Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

Hi, yes of course I know him, Rosario Marcianò!

It would be interesting if you could formulate a thread RE: Sr. Marciano. I'd be most interested in any revelations and inter-actions that can be shared, just out of curiosity.

Again, welcome and the thread posting guidelines are easily accessible.
I'm curious to know, what are some popular Italian conspiracy theories or European ones if you don't mind sharing

Hi Jason, wrt Italian and European CT right now I do not have handy any systematic study or surveys.

From what I see on social media and on some weird pseudoscience TV shows most of the more common CT are very similar to what you see in the US. Actually I would say that CT memes are imported here with some time lag in a similar manner to other sociocultural stuff.

However, there are some original CT in Italy and other European countries, I think that currently the most popular one involves a Bilderberg-related financial plot to crush the Euro economy via evil Euro currency.
It would be interesting if you could formulate a thread RE: Sr. Marciano. I'd be most interested in any revelations and inter-actions that can be shared, just out of curiosity.

Again, welcome and the thread posting guidelines are easily accessible.

Good suggestion, I'll create this thread right away!
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum but after some reading here and there I think this is the right place for me. Skeptical as I am, I like to find out the truth behind certain stories and pictures/video's. I was lurking on ATS for a while but there the majority of the folks are not very skeptical and believe anything they see.

So, there you have it. I hope I can contribute here and there on things related to my profession, which is optical engineering and the fact I have 10+ years experience in Space System Engineering.

Hi everyone. Am new on this forum and stumbled in on a research of BUK systems. Found some interesting comments. Hope to find more same minded people.
Am new to this forum. So apoligizes in advance for misstakes I might make. I am from the Netherlands and like to use my alias in stead of my real name, and have been involved in happenings in Ukraine since Februar, mainly on Twitter. Recently cleaned my account there although I contributed to some remarkable cases. You might on Twitter still find "Thanks to Dutch Dakota...". Weh, this looks a bit like bragging and do not want to come across as a new complete idiot. Perhaps will tell later on, what made me to sign up for Metabunk.

Hope I did well with my first post and will hit the button Post now.

Kind regards,

Dutch Dakota
Hello Metabunk, I've been a fan for quite a while. I ran across something today that I could not explain and was so striking that I actually made this account to bring it to the attention of the fine folk here. I have a feeling that this is going to come up on your guys radar at some point, so why not?

If you can't tell by my name, I'm not really qualified to speak authoritatively on anything. But that's alright, because I'm happy to listen to the people who are. Thank you!
Hello everyone. Someone I know from YouTube told me about this site. I often try to debunk things there so he thought I would like this site. I consider debunking a hobby and I enjoy the discussion that can sometimes result from it. I also try to learn as much as I can through research, or from other people also in the discussion. I'm a forensic chemist by trade, which sometimes helps with debunking things. I'm looking forward to being part of the forum and getting to know everyone.
Im antisocial and this is why im here. Very nice place. Forgive my english, still learning. Not sure if I'll be able to stick around for long and dont think anyone will need it anyways as I can call myself a true believer and this place doesnt have too many believers :) but beautiful minds with super rational thinking Namaste
Im antisocial and this is why im here. Very nice place. Forgive my english, still learning. Not sure if I'll be able to stick around for long and dont think anyone will need it anyways as I can call myself a true believer and this place doesnt have too many believers :) but beautiful minds with super rational thinking Namaste

Please do not feel "antisocial". This is an accepting place.

I will add that, "learning" is great. Just, please, do not feel 'intimidated' to write, as long as you comply with certain "Politeness Policies" which can be found here:
Hello everyone. Someone I know from YouTube told me about this site. I often try to debunk things there so he thought I would like this site. I consider debunking a hobby and I enjoy the discussion that can sometimes result from it. I also try to learn as much as I can through research, or from other people also in the discussion. I'm a forensic chemist by trade, which sometimes helps with debunking things. I'm looking forward to being part of the forum and getting to know everyone.

Hello Heather, I'm that Youtube person you mentioned. What I particularly like about this site is its relative succinctness. At JREF, there are great contributions surrounded by a sea of useless jabs that don't add to the quality. Everyone loves to gang up on the poor truther and beat him or her to death. After a while it becomes tedious to keep clicking past the jabs and getting to the meat. Unless recommended not to do so, I am of the habit of inviting various truthers to try their arguments out here. They usually (always may be more accurate so far) turn down the offer in any event, for reasons that are readily understandable. But if the moderators aren't keen of the prospect of luring 911 skeptics here, do let me know.

Hello Heather, I'm that Youtube person you mentioned. What I particularly like about this site is its relative succinctness. At JREF, there are great contributions surrounded by a sea of useless jabs that don't add to the quality. Everyone loves to gang up on the poor truther and beat him or her to death. After a while it becomes tedious to keep clicking past the jabs and getting to the meat. Unless recommended not to do so, I am of the habit of inviting various truthers to try their arguments out here. They usually (always may be more accurate so far) turn down the offer in any event, for reasons that are readily understandable. But if the moderators aren't keen of the prospect of luring 911 skeptics here, do let me know.


Hi Chris. As I said on YouTube, thanks for letting me know about this site.
Hello Heather, I'm that Youtube person you mentioned. What I particularly like about this site is its relative succinctness. At JREF, there are great contributions surrounded by a sea of useless jabs that don't add to the quality. Everyone loves to gang up on the poor truther and beat him or her to death. After a while it becomes tedious to keep clicking past the jabs and getting to the meat. Unless recommended not to do so, I am of the habit of inviting various truthers to try their arguments out here. They usually (always may be more accurate so far) turn down the offer in any event, for reasons that are readily understandable. But if the moderators aren't keen of the prospect of luring 911 skeptics here, do let me know.


Hi Chris, I'm certainly trying to keep a good signal to noise ratio here. So I'm a bit of a stickler for my Posting Guidelines and Politeness Policy. Not to everyone's taste, but all are (initially) welcome.
Hi Mick,

I certainly don't want to contribute to clogging the site with youtube types. I actually misspoke somewhat. I'm in the habit of occasionally suggesting said skeptic to "try your argument out at X Y or Z site," where a few times "site X" happened to be Metabunk. Or I might say "take this to your local physics dept." The result is usually a rather sudden end to the thread. In future will think twice before casually throwing out such bait.

Hi Mick,

I certainly don't want to contribute to clogging the site with youtube types. I actually misspoke somewhat. I'm in the habit of occasionally suggesting said skeptic to "try your argument out at X Y or Z site," where a few times "site X" happened to be Metabunk. Or I might say "take this to your local physics dept." The result is usually a rather sudden end to the thread. In future will think twice before casually throwing out such bait.


By "skeptic" here you mean someone who thinks the "official story" is false?
Well....to both "chris Iz" and "Heather S." as a fellow MB member (and not in any official capacity as a "welcome wagon" ;) ) I will, nevertheless, say "Welcome".

Although I'm a bit 'long-in-the-tooth' when it comes to the debate RE: 9/11 (and, patting myself on the back a bit, because I've been in "the trenches" on a few Forums on this topic)...I am slightly amazed that the so-called "truth movement" is still (apparently) active?

However....this thread is for introductions only, so there should not really be a "discussion" moving forward...not here.

I just found out about this place ten minutes ago. I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it.

Careful examination of available facts is the bedrock of all authentic science. I sincerely look forward to observing here, and perhaps someday participating. In any event, I'm thrilled to find this site, because something like this clearly needs to exist.

Like Elvis--if it did not exist, it would be necessary to invent it... oh wait, someone did. Thanks!
Hi Chris, I'm certainly trying to keep a good signal to noise ratio here. So I'm a bit of a stickler for my Posting Guidelines and Politeness Policy. Not to everyone's taste, but all are (initially) welcome.
It should be noted that the Bad astronomy forums, now known as Cosmoquest, have even stricter rules. post a claim there and you will be required to defend it against all inquiries and counters, otherwise thread is closed. Continued infractions are not tolerated at all.
In addition there are forbidden topics, politics, and religion.
Last edited:

I've been mooching around for a while, so thought I'd better say "hi".

I'm an IT engineer from England (infrastructure, virtualisation, backend stuff - don't ask me how to optimise your PC to run Diablo 3). My real name is Dean, "Ray Von Geezer" is a nom de plume I've used online since the late 90s, so any stalkers out there should be able to track me down quite easily. Yes, always signing my posts is an affectation. Get over it ;)

Experiences with my Father led me to start looking into conspiracy theories around 5 years ago, mainly to try and understand (and lessen if possible) the distress the obsession with the various theories he'd picked up on were causing him.

That experience left me with a fascination with the "CT'er" mindset, particularly that tipping point where an individual goes from holding a (healthy IMHO) questioning attitude, to an eagerness to embrace any idea that matches their preconceptions, even when those ideas defy logic or fact. I appreciate the "whys" are really not what you guys are about though so I'll strive not to get into that.

It also left me with an intense hatred of David Icke (and to a lesser extent any other manipulative CT'er), so I'll endeavour to comply with the politeness policy and exercise restraint should I ever be tempted to enter into a discussion about him here.

From my time snooping here, I can see that I don't have anywhere near the in-depth knowledge many of your contributors hold on particular topics. I do flatter myself that I try to be logical and methodical, and can understand basic scientific principles. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute something useful at some point. Don't hold your breath though.


Ray Von
That experience left me with a fascination with the "CT'er" mindset, particularly that tipping point where an individual goes from holding a (healthy IMHO) questioning attitude, to an eagerness to embrace any idea that matches their preconceptions, even when those ideas defy logic or fact. I appreciate the "whys" are really not what you guys are about though so I'll strive not to get into that.
There's a couple of subforums where you can explore those topics.
After working for 18 years in laboratories, running the ICP-AES department in a couple of companies (where beyond the day-to-day task of getting the work done, my main exercise in R&D was to attempt to find fault and improve on my instrumental methods), I quickly tire of the terrible headlines/clickbait so prevalent on the internet, that 'scientists claim proof of <insert ridiculous claim>'. While much of this is just bad journalistic hyperbole, I have over the years seen that this isn't always the case and is symptomatic of something far more worrying. Certainly amongst friends online, I have to be the party-pooper when discussions get carried away based on dubious internet reports, but I hold off on 'looking for a fight'. On more than umpteen occasions I've found myself here looking for more rational explanations for things that are largely outside my knowledge-base, so thanks for that.
Personally I find the whole Chemtrail controversy particularly fascinating, and again thanks to the professionals here, I have a better understanding of something that always puzzled me going back over 40 years, 'why do some vapourtrails persist?' At least that's what I called them as a child living within 25 miles of two airports and close to an infrequently used US Airbase. I was initially surprised to find that I was a 'shill' for even suggesting that I'd pondered the reasons for persistent contrails so long ago, and to be 'informed' that the whole phenomena has only been going on since the late '90s. My cynical epithets for the last 20 years of "We live in fictional times" & "Welcome to the new Dark Ages" seem to get more and more apt, but maybe I just let the wrong people talk to me.
Keep up the good work.
It's interesting you expected everyone else's views to line up.

What I think the biggest inconsistency is among 9/11 truthers is who they think the orchestrator of the event was. Truthers in the same group at a protest may have answers from Mossad to the CIA, Bush administration to reptillians, illuminati to bankers.

Welcome to the site btw.
From my time snooping here, I can see that I don't have anywhere near the in-depth knowledge many of your contributors hold on particular topics. I do flatter myself that I try to be logical and methodical, and can understand basic scientific principles. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute something useful at some point. Don't hold your breath though.
There are some real experts here, but you'd be surprised how many of us just use the Internet Brain Extension. The quality of my own contributions drop markedly if Wikipedia is down.
One would think that a person well schooled in rigorous objective thinking could easily avoid rabbit holes, but there I was, lost and unaware. (more on that soon, in "out of the rabbit hole, former believers" thread). Quite by accident I found Metabunk yesterday and have spent many hours studying the site.
Even more impressive than the body of knowledge so generously shared, is the style of engagement on the part of the senior members. Some more curmudgeony than others :p, but all very respectful and surprisingly patient.
Now that is how conversion works.
Bravo, Mr. West, for your politeness policy and to you, Metabunk members, for a forum that is head and shoulders above most.
Even more impressive than the body of knowledge so generously shared, is the style of engagement on the part of the senior members. Some more curmudgeony than others

I believe that I might "resemble that remark"....however, I always strive to stay within the 'PP' policy. Being Human means that I am "imperfect" at times. I guess I can be a "curmudgeon" at times.

Still...this is the "Intro" thread so....WELCOME!!!
mick, just joined mainly so i can say i thoroughly enjoy reading your articles and posts. thank you so much for creating this site!

i don't need to really post much here, you have got it covered! your careful analysis, objectivity, awareness of observer bias and most of all your patience with foolish ideas- is quite evident! ;)

while i think it likely that there ARE conspiracies out there, most of them do not stand up to analysis and scrutiny. the chemtrails one is no exception! keep up the good work.

as a note- i have noticed (it could just be my circle of associates) the chemtrail phenomenon seems to be a particularly high in the london area, than say- the los angeles area (altho it is tremendous there as well).

i don't know if you have pointed out countless times that the relative humidity in england is going to be pretty darned high on any given day, given the annual precipitation rate- and that therefore the amount of persisting contrails will similarly be higher....

Welcome @rain boots, and yes, the frequency of contrails roughly correlates with the frequency of rain, so we hardly get any here in Los Angeles in the summer. But you get them year round in London.

I used to live in Manchester. There were probably lots there too, but tempered by the fact that we could rarely see the sky :)
indeed! i too reside in the greater los angeles area- in fact if i see persistent contrails i figure rain is likely in the next day or so. it may be a somewhat reliable method of precipitation prediction but it rains so rarely here that there has not been enough time to properly document its reliability. ;)

i've told chemtrailers to watch for this. of course, they will probably commit the 'false cause' logical fallacy and say this is evidence they are making it rain. *sigh.....

i have been enjoying this site for several months now. today was the 'red wine' test thread. never mind that wine tasters have been aware of the tannin/protein binding thing since long before the chemtrail idea. these posts are sometimes highly entertaining.

that's enough for the 'intro' thread. glad to be on board here!
Hello everyone. Happy to be here. Been lurking around here for a few months; discovered this site while looking up some of the conspiracy theories my boss is into (Chemtrails, US military detonating nukes on the moon, mmm hmm, to name just two). Look at the amazing website I have found! I love Metabunk and what it's about, so I thought if I have something of value I ever want to share, I should sign up. Thanks!

This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!

Hello E'One,

I'm Bill and live in Uptown Oakland, CA

I came here because of a NWO order post that misquotes a David Rockefeller speech to the UN and I am trying to wade through the Internet to get hard core facts so that I can make a valid opinion about the future of humanity and this planet. The Internet has been a constant source for debunking my own misconceptions on just about every standpoint I had from the time of my first vote in a national election up to 2010 when I enrolled in college to complete a bachelor's degree I started so many years before. At age 58, I am now enrolled in a masters program and continue to discover facts from academic publications, social studies, peer reviewed research, and credible information from digital libraries across the globe. The California Digital Library (http://www.cdlib.org/) is my favorite place to start.
Hi everyone,

I arrived here as a result of increasing exasperation with the "chemtrails" conspiracy theorists. I can appreciate that they are genuinely concerned about something that they don't understand. But they're wasting a lot of energy that could usefully be used on real issues affecting the environment - de-forestation, over-fishing or destruction of coral reefs for example. I aspire to spread a greater appreciation of the principles of Occam's Razor and some of the simpler laws of physics.