirato: I said it in the first sentence. The balloon speed will approach the air speed asymptotically. It is the same as if the balloon were magically started moving at the wind velocity in still air. It will slow down, appoaching zero speed asymptotically. The two situations are equivalent-the balloon starts with a certain velocity relative to the air and that velocity decays away.
    Ross Millikan
    Jan 18, 2016 at 7:03

Hey there Physics friends!

I've been struggling with what seems to be a very basic physics question. Let's say that I have wind vector for a given altitude and location, and I want to calculate the flight path of a hot air balloon.

So once the balloon hits that wind, would you calculate forward distance based on the wind speed (so would the balloon speed be exactly the average wind speed) or would you use the standard drag equation to calculate the force of the wind on the balloon to determine the distance traveled by the balloon in a given time period?
Feb 27, 2016 at 8:36
Qmechanic's user avatar

Yes you would have to use the standard drag equation. Imagine the balloon is at rest (or moving with a different velocity from the wind) initially. As the balloon hits the wind it can't suddenly reach the same velocity as the balloon, as this would require an infinite acceleration (which is impossible). Instead the wind applies a force to the balloon. This force will increase the balloon's velocity until it does match that of the wind (drag force is proportional to the relative speed between the balloons), at which point the velocity of the balloon will match that of the wind. If you can assume that the time it takes for the balloon to reach the velocity of the wind is negligible (such as in the case of a large drag coefficient or cross sectional area of the balloon) then the velocity of the balloon could be assumed to be the same as that of the wind at all times.
answered Feb 27, 2016 at 7:18
Quantum spaghettification's user avatar
Quantum spaghettification
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No trolling. But I am right here. Mass is the resistance to acceleration. A balloon does not loose mass when you inflate it with helium.
You are ignoring that the air also has mass. The balloon at neutral buoyancy has the same amount of mass as the equivalent volume of air. This cancels out the acceleration of gravity because below the balloon is denser air that provides an upward force.
Lateral movement you have the mass of the column of wind pushing against surface area of one side of the balloon, the air is not rigid so until the balloon reaches a lateral equilibrium it will be turbulent. But then if the airflow is smooth it will be perfectly still.

As an aside to this argument, it is obviously quite hard to recreate the conditions in air, I'm not sure if air tunnels exist that would be long enough to prove the point, but it would be possible to model in water. At the most basic level. Go and float down a river, when you just float you don't feel the water flowing it feels still. Experiments floating leaves on the surface of smooth flowing water or or neutrally buoyant objects through a Perspex flow system could be devised.
But if you want to understand buoyancy I suggest reading the Wikipedia page.
Did you?
The magnitude of the force is proportional to the pressure difference, and (as explained by Archimedes' principle) is equivalent to the weight of the fluid that would otherwise occupy the submerged volume of the object, i.e. the displaced fluid.
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Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object
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for a floating object on a liquid, the weight of the displaced liquid is the weight of the object.[5]
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The net force on the object must be zero if it is to be a situation of fluid statics such that Archimedes principle is applicable, and is thus the sum of the buoyancy force and the object's weight
SmartSelect_20240121-103459_Samsung Internet.jpg
SmartSelect_20240121-103547_Samsung Internet.jpg
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Please note that weight = mg, and that m stands for mass (and g stands for 9.81m/s², or its imperial equivalent).
Mass is a central concept for buoyancy, and the other is volume (V); together, mass/volume=density (ρ).
No trolling. But I am right here. Mass is the resistance to acceleration. A balloon does not loose mass when you inflate it with helium.
A balloon is both its skin and its contents; the mass of the balloon is the mass of the latex plus the mass of the helium. The volume of the balloon is the volume of the latex plus the volume of the helium.

The volume of the floating balloon is "masquerading" as a volume of air. To do that, its mass has to be exactly equal to the mass of the same volume of air (at that altitude, pressure, and temperature). Then the pressure exerted on that balloon and exerted by that balloon is exactly equal to the pressure air would exert on the air around it. This is explained in the wikipedia article on buoyancy as well.

Understand also that pressure is the sum of the effect of the motion of the particles in the gas; getting the pressure right takes care of the "entropy".

Since the mass of the balloon is equal to the mass of the air it "masquerades" as, its inertia is also exactly the same. The inertia of the latex and the inertia of the helium balance out.

When the inertia does not balance out, a positively buoyant ("rising") balloon displays "negative inertia", as evidenced by this experiment:


A neutrally buoyant balloon has the same inertia as the air it floats in.
It "masquerades" as a volume of air, and is carried along it like the other air is.
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Guys, I know it's really hard to tell, but our friend wasn't talking about buoyancy. He was talking about the velocity of a free floating helium or hot air balloon matching the velocity of the wind.

I think!
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Guys, I know it's really hard to tell, but our friend wasn't talking about buoyancy. He was talking about a the velocity of a free floating helium balloon matching the velocity of the wind.
Yes. And he thinks inertia is an obstacle to that. But it's not: because the balloon is neutrally buoyant, its inertia matches the surrounding air.

If air can be carried along by other air, so can a (neutrally buoyant) balloon!
He's all over the place. It's hard to tell what the subject is at any time, or maybe it's multiple subjects at a time.

I am just pointing out that wind (gas) has high entropy. It is chaotic and turbulent by nature. It is just a basic piniciple that I think is relevant in this argument. A low entropy wind would be the exception not the rule.
Meaning that wind can't blow without turbulence or seldom does?

I asked Bing Chat about low and high entropy winds
But it was useless. It came up with some nonsense; mixing up astronomy and weather.

This is what I've come up with while searching for low and high entropy winds:
- A high-entropy wind r-process study based on nuclear-structure quantities from the new finite-range droplet model FRDM
- High-entropy ejections from magnetized proto-neutron star winds,
- Nucleosynthesis modes in the high-entropy-wind of type II supernovae

As far as I can tell the concept of high entropy wind or low entropy wind in Earth's atmosphere seems to be unique to you.
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Yes. And he thinks inertia is an obstacle to that. But it's not: because the balloon is neutrally buoyant, its inertia matches the surrounding air.

If air can be carried along by other air, so can a (neutrally buoyant) balloon!
I think he means that gas can't impart momentum, or has a hard time imparting momentum, to a solid. Because of mass...