Orbs: Something the metaJUNK shills just can't debunk.



https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=orbs near chemtrails

You shills claim these objects are just dust/bugs/birds.. What a [...] joke.

There are hundreds if not thousands of these videos all showing the same objects near these supposed "CONtrails"

You are finished. It's over

Youtube are also removing videos of these objects.. The total result count was 44,100 .. it is now 43,500


  • skybluery3.jpg
    178.5 KB · Views: 769
What's over? So this is undeniable evidence? As in, the government will have to admit it's all been true all along?
I think you are a chemtrail-debunker trying to make chemtrail believers look foolish by providing laughable 'proof'.
Not cool.
Irridium flash, smudge on the lens, dust in the air, lens flare, pixelation... many more, take your pick. Give me a specific, I'm not looking through 40,000 videos. As said above, many have been addressed.
I would have thought that you might have taken the opportunity to learn something from those threads if you participated in them - but instead you insist on bringing "the same old" BS and making it obvious you are an idiot.

Sad that you have wasted all that time, but it is a free country, more or less, and you are entitled to remain stupid if you so choose.
Irridium flash, smudge on the lens, dust in the air, lens flare, pixelation... many more, take your pick. Give me a specific, I'm not looking through 40,000 videos. As said above, many have been addressed.

Have a real good look at many of these videos. They are obviously not just dust/lens flare you fucking CONtard
Thanks for your insightful comments and overwhelming lack of evidence - you are probably doing a better debunking of it than any of us by being a particularly moronic and thoughtless supporter.
I have wondered why when someone has no evidence to back up their opinion, that they resort to insults and vulgarity.
IMG_0551.jpgI just took this photo, uploaded directly from my camera, I see 3 of your orbs, why don't you explain what you see? I'm in Bakersfield CA, 7:00pst, sunset isn't until 8:13, 1 mile east of the Hwy 99 and Hwy 58 interchange, looking directly north, taken at approx. a 45 degree angle. What do you see? I'll explain 3 of the orbs that other people have shown you. I adjusted the brightness and contrast slightly to make the "orbs" easier to see, other than that no manipulation to this photo was made.​
I get an 'rob' thingy in some of my photos.
It's very clearly seen.
Though it's only with one lens and it'd go away if I could clean it internally.
Anybody have any idea what / who is driving the influx of trolls?

mea culpa

Maybe this has something to do with it...
The rest of the comments are here, http://www.skyderalert.com/profile-1080/status-id_935/comment/
(And there is a link to earlier posts; it is an odd style of forum.)

I registered there on 2 June 2013, after striking up conversations with the site owner and his staff on Twitter.
None of those people have turned up in the forum, except for one comment that I know of by George Barnes.

(edited for registration date at SkyderALERT.com)
I have an idea. It's a conspiracy to tie us up in knots and to prevent us from having time to pay attention to what they are doing. Oh course, is it a 'real conspiracy' if it doesn't involve some group of authority figures?

Small groups of activists will do things to harass those that don't share their belief system. And those that take actions often are the same folks that are trolls on game forums.
I get an 'rob' thingy in some of my photos.
It's very clearly seen.
Though it's only with one lens and it'd go away if I could clean it internally.
That was the point of my posting the photo above. In any monochrome background, I get that round distortion just right of center on my Canon Powershot. Just left and above this distortion, is Saturn, even though it was almost an hour and a half before sunset (you might have to click on it and view it full size) If you look to the upper left corner, we have a mockingbird nest with chicks. I can't go in my backyard without getting dive bombed by one or both adults. 3 Orbs in one photo.
mea culpa

Maybe this has something to do with it...
The rest of the comments are here, http://www.skyderalert.com/profile-1080/status-id_935/comment/
(And there is a link to earlier posts; it is an odd style of forum.)

I registered there on 2 June 2013, after striking up conversations with the site owner and his staff on Twitter.
None of those people have turned up in the forum, except for one comment that I know of by George Barnes.

(edited for registration date at SkyderALERT.com)

/sarcasm Honestly Ross, you're SUCH a bully. /sarcasm off
/selfmokery Bully? When and where did I bully anyone? Post the link! If it's true I'll apologise and make it all better. /selfmokery off