Multiple UFOs Observed from South Brazil [Mostly Starlink]

It would now appear that this phenomenon has migrated South for the winter and is now visible in Brazil, this time from a webcam. I wonder how accurate the clock overlay is...?
Footage seems to be recorded from a webcam very close to here. This view is facing roughly South (190 degrees).

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Quelle surprise. At the time of the video there were Starlink satellites just over the horizon illuminated by the sun and moving in the same direction as in the video.

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Rough lat/lon for Stellarium: -30.008117, -51.207957
Time of first one : 2022-11-05 23:19:20 (UTC-3), so 2022-11-06 02:19:20 UTC
Current TLE shoudl be good.

So, yeah, loads of sunlit Satellites, moving in that direction, viewed south. Aligned with the sun

Bit fiddly to do a recreation again, but it seems obviously the same thing.
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Indeed. Since I just published this tool I might as well add more info. This is all the sunlit Starlinks at the location provided by Mick at that time

Same as the Rony Vernet video, but in 4K. I had hoped there would be stars, but it seems not.

There's one star visible that I've found. Think it is Alpha Centauri. It slowly drifts to the left (as it should in the Southern Sky) over the time code 01m00s to 05m30s in the full real time video. Thats about 23:20 to 23:25 as per the clock overlay.


Or maybe it is a static UFO?
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They just need to turn off the auto gain on that camera, set it high manually so we can see some stars.

It seems they are much brighter in the South American footage, brighter than the stars, unless some sort of noise filter is removing the dim stars on this camera.

But we should be able to recreate this from the right viewing position.
Just a quick observation - I've noticed in these long Porto Alegro videos that the position of the ufo/starlink flare moves over time. In the videos above the general position of the flares moves about 16 degrees to the left. This is in-line with the sun moving over the course of one hour (15 = 360/24, ie one day) . This reinforces our theory that the position of the flares is directly related to the position of the sun over the horizon.

Overlaying this in Google Earth gives:

This matches pretty closely with the azimuth to the sun at these times.,-50.9836,6/2022.11.07/00:19/1/3


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Just a quick observation - I've noticed in these long Porto Alegro videos that the position of the ufo/starlink flare moves over time. In the videos above the general position of the flares moves about 16 degrees to the left. This is in-line with the sun moving over the course of one hour (15 = 360/24, ie one day) . This reinforces our theory that the position of the flares is directly related to the position of the sun over the horizon.
"Thanks, Bob". :)
EDIT: I think I'm wrong about this one. Disregard! Nothing to see here!

There's one star visible that I've found. Think it is Alpha Centauri. It slowly drifts to the left (as it should in the Southern Sky) over the time code 01m00s to 05m30s in the full real time video. Thats about 23:20 to 23:25 as per the clock overlay.


Or maybe it is a static UFO?
Hmm, that thing is moving. Slowly, but it's not sitting there like a star.
And I'll have an S please, Bob.
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This clip has Time stamped bookmarks of when the lights make an appearance, which is very helpful:


The footage with the possible Alpha Centauri is sped up 4x right?
I was going by the timestamp in the real time video. Although looking at it again I think I may have underestimated how zoomed in the view is at that point. The star should have moved about 0.6 degrees in those five minutes, I suppose that's possible after all if the cam is fairly zoomed in.

Unidentified lights are recorded for the 3rd night in the sky of Porto Alegre​

Airline pilots reported what they saw to the Salgado Filho Control Center. Fraport, the airport's administrator, said it has no record of the fact.​

By Writing, g1 RS
07/11/2022 1:43 pm updated 21 hours ago

Pilots spot lights in the sky for the third time in Porto Alegre

Unidentified lights were recorded for the third night in the sky of Porto Alegre , in the early hours of this Monday (7). The lights were already seen on the night of Friday (4) and Saturday (5).
In one of the videos, recorded by the Salgado Filho Airport Control Center, in Porto Alegre, it is possible to see the lights around 00:16 and a dialogue about them between the pilots and the traffic controller. In one of the speeches, a pilot says that he saw "three or four lights making evolutions and it is not possible to specify neither the altitude nor the distance." See video above.
The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) reported that "airspace control took place within normal limits, with no record of aeronautical occurrence in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. No unknown object was identified by air defense radars". Fraport, the airport's administrator, said it has no record of the fact.

What are lights?​

The g1 talked to the Heller & Jung Space Observatory, located in Taquara, a city about 80 kilometers from the capital. The person in charge of the space, Carlos Jung, who is also coordinator of the Production Engineering course at Faculdades Integradas de Taquara (Faccat) and director of the Southern Region of the Brazilian Meteor Observation Network (Bramon), said that, in his records , he found nothing weird on Saturday night, but on Friday night, yes
"most" just leaves gaps for the UFO fans. This is the problem with the current situation, anything odd in the sky is jumped on as aliens, then walked back but with enough grey areas to persist.

What if the next thing is an actual danger to aircraft and gets co-opted like this and time is lost due to the confusion added by the UFO fans?
Rony Vernet, the guy who broke the story about the lights over Porto Alegre, now accepts that "most" of the lights in the video were caused by Starlink.

So, which ones of these weren't?

Tempos: 00:08 , 03:33, 4:16, 05:48, 06:49 , 06:56, 08:21, 08:42, 09:57, 10:58, 11:30, 12:45, 12:59, 13:37, 14:28, 14:42, 15:43, 17:12, 18:28, 20:32, 21:25, 23:06, 24:10, 27:22, 28:27, 29:50, 31:10, 34:20, 35:32, 36:53 (3), 38:17, 38:42, 39:39, 41:10, 42:27 (3), 43:51, 48:14, 49:35 (2), 51:02 (2), 52:46, 53:54 (2), 55:14 (3), 56:35 (2), 58:25, 59:38 (2), 1:00:52, 1:01:02, 1:02:16 (3)

I think you deserve to know your score after putting in the effort that you did.

Are these 3 stars!!!! later on from a wider FOV we can layer the flare scene into it and then maybe get a match with 3LE?

Sorry I am at work otherwise I'd try it myself.

Problem is we'd have to reverse the time to get the same viewpoint, it would work but might be a bad demo.
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They are stars - but at 2.50am there are no Starlink Flares. :rolleyes:
At 00:25:17 (in video timestamp) the same red lit tower is visible and I think I can see 3 stars

The flare video at is a small portion of this FOV

like this

Definite Stars From the Southern Cross & Centarus visible and a really good :eek: triple Flares in this clip (URL should go to the right time).


This is what I mean.....

@Mick West do you think you could do a Stellarium comparison for this limited section? Current TLEs should still be valid.

This also seems to fit with the next flare at 01:00:56 near Hadar, and the next at .01:01.55. This suggests that the time-overlay is about 3 or 4 seconds behind realtime.

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This suggests that the time-overlay is about 3 or 4 seconds behind realtime.
this harkens back to the pre-clock days when people told time by the sky. It's amazing that this method is more exact than a digital clock today.
If you need the Starlink 3LE file, here is is.


  • Starlink 9 to 10 Nov 2022.txt
    1.5 MB · Views: 153
I think its an artifact of the the low light image persistence of the camera mixed with the compression.
Why does the video keep skipping ahead? It loses a second (or several at a time), which is apparent when the cloud cover keeps jumping suddenly. Seems strange.
I think it is due to the compression algorithm. The video compression only updates frames (or part of the frame) when it sees a change from the previous frames. So a static, bland part of the image won't change much over time, conversely a fast moving and detailed part of the image will change a lot over time and will be updated continuously. With the clouds (which are a slow moving bland part of the image) the compression kinda gets stuck every now and then, not knowing if things have changed or not. So then it waits for a large change to build up before updating the image. This is seen as a jerky video skip.
With the clouds (which are a slow moving bland part of the image) the compression kinda gets stuck every now and then, not knowing if things have changed or not. So then it waits for a large change to build up before updating the image. This is seen as a jerky video skip.
I'd agree -- noting that as far as I can see the satellites do not skip when the clouds do.
Recording it now, doing an 18 minute segment. Again the correlation is perfect - in that each flare corresponds to a Starlink in the same location, speed, and direction. The clouds probably cover a few, and the clock is 3-4 seconds off. But should be quite compelling.
Why do we think these Southern hemisphere flares are seemingly brighter (easily visible when only the brightest stars are) than the Northern hemisphere ones, needed night-vision to see them?