Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

Green Flash
Hint of the tail end of a lesser Green Flash that occurred right before the main Green Flash event. The conditions for viewing the Green Flash don't happen off the coast of Oregon very often, making a double flash exceptionally rare. Took the pic right before switching to video but botched it when the darn thing lost focus.

Green Flash captured from Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area, Newport, Oregon.
Some morning contrails, you can see the jets crossing a navaid and heading out on their routes, posted sort of in order, as you see them spread out and persist

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Hi everyone! I post a video, because I took my short video and two pictures in one video. In Hungary - in the city of Várpalota, the sky always the same... perfectly paralel lines...

the sky always the same... perfectly paralel lines...

Hello. This is easily explained. There are routes that are defined and regular, everywhere in the world where airliners travel.

In your example, it is simply that several airplanes have flown along the same route. No airplane can match exactly what the others do, there are minor differences in the navigation systems' accuracy.

If you go to this link:,19.261779787858735&chart=304&zoom=4

Then you will see a Chart for high altitude Airways, centered on the Budapest Airport. You can locate your city on the chart, and then see the arrangement of the Airways for your area.

Note that you can click on the upper right corner, on "World VFR" and see a more familiar map to help you locate your position.
The next day

Nice photos. Of course, those three in sequence show normal weather changes, as have been happening for (likely) billions of years on this planet...while only directly observed and reported by Humans since the time we developed consciousness.

But they are indicative of the "chem"trail craze that has blossomed since the late 1990s, as an Urban Myth. Mistakenly used by those "chem"trail adherents as "proof".
Interesting one. There were a lot of lenticulars around that day but it was so hazy I didn't take many pictures (contrast enhanced)

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Interesting one. There were a lot of lenticulars around that day but it was so hazy I didn't take many pictures (contrast enhanced)

While driving along a secondary highway last Friday I noticed several lenticular clouds to my south, the direction I was traveling. Lots of trees and the road was twisty. I particularly noticed one similar to the one in the right side of your photo, but with otherwise cleat skies. Striking thing though was that behind it was a more strung out,narrower smaller wavy cloud that was in the process of coming apart. For all the world looked like an enormous sperm cell..
By the time I got stopped in a location where I could take a picture though, the smaller cloud was three wisps and the lens like cloud was also disintegrating.
While driving along a secondary highway last Friday I noticed several lenticular clouds to my south, the direction I was traveling. Lots of trees and the road was twisty. I particularly noticed one similar to the one in the right side of your photo, but with otherwise cleat skies. Striking thing though was that behind it was a more strung out,narrower smaller wavy cloud that was in the process of coming apart. For all the world looked like an enormous sperm cell..
By the time I got stopped in a location where I could take a picture though, the smaller cloud was three wisps and the lens like cloud was also disintegrating.

That the kind of impression I got from this, like it was marginal conditions for formation
That the kind of impression I got from this, like it was marginal conditions for formation
Probably, there were others in the sky but this was the most obvious lenticular. Originally pretty smooth top and bottom , it only took about five minutes after I noticed it , to start getting ragged.

Of course driving and looking up at the sky while looking for good place to pull over, not such a wonderful idea either. However one can easily go 20 minutes before seeing another vehicle this time of year.
Flying home from Atlanta, FL370


After landing in Trenton

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The sky over Philadelphia, lower altitude persistent contrails, two airliners on the lower right, perhaps at a higher altitude

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I thought lenticular clouds only formed near or over mountain ranges?
I live in the western Canadian Shield. Granite hills a few hundred feet high at most. I have seen such clouds here many times over the last several decades.
I live in the western Canadian Shield. Granite hills a few hundred feet high at most. I have seen such clouds here many times over the last several decades.
Lucky you, and I bet you get quite the lightening display where you live if you have granite hills near you... Must be an amazing sight!
Some good storms in summer but not like the U.S. midwest!

Only one confirmed tornado in my five decades and that was 200 miles NE of here.
Right. Those are chemtrails. NOT contrails.

No, there is simply no such thing as a "chem"trail, sorry.'s very simple, these are photos of clouds and contrails, all easily recognized by those in the aviation industry (and many other experts too).

IF you wished to take a photo, and submit it, then I'm certain any number of people will be able to explain it to you, using YOUR example.

A bonus would be if you could get a spectrographic analysis (easy enough with the proper equipment, when sunlight is shining through it. This is how astronomers can measure the chemical makeup of atmospheres of distant planets).

I've no interested in the whole chemtrails/contrails thing but as this is a thread for posting images of contrails and clouds, I thought I'd post this pink lenticular cloud. There was an orange sky as the sun was going down opposite this and it gave the cloud a lovely pink glow.


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Saw this and thought of you
Taken today 14:30BST in Dorset (UK)IMAG0119 - Copy.jpg
The view to the south of my summer cottage looks just like that on many a summer day. The cottage is on a very small lake ( approx 2 Km across) but about another 2 Km beyond it lies a much bigger lake that is approx 40 Km across east to west and a similar distance north to south. Lake effect clouds are often readily observed. While we may be in bright sun we can often see clouds build during the day over the big lake to the point where we watch thunderstorms making life miserable for those with cottages further south while we bask in the sun since the prevailing wind is west to east.

A suspicious person might wonder about these persistent clouds to the south. An educated person understands full well the mechanisms in pay.

I've no interested in the whole chemtrails/contrails thing but as this is a thread for posting images of contrails and clouds, I thought I'd post this pink lenticular cloud. There was an orange sky as the sun was going down opposite this and it gave the cloud a lovely pink glow.

Very cool picture. Where was it taken?
It was a good weekend for colors in the sky.

Kennedy Meadows, CA. South eastern flank of the Sierra Mtns. Sat. May 3, 2014


Just on the other side of the ridge, above Paradise Cove at Lake Isabella, CA Sunday, May 4, 2014

Getting ready to enter the Kern River Canyon on Hwy. 178 Sunday, May 4, 2014
Looking a bit lenticular, but I'm not positive.


Just 'cause it's a nice view. Byron Bay headland in the distance, there's a lighthouse there but it's too small to come out in this shot.IMAG0715.jpg Local chemtrailers represent.


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Port Phillip bay Victoria OZ sunset looking south west towards the heads or bay entrance rip and Pt Nepean Pt Londsdale & Queenscliff last week Wed eve on car ferry on my way home, oh time stamp still daylite saving time

Over southern bayside suburbs Melbourne OZ this avo i suspect air cargo descending heading to Avalon aiport and a pigeon in flight

That photo "Over southern bayside suburbs Melbourne OZ" may also be an over-flyer, like between Sydney and Johannesburg, South Africa.
you may be right, thou i felt or saw it to be descending. I had watched one the nite prior dropping though mid level cloud turning to line up approach It was quite a sight as its forward lights lite up the path ahead illuminating cloud above below.

if find the time i may check flight tracker to be sure

I originally thought these were just sheared clouds (it's very windy out) but I now believe they're sheared contrails as it's in the area of flight paths from Southern England to Spain and the US which seems particularly busy this morning.

Looks like you've got a faint circumhorizon arc there too:

[Edited to remove the lense flare]
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I took this image in my backyard. You can see the foremost clouds were from contrails and in the background (nearer the horizon) you can see the newest contrail. We have military cargo planes flying over and commercial closer to the horizon and as the contrails make there way to my location they look like clouds to the untrained eye (which is what I thought they were before coming to this forum)