Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

Possibly a single plane ascending or descending through the thin cloud layer, in the upper left it looks like a distrail, then there's what seems to be a hole punch cloud. But it's hard to tell without more context.

I know, it was just a quick snap I took between the house and car. Occurred to me later to look around a bit more
After being introduced to mammatus cloud types on this forum, I was awestruck to see them for myself as I cannot recall ever noticing them before in the UK.

Captured from my dashcam last evening around 8pm GMT+1. It was over a small area these clouds appeared (rest of sky horizon to horizon was otherwise "normal") and they lazily drifted ENE out of sight. Later last night, distant lightning and thunder was observed, but nothing local.

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Where was that, @Balance ? I saw similar (maybe the same) clouds here in Hanpshire at around 9pm last night. The photos didn't come out very well though: they looked more "mammatusy" in real life.


There were thunderstorms down on the south coast to my south-southwest so I assume these were the remnants.
Yep, East Dorset, not far from Hants border. I took some HD video also but like you say about your photo's they didn't do it justice, the depth of view just didn't reproduce so well (unless viewed on one of those monstrous 52" TV's).
Almost had another today. I could see mammatus beginning to form but it got blown away. Checking live satellite just now, there's a heavy electrical storm across the channel off the SE coast.

I cycled the Devon coast to coast route this weekend and arrived in Plymouth to this display of altocumulus. A "mackerel sky" if you're a fisherman, or a "toxic HAARP frequency sky" if you read Chemtrails Global Skywatch...

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I prefer to see them called gnats. Of course that's mostly because when someone around me says "Damn gnats." I can say "What did I do?".

Working outside means these days I usually just think it, so as not to dilute the funny. :(
Do not attempt to take night photos of lightning on your iPhone just because you have a burst capability. The results are unsatisfactory. Taken last week.

This morning I saw a spectacular shelf cloud. Beautiful stacked laminar appearance.

Radar showed it to be sitting atop a remnant gust front from decayed convection to the north. It passed over and dissipated. Now it's just hot. :(
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Pyrocumulus in Northern California. The first two were taken August 2nd, the 4th day of the "Rocky Fire" ( If you are familiar with the area, the 1st photo was taken at highway 37/Lakeville hwy, and the 2nd photo was taken near downtown Sonoma. The 3rd is the "Jerusalem Fire", taken from the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge (by someone who wasn't driving) less than 3 hours after the fire started (

Northern California is very fire-prone from the long drought.Rocky Fire pyrocumulus Aug2.JPG Rocky Fire pyrocumulus2 Aug2.JPG Jerusulem pyrocumulus Aug9_612pm.JPG
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Contrail over Lake Louise r.jpg
Lake Louise, Banff, Alberta. 1450 31 July, 2015
What's that crazy pilot doing? He's descending straight towards that mountain! ;)

Edit: Just looked up the flight. As I suspected, it's a 747. (2:50pm Alberta time is 8:50pm UTC)

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Noticed this morning as I was about to rise...
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Circumhorizontal arc?


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Sun dog. It's horizontally in line with the sun, and has a vertically aligned spectrum (up and down colored stripes)
I was a bit intrigued by the near/far difference in the clouds...I think my composition only adds to the weirdness...

Yellowstone clouds r.jpg
Lamar Valley, Yellowstone, Wyoming 1347 17 July, 2015
From last Sunday'20150823_092938.jpg s ski trip to the Salamander Glacier in Glacier National Park. I am pretty sure this is smoke from fires to the west.
Managed to catch some CIA mind control beams in the night sky over Tampere, Finland the other night. Or they might just be the northern lights, who knows
20150912_131436.jpg We had just about every variety of cloud in the sky at the same time this morning while I was volunteering at a festival. We usually only have cirrus clouds so I was fascinating by all the different types today.
I have no idea what kind of cloud this was but it was too cool not to share.

It was sort of a standing cloud just leeward of a mountain range in SW Montana. It was right above my head so kinda hard to take a good pic especially on a phone but the pano shot gives you a good idea but the top was cut off and was lit fire red when I first observed it. It was curved and just sort of held stationary while the higher clouds above floated by- just after sunset. I observed it for about 15-20 minutes before getting distracted by a herd of Elk thundering by about 60 yards away.

The pictures dont really do it justice, of course- it was pretty mesmerizing in the alpen glow of a late summers eve in Montana.





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After a grey and wet day there was a sudden clearance about an hour ago. This little cloud just drifted into the perfect position to form a sundog.

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While watching the smoke from a controlled burn, snapped some possible pyrocumulus and some nice looking cirrius clouds (27/09/15)IMG_0235.jpg IMG_0240.jpg IMG_0238.jpg
Parhelic circle from Shingle Springs, CA. 11:08AM, 2015-09-27, possible slight paranthelion just to left of bottom center.
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Whilst sitting the confluence of the Yellowstone river and Hell Roaring creek...IMG_1658.JPG

I saw this cool bit of iridescence:
