Reddit UFO "classic model UFO sighting in Argentina"


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It purports to show a UFO shot in Argentina

sighting in the commune of San Pedro de Colalao, a rural area in the Argentine Republic on 02/05/2024 at 08:00 a.m., it was found descending in the direction of the mountain range of the area
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Initially I saw some comments on it being shot through a car window and the object being a chip on the window and this made sense to me, the UFO is a bit sharper than the background and there are 2 other marks that are common to both photos and when scaled they match up even though the position of the photographer has changed.


I overlaid them in Photoshop to show this.

But the OP claims they did not shoot through the window and closer inspection of one of the photos plus an image they shared later seem to show the top of the car window


However one of the images showing the car window seems to have it cut off somewhat in a way that looks odd, also it might be the angle but where is the top of the window? Is this a convertible/targa car maybe, with a fully exposed window.

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Seems like a crazy lucky coincidence and why does the window distortion end? It could be a convertible/coupe with the doors open like this

But then why do the marks line up? it's odd.


I have asked for original phone images, but we know how that generally goes.
judging by the powerlines in the first picture, and the edges of the trees and clouds, the focus appears to be closer than the trees are—and the flying saucer is fairly well focused. "Close and small" is my verdict.

Also, given its sagging attitude, this saucer is clearly involved in an emergency landing...
However one of the images showing the car window seems to have it cut off somewhat in a way that looks odd, also it might be the angle but where is the top of the window? Is this a convertible/targa car maybe, with a fully exposed window.
IMG_2338.jpegThis isn't a window edge, I'm sure. It's two parallel lines, and the left side does not meet the right side. This looks like two slanted-roof structures, maybe animal pens, and there is a vertical face on the left, and the very top of a vertical side for the second one.
However one of the images showing the car window seems to have it cut off somewhat in a way that looks odd, also it might be the angle but where is the top of the window? Is this a convertible/targa car maybe, with a fully exposed window.

I think this a streak made on the window by the windshield wipers dragging something across the glass.
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judging by the powerlines in the first picture, and the edges of the trees and clouds, the focus appears to be closer than the trees are—and the flying saucer is fairly well focused. "Close and small" is my verdict.

Also, given its sagging attitude, this saucer is clearly involved in an emergency landing...

Going by the second the object appears to be in front of the middle power line.
To me it looks like it's blocking the wire, but there does seem to be some fuzziness around the object that may give the impression of blocking, the wires themselves do seem to fade in and out a bit. Obviously there could be a lot more going on, but at first glance that's what stood out to me.


  • Screenshot 2024-02-06 120708.png
    Screenshot 2024-02-06 120708.png
    9.4 KB · Views: 43
The fact that the background moves considerably while the "UFO" remains exactly (as far as I can determine exactitude) in the same relative position to several dots of something else seems pretty conclusively to show UFO and dots are all solidly fixed in relation to one another. Since the pics come from inside a car, purportedly, the simplest explanation is that they are fixed relative to one another by being on the same sheet of glass, either the side window or windshield of the car. IF this is the case, the witness is guilty of terminological inexactitude in saying he shot the pics through a rolled down window. (Which would be an obvious way to divert attention from any claim that we're looking at a smudge or damage to the glass for our UFO. IF that's what we are seeing, the witness would certainly know that.) Whether a smudge, bird poo or a conchoidal fracture from something hitting the window, I have no real opinion, but if it is a chip or fracture in the glass, that could indicate a car that has seen some rough times and taken some damage, and might account for the "edge of the rolled down window," something like this windshield crack:
Alternatively, as noted by @JAFO above, the "window edge" could also be a smear from a windshield wiper (though I'd expect that to be a smoother arc) or it could be a smear by some other means.

That seems the simplest explanation, unless somebody spots something that tosses it in the bin.

Edit: Extra parentheses removed.
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Another thought: is it possible this is a silver-ish blimp, heading diagonally away from the car but moving slowly enough so that it allows several photos to be taken? Having frequently followed the Goodyear blimp down to Akron (since I live pretty much on its regular flight path) I should have thought of that sooner.
Another thought: is it possible this is a silver-ish blimp, heading diagonally away from the car but moving slowly enough so that it allows several photos to be taken? Having frequently followed the Goodyear blimp down to Akron (since I live pretty much on its regular flight path) I should have thought of that sooner.
I don't think so it would be hard (almost impossible) for something distant and moving to line up so well with 2 other things/spots between 2 photos taken from different angles if one or all of them were actually distant object/s. Whereas if they are all fixed points on the glass close to the camera then it makes sense.
To me it looks like it's blocking the wire, but there does seem to be some fuzziness around the object that may give the impression of blocking, the wires themselves do seem to fade in and out a bit. Obviously there could be a lot more going on, but at first glance that's what stood out to me.
that's the third picture for me, not the second
In case anyone is interested, here's a local news article about the event (in Spanish but can be translated with Google Translate, with some degree of accuracy)

It could provide some context about the event. The photos were taken by a 76-year-old woman named Rina Valle Juárez and her husband; they were taking pictures of the landscape when they spotted it.

"It was like a shadow first, a shadow on high." Then Rina would discover something that left her dumbfounded and in her wonder she managed to clarify to her husband: "No, it's not a bird, it's a flying saucer! It's on your left, there, look!" There, her husband, who until then had been incredulous, was enraptured by the same scene. "Take pictures, take pictures," he told the discoverer.
"I saw that I was first at the height of the light cables, then I saw that it was already higher up the cable," says Rina, who later realized "that was going up." Thus, the sequence continues excitedly: "then I see it going down, you can no longer see the electricity cables and then it went there, to the hills."

And in case anyone wants to track in what location it was,

I began to see this UFO arriving in San Pedro, when the road forks to go to Trancas," the woman describes her experience, referring to Provincial Route 311....

Which I think would place it somewhere along this road.

It could be a hoax, but I think if we take their word for it then it's unlikely the UFO was actually something on the window itself (it would have to be confusing from both the perspective of the woman and the man, and it would make little sense for the object to eventually go out of view).
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I'm not saying it's impossible it's an intentional hoax, but I think if we take their word for it then it's unlikely the UFO was actually something on the window itself (it would have to be confusing from both the perspective of the woman and the man, and it would little make sense for the object to eventually go out of view).

That would seem to leave it almost impossible that the UFO remains stationery in regard to the other spots, though. The story is at odds with the pictures.

(The UFO looks elongated a bit in the third photo, and the gap between the UFO and the other spots DOES then widen and the other spots go out of focus. That would seem consistent with moving the camera in closer to the windshield, leaning forward to take a third shot, thus seeing the flat UFO -- assuming it is something on the windshield -- at a shallower angle and bringing the other spots much closer to the camera to where they are no longer in focus.)

FWIW, the La Gaceta has previously run some other OVNI (UFO) stories, such as:

"Maravilla" Martinez, her experiences with UFOs and the day her mom spoke to an alien​

The quilmeño boxer assured that the UFOs exist and told details of the day he watched thousands in Cordoba.

That's not all, but he also confessed about an individual encounter between his mother and an alien in Capilla del Monte: Did he have a contact. This I'm saying is weird. She was an absolutely different person from that moment on, from 2014 onwards. He had a conversation like five, ten, three minutes, I don't know. The last thing they told him is 'you have to be happy, now you're going to be happy'.
...On December 31, 1999, in the Caves of Ongamira, Cordoba, we were with a girlfriend I had camping in a place where there was nothing. We saw about hundreds or thousands of UFOs. It was hard to know the amount. They appeared out of nowhere, were metal appliances and others were like strange lights that left a golden rainbow in the sky. They were flying objects that could not be identified, so I tell you UFOs. Some were ships because we saw the metal. The amount was incredible, we didn't get to see all the amount of things going through the air. They would pass at great speed, come back, go up and down.
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Translation from Spanish by whatever the default is on Firefox, which seems to have trouble with pronouns...
That would seem to leave it almost impossible that the UFO remains stationery in regard to the other spots, though. The story is at odds with the pictures.

I agree, looking more into the pictures I do also think that it's some sort of smudge on the window taken from different angles and at different distances.

FWIW, the La Gaceta has previously run some other OVNI (UFO) stories, such as:
Yes, the article was more to show some context that was apparently provided by the people that took the pictures. I wasn't trying to imply that the story was more valid because it was in a news article (I think tabloid would be the more accurate word for it), it was more to show some context the images came with besides the reddit thread.

Investigating a bit deeper, I also found this interview.


Again, it's in Spanish (but it's possible to auto-translate the autogenerated subtitles)

What stood out to me is that the husband says he didn't actually see the object directly. He was driving so he was mostly focused on the road; he says he saw it from the corner of his eye. (6:08)
I could see it from the corner of my eye but I couldn't see any big details, I did get to see the UFO, but the surprise came when we opened the picture and started to see the sharper image

Furthermore, the woman also mentions that later on, when she looked at the pictures again (11:42)
I also saw in the last photo, on the upper side, like 3 points one on top of the other, which I think are ships

Which I suspect she is referring to the smudge on the upper right.
It could be a hoax, but I think if we take their word for it then it's unlikely the UFO was actually something on the window itself (it would have to be confusing from both the perspective of the woman and the man, and it would make little sense for the object to eventually go out of view).
I don't follow that conclusion.
It can easily confuse both, especially if she primes him. If the visibility depends on the lighting, driving around a bend would make it disappear.
I don't follow that conclusion.
It can easily confuse both, especially if she primes him. If the visibility depends on the lighting, driving around a bend would make it disappear.
The way I imagined it happening at first was more static as if they were both sightseeing, after having seen the interview and the couple talk about the event, I now think it's entirely possible that they got confused by something on the window.

The way I imagine it happening now is that the woman "tracked" the object while trying to take pictures, without realizing she was causing the movement by moving around, and eventually moved at a certain angle she lost it and concluded it just left.
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Is this a windscreen wiper? Meaning the window is the windscreen and not the side window D we have JPEG individual photo for this one
There was another Reddit post about this sighting that contains additional photos. (Perhaps these photos are contained in one of the links already provided above)


Including what looks to be a windshield wiper as @jarlrmai already pointed out above, some of the smaller dark secondary artifacts are repeated in the photos. They occur at the same angles to each other and I believe adds support to them being static debris stuck on a windshield theory.

One of the secondary artifacts appears heavily blurred and out of focus suggesting a positioning of the camera much closer to it. This would only happen if the object was close to the observer on something like glass. (I suppose there could have been a spider web holding debris over the window opening but that seems unlikely, especially if the car was moving)


Even if the car windows were down, I dont see how the photographer forgets they were shooting through the front windshield. Especially considering the blurring of the artifact in the photo above would seem to require outstretched arms over the dashboard to get that angle.
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This is the high res png of the windscreen wiper pic


That sure looks like a wiper. And the right end of it might be picking up junk that accumulated where the windshield meets the hood of the car, thus making the streak. At least in my truck that's what always happens, right where I look out.
I don't think so it would be hard (almost impossible) for something distant and moving to line up so well with 2 other things/spots between 2 photos taken from different angles if one or all of them were actually distant object/s. Whereas if they are all fixed points on the glass close to the camera then it makes sense.
I agree that the top thingie appears to be a smear on the window. But I don't see a time stamp on the photos, so they may have been taken one immediately after the other, and "the object was moving" to just be anecdotal. It could even be a tethered blimp, and the apparent movement just "parallax strikes again."
This already happened in Argentina in 2017: The UFO was nothing more than bird droppings, as it happens in this case where the old lady is the co-pilot and the pictures are of the windshield, as the wiper mark is visible on it.
A fact to take into account is that the lady speaks of herons in the place.