Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

[..] two pairs of small humanoid aliens known as Bynars; the Bynars heavily rely on their computer technology and work in pairs for best efficiency.

The name "11001001" is a binary number, a concatenation of the names of the Bynars (One One, Zero Zero, One Zero, and Zero One).

Yes , the star trek:next gen episode 11001001 refers to, is about an alien race called the Bynars who hijack a nearly evacuated Enterprise.

Fitting as this is meant to be a reverse engineering group who acquired an alien ship
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IMO , the 11001001 is a reference to the star trek episode .

BTW, the talk at the moment is that this patch was on ebay at some point. Someone found like an old ebay listing of it that was put oddly on pininterest. The link to the listing however says it's not there.

And there is debate on what came first, the listing or the ross coulthart presentation of it. Or even if the listing even really existed at all
IMO , the 11001001 is a reference to the star trek episode .
Good catch, I thought it rang a bell, but I have no memory for such things.
"11001001" is the fifteenth episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship Enterprise-D. In this episode, members of an alien race called the Bynars hijack a nearly evacuated Enterprise while retrofitting the computer in space dock.
Content from External Source
Nonsense. ASCII is 7-bit. In Latin-1, thence unicode, it's an "É",
Extended ASCII is 8 bit
Extended ASCII is a repertoire of character encodings that include (most of) the original 96 ASCII character set, plus up to 128 additional characters.
Content from External Source
(8bit ASCII is what I learnt with my 8-bit MSX, and I am too old for all those modern classifications of encodings and stuff)

Anyway, I already reckoned I have a problem with the fontsize :p

Also, it it was a legit patch, I would think the 201 code to have some meaning (even if trivial). If it is a fake patch, then the reference to Star Trek seems just as right.
The pattern on the bottom half of the patch appears to represent a traditional display of RF communication using a spectrum analyzer, i.e. a central carrier frequency with upper and lower side-bands. In this context the lightning bolt represents wireless i.e. RF communications.

The grey circle appears to represent encrypted or "grey" communications when viewed in juxtaposition with the US military star in the circle on the top half of the patch with binary pattern to represent decoded or "known" message data.

The reticle under the US military star could represent communications that are intercepted or "targeted" by the US military. So if real, this patch represents a unit possibly tasked with breaking of adversary or "enemy" encryption. This is a plausible and highly classified context for military reverse engineering.
Seems that the same, identical patch has been listed for sale on Ebay and other sites as well.

Coulthart patch was for sale on Ebay previously

The military patch shown by investigative journalist Ross Coulthart recently, allegedly give to him by a family member or the original owner, was at one time sold on Ebay.

I ran the image of the patch through Pinterest’s image search and it leads to this Ebay listing:

The title description of the now removed listing was:

(eBay) AREA 51 Groom Lake EG&G Employees Only CIA Special Programs Ultra Rare Patch (eBay) AREA 51 Groom Lake EG&G Employees Only CIA Special Programs Ultra Rare Patch


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It's funny that when you google 11001001 , the result comes back in reference to a Star Trek episode
As a trek fan I was about to cite that TNG episode. Could just be a coincidence or whoever made the patch was a trek fan. A fun episode that reveals a lot about what people in the late 80s thought about computers.
There was some on eBay I guess IMG_3086.jpeg

Just saying, IF there is any truth to this supposed eBay listing it still doesn't mean what Coulthart says. We know EG&G was a defense contractor. Even the Wiki page for them publicly lists "Aera 51" and the "CIA" as their clients:


So, it's not a big secret that EG&G worked with the CIA and had employees out at Area 51. I do find listing Area 51 as a client a little silly though. The client wouldn't be an "area" out in the Nevada desert, it would be the various agencies that would have contracted EG&G to perform services in and around the Nevada Test Site.

Nevertheless, if EG&G has contractors working out at Area 51 and those employees had some sort of official patch or a secret one among themselves, it just means some EG&G people worked at Area 51. Something everyone already knows. It's public knowledge.

The EG&G workers could have been paving runways or building hangers or any number of things that DO NOT include reverse engineering of crashed UFO's. Notably, EG&G ferried works from Las Vegas to Area 51 in unmarked airliners:

EG&G's "Special Projects" division was the notable operator of the Janet Terminal at McCarran International Airport [Now Harry Reid] Las Vegas, Nevada, a service used to transport employees to remote government locations in Nevada and California.[10] EG&G also had a joint venture with Raytheon Technical Services, creating JT3 LLC in 2000, which operates the Joint Range Technical Services contract.[11]
Content from External Source

The patch could be totally legit, though I doubt it, and NOT mean what Coulthart thinks it means. IF real, it's not proof of anything, other than EG&G people worked at Area 51 which isn't secret.
Might be interesting to contact Trevor Paglen to see if he's familiar with the patch. @Mick West, do you know him?

For those who aren't aware, Paglen literally "wrote the book" on patches and classified programs.

Just curious, what is the alleged link between the patch and aliens aside from the story Coulthart tells along with the image?

There are other military patches that include aliens that are far less subtle than this one. We know what those mean already, what makes this one so special? It's only "interesting" if it comes with a pre-made story about where it comes from (that is, as usual, unverified). Without that story all I see is a patch for a project some star trek nerds were likely involved with, and given the premise of that episode, something related to cyber security. 1000039183.jpg1000039182.jpg
No hits in the wayback machine apart from today so probably created since Coulthards presentation.
Yea that’s what I was thinking. Is there a way to see the date of the last update to the site? Apologies as I don’t have much knowledge on this type of thing.
So it seems like the same actual patch, taken at different times, and in a different sleeve
(Drag slider L/R to compare)
So it seems like the same actual patch, taken at different times, and in a different sleeve
(Drag slider L/R to compare)

It's odd

The sleeve is smaller, but the patch sewing flaws match
But why does the fabric/paper they are on have the same folds?

The same patch in 2 different sleeves on the same surface.

They don't, it's the transparency layer (thanks to the quote block for showing that)
Yea that’s what I was thinking. Is there a way to see the date of the last update to the site? Apologies as I don’t have much knowledge on this type of thing.

Negative results on Wayback Machine is not necessarily correlated with the page being created today. Wayback Machine does not store absolutely everything on the Internet, and especially not dynamic or deeply nested content.

Each time someone searches for a URL in Wayback Machine it stores the page.

So a single positive hit dated today does not prove either or. It could been have created today or it could have been there for years until someone looked the URL up in their search engine today.

In the Reddit post there are details pointing at the Pinterest listing that links to the removed Ebay listing being from 2021.
LOL silly

the pic on the russian site (link here but in web archive) is the exact same background fabric as the Coulhardt conference. so... no mr. $900,000 you were not part of that group. or you lied to Coulhardt. or both. the idea that 2 different owners would use the back of a tablecloth to take the pic is too...unbelievable.

Area 51 Groom Lake EG&G; Engineering UFO Military Super Rare Patch :
Do you want to own the ultimate Area 51 item? Then look no further!
This patch was given to the members of a small EG&G engineering group inside Area 51 in the year 2000. I was part of that group. 100% original and authentic. I have never seen this patch offered anywhere else before. Excellent condition. Been stored inside a plastic sleeve.
MAKE YOUR BEST OFFER! Keep in mind that I will not let this go for nothing. This isn't some reproduction. It was specifically designed and handed out to engineers INSIDE Area 51. ObviouslyI'm not really asking $900,000. I justwanted it to be seen more. Don't hesitate if you have questions.
UPS shipping fully insured and signature required is included with your purchase. Shipping within U.S only. No returns.
I have 100% positive response. Buy with complete confidence.

and in a different sleeve

you think the sleeve is different because the coulhart pic has a bit of crinkle on the left? maybe it just got crinkled between pics.
Using eBay’s Terrapeak, I was able to look at sold listings up to two years old.
It looks like one sold in March 2023 for $550.
Unfortunately “details” of the listing are not available beyond 90 days.


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Using eBay’s Terrapeak, I was able to look at sold listings up to two years old.
It looks like one sold in March 2023 for $550.
Unfortunately “details” of the listing are not available beyond 90 days.
It's the same one. i.e. the same patch (not just another copy of the patch)
It's the same one. i.e. the same patch (not just another copy of the patch)
Doesnt one of the pics Eddie shows, have a brown carpet behind it. Thats the first Ive seen that.

As for the soviet-awards listing, not sure how many there are. But the one asking a lot claiming to be a former emplotyee, I saw that the other day, and at the top left it said recent posts. So I dismissed it
Just curious, what is the alleged link between the patch and aliens aside from the story Coulthart tells along with the image?

There are other military patches that include aliens that are far less subtle than this one. We know what those mean already, what makes this one so special? It's only "interesting" if it comes with a pre-made story about where it comes from (that is, as usual, unverified). Without that story all I see is a patch for a project some star trek nerds were likely involved with, and given the premise of that episode, something related to cyber security. 1000039183.jpg
When I saw the thread title, this is the patch I was expecting to see, not an ESM one.
Never have they been closer to blowing their cover.

Below a motto in the Klingon language developed for Star Trek reads “YltlhobQo’ Jay” (“Don’t Ask!”). Robert Fabian designed the patch while assigned to a classified unit working in a secure facility at Air Force Space Command Headquarters in Colorado. “We were working inside a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (vault),” Fabian wrote to author Trevor Paglen in 2009, “and our friends and coworkers used to like giving us a hard time about it, asking if our office was where they kept the alien bodies.” Fabian designed the emblem as a joke and pooled some of his own money with that of colleagues to pay for production of a small quantity of patches. “We wore them on our flight suits for a couple of months before anyone in authority spotted them.” A Brigadier General’s only reaction was to ask where he could get one. Recent patches for classified test programs involving the B-2 also feature aliens.

I do wonder how many of Grusch's and Coulthart's sources were joking like this.
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Using eBay’s Terrapeak, I was able to look at sold listings up to two years old.
It looks like one sold in March 2023 for $550.
Unfortunately “details” of the listing are not available beyond 90 days.

Can you walk through how you found that?

I'd like to find it myself
Doesnt one of the pics Eddie shows, have a brown carpet behind it. Thats the first Ive seen that.

As for the soviet-awards listing, not sure how many there are. But the one asking a lot claiming to be a former emplotyee, I saw that the other day, and at the top left it said recent posts. So I dismissed it
From what I understand. We have three photos of it.
1. The screenshot that shows the eBay listing (unknown source)
2. The photo from the sketchy site, which appears to just be linking the patch to a eBay listing that no longer exists.
3. The photo I shared from Terrapeak (a eBay seller tool) which shows the patch sold in Mar 2023 for $550.

I think Mick is saying all these images contain the same physical patch.
Can you walk through how you found that?

I'd like to find it myself
eBay offers a seller tool called terrapeak. It is only available to those who have a “eBay store subscription.(I have one).
It basically allows you to do some marketing research by looking up old sold listings-up to 2 years old.
Without terrapeak, you can only see the last 90 days of “sold listings”.
Although terrapeak shows us the sold listing and price paid for the patch-it does NOT give us the “description, seller details, and specifics” beyond 90 days.
eBay offers a seller tool called terrapeak. It is only available to those who have a “eBay store subscription.(I have one).
It basically allows you to do some marketing research by looking up old sold listings-up to 2 years old.
Without terrapeak, you can only see the last 90 days of “sold listings”.
Although terrapeak shows us the sold listing and price paid for the patch-it does NOT give us the “description, seller details, and specifics” beyond 90 days.
So you found it via terrapeak by searching for the patch description ie area 51 eg&g etc etc?

The reason I ask, is the UFO community put the guy whop found the ebay listng on blast. Saying he had no proof , it could have been listed that day etc etc. There was literrally a thread on the UFOs sub reddit blasing the guy calling him a gov agent etc and that it was fake

If you can prove that the listing existed March 2023 and show exactly how to find it so others can repeat the find. That would go a long way
Thinking of the binary 201 (1100101), there is a 201st Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade, unfortunately based in Washington State, not Nevada.
It's main formation is an Intelligence Electronic Warfare Battalion.

Both the shoulder sleeve insignia and distinctive unit insignia are shown on the Wikipedia page, they don't resemble Mr Coulthart's badge. However, grey and "oriental blue" are symbolic colours of US Army intelligence units; I'm not sure if any of the blues on Coulthart's patch are oriental blue or not. As others have posted, lightning bolts are a common feature of comms/ EW insignia.

I guess it's possible that Coulthart's badge is a real (e.g. military or defence contractor origin) but unofficial "morale patch", sometimes procured by groups of personnel to show their specific role or claimed prowess (not worn with service uniform).

does Coulthart actually believe that the people that reverse engineered crashed alien spacecraft in a super top-secret cave at Area 51 had a patch to sew onto their coveralls?
Totally agree. It's a bit like the women who worked at Bletchley Park in WW2 deciding to have head scarves printed with "You'll never guess what I do!"

In the unlikely event that we find a picture from Area 51 of people wearing this patch, it still proves nothing other than some guys there wear this patch (though arguably it would provide some support for Coulthart having inside sources).

If we find pictures from Area 51 of personnel wearing this patch and working on a UFO... that's different.
But in that instance, the patch wouldn't be the main focus of interest!

Maybe Mr Coulthart "has put this out there" to distract from other recent issues relating to David Grusch, which many think Coulthart might have mishandled.
So you found it via terrapeak by searching for the patch description ie area 51 eg&g etc etc?

The reason I ask, is the UFO community put the guy whop found the ebay listng on blast. Saying he had no proof , it could have been listed that day etc etc. There was literrally a thread on the UFOs sub reddit blasing the guy calling him a gov agent etc and that it was fake

If you can prove that the listing existed March 2023 and show exactly how to find it so others can repeat the find. That would go a long way
Yes. That is exactly how I found it. I can lay out the process of using Terrapeak on eBay and finding the patch, but again it’s offered only to those who have a “paid eBay store subscription”.
Yes. That is exactly how I found it. I can lay out the process of using Terrapeak on eBay and finding the patch, but again it’s offered only to those who have a “paid eBay store subscription”.
I'm sure some of the UFO folk will have acess to terrapeak, so yeah. I complete detailed step by step would be great. inc exact search terms etc
So you found it via terrapeak by searching for the patch description ie area 51 eg&g etc etc?

The reason I ask, is the UFO community put the guy whop found the ebay listng on blast. Saying he had no proof , it could have been listed that day etc etc. There was literrally a thread on the UFOs sub reddit blasing the guy calling him a gov agent etc and that it was fake

If you can prove that the listing existed March 2023 and show exactly how to find it so others can repeat the find. That would go a long way

Hopefully my video worked. I started the video from the terapeak page so that my personal information and eBay store was not shown.
You can navigate to this Terapeak page by-
My eBay>Selling>research>Terapeak
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Hopefully my video worked. I started the video from the terrapeak page so that my personal information and eBay store was not shown.

Good, just needs one last thing, clicking on the listing to show those pics of it. particularly the brown carpet one
I'm going to add my theory here. As a eBay seller perhaps I can explain why the listing title contained "Michael Jordan Autograph".
When you search "Area 51 patch" you'll get a lot of hits. None are the patch in question.
A seller listed the item FOR someone specific to purchase.
Seller shared the search term "Groom lake patch with Michael Jordan Autograph" to the interested buyer as a way to direct the buyer to the specific listing.

The reason you would add "Michael Jordan" to the listing rather than simply sharing the link-to the listing with the buyer is because you don't want the item to sell to someone else, before your buyer has a chance to purchase it.
If the seller simply creates a listing for you titled "area 51 groom lake patch"
A random eBayer searching for "area 51 patches" can purchase it under your buyers feet.
If we add "Michael Jordan" to the title, a stranger might not see the listing, and if he does, not know wtf hes buying.
I've done something similar before for a buyer, Created a custom listing while keeping someone new from swooping in and buying it.

The reason a Buyer would want the sale to go through eBay rather than privately (cash app, pay pal) is because eBay offers buyer protection.
Essentially eBay will cover the $ if a buyer gets hosed.

Its possible someone found that old-no longer listed-photo of the patch at that link I posted above.
Reached out to the seller with interest to purchase.
Seller made a new eBay listing for it.
Directed buyer to the listing VIA search term
Buyer purchased it for $550
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