Physical Object or Camera Artifcat?

Marco Fatica

New Member
[EDIT] I apologize for the inconvenience. I was not aware that the Album containing the pictures was set to private. I have since rectified the situation.

My Dad's girlfriend noticed a strange anomaly in this picture and believes it to be an Alien Spacecraft. I'm not even confinced it's anything more than a camera artifact. The picture was taken in Port Saint Lucie, Florida a few weeks ago at approximately 5-6 pm. [GALLERY=media, 24]Image by Marco Fatica posted Mar 27, 2016 at 2:14 PM[/GALLERY]

Here's a picture of the anomaly enlarged:
[GALLERY=media, 25]Image by Marco Fatica posted Mar 27, 2016 at 2:14 PM[/GALLERY]

Now normally I would've dismissed this immediately. However, my Dad submitted the picture to a UFO analysis site and was presented with some eerily similar pictures.
[GALLERY=media, 27]Image by Marco Fatica posted Mar 27, 2016 at 2:26 PM[/GALLERY]
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I tried to look at the pictures but I get an error message saying I don't have permission to see the album. Can you attach them directly to this thread?
Hello, I am sure this is just lens flare caused by an internal reflection in the camera.

A sure sign of this is that the mystery image is directly opposite the centre of the image from a bright light source (in this case the sun).

Excuse the very rough sketch done on my phone but this should illustrate what I mean.


It's an image of the sun reflected to the opposite side of the lens axis.
There was a case recently of a "UFO fleet" photographed in London:


It's the same thing - lens reflections of the bright lights at the bottom of the image.


Any time you see a mystery light in a photo, look to see what's on the opposite side of the centre point :)
Thanks for the Feedback. I am convinced it's a camera artifact. However, my Dad is unconvinced because he doesn't understand why the object appears to have depth. For instance, the little white dots that appear scattered on it's surface appear to be raised. Almost like Braille.
It could be a reflection of part of the internal components of the camera. I have a camera that sometimes shows something similar caused by light reflecting off the electronics around the sensor, then back off the innermost element of the lens. To reproduce it you need a very bright light source, slightly off centre (you have the sun) and much of the rest of the frame must be dark/black (you have the dark clouds).

I'm not at home to illustrate the effect myself until next weekend, but you might be able to reproduce it yourself before then with a bright flashlight/torch pointed directly at the camera, a little off centre, in a dark room.
It could be a reflection of part of the internal components of the camera. I have a camera that sometimes shows something similar caused by light reflecting off the electronics around the sensor, then back off the innermost element of the lens. To reproduce it you need a very bright light source, slightly off centre (you have the sun) and much of the rest of the frame must be dark/black (you have the dark clouds).

I'm not at home to illustrate the effect myself until next weekend, but you might be able to reproduce it yourself before then with a bright flashlight/torch pointed directly at the camera, a little off centre, in a dark room.
huh. you're right. i couldnt get the lens flare around the 'shapeship' (but i didnt try all that hard). Did get a 'spaceship-like' "moon" though. even got a "wart on one.
my flashlight though has 6 lights built in, so not quite the same as the sun.
Will have to try it when i see a similar sky as OP. But i dont have a 'sepia' setting on my camera or whatever they used to get those colors.



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