Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

We only know of FBI involvement with 1 object, and in this case, they took custody of debris. This happens because an LE investigation is initiated surrounding it, and given the context, it would fall within FBIs purview, not a DoD investigative body. With that said, both "sides" are going to be reporting on it. FBIs investigation would be focused in an entirely different area, and the FBIs report is unlikely to tell you what you're looking for vs other bodies looking at it.
I districtly remember seeing a photo of the remains of one balloon in the custody of the FBI, I think it was taken at Quantico. I'm sure it was the Chinese balloon, and the FBI was acting in their role of the agency responsible for counterintelligence investigations.
I districtly remember seeing a photo of the remains of one balloon in the custody of the FBI, I think it was taken at Quantico. I'm sure it was the Chinese balloon, and the FBI was acting in their role of the agency responsible for counterintelligence investigations.

June 30, 2023, 4:35 AM EDT / Updated June 30, 2023, 9:17 AM EDT
By Jennifer Jett
HONG KONG — The suspected Chinese spy balloon that flew over the United States early this year used commercially available, off-the-shelf technology that was American-made, according to three U.S. officials familiar with preliminary findings by the FBI.

The FBI is responsible for investigating counterintelligence threats, and the balloon was believed to be carrying an electronics payload.



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That is why the FBI report on the first balloon wreckage has YET to be provided to congress [...] Gang of 8 at least should be informed and last I heard nobody in congress has seen FBI report including gang of 8.
that's false

SmartSelect_20231028-221329_Samsung Internet.jpg

One Chinese official confirmed to Reuters that a renewed Blinken visit would be more likely if the U.S. accommodated Beijing's wish to shelve the issue, adding that China had conveyed it did not want the FBI to release details of its investigation into the downed balloon.
The two sources said the FBI report had originally been anticipated for mid-April release.
The FBI declined to comment on any report. The State Department told Reuters it had never discussed the issue with the bureau and declined to comment on discussions with China over the matter.
Asked about the release of the FBI report at a May 2 Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Daniel Kritenbrink, the department's top diplomat for East Asia, said: "I absolutely support making sure that people are aware of what happened."

I did not check whether the report was shared with that committee.
I'm sure it was the Chinese balloon, and the FBI was acting in their role of the agency responsible for counterintelligence investigations.
In a news briefing on Thursday, senior FBI officials detailed the Bureau’s role as the lead governing agency for the forensic examination of the Chinese high-altitude balloon identified and shot down February 5 by the U.S. military off the coast of South Carolina.
I did a search too, and can't figure out if the actual 4 corners of the "full report" from the FBI has been shared with congress. This is a unknown.
Yes. So why did you claim that the Gang of 8 doesn't know?

The video is from a House Foreign Affairs Committee (subcommittee?) hearing.
“We deliberately didn't shoot down the balloon over Alaska or Montana because we wanted to see everything that was on it,” he reminded Kritenbrink. “And we allowed the balloon to go over military bases. We made sure, to the best of our ability, [that] it didn't gather any more information, all in an effort to find out what was on the balloon. ... So I look forward to working with the subcommittee and full committee to get a classified briefing on that.”
Sherman’s intervention seemed to make an impression. “Yes, sir, and I’d be happy to take that back,” Kritenbrink said.
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Yes. So why did you claim that the Gang of 8 doesn't know?
This interview with Marco Rubio (member of gang of 8) on (10-24-2023) proves that he has not gotten the full FBI briefing/report on what was on the China Spy Balloon. So turns out I was correct.
Matt Laslo: Have you gotten any answers on the Chinese Spy Balloon? Marco Rubio: No
Source: 5 sec into audio
Also there is additional information about the China Spy Balloon that has come out via leaked classified documents. Apparently there is suspicion that the Balloon had advanced radar on board. And has solar panels which could generate upward of 10,000 watts of solar power. But the Biden Admin is saying that this thing collected nothing, and is apparently blocking the FBI report from congress. This all smells very fishy.
synthetic apature balloon.png

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/04/14/chinese-spy-balloon-leaked-documents/

Now, seven months later, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, tells "CBS News Sunday Morning" the balloon wasn't spying. "The intelligence community, their assessment – and it's a high-confidence assessment – [is] that there was no intelligence collection by that balloon," he said.
Source: https://news.yahoo.com/bizarre-secret-behind-chinas-spy-132621162.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
Also new reporting from News Nation about a incident that allegedly occurred on Feb 1st. This to me shows a pattern of events. And could add to my theory that this all may be connected to the brining online of our nations most powerful and advanced radar by Space Force in Clear Alaska.

Three sources told NewsNation there was an earlier, publicly undisclosed incident over the Arctic Circle on Feb. 1, 2023, three days before the Chinese balloon was shot down.

The defense and intelligence sources said eight or nine unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) were detected over the Arctic Circle, and fighter jets were sent up in an unsuccessful attempt to intercept them.

Fighter jets deployed from the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) to engage the objects, sources said, but the UAPs were seen maneuvering away at high speeds.

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Christopher Mellon independently confirmed the story.

Source: Updated: NOV 2, 2023 / 06:31 PM CDT
There was also 3 additional events in the immediate aftermath of these shootdowns which appear to show similar characteristics.

South central Texas on Mar. 25 2023:
North American Aerospace Defense Command sent fighters, a supporting KC-135 tanker, and an E-3 Sentry Airborne Warning And Control aircraft after a suspicious radar track over southern Texas that was approaching the Gulf Of Mexico.
Source: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/norad-intercepts-balloon-over-texas

Hawaii on May 1st 2023:
"U.S. Indo-Pacific Command responded to an unidentified radar signature Friday in the vicinity of the island of Hawaii. Pacific Air Forces launched three F-22s to assess the situation and visually identified a spherical object," a spokesperson for INDOPACOM told The War Zone in a statement. "We monitored the transit of the object and assessed that it posed no threat. As a part of our normal daily operations, we closely track all vessels and aircraft in the Indo-Pacific area of operations through a combination of joint capabilities to protect the U.S. homeland, support our Allies and partners and secure a free and open Indo-Pacific."
Source: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...cal-object-off-hawaii-in-latest-balloon-chase

Poland (NATO) on May 13 2023:
Poland's defence ministry Saturday said the unidentified flying object (UFO) that flew into Polish airspace most probably from Belarus was most likely a scientific observation balloon, but an investigation was still underway to establish this statement.
Source: https://www.geo.tv/latest/487222-did-poland-just-witnessed-a-ufo
There was also 3 additional events in the immediate aftermath of these shootdowns which appear to show similar characteristics.

South central Texas on Mar. 25 2023:

Source: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/norad-intercepts-balloon-over-texas

Hawaii on May 1st 2023:

Source: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...cal-object-off-hawaii-in-latest-balloon-chase

Poland (NATO) on May 13 2023:

Source: https://www.geo.tv/latest/487222-did-poland-just-witnessed-a-ufo
this all seems very espionagey
this all seems very espionagey

Yes I agree. Lots of cloak and dagger spy stuff going on here IMHO.

For instance the official DoD statement regarding the "sphere" over Hawaii was that it posed no threat. Than why did they request from the government of Mexico to enter their airspace to chase it down??

“The president also spoke of an “excessive campaign” against Mexico over its refusal to allow U.S. armed forces to shoot down a spy balloon this week. “They wanted to fly over our airspace with planes and drones of a high military and technological level, because they had detected a balloon that was coming from Hawaii and was going to pass over Mexico”

Source: https://english.elpais.com/internat...riefing-brims-with-complaints-against-us.html
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Also there is additional information about the China Spy Balloon that has come out via leaked classified documents. Apparently there is suspicion that the Balloon had advanced radar on board. And has solar panels which could generate upward of 10,000 watts of solar power. But the Biden Admin is saying that this thing collected nothing, and is apparently blocking the FBI report from congress. This all smells very fishy.
Your WaPo screenshot does not say the balloon had a synthetic aperture radar, only that it had enough power to operate it if it did. All radars can 'see at night', though solar-powered radars perhaps less so.

After the Navy raised the wreckage from the bottom of the Atlantic, technical experts discovered the balloon's sensors had never been activated while over the Continental United States.

So, assume the Chinese weren't lying when they said it wasn't a spy balloon. Maybe it was a scientific/geografic balloon designed to communicate with a ground station, and once it blew away and could no longer communicate with it, it shut the data collection off.

Or Biden is just saying that for diplomatic reasons.

We don't know. You don't have any evidence.

However, this is off topic for this thread, which is about the 3 smaller balloons.​

However, this is off topic for this thread, which is about the 3 smaller balloons.
I don't see how discussion of the China Spy Balloon is off topic from the 3 other "unidentified objects". All four events are connected. Also the FBI was lead for the wreckage recovery of both the China Spy Balloon as well as the Alaska High Altitude object. So any report (which we know is being blocked) would address all these events together.

Q: Thank you. I wanted to see when we talk about investigating or investigating the debris of this, who's taking the lead on that? Is that the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office? And then also, we've seen three shoot downs in three days. Is — if this was to continue, if this (inaudible) operations was to continue, would that — is that proving to be (inaudible) strain on units or all units able to handle this kind of rapid scrambling in that regard? Thank you.

GEN. VANHERCK: Melissa, if you want that, you may take it.

MS. DALTON: You go right ahead, thank you.

GEN. VANHERCK: Thanks. All right. So as far as the recovering, the — technically the FBI has the lead under counterintelligence authorities. They are embedded with DOD because we have the resources to enable them to conduct the operations. In Canada, the Canadians have the lead. Their Royal Canadian Mounted Police are embedded with their Canadian Special Operations Forces, and we have the FBI forces as well liaison with them to make sure that we're sharing as much information as possible.

would like to see a source on that. what did they recover?

The object fell onto sea ice off the coast of Alaska and U.S. Northern Command has begun recovery operations, Ryder said. "U.S. Northern Command's Alaska Command coordinated the operation with assistance from the Alaska Air National Guard, Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Bureau of Investigation," he said.
What I mean is in the minds of US citizens and US members of congress all 4 shootdowns are connected.
But as concerns the evidence, they're not. And that's what matters on metabunk.
The 4 shootdowns are connected politically, but the 4 objects are not connected factually.
but the 4 objects are not connected factually.
Actually they are all connected for one simple reason. The FBI was lead on the investigation of all 4 (except the one in Canada where they simply had embedded agents with their Canadian counterparts). Regardless if you buy their official story that they "lost" the debris on the 3 smaller objects the FBI was still lead in the effort. So they would include breakdowns of their search efforts, why they called if off etc. in their final report.

the Canadians have the lead. Their Royal Canadian Mounted Police are embedded with their Canadian Special Operations Forces, and we have the FBI forces as well liaison with them to make sure that we're sharing as much information as possible.


I already posted this quote in full context above, but I don't think you saw it.
Actually they are all connected for one simple reason. The FBI was lead on the investigation of all 4
so if the FBI investigates 4 different terrorists, the terrorists are connected?

So they would include breakdowns of their search efforts, why they called if off etc. in their final report.
4 final reports, if any
dang hard to report on something you don't have
What evidence are presenting? I'm completely lost.
arthur is presenting evidence as to the state of his mind

he's presented evidence that the FBI investigated the Chinese balloon and found that no data was collected over the USA

he's presented evidence that the FBI was tasked to investigate the 3 balloons of this topic, but it appears the debris still hasn't been found, so there's no new information

Arthur is also echoing Republican congress members who feel that the Biden administration is withholding information, which feeds into conspiracy theories that otherwise have nothing going for them. Arthur has also given evidence that the Biden admistration has plausible diplomatic reasons to do so, as foreign relations are their job.
Arthur has also given evidence that the Biden admistration has plausible diplomatic reasons to do so,
Exactly. They have a LOT of reasons to lie to the American people (Cover up the truth). I basically think that the 3 smaller objects were probably more spy balloons from China. But the White House wants to cool off tensions with China so they are pretending that they "lost" the debris from the shootdowns.

I also have a theory that China has probably been sending these Spy Balloons over us for a while, and it was not until we activated the Long-Range Discrimination Radar in Clear Alaska that we started noticing them (because our sensors had not been set up to detect slow moving objects without heat signatures).

Also could be Aliens.
Also most people don't appreciate how advanced these balloons have gotten. You can steer them incredibly well.

balloon wired .png

Source: https://www.wired.com/story/how-loons-balloons-find-way-deliver-internet/

“China was able to control the balloon so it could make multiple passes over some of the sites (at times flying figure-eight formations) and transmit the information it collected back to Beijing in real time,”

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/na...cted-intelligence-us-military-bases-rcna77155
I basically think that the 3 smaller objects were probably more spy balloons from China.
Yes, you think that. But you have no evidence of it.

But the White House wants to cool off tensions with China so they are pretending that they "lost" the debris from the shootdowns.
You have no evidence of it.

I also have a theory that China has probably been sending these Spy Balloons over us for a while, and it was not until we activated the Long-Range Discrimination Radar in Clear Alaska that we started noticing them (because our sensors had not been set up to detect slow moving objects without heat signatures).
You have no evidence of it.

Also could be Aliens.
You have no evidence of it.

You seem to mistake Metabunk for a forum for idle speculation. It's not. Don't be surprised when you end up in Rambles again.
arthur is presenting evidence as to the state of his mind

he's presented evidence that the FBI investigated the Chinese balloon and found that no data was collected over the USA

he's presented evidence that the FBI was tasked to investigate the 3 balloons of this topic, but it appears the debris still hasn't been found, so there's no new information

Arthur is also echoing Republican congress members who feel that the Biden administration is withholding information, which feeds into conspiracy theories that otherwise have nothing going for them. Arthur has also given evidence that the Biden admistration has plausible diplomatic reasons to do so, as foreign relations are their job.

Then we're talking speculative politics. Which is not what Metabunk is about.
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Also most people don't appreciate how advanced these balloons have gotten. You can steer them incredibly well.
Since I quoted from Project Loon documentation in the proper thread, I can appreciate that these balloons could basically loiter by choosing suitable altitudes. However, the Chinese spy balloon was considerably heavier and would not have had the same kind of vertical mobility as a Project Loon balloon, which means its manouvering capabilities would not be expected to match those of Project Loon.
Yes, you think that. But you have no evidence of it.

You have no evidence of it.

You have no evidence of it.

You have no evidence of it.

You seem to mistake Metabunk for a forum for idle speculation. It's not. Don't be surprised when you end up in Rambles again.
Want to touch on this portion of it real quick
"I also have a theory that China has probably been sending these Spy Balloons over us for a while, and it was not until we activated the Long-Range Discrimination Radar in Clear Alaska that we started noticing them (because our sensors had not been set up to detect slow moving objects without heat signatures)."

Arthur did not present it, but saying there's nothing here would be equally untrue. Balloons like this have been used consistently for a long time, except there hasn't been much fantastical stuff for media to cover with it, you can find pockets of interest groups that discuss things like this.
We do know, in a feat of insane irony, that UAPTF under Stratton was messing a lot with our sensory aides and had a strong possibility of leading to a few years with major gaps covering things exactly like balloons

Also not going to post it but, there's been stuff leaked about this that patently references it as an ongoing issue from China, alongside giving specific names to prior platforms that the media never talked about and pictures of the platforms, alongside referencing some more depth about their technical capabilities.
Arthur did not present it, but saying there's nothing here would be equally untrue.
But Occam's razor suggests that the big balloon being detected late by NORAD (or whatever they're called) led directly to more attention to balloons which led to the smaller balloons being detected. The existing radar hardware is perfectly capable of detecting these, it requires an update/adjustment to the software that processes the raw data to weed out "uninteresting" stuff like flocks of birds or celestial objects.

Arthur even commented on the connection, but proposes the new hardware must play a rule, because it's a clue and narrative closure learned from authored media demands that the clue fit the narrative. Reality doesn't care for dramatic effects, though.
But Occam's razor suggests that the big balloon being detected late by NORAD (or whatever they're called) led directly to more attention to balloons which led to the smaller balloons being detected. The existing radar hardware is perfectly capable of detecting these, it requires an update/adjustment to the software that processes the raw data to weed out "uninteresting" stuff like flocks of birds or celestial objects.

Arthur even commented on the connection, but proposes the new hardware must play a rule, because it's a clue and narrative closure learned from authored media demands that the clue fit the narrative. Reality doesn't care for dramatic effects, though.

not quoting @Arthur 33 directly, only teaches him that he can claim anyone said anything and it's ok. it's not ok.
We do know, in a feat of insane irony, that UAPTF under Stratton was messing a lot with our sensory aides and had a strong possibility of leading to a few years with major gaps covering things exactly like balloons
But officials say the Chinese balloons have been a well-known foreign intelligence concern for a number of years. They say that the UAP Task Force, then led by Jay Stratton, was reluctant to confront the balloon UFO consideration. Stratton's relationship with Tom DeLonge, a musician who established a UFO research group, and his association with research at Skinwalker Ranch (where anomalous phenomena have been reported) also raised concerns with the Navy.

Stratton adamantly resists this characterization and rejects the aforementioned claim of other officials that the UFO task force was primarily focused on air safety. In a statement to the Washington Examiner, he asserted, "No one involved with the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force ever labeled something a UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, if it was identified as anything known or if it performed in a similar manner to known conventional technology, obviously including balloons. Anyone suggesting otherwise is simply trying to mislead the public into thinking very real UAP are balloons."

Regardless, one key contention was whether radar returns indicating some UFOs traveling at very high speed (multi-Mach) were truly unconventional UFOs or simply balloons producing bad data returns due to their particular physical profile. Directly knowledgeable personnel convinced of the latter scenario felt ignored by leaders in Congress and the Pentagon when they offered their concerns. They say they believed that the UAP Task Force was diverting government resources to researching truly unconventional UFOs at the expense of addressing Chinese balloons. It bears noting, however, that some UFO reports include military eyewitness sightings of apparently sizable vehicles performing extraordinary maneuvers (with apparently corroborating radar/other sensor recordings of the same object). This type of UFO is not what the complainant sources are referring to.
Content from External Source
I have some issues with this, notably a provable history of mistaking ordinary objects for extraordinary tech.
What I mean is in the minds of US citizens and US members of congress all 4 shootdowns are connected.
Seems to me like they are connected in the sense that one highly reported balloon incident led people to pay more attention to any and all balloons for a couple of weeks. That is a pretty tenuous connection, not requiring the balloons be from the same source, have them same capabilities or having similar purposes. Other than being balloons, and in a similar time frame, I've not seen anything else connecting them.
Technically all three "smaller objects" have not been positively identified as balloons at all. According to the NORAD commander they were fixed body meaning they had some sort of rigid exterior.

These are objects. I am not able to categorize how they stay aloft. It could be a gaseous type of balloon inside a structure or it could be some type of a propulsion system. But clearly, they're — they're able to stay aloft.
Source: https://www.defense.gov/News/Transc...of-defense-for-homeland-defense-and-hemisphe/

Can anybody please show me a "Octagon" shaped balloon? Or a "silver cylinder" balloon. With a rigid exterior.

To me this remains a profound mystery. If you are going to claim these 3 smaller objects were balloons you need to explain this statement from the NORAD commander. Did he just get wrong information? Was he lying?

Also why the complete stonewalling of all FOIA requests? This event was clearly of public interest due to the massive amounts of media coverage at the time. Where is the FLIR video from the F-35's?

Also why the complete stonewalling of all FOIA requests? This event was clearly of public interest due to the massive amounts of media coverage at the time. Where is the FLIR video from the F-35's?

There was no "stonewalling" of Greenewald's FOIA request, as you should have read in the BV blog post you referenced. The USAF response, as shown in that blog post, denied the request under Exemption 1 of FOIA. Their response letter is shown and explains the particulars of the exemption. The letter also provided a PoC, FOIA case number, and instructions for filing an appeal.

USAF's response didn't stonewall Greenewald, just the opposite as they provided a timely reply with the information he would need to contact those responsible for the ruling and how to seek redress under the law. Hard to accuse anyone who is providing information meant to keep lines of communication open between the two parties of stonewalling.
If you are going to claim these 3 smaller objects were balloons you need to explain this statement from the NORAD commander.
The quote you provide says:

It could be a gaseous type of balloon inside a structure or it could be some type of a propulsion system. But clearly, they're — they're able to stay aloft.
Content from External Source
Source: https://www.defense.gov/News/Transc...of-defense-for-homeland-defense-and-hemisphe/

seems to state that they could be balloons. Balloons are known to exist. Why do you think they are NOT balloons?
There was no "stonewalling"
Well it was clearly a denial. Also Greenwald was not the only person to do a FOIA on this stuff. I find this FOIA intresting because the Air Force basically told the guy to pound dirt and contact AARO if he wanted any records. This is useful because it at least shows that AARO has a case file for the Alaska shootdown. Or am I reading too much into this denial? FOIA deny 3333.jpeg