National Scout Jamboree 2013

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Still nothing about Army 5--just a passing mention of DoD. If you NOTICE the picture is of a med evac copter.

Do you remember what happened in Norway? Maybe you don't think that worrying about safety is important, but I do.

Norway? It might be useful to desist with caplocks for emphasis. It's a little aggressive and your point can be clearly expressed without them. As for your insinuation with respect to safety, I raised the entire thread out of a sense of the wider concerns that were circulating on the internet. If you look at my last reply to you I was quite clear that surely the involvement of the Department of Defense would be quite normal for such a large event in your country, did I not? How quite you can infer from that a disregard for safety and security on my part I am unsure, leaves me confused.
US Army North - Fifth Army
Defense Centre of Excellence lll

DCO (Defense Coordinating Officer) Partnership Report

>National Scout Jamboree
>VR 13.2


Defense Centre of Excellence lll: Inauguration Storyboard (Jan 15th to 24th)

>National Scout Jamboree

Joint Operational Area:

CONOPS (Concept of Operations):
Potential Staging areas are Yeager ANG (Charleston), Sugar Grove NOIC (Sugar Grove) or Shepherd Field ANG (Martinsberg)
Direct Support:
Joint Task Force Mountaineer at Eleanor Armory (Eleanor, 80 miles)
Joint Task Force Keystone at Camp Dawson (Kingswood, 180 miles)
JIATF (Joint Inter-Agency Task Force) at Glen Jean (near site)
Headquarters Elements:
West Virginia DHS Emergency Management (Charleston)
Joint Forces HQ West Virginia NG (Charleston)

Execution plan has five phases:

Phase l: Preparation (Jan 12th to July 9th)
Phase ll: Deployment and Pre-Execution (July 10th to July 14th)
Phase lll: Execution (July 15th to July 24th)
Phase lV: Preparation for Disengagement and Movement to VR13.2 (25th July)
Phase V: After Action Review (to be determined in September)

>VR13.2 (26th July -7th August, Camp Atterbury, Indiana)
The Vibrant Response 13.2 exercise encompasses a myriad of tasks, to include medical care and evacuation, communications set up, route clearing, mortuary affairs, aerial imagery, testing for CBRN elements, decontamination, shelter for displaced citizens, evidence collection, law enforcement assistance, and so much more.

>Attrition [No details]


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I mentioned these specifics on a local site, was politefully thanked, told to go away and that I would be getting a visit from the authorities very soon. Heigh ho.
US Army North - Fifth Army
Defense Centre of Excellence lll

DCO (Defense Coordinating Officer) Partnership Report

>National Scout Jamboree
>VR 13.2


Defense Centre of Excellence lll: Inauguration Storyboard (Jan 15th to 24th)

>National Scout Jamboree

Joint Operational Area:

CONOPS (Concept of Operations):
Potential Staging areas are Yeager ANG (Charleston), Sugar Grove NOIC (Sugar Grove) or Shepherd Field ANG (Martinsberg)
Direct Support:
Joint Task Force Mountaineer at Eleanor Armory (Eleanor, 80 miles)
Joint Task Force Keystone at Camp Dawson (Kingswood, 180 miles)
JIATF (Joint Inter-Agency Task Force) at Glen Jean (near site)
Headquarters Elements:
West Virginia DHS Emergency Management (Charleston)
Joint Forces HQ West Virginia NG (Charleston)

Execution plan has five phases:

Phase l: Preparation (Jan 12th to July 9th)
Phase ll: Deployment and Pre-Execution (July 10th to July 14th)
Phase lll: Execution (July 15th to July 24th)
Phase lV: Preparation for Disengagement and Movement to VR13.2 (25th July)
Phase V: After Action Review (to be determined in September)

>VR13.2 (26th July -7th August, Camp Atterbury, Indiana)
The Vibrant Response 13.2 exercise encompasses a myriad of tasks, to include medical care and evacuation, communications set up, route clearing, mortuary affairs, aerial imagery, testing for CBRN elements, decontamination, shelter for displaced citizens, evidence collection, law enforcement assistance, and so much more.

>Attrition [No details]

It should be noted that Vibrant Response 13.2 is a separate event from the BSJ. Just as the Inauguration was a separate event.
It should be noted that Vibrant Response 13.2 is a separate event from the BSJ. Just as the Inauguration was a separate event.

Yes. I wonder if perhaps the specific .pdf from which that information is taken is the root cause of the viral issue over a drill or false flag, aside from the candidate for Nevada's alleged sources, that is. The events are at separate times and locations yet the execution plan, from January preparations, through VR13.2 and to September's action review are all specifically contained within the section on the jamboree. Perhaps this is just the way the power point presentation was structured. I put that up as I was repeatedly asked to demonstrate the 5th army's involvement. There is no information on the internet about VR13.2, at all, aside the information provided in the .pdf quoted above. I have searched. A great deal on 13 and 13.1, obviously. Those soldiers don't have a day off, straight from duty at the jamboree, to chemical, biological or nuclear attack drills across state. Day for travel.
Yes. I wonder if perhaps the specific .pdf from which that information is taken is the root cause of the viral issue over a drill or false flag, aside from the candidate for Nevada's alleged sources, that is. The events are at separate times and locations yet the execution plan, from January preparations, through VR13.2 and to September's action review are all specifically contained within the section on the jamboree. Perhaps this is just the way the power point presentation was structured. I put that up as I was repeatedly asked to demonstrate the 5th army's involvement. There is no information on the internet about VR13.2, at all, aside the information provided above in the .pdf quoted above. I have searched. A great deal on 13 and 13.1, obviously. Those soldiers don't have a day off, straight from duty at the jamboree, to chemical, biological or nuclear attack drills across state. Day for travel.

It may be different units doing each.
It may be different units doing each.

Yes. Could very well be the case. Same command structure. Lots of blanks in the high command human resource information (presumably redacted as classified). Could be transposed from other documents at a guess. Two involved retired June 2nd.
Why do you have a picture of Bluestone Dam?

Playing devil's advocate. Upon coming across the candidate for Nevada's upload, six or seven weeks ago, I gave consideration to to what he was saying, tried to rationalise his assertion. Hypothetically, if an attack was on the cards, either from outsiders or nefarious elements within, what would happen, and where? As he made mention of a drill based around conventional and unconventional weapons, chemical, biological or nuclear, I figured the drill, live or not, would have to be based around something big, and toxic. My first thought was the water system, if the drill was to based on a bacterial attack. That led me to think about the lake up there, the rivers and the watershead. So I looked a little further. Not being from the area I wondered if there was a dam nearby. I thought of Hoover, not so close. I found Bluestone and sure enough it was just a few miles upstream from the jamboree. The New River flows into the Ohio, which flows into the Mississippi. The dam is effectively at the head of a continental river system that is the spine of America.

So I delved a little deeper into Bluestone, found out it is structurally the second most dangerous dam in the US and, according to numerous reports, a disaster waiting to happen. They have placed the new jamboree right in and along the estimated flood plain just a few miles down river from the second most dangerous dam in the US. Were Bluewater to be compromised 1000s would die. Charleston would be under six foot of water within minutes, but the areas inbetween, such as where the jamboree is being held, would be devastated. Highly speculative, and just devil's advocacy, as I said.

So I looked a little further...
Charleston would be under six foot of water within minutes, but the areas inbetween, such as where the jamboree is being held, would be devastated. Highly speculative, and just devil's advocacy, as I said.

A touch hyperbolic too.
Minsker says, if the worst were to happen right here we are estimating it would take 24 to 48 hours for the waters would reach Charleston.
Paul Carr is the resident engineer on the Bluestone. If the dam was to fail, you are talking about 115,000 people that would be affected, Carr says.
Content from External Source
But it's pure random what-iffery. What if an asteroid hit? What if a plane crashed? What if the nearby chimp farm stage a revolt?

Plus the minor point that the Bechtel reserve is 300 feet above the top of the dam, and behind a 900 foot canyon, and hence perfectly safe.
Playing devil's advocate. Upon coming across the candidate for Nevada's upload, six or seven weeks ago, I gave consideration to to what he was saying, tried to rationalise his assertion. Hypothetically, if an attack was on the cards, either from outsiders or nefarious elements within, what would happen, and where? As he made mention of a drill based around conventional and unconventional weapons, chemical, biological or nuclear, I figured the drill, live or not, would have to be based around something big, and toxic. My first thought was the water system, if the drill was to based on a bacterial attack. That led me to think about the lake up there, the rivers and the watershead. So I looked a little further. Not being from the area I wondered if there was a dam nearby. I thought of Hoover, not so close. I found Bluestone and sure enough it was just a few miles upstream from the jamboree. The New River flows into the Ohio, which flows into the Mississippi. The dam is effectively at the head of a continental river system that is the spine of America.

So I delved a little deeper into Bluestone, found out it is structurally the second most dangerous dam in the US and, according to numerous reports, a disaster waiting to happen. They have placed the new jamboree right in and along the estimated flood plain just a few miles down river from the second most dangerous dam in the US. Were Bluewater to be compromised 1000s would die. Charleston would be under six foot of water within minutes, but the areas inbetween, such as where the jamboree is being held, would be devastated. Highly speculative, and just devil's advocacy, as I said.

So I looked a little further...

Then you should state your idea to convey instead of just putting a picture of a dam and leave us to guess what it is. Also, while Bluestone Dam is a recognized problem much has been done to remedy the situation.

A $30.8 million project to install 150 high-strength anchors at Bluestone Dam that is now nearing completion was beefed up last year with another $36 million in federal stimulus funds to add 54 more anchors, allowing the dam's flood-control pool to be raised nearly 20 feet. That work should be completed next year.
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They call then sanctuaries now.

Posing exactly as much threat to the Scouts as that dam. Maybe slightly more, as a chimp could actually reach them.
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Then you should state your idea to convey instead of just putting a picture of a dam and leave us to guess what it is. Also, while Bluestone Dam is a recognized problem much has been done to remedy the situation.

A $30.8 million project to install 150 high-strength anchors at Bluestone Dam that is now nearing completion was beefed up last year with another $36 million in federal stimulus funds to add 54 more anchors, allowing the dam's flood-control pool to be raised nearly 20 feet. That work should be completed next year.
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Fair enough with respect to my dangling the picture, point taken. ;) Typing on a phone with a finger is an an irksome typo ridden affair. I lost the will. Yes, I am aware of the repair work. In fact the army corps went back begin the next phase of drilling as recently as yesterday. The safety of the structure is still a grave concern. FEMA only recently conducted similar emergency drills to test response capability for a collapse.
Those Illuminati cards are ingenious - they really can be pulled out for any event within any average year.
I mentioned these specifics on a local site, was politefully thanked, told to go away and that I would be getting a visit from the authorities very soon. Heigh ho.
What specifics? Did they take it as a threat?
A touch hyperbolic too.
Minsker says, if the worst were to happen right here we are estimating it would take 24 to 48 hours for the waters would reach Charleston.
Paul Carr is the resident engineer on the Bluestone. If the dam was to fail, you are talking about 115,000 people that would be affected, Carr says.
Content from External Source
But it's pure random what-iffery. What if an asteroid hit? What if a plane crashed? What if the nearby chimp farm stage a revolt?

Plus the minor point that the Bechtel reserve is 300 feet above the top of the dam, and behind a 900 foot canyon, and hence perfectly safe.

Hyperbolic but I got that straight out of the mouths of concerned residents. The dam is likely to collapse, in all probability will collapse. That is why there is large scale emergency preparedness in place and a momentus engineering project in place to mitigate the risk. Of course it is pure what-iffery to say it would collapse in the next two weeks. The only reason I put it foward was as a rationalisation of the Nevada man's claim that a staged false flag attacl may take place. By that I don't mean I offer the dam in support of his idea, I mean were I a nefarious globalist crook in the government with my sites set on mayhem for some aim or another, and a terror attack on the jamboree was part of that agenda, that is the kind of target that would fit the bill. The over-arching agencies in control of the jamboree have over-arching control over the dam too. In fact to the joint task force agencies the only things of concern to them in West Virginia are the Bluestone dam, the jamboree, the (9?) nuclear power stations and 'chemical valley'. As for the others on the list I just mentioned I have not looked at them as possibilities.

Fair point about altitude. I have no suitable map to hand and was wondering that. I was thinking more about the scouts being trapped, quarantined, enmeshed in a struggle, and tales of heroism and valour as they bravely fight the inundation on behalf of the communities there. Propaganda. I know, it's absurd.

As I said, devil's advocacy is all that is. It is am obvious target for "terrorism", where such terrorism really on the cards.
Those Illuminati cards are ingenious - they really can be pulled out for any event within any average year

What specifics? Did they take it as a threat?

Yes, the Revolution and Dictatorship cards are being played now, again, just like they were last year, and the year before ;)
The specifics from the Army 5 joint task force .pdf (above). Just a joker.

It's the local Topix site for Beckley. Talk is pro and con about the scout site. A lot of fear and suspicion about the place and the heavy militarisation. Talk of Black Hawks, no fly zones, 10 000 'caskets', workers facing armed guards and being turned away from certain areas, grass roots rumours the jamboree is a front operation and the camp is going to be used as a facility to house displaced people after a natural disaster, which kind of fits with the idea of the dam bursting now that I think of it. These rumours pre-date the upload from the man in Nevada. The local vibe:

Digger | May 18, 2012 Does anyone know why the army is working at the summit boyscout camp? Rumours are floating around that the place is being built with the co-operation of the us govt and will have a secondary purpose to house displaced citizens in case of a national disaster,or possibly a detention center for dissenters if martial law is declared..
Yes, the Revolution and Dictatorship cards are being played now, again, just like they were last year, and the year before ;)
The specifics from the Army 5 joint task force .pdf (above). Just a joker.

It's the local Topix site for Beckley. Talk is pro and con about the scout site. A lot of fear and suspicion about the place and the heavy militarisation. Talk of Black Hawks, no fly zones, 10 000 'caskets', workers facing armed guards and being turned away from certain areas, grass roots rumours the jamboree is a front operation and the camp is going to be used as a facility to house displaced people after a natural disaster, which kind of fits with the idea of the dam bursting now that I think of it. These rumours pre-date the upload from the man in Nevada. The local vibe:

Digger | May 18, 2012 Does anyone know why the army is working at the summit boyscout camp? Rumours are floating around that the place is being built with the co-operation of the us govt and will have a secondary purpose to house displaced citizens in case of a national disaster,or possibly a detention center for dissenters if martial law is declared..

Do you have any proof for all the claims or any evidence to back them up? I've heard stories of bunnies on Mars but stories don't make them true.
Do you have any proof for all the claims or any evidence to back them up? I've heard stories of bunnies on Mars but stories don't make them true.

This isn't a court of law, I'm conveying an array of local opinion, but if it was a court of law the words from the man that worked there would have weight of significance as would the word of the woman whose husband works there and experienced heavy military surveillance, blocked roads etc. Not sure how you view others by default but I would assume both these people gave reasonably plausible accounts and I take them for what they are worth, as would a seasoned judge. Hardly comparable to bunnies on Mars but we all view the words of others differently, I guess. Reasonable to err on the side of trust when ordinary people with no agenda are sharing an experience, on the whole.

Not quite sure what you mean.
Meh. I'll just wait two weeks (the Jamboree ends July 24th). This is just fortune teller stuff - tossing out lots of vague predictions, and then later picking any event that's close as a "hit".

I see nothing to suggest that anything unusual is going on. Just wishful thinking on the internet.
This isn't a court of law, I'm conveying an array of local opinion, but if it was a court of law the words from the man that worked there would have weight of significance as would the word of the woman whose husband works there and experienced heavy military surveillance, blocked roads etc. Not sure how you view others by default but I would assume both these people gave reasonably plausible accounts and I take them for what they are worth, as would a seasoned judge. Hardly comparable to bunnies on Mars but we all view the words of others differently, I guess. Reasonable to err on the side of trust when ordinary people with no agenda are sharing an experience, on the whole.

Not quite sure what you mean.

Actually this site, like a court of law, seeks to determine what evidence is factual and how the facts fit together. Simple hearsay (secondhand claims) evidence is not allowed in court and holds very little weight in any debate. A person can say "Someone told me they were abducted by aliens", but that really wouldn't convince anyone, nor should it. There are other sites that love talking about rumors and are all about whipping people up into a frenzy of paranoia.... that is not what this site is about, actually quite the opposite, the debunkers are about looking at evidence and determining if it is factual and how much weight it carries in confirming a claim. Even anecdotal evidence based on first hand experience (ie.. Russ Tanner's health problems) also holds very little weight if the source of the claim has time and again been deceptive.
When I came across this umm... proto-conspiratorial false flag theory a few weeks ago, as others may have done, in a purely dispassionate, disinterested way I thought it had the makings of something that was complex, emotive, scandalous and, quite possibly, montrous. There was just one thing though: the actual event hasn't happened yet, let alone the accompanying "false flag" operation the instigator of suspicions has alleged to have uncovered. Quite what was predicted to happen, aside scouting? A multi-agency mass casualty conventional and non-conventional chemical and germ weapons terror attack drill involving 50 000+ scouts and their families, and the imposition of unlimited marshall law with large scale quarantine procedures with that could, in theory, go on for months (it is said the state governor has signed off executive orders for such powers, there is no fixed beginning or end to the drill). The instigator of suspicions says this drill is planned to coincide with the scout event. Perhaps this is the first false assumption he has made? The event is certainly going to be highly militarised, authorities say this is incase of terrorist attacks. National Guard from across several states will be in attendance in very large numbers, again, this is public knowledge, and for security reasons

The source has sources and hopes that by publishing a warning he can avert what he believes could be a catastrope. I figured I would post it as a) one never know, and b) I should imagine there will be interest in this event because of what has already been circulated. In all likelihood conspiracy sites will watch for signs of trouble, the scouts will do scouting things for a few days, nothing untoward will happen, and they'll all go home.

I do of course know false flag events happen regularly, a cursory glance through the shadiest pages of British army history in Northern Ireland will demonstrate they happen with alarming regularity and often pass completely unnoticed; that is their point, afterall. In respect of what is alleged to have been planned for this event I have allowed myself to consider the possibility that the "whistleblower" is on to something and wondered whether or not foreknowledge among a few thousand Youtubers would put the 'perpetrators' off. Perhaps, it would not? Not a great deal one can say about an event that hasn't happened. Here's a link to what I believe was the first upload concerning the matter, or non-matter. The story did the rounds in May then dropped. With a week to go I'm sure it will attempt to revive itself. If a few dozen scouts get flu it'll be alleged Bechtal... Well, lets see, watch nothing happen.


This boy sprout sports a hazard badge, I think he must'be been honoured by his doppelganger Barack.

I thought I heard them all, but this is literally the dumbest Conspiracy Theory I have ever heard of!!!! People really do just make shit up!!!!
Actually this site, like a court of law, seeks to determine what evidence is factual and how the facts fit together. Simple hearsay (secondhand claims) evidence is not allowed in court and holds very little weight in any debate. A person can say "Someone told me they were abducted by aliens", but that really wouldn't convince anyone, nor should it. There are other sites that love talking about rumors and are all about whipping people up into a frenzy of paranoia.... that is not what this site is about, actually quite the opposite, the debunkers are about looking at evidence and determining if it is factual and how much weight it carries in confirming a claim. Even anecdotal evidence based on first hand experience (ie.. Russ Tanner's health problems) also holds very little weight if the source of the claim has time and again been deceptive.

You have just used my argument as a counter-argument, which is unneccessary. Seems to be a presumption of ignorance on my part in many of the more simplistically combative replies I occasionally get here, but it's cool, it takes time to reach consensus and understanding of one another's points. I already understand the ethos of this site, critical enquiry. It is in relative terms a robust site in that respect, as far as I can so far tell, and I like it for that; this is why I have returned on numerous occasions.

Once again then, to be doubly clear, the words of someone that has witnessed events, happenings, whatever they may be, first hand, are not hearsay. Once again, this is not a court of law. Once again, a first hand account, in a court of law, among experienced judges, is taken as a first hand account and accordingly attributed the weight of importance that a judge thinks appropriate in the exercise of his or her duty, and within his or her powers of judicial discretion when applicable, in the administering of justice before the law. My point was that first hand accounts dooo have a part to play in that, of course they do, and are not comparable to ideas about bunnies on Mars.

Accordingly, were a 'witness' to refer to the views or experiences of another this would also be considered, and if such considerations merited further attention, if appropriate, the third party may be contacted to inform the court regarding the matter.

As this is an informal site it is my perogative to offer up on the ground local feeling regarding this camp site as a means to illustrate local feelings and of course in so doing it is not proffered as imperical evidence of anything but more as colour upon the canvas. Also, and this was the point concerning human nature, judges being no different, we as people can only interact and function productively if there is a base presumption of trust in whatever issues from the mouths of others, it is from a base presumption of trust that concepts such as innocent until proven guilty evolve. Were locals to collectively assert an area is out of bounds or excessively militarised, take it on trust, or prove it is not the case. It matters not whether it is excessively militarised, doesn't add or subtract weight to any conspiratorial notion of an iminent false flag event either way, so why bother dismissing it?

As a side issue unfortunately though hearsay technically has no place in a court of law it's promulgation is prevalent within family court proceedings in the United Kingdom, as an example, with it's over reliance on experts who often have little or no direct involvement with the concerned parties or facts of the case. Barristers (attourneys) are professional purveyors of lies and hearsay, it is the most subtle of the dark arts; ask any experienced judge. Takes one to know one.

Forgive the typos, the edit box is huge on a mobile phone, can't see what is being typed half the time.
Once again then, to be doubly clear, the words of someone that has witnessed events, happenings, whatever they may be, first hand, are not hearsay.

Can you link and quote the words that are not hearsay? Or did you mean this:
Amanda | Yesterday
My husband works up there and he says there are blackhawk helicopters flying around all the time
Content from External Source
Which quite obviously is hearsay.
Look at the differences in these reports.

Detailed first person

If it's a concentration camp then it must be for the rich and famous, because there is zip lines,lakes, bike trails, shooting ranges,swimming pools,etc. As for all the cell and radio towers on the property, during the jambere they average about 300 medical calls a day, and when you have oh let's say 100,000 people in the same area at the same time 1,2 and even 3 cell towers won't handle that kind of call valume. As for the military being up there, they are building the presidential helicopter landing pads, and they also disassembled the old saw mill so they could use the steel to make a foot bridge across one of the lakes! Sorry to disappoint you guys but it all looks like its legit up there, no bunkers,missile silos, or nuks. (That I have seen anyways)
Content from External Source
First person but very vague. 'some kind of towers' 'mining equipment' but not what type. Speculates about an underground bunker, but offers no evidence to support it.

I'm in construction and I worked up there. There is definitely something up there besides a boyscout camp there is over 30 cellular or radio towers of some kind up there and mining equipment they said they were removing coal but in 7 months not an ounce of coal was seen I think there is some kind of underground bunker there I mean look how long the bunker was at the greenbrier before the public knew about it. Boyscout camp my ass.
Content from External Source
And the common one, 'someone saw'.

legit question asked here and I will attempt to shed some light. I have actually heard the FEMA camp story and I seriously doubt such a groomed location would be a holding facility for the masses. HOWEVER, There is something VERY curious going on there and it's not building teepees. Debunking the cell towers is cool but I have several friends who have either witnessed or know others who have witnessed odd goings on up there. For example, there are several Blackhawk helicopter pads up there and I have been told that people who work up there are kept on short leashes. They basically cant take a piss unless they are in a designated area. Furthermore, there are LOTS of interesting vehicles that block your every turn. If this is JUST a Scout camp, it is very secure-too secure. In regards to the anti conspiracy comments, I pray you take an opportunity to pull your head out of the sand before your butt catches a bullet. Stop watching Honey Boo Boo and really take a look around you. The proof is out in the open. Before you start calling people who are in the know "nuts", ya might want to truly listen to what they say. Info wars does not just have hayseeds talking about Sputniks", the have experts in their fields which includes people with more credentials than you or me will ever have.

From another poster there
one other thing. About a year ago, I heard about a hunter that stumbled into the wrong part of this reserve. The gentleman stated he walked into an area that looked to be sectioned off and when he looked into the distance, he saw a MASSIVE concrete structure and heavy military earth moving equipment. He was there no more than a minute before he was surrounded by security personnel who quickly escorted him away from this area. Once they had n a distance away, they asked him what he was doing and why he was observing. He told them he was scouting for deer and did not mean to do anything wrong. They let him go but threatened him if he returned, he just might not like the result. That has been at least 2 years ago-way before the camp was being worked for the Scouts
Content from External Source
Look at the differences in these reports.

Detailed first person

If it's a concentration camp then it must be for the rich and famous, because there is zip lines,lakes, bike trails, shooting ranges,swimming pools,etc. As for all the cell and radio towers on the property, during the jambere they average about 300 medical calls a day, and when you have oh let's say 100,000 people in the same area at the same time 1,2 and even 3 cell towers won't handle that kind of call valume. As for the military being up there, they are building the presidential helicopter landing pads, and they also disassembled the old saw mill so they could use the steel to make a foot bridge across one of the lakes! Sorry to disappoint you guys but it all looks like its legit up there, no bunkers,missile silos, or nuks. (That I have seen anyways)
Content from External Source
First person but very vague. 'some kind of towers' 'mining equipment' but not what type. Speculates about an underground bunker, but offers no evidence to support it.

I'm in construction and I worked up there. There is definitely something up there besides a boyscout camp there is over 30 cellular or radio towers of some kind up there and mining equipment they said they were removing coal but in 7 months not an ounce of coal was seen I think there is some kind of underground bunker there I mean look how long the bunker was at the greenbrier before the public knew about it. Boyscout camp my ass.
Content from External Source
And the common one, 'someone saw'.

legit question asked here and I will attempt to shed some light. I have actually heard the FEMA camp story and I seriously doubt such a groomed location would be a holding facility for the masses. HOWEVER, There is something VERY curious going on there and it's not building teepees. Debunking the cell towers is cool but I have several friends who have either witnessed or know others who have witnessed odd goings on up there. For example, there are several Blackhawk helicopter pads up there and I have been told that people who work up there are kept on short leashes. They basically cant take a piss unless they are in a designated area. Furthermore, there are LOTS of interesting vehicles that block your every turn. If this is JUST a Scout camp, it is very secure-too secure. In regards to the anti conspiracy comments, I pray you take an opportunity to pull your head out of the sand before your butt catches a bullet. Stop watching Honey Boo Boo and really take a look around you. The proof is out in the open. Before you start calling people who are in the know "nuts", ya might want to truly listen to what they say. Info wars does not just have hayseeds talking about Sputniks", the have experts in their fields which includes people with more credentials than you or me will ever have.

From another poster there
one other thing. About a year ago, I heard about a hunter that stumbled into the wrong part of this reserve. The gentleman stated he walked into an area that looked to be sectioned off and when he looked into the distance, he saw a MASSIVE concrete structure and heavy military earth moving equipment. He was there no more than a minute before he was surrounded by security personnel who quickly escorted him away from this area. Once they had n a distance away, they asked him what he was doing and why he was observing. He told them he was scouting for deer and did not mean to do anything wrong. They let him go but threatened him if he returned, he just might not like the result. That has been at least 2 years ago-way before the camp was being worked for the Scouts
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Again, combative notional responses to something I have not put forward as an argument.
Pre-emptive conspiracy theories seem very different to ones actually built around an event - everyone wondering what *might* happen - is it still correct to call them conspiracy theories or are they different?
Why is it dumb?

Meh. I'll just wait two weeks (the Jamboree ends July 24th). This is just fortune teller stuff - tossing out lots of vague predictions, and then later picking any event that's close as a "hit".

I see nothing to suggest that anything unusual is going on. Just wishful thinking on the internet.

The Jamboree is a National Scouting event that is held every year. Hundreds of Thousands of scouts go there every year. I have been in scouting for more than 20 years, and I can tell you that the only thing "smart" about this theory is that if a terrorist wanted to cause great harm to innocent children and their families then this would be the place to do it. Frankly I don't even want to think about what that would be like...
The Jamboree is a National Scouting event that is held every year. Hundreds of Thousands of scouts go there every year. I have been in scouting for more than 20 years, and I can tell you that the only thing "smart" about this theory is that if a terrorist wanted to cause great harm to innocent children and their families then this would be the place to do it. Frankly I don't even want to think about what that would be like...

Quite, Mr Moderate, I empathise and agree. It is not dumb, however, to presume there are issues of security to respond to. Were all concepts of theoretical risk dismissed as ludricrous nonsense then there be no need for security at all. The security is a tacit, or blantant, actually, acceptance of risk. To point to risks that may or may not eminate from those forces ironically charged with ensuring security themselves, is no different, still a theoretical risk whether it eminates from within, or without. I have no idea whether speculative notions such as the man from Nevada's have any basis in fact, or whether they are nonsense, I wouldn't commit to either, as I do not work for the US secret services. Steven Crimando would have a much better idea of whether there is any basis to any of these assertions.
Meh. I'll just wait two weeks (the Jamboree ends July 24th). This is just fortune teller stuff - tossing out lots of vague predictions, and then later picking any event that's close as a "hit".

I see nothing to suggest that anything unusual is going on. Just wishful thinking on the internet.

Quite. Two vague sources and no direct link between the jamboree and any unannounced drill. I should imagine if there was an unannounced drill it would be something scouts would be thrilled to participate in, in anycase. It's what scouts are supposed to do, help in emergencies, being prepared etc. Doesn't mean it'll "go live" even if it were planned.
My concern over all these politically motivated conspiracy theories is one formed from a deep rooted belief in the malevolence of individuals within corporate and state structures, the greater the private or state structure, the greater the potential for malevolence. Just off the cuff but I see the US government as no more than a type of mafia. From a sociological perspective I fall on the side of conflict theory, not functionalism. I do not trust your secret services one iota, no more than I trust their opposite numbers in China or Russa.

In England the right wing left wing polarity thing has disappeared, talk is now much more of the rise of communitarianism throughout all parties, which is ironic and despite the "velvet" revolution, though I note terms such as communitarianism are infrequently, if ever, used, in the US. Seems Trotsky won the day after all. But that's a different matter.

More typos.
Do you trust any government? Or do you prefer that there be no government?

That's a very good question, and one that would require a complex, considered, and multi-disciplinary answer. However, in short, no and no.
Pre-emptive conspiracy theories seem very different to ones actually built around an event - everyone wondering what *might* happen - is it still correct to call them conspiracy theories or are they different?

I'd say yes it would be a conspiracy theory in the loose sense of the term. However, I'm not comforable with the term conspiracy theory, it's a malapropism of sorts, near all conspiracy theories aren't in the least bit theoretical i.e something that can not be disproved, most are notional postulations, conspiracy hypotheses, perhaps, if nominally founded on a degree of reckoning. Where did this term originate? The CIA? Orwell? Shakespeare? Machiavelli? I have no idea! :) I guess what interested me about the Jamboree conspiracy "postulation" is it's pre-emptive quality, as you point out. As an outsider I perceive a growing tide of discontent among the American populace, and individuals are placing authorities under increasing levels of scrutiny. Discredit Alex Jones as a lunatic or whatever but he articulates a wider and increasingly palpable mistrust of the government and authorities there. Like a Noam Chomsky for the common working man. In the age of mass communications and information over load we are going to see more and more of these sorts of pre-emptive umm.. postulations.
I note that David Lory Van der Thingy is already basking in self-assigned credit, I won't say glory, for averting a tragedy. I've no idea if he is right or not but self praise is no recommendation especially when it comes to "known unknowns".

(Edit: Sorry I went off track there. I meant yes as they infer collusion to achieve an aim, from a given set of circumstance)
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