Sitrec Models and Geometries, Lighting, and a new UI

Mick West

Staff member
New UI first. That drop down on the left was getting way too busy, so I've changed it to a menu/widget system that I hacked together from the existing lil-gui code

The menus can be detached from the bar and then remain open. You can drag them back or double-click on the title to send it back.

Things are organized as logically as possible under traditional menus. But it's only partly done. The first menu is still the catch-all for sitch-specific items that probably belong elsewhere. It will evolve; I just need to make a couple of passes.

Time sliders now wrap at the end and increment/decrement the one above, making it much easier to adjust the time.

Lighting is now more accurate to time/date, with the sun's direction being very accurate.

Here's a new model inspector; the yellow arrow points towards the sun.


The Objects menu lets you pick or modify the target object (e.g., in FLIR1). A "model" is a 3D model loaded from a file (no drag-and-drop yet, but it's coming soon). A "geometry" is procedurally generated, like a sphere or a Tic-Tac.


You can change an object's material and apply it to a model to quickly test different paint jobs.


You can save and share these with File->SAVE MOD. The menu positions are not currently saved.

I welcome feedback, bugs, questions, and suggestions. Let me know if something just feels like it should work differently.
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Getting in sun direction was partly inspired by the Eglin AARO report

That looked rather simplistic, but I figured it would be good to have for things like balloons. Of course in Sitrec you can move around the main camera to get a look at what is going on.

To good thing about the sun is that it's essentially parallel light, so it's accurate regardless of distance.
is it able to reflect the sun off of an object, based on the selected surface material and pov?

this could come in handy to simulate blinking, perceived rotation and or shape obfuscation
is it able to reflect the sun off of an object, based on the selected surface material and pov?

this could come in handy to simulate blinking, perceived rotation and or shape obfuscation
You can set up a material to be more reflective like that. It's not high dynamic range, but it will show when it's reflecting the sun.
is it able to reflect the sun off of an object, based on the selected surface material and pov?

this could come in handy to simulate blinking, perceived rotation and or shape obfuscation
Not really gonna work as you will not have a perfect model of whatever the object is.
Think a mirror on a hill catching the sunlight, and you seeing the reflection but moving it 1 degree you see no reflection.

I suppose in that case it would be handy of being able to substitute a different model for whatever the craft is as a sphere or cube won't reflect that often, something like this or even tessellated further as the viewer -> object -> light angle would often lead to specular hilights
I suppose in that case it would be handy of being able to substitute a different model for whatever the craft is as a sphere or cube won't reflect that often, something like this or even tessellated further as the viewer -> object -> light angle would often lead to specular hilights

You can kind of set that up in the current app with a tessellated icosahedron and flat shading, pumping up the metal.


And you can tesselate it more: