Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

Morning All,

I am male live in the UK and 40, travelled a bit, been in the military and now work in global business...Oil.
I came here as I would like to know the truth or at least an alternative to what the BBC, CNN etc pump out daily and if I can contribute with some intelligent input then I will be a happy man, however I will mostly remain in the shadows until I have something of value to say.

Kindest Regards


I live in the US, where all the idiots live like Alex Jones.

I came here due to paranoia over theories. I've seen a lot of people claim this place is a shill, and that they get banned for posting something you guys can't debunk.

However, that anyone can make such a claim, so I will wait until that happens to me if that is truly the case.

I live in the US, where all the idiots live like Alex Jones.

I came here due to paranoia over theories. I've seen a lot of people claim this place is a shill, and that they get banned for posting something you guys can't debunk.

However, that anyone can make such a claim, so I will wait until that happens to me if that is truly the case.
Those people claiming that we are shills are just paranoid..I have been a member here for 1 1/2 years now and I can tell you that no one gets banned for asking about something that cannot be debunked..its because they do not adhere to the posting guidelines or the politeness policy..feel free to look around, there are many threads here and I think you will find it to be a wealth of information..and most of all, welcome to Metabunk.
I grew up with fundamentalist religious family members and initially believed in scientific creationism when I began college. While taking a logic class, I decided to write an essay suggesting that the "young Earth" theory be taught in public schools and I traveled to the Institute of Creation Research near San Diego to substatiate my paper. I became disillusioned in the church I had attended since youth as I learned how un-scientific the ICR turned out to be. It rattled me on the inside and my politics swung to the far left when I transfered to one of the Claremont Colleges. I now understood cogency and fallacies such as red herring, straw argument and ad hominem. I was happy to become involved left-of-center activities, but even that became too bizarre for liking, specifically with social phenomena. There was too much talk about clandestine organizations puppeteering presidents and congressmen. Now that I am done with college, I consider myself more of a centrist and pragmatist. I truly enjoy going through conspiracy blogs because there is enormous entertainment value in it but there are a lot of falsehoods spead everywhere.
Hey there, I'm so happy to finally find a forum where people actually have an intelligent discussion about world events (or non-events, as the case may be). I've been watching CT's for a while now, admittedly most just for the entertainment value, but it seems lately that there are an over-abundance of false-flag/HOAX videos popping up. Most from people who like to take a video from mainstream news they so despise, and running it with voice-over rants about how fake everything is. No evidence, no facts...just their perspective.
Anyway, I've come here to get a different look at things, and to hopefully educate myself to be better prepared if I were again to comment on some of the Hoax videos.

Hi, I found this site through contrailscience.com and boy am I glad to see this community here! I used to believe in 9/11 conspiracies (Richard Gage has quite the convincing power-point!) but after discovering the truth about contrails (I never really did buy into the chemtrail theory anyway), I started questioning 9/11 (again).

Fast-forward a couple months and here I am! A former-Conspiracy theorist. Feel free to ask me about the psychology of the believers since I was one and am still friends with many of them (for now at least)
Hi, I found this site through contrailscience.com and boy am I glad to see this community here! I used to believe in 9/11 conspiracies (Richard Gage has quite the convincing power-point!) but after discovering the truth about contrails (I never really did buy into the chemtrail theory anyway), I started questioning 9/11 (again).

Fast-forward a couple months and here I am! A former-Conspiracy theorist. Feel free to ask me about the psychology of the believers since I was one and am still friends with many of them (for now at least)
wow. good deal (there must have been something in the air this summer ;)
...it seems lately that there are an over-abundance of false-flag/HOAX videos popping up. Most from people who like to take a video from mainstream news they so despise, and running it with voice-over rants about how fake everything is. No evidence, no facts...just their perspective.
Yeah, some bastard one taught the masses the term "false flag" recently and now every damned
news event compels the "YouTube Ph.D" crowd to see who can get a video up calling it a "false flag" first...
within 7.5 minutes. There doesn't have to be any evidence of anything fishy, whatever. It's the new norm. :(

Oh, and welcome! :D
Hi I'm Lisa, I do visit this site regularly and I also visit chemtrail sites. I have joined as I may need help in understanding shadows from contrails. I will read all your threads and if I still don't understand I will ask questions, if that is okay. See you all around!
Hi I'm Lisa, I do visit this site regularly and I also visit chemtrail sites. I have joined as I may need help in understanding shadows from contrails. I will read all your threads and if I still don't understand I will ask questions, if that is okay. See you all around!
Hi Lisa, are you the same person that was asking about a dark beam/shadow in the comments on the Erin Brockovich post on Facebook? That thread was going pretty crazy - 1,400 comments and counting! You ought to get some easier-to-follow answers here.
Hi I'm Lisa, I do visit this site regularly and I also visit chemtrail sites. I have joined as I may need help in understanding shadows from contrails. I will read all your threads and if I still don't understand I will ask questions, if that is okay. See you all around!

Hi. There are threads** that explain contrail shadows. (Basically when you think about it, clouds make shadows right? Contrails are just clouds after all).

(**) Just one example:

(I searched for 'contrail shadow' using the search box)
Howdy folks;
New here, although I've checked Metabunk several times for information while dancing elsewhere with conspiracy theorists. Have been banned from a few FB groups and called a government-paid-shill and troll for speaking logically or asking questions. Know a little about art and amateur radio/solar propagation, if those topics ever come up.

Hi. There are threads** that explain contrail shadows. (Basically when you think about it, clouds make shadows right? Contrails are just clouds after all).

(**) Just one example:

(I searched for 'contrail shadow' using the search box)

Yep thanks for that, I did know about the shadows I just don't understand the angles, that is why I originally didn't think it was shadow as the beam or shadow filled with cloud and the angle of the sun seemed wrong. But I kind of understand, just be patient I will get it. I will keep reading if I still don't get it I'll post a pic and you can help explain to me.
Hi Lisa, are you the same person that was asking about a dark beam/shadow in the comments on the Erin Brockovich post on Facebook? That thread was going pretty crazy - 1,400 comments and counting! You ought to get some easier-to-follow answers here.

Yep that's me Brian Real kindly helped me to see reason, not my strong point but I try.
A hi from germany and thx for the welcome.

I used to be one of thoose "conspiracy theorists" and stumbled over this link in a youtube comment. I ve read some posts allready and some "facts" in my head got debunked allready and revertet to theories. Im still not convinced on everything, i still believe theres a lot going on in secret and a lot in our history books is simply wrong, build up or just theories that has to be proven.

Anyways, i am glad i ve found finally a equivalant page where smart people doing with the same effort, or even more, researching matters which offers me another view on many topics and im now able to make better conclusions on my own. mostly i will just re-check but i try to be somewhat active and i might have some questions from time to time.

To me it all began as a sort of "entertainment" but i couldnt help after a while feeling theres indeed a evil, mad and bizarre world outside. Even later i ve found many topics debunked after and i regained my scepticism and was looking for a solid page like this. Thank you in advance for future enlightment but also i am sorry in advance if my scepticismis out of balance sometimes and im having it hard to believe. :)
Very glad I finally got around to joining this excellent site.
So much nonsense abroad in the world.
& So much for us to debunk.

My favourite subject is that of UFO's visiting us from outer space.
The valid sightings, that are not optical effects, or hoaxes, in my humble opinion are most certainly OURS.
-We can land probes on comets, so why not exotic secret propulsion systems? No big deal.

Those pesky 9/11 conspiracies get my blood boiling also. So I like to see the many wild conspiracies floating around on that subject, debunked too.
Why should murdering terrorists get off the hook?

I am often reduced to paroxysms of laughter, with regards to artifacts and ancient archeaology on other bodies in the Solar system.
It was great to see some Martian artifact debunking, as soon as I landed here today.
That was the thread that finally pushed me to join.

It is great to join and I extend a big hearty greeting to all.


  • cave5.jpg
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Welcome, from a skeptic.

One or two points there that I will not specifically address (as I disagree) but, best left to individual threads, for a "discussion", perhaps??

(Edit: the phrase "paroxysms of laughter" rings a bell, for some reason. I've heard that somewhere....before. Somewhere in recent Social Media...can't put my finger on it...).

EDIT: Might have been from the show "Car Talk" in remembrance of Tom Magliozoli who just died this month.

Again, apologies for the "OT" veer, but this show has given me so much pleasure, over the years.....
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until now i have seen very good debunking issues that needed to be debunked so with that in mind i think this forum has a lot to offer

Something about myself , i live in the Netherlands were we are being hoodwinked by our government , I have been a interior carpenter for 15 years and i became active on the web since i found out that the twintower attacks were an Insidejob
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First testing post by me :)

Hopefully it get thru... I wonder, where the site know my avatar. It support Gravatar...?
until now i have seen very good debunking issues that needed to be debunked so with that in mind i think this forum has a lot to offer

Something about myself , i live in the Netherlands were we are being hoodwinked by our government , I have been a interior carpenter for 15 years and i became active on the web since i found out that the twintower attacks were an Insidejob
Welcome Eric. Feel free to contribute to topics like that but remember, this site deals with hard evidence. Posting theories or claims with no evidence won't get you very far, so be prepared to substantiate anything you post :)
Thank you very much for warm welcome :) We see, how long it stays warm, when I post something that challenge deep seated beliefs :)

Some people then lost their polite means... :)
Thank you very much for warm welcome :) We see, how long it stays warm, when I post something that challenge deep seated beliefs :)

Some people then lost their polite means... :)

We ALWAYS stay polite. Please keep that in mind, when posting. WE, each of us, MAY "disagree" about certain things....but FACTS are FACTS....because facts do not allow any "disagreements". AND? "deep-seated-beliefs" are what need to be "de-bunked"!!! Or at least examined in detail, to decide it they are worth a "de-bunk" to begin with....

(EDIT): But, this is only the "Intro" thread. No discussions of topics, here. Just "Welcomes".
Hi, always glad for inquiring minds that seek truth. Truth is the antidote for ignorance which I'm sure we all have been, and will be in the future, a self-inflicted victim of it's simplicity.

I've been following this site for a while now and decided to join. I've always been interested in the whole conspiracy theory phenomenon from a skeptical point of view and been fascinated as to how normally rational people can get swept up in a frenzy of irrational speculation and pointed avoid all evidence that says they are wrong. Recently a very good and old friend of mine, who has always had a hankering towards stuff like spirituality and has flirted with a couple of religions in recent years (Christianity and Buddhism) has fallen under the influence of a certain David Ike and is now spouting about everything from Lizard Illuminati to chemtrails, hollow moons and odd stuff like Project Blue Beam. So I am so glad that I've discovered a community of rationalists how i can not only seek 'sane' conversation with, but one that also has the experts around who can help me counter he's argumooments.

and a little bit about me...

Im in my early 50's and freelance copywriter and part time musician in a Space Rock band - (Hence the avatar pic). I live in Bristol in the UK.

I've been following this site for a while now and decided to join. I've always been interested in the whole conspiracy theory phenomenon from a skeptical point of view and been fascinated as to how normally rational people can get swept up in a frenzy of irrational speculation and pointed avoid all evidence that says they are wrong. Recently a very good and old friend of mine, who has always had a hankering towards stuff like spirituality and has flirted with a couple of religions in recent years (Christianity and Buddhism) has fallen under the influence of a certain David Ike and is now spouting about everything from Lizard Illuminati to chemtrails, hollow moons and odd stuff like Project Blue Beam. So I am so glad that I've discovered a community of rationalists how i can not only seek 'sane' conversation with, but one that also has the experts around who can help me counter he's argumooments.

and a little bit about me...

Im in my early 50's and freelance copywriter and part time musician in a Space Rock band - (Hence the avatar pic). I live in Bristol in the UK.
And I appreciate the avatar explanation...initially I was a bit creeped out at the thought that
the Cowardly Lion had joined Kiss.
And I appreciate the avatar explanation...initially I was a bit creeped out at the thought that
the Cowardly Lion had joined Kiss.

lol, it was meant to represent a 'god badger' come to strike vengeance on man kind for his badgerside. Longstory, and its a stage act rather than a belief, ;)

I've been following this site for a while now and decided to join. I've always been interested in the whole conspiracy theory phenomenon from a skeptical point of view and been fascinated as to how normally rational people can get swept up in a frenzy of irrational speculation and pointed avoid all evidence that says they are wrong. Recently a very good and old friend of mine, who has always had a hankering towards stuff like spirituality and has flirted with a couple of religions in recent years (Christianity and Buddhism) has fallen under the influence of a certain David Ike and is now spouting about everything from Lizard Illuminati to chemtrails, hollow moons and odd stuff like Project Blue Beam. So I am so glad that I've discovered a community of rationalists how i can not only seek 'sane' conversation with, but one that also has the experts around who can help me counter he's argumooments.

and a little bit about me...

Im in my early 50's and freelance copywriter and part time musician in a Space Rock band - (Hence the avatar pic). I live in Bristol in the UK.
Welcome fellow Bristol dweller!!!!
You don't also happen to host a music radio show do you? I just had this feeling that your band might be a receptacle for extra terrestrial herbs.
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!
I'm just a nobody.... who is concerned about everybody. This "contrail and chemtrail" stuff has really got my attention... hope I can learn more here and at least discus what I have found.