Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

Hey all,
If I may be blunt and a bit crass, I've been smashing [conspiracy theorists] (regarding myriads of subjects) for a VERY LONG TIME. Being educated/experienced in certain sciences, and having a boatload of critical thinking & common sense skills, debunking conspirators was always very easy.

I stumbled across Metabunk because I was involved in a huge fallout with Kristen [...] Meghan last year. Challenged her to prove chemtrails, to bring all her evidence, to which I was met with nothing but excuses, I then challenged her to a crowdfunding challenge, that if she could prove chemtrails (her stated chemicals) exist, I'd give her the entirety of a crowdfunding stash I could get.

Ultimately she ran away and blocked me, which I was fine with, I only friended her because she lived in my area in Chicago and I wanted to infiltrate her group to get info from her to help bust her for the con woman that she is.

It worked.

Anyhow, I like this site, there are some very intelligent thinkers here, and even more [conspiracy theorists]

This should be fun!

[Mod: Edited for politeness]
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Welcome; but remember, we ultimately want to reach people, not denigrate them. People get caught up in these ideas through no fault other than being human and fallacy-prone, in the same way we all can be, and to most critical thought is not a natural instinct but must be learned, while the thrills and fears of conspiracy thinking have much more pull.
We all do get frustrated by the over-zealous ones who seem immune to logic from time to time and I'm sure that gets expressed a little here, but our intention is to engage without expressing too much judgement on someone for 'just asking questions', as we've all been there, as long as they are open to hearing the answers.
Hello folks, I saw a friends post on the billion dollars worth of caskets the president bought for some conspiracy (lol)...saw the Metabunk post under that..thats how I found you. (great information on that,good work). Looking forward to following Metabunk!

Welcome Chris,

Looking at the flag behind you, you seem to be a fellow Sapper?

(Unless it is a false-flag!)

Hello everyone, am I possibly the first elephant to join this forum? Happy to do so if that is the case.

I was born and raised a skeptic. I was free, even encouraged, to question anyone and I always did. But when I questioned my parents they couldn't always give satisfactory answers. Especially when it was about rules and chores. "Why do I need to do that?", I asked them. "Because", they said, "we are your parents, and we say so."

I didn't know that the answer I received was a logical fallacy - an argument from authority - but I knew in my heart it really didn't answer my question. I was looking for a better answer, something that would make me go "Oh, alright, I'll do it", not "Wait, what, that didn't really answer anything.."

The years passed and eventually I had to move on. Father and Mother separated, and I started experimenting with life. Drugs and late nights and girls. During this period I heard a lot of stories. New friends shared their experience with psychadelics. They talked about hidden patterns, dimensions, layers of reality. One of them had met God in a bathroom. Another one felt he got improved eyesight - he could spot galaxies with the naked eye you could never see without the help of drugs.

By this time I had met many people and everyone of them had some strange tale to share with me. When I asked questions like "What did God say?", the answers didn't really convince me. The answers sounded like something a human, specifically an apologist, would say. One day I got high with a close friend, and he showed me Zeitgeist. What an eye-opener right? Well, he went on from that straight to exploring UFOs and reptilian societies, while I stayed on Zeitgeist. I found it compelling, that the whole Jesus story was really about the Sun, all the other prophets was just earlier versions of the same myth etc. The other parts wasn't as compelling as that story, at least to me.

When I researched the subject closer, it turned out the work was kind of a painted picture. Sure, he got some colors right but the big picture is completely wrong and he even said so himself, on a Q&A-session in London a few years ago. But still, this showed me even the stories I was compelled by, no matter how well articulated, no matter how much I found them reasonable, didn't have to reasonable and it didn't have to be true. This is a great lesson.

Now I am older, wiser, stronger. I can smell fallacies from miles away.
I'm looking for truth, and have no problem of taking the conspiracy position if I see evidence for it. We know conspiracies have been pulled off before, so why not again? Only thing is: extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence.

I won't call anyone stupid, since I recognize the brightest of my friends being prone to conspiracies. I think it is just human nature to try to puzzle the pieces together, even if you only have 1/3 of all the pieces in front of you.

If I could recommend you all one thing to watch:
Mirage Men - a documentary about UFOs, the only one I've seen that actually try to get to the bottom of this phenomenon.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srtrRbt77AE

Nice to meet you.
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Hi, everyone. I arrived here because I was looking for a place to discuss my own personal non ordinary experiences. I hope that this will be the place for me to be able do that.
Hi, everyone. I arrived here because I was looking for a place to discuss my own personal non ordinary experiences. I hope that this will be the place for me to be able do that.

Maybe, maybe not. This is a forum for analyzing very specific claims of evidence. But give it a go.
Are magical message board indicators up for discussion? "The one I used back in 2003 indicated Cupid's heart, you, and then Pluto." It predicted the heart shape design on Pluto's surface about 12 years ago.
Greetings from Bowling Green, KY, where our statues can part the clouds! I am black belt in doing "ditty squats" and photography is my passion, just in case inquiring minds want to know . . .
I already love this site, and I've only been here two minutes!


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This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!
Hello, I reside in Central Florida and was very interested in a posting on analysis of rain water. Great analysis and thinking. Keep up the good work. My greatest areas of interest and expertise are Business, auto racing , art and acrobatics.
Hi everyone, greetings from Belgium.
I am someone open minded about the unexplained and weird stuff that goes around
but not so much that my brain falls out..
Always trying to keep both feet on the ground and staying critical.
It's not easy to debate with people and their already made up mind about things so Metabunk is
really a welcoming gift for me.
A very nice and user friendly forum and from the first looks of it, great respectful people.
I hope my not always well spelled English is no big issue here ...
Hello! I am a Bolivian so have a different point of view than most Americans or Europeans. Until a couple weeks ago I spent a lot of time debunking posts on facebook especially various health related issues, especially related to vaccines, fluoridation, supplements and other quackery. I was banned and really don't feel like going back.

The latest bunk is big pharma and the US government inappropriately using oxycodine on kids. I might be a bit ahead of this one but am expecting the mind control sect to come out soon. They don't seem to get that cancer kids, end-of-life kids and quite a few other children need pain control and opiates are the most successful. This sort of bunk really hurts children and the poor, particularly in exploited countries of Latin America and Africa.

Being as how I am a Bolivian living (retired) in Dominica I also am bombarded by misinformation about "socialism". I also follow Palestine carefully. On the Palestine situation it is very difficult with the name calling, death threats and ad hominem attacks. I much prefer to discuss things calmly and with good peer-reviewed evidence. Hopefully, this forum will work out. I like the reading I have done this morning.
Hello! I am a Bolivian so have a different point of view than most Americans or Europeans. Until a couple weeks ago I spent a lot of time debunking posts on facebook especially various health related issues, especially related to vaccines, fluoridation, supplements and other quackery. I was banned and really don't feel like going back.

The latest bunk is big pharma and the US government inappropriately using oxycodine on kids. I might be a bit ahead of this one but am expecting the mind control sect to come out soon. They don't seem to get that cancer kids, end-of-life kids and quite a few other children need pain control and opiates are the most successful. This sort of bunk really hurts children and the poor, particularly in exploited countries of Latin America and Africa.

Being as how I am a Bolivian living (retired) in Dominica I also am bombarded by misinformation about "socialism". I also follow Palestine carefully. On the Palestine situation it is very difficult with the name calling, death threats and ad hominem attacks. I much prefer to discuss things calmly and with good peer-reviewed evidence. Hopefully, this forum will work out. I like the reading I have done this morning.
Welcome! Enjoy your participation. Please review our posting guidelines when you get a chance (below) as well as the politeness policy:


I am still going to wait awhile and only post on the newbie forum until I get a feeling of the flow on the other forums and a system to easily get my references in order. So, to continue the introduction:

A lot of (almost all) the bunk is so ridiculous I have never bothered to read it or debunk it. I never really realized that it is taken seriously by large sectors of American populace. The Maya end of the world, for example, I thought that was some sort of joke. Contrails? Completely whacko! Agenda 21, ROTFLMHO.

Where I get into trouble is politics because in some cases my gut feelings have proven to be correct. I don't expect anyone to have heard of it, but, as one example, was the US State Dept. (USAID, DEA and NED) conspiracy to divide Bolivia into two countries... the conservative oil rich tropical east and the indigenous (socialist so to speak) Andean west. Later proven. Another one that I long ago posited is that Exxon and big oil in general were the money bags behind climate change denial. Proven again.

I am not sure if its against policy to mention it here instead of on its own thread. I am not ready for my own thread but with the antii-vaxxers claiming that vaccines are being used to eradicate people in Africa (absurd) I often wonder if, and which, sector of the radical right genocide maniacs are funding them. They have taken their position to cause sickness and death, turned it on its head and blamed, uhmmm, everyone and their funny uncle. All of this is for me debunking one conspiracy theory or pseudo-scientific nonsense and lies and replacing it with the possibility or truth of another conspiracy theory.... taking the lies and turning them on their head to come up with an hypothesis of where the garbage boat is floating in from.
The Maya end of the world, for example, I thought that was some sort of joke.
Poe's Law applies to conspiracy theories the same as to satire. It's not always entirely clear what conspiracy material is serious, what is shameless profiteering by trolls feeding the believers, and what is mean spirited hoax baiting by nonbelievers.

For your last paragraph, we've got a thread down in the Quackery section dedicated to vaccine myths that may be worth a look. I know it does discuss a similar myth about vaccines being used to kill off families of Mexican immigrants
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!
Hi All, I'm Geronimo360 and am glad to be here to see if we can finally start sifting the true facts out of all the fictional lies we get fed everyday 24/7...365.
FYI fellow seekers of the "real" truth behind the "believed" truth.I'm still lol Geronimo360 but I neglected to say how I ended up here and a bit about myself.I've always been aware of other levels of conciousness and that I believe all things are connected to create the "whole".I also believe our perceptions is what drives our own personal realities and that yes Dr.Suess's book about the civilization the size of an Atom could actually exist.Absolutely nothing is SOLID,including humanity etc and if one was tiny enough could fly through anything at all.I question everything and rarely believe anything.I'm very well educated and am getting ready to launch a site called #humanitydecoded.com and a few others I will announce in the near future pertaining to the legalization of Marijuana etc.Thank you for reading this far, I greatly appreciate it. Geronimo360
As with Logique, found this site through a link in a (debunking) comment on a Sandy Hook CT YouTube. Used to comment a fair bit at International Skeptic's Forum (formerly James Randi Educational Foundation's forum), but it's gotten to where you have to wade through so much personalized garbage there to get to the actual issues.
Hi, new to this and probably will post on a very infrequent basis. I'm looking for differing sources of information in that i don't know what or who, (whom?), to believe anymore, so maybe this will add to the confusion. Is there an abundance of political misinformation floating around on TV, radio, and the internet? Am i Paranoid? Having a double digit IQ doesn't help. I'm a 67 year old therapist, still working, (my retirement plan is to die on the job or win the lottery) but I'm enjoying life, while looking for places to live outside the USA.
Hi, new to this and probably will post on a very infrequent basis. I'm looking for differing sources of information in that i don't know what or who, (whom?), to believe anymore, so maybe this will add to the confusion. Is there an abundance of political misinformation floating around on TV, radio, and the internet? Am i Paranoid? Having a double digit IQ doesn't help. I'm a 67 year old therapist, still working, (my retirement plan is to die on the job or win the lottery) but I'm enjoying life, while looking for places to live outside the USA.
I haven't been here long myself, but, from what I've seen, this site doesn't deal much in politics (good job, too- frankly, I get enough of that elsewhere)- it's "about debunking specific claims of evidence," which I take to be mostly in reference to woo/CT, not political (or religious) opinion.

And I wouldn't be too down on myself about the "double digit IQ" either. That was a good, clearly-written post; I've seen many much worse on other sites from supposedly more educated and (self-professedly) intelligent people. Even if you don't get the particular points you want to debunk political misinformation (and you're correct, there is a lot), seeing how the specifics of woo/CT misinformation are debunked can give you general ideas as to how to approach any other.
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!
Hello Everyone! I have grown so weary of the many Internet hoaxes, that I've decided to gain some knowledge and begin to debunk some of the nonsense.
Hello Everyone! I have grown so weary of the many Internet hoaxes, that I've decided to gain some knowledge and begin to debunk some of the nonsense.
Welcome. You will find many debunks here. Possibly always good to search first in case something you are looking for has already come up.
Hi all,
Got here by a fascination with the complete rubbish that chemtrailers make up - hope to do my bit to put it right as a current UK-based Airbus pilot...
Hi all,
Got here by a fascination with the complete rubbish that chemtrailers make up - hope to do my bit to put it right as a current UK-based Airbus pilot...
Nice. I am sure we will discuss this more in the relevant threads.
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!
I get such a chuckle out of the chemmies denigrating Metabunk on YouTube. It's fun to see their replies to your posts, and I bet it came as a big surprise when you found out that you are a paid Gov't shill who works for the CIA. I hope the Gov't gives you and your whole staff a big raise, Mick!
Hi everyone, Australian Geologist who is so sick of irrational pseudo-science and the abuse of reason that I started posing replies on the youtube vids I saw...this lead me here, which is an encouraging affirmation that the world has not gone completely crazy. Got my PPL and used to fly hang-gliders...so there's an Aviation link there too. Hopeing my geochemical back-ground can help with debunking the insane idea that any Al Sr or Ba that you find in the soil MUST have come from a plane.
I am David, a 62 years old Englishman living in Denmark. I found this site purely by link following - and I am pleased that I did. It is excellent.
Wow, I've been browsing this site and these welcome comments and I'm MINDBLOWN. I didn't realize how much is covered here. I feel quite ignorant that I've never heard of MetaBunk before..wow. I am 43 and live in beautiful Peachtree City GA just south of Atlanta, but I hail from Ogden, Ut where I grew up and lived 35 years; and my whole family still lives there. When Sandy Hook happened it affected my hometown, as on of the families who suffered from the shooting has deep roots in the community. My mom in fact went to high school with both grandmothers of one of the 20 children who died that day. So when I came across a FB post about the Sandy Hook HOAX, I was floored. I fell down the rabbit hole a bit after that and was thoroughly distressed by what I found. I came across an article on Fellowship Of The Mind website not realizing how hardcore they were and made the catastrophic mistake of attempting to engage the poster in conversation, I was actually quite nice (I thought) but I was immediately set upon, like a rabbit and a pack of wolves lol. I haven't been back needless to say. But they continually kept saying they needed PROOF and ridiculed anything I had to say. I didn't realize how deep it went. I was beyond relieved to find that there were those who work as tirelessly (actually more so) than the CT's to refute their "evidence" So here I am...then I figured out that you debunk more than Sandy Hook...I know, I'm slow on the uptake hahaha, and I'm just amazed. I enjoy finding out more about the truth behind so many of these theories out there, of all kinds, because I do like to research before accepting these FB postings or emails from even my most intelligent friends and family, I believe anyone can get caught up. I like what somebody in these comments said about addressing the facts at hand and not making immediate judgments about those questioning, they could simply be misguided and push back could alienate them. But I've also quickly discovered that some people....have their minds made up. God grant me the wisdom to know the difference haha....anyway, a looooong welcome, oh, my names Dawn btw, Michelle's my middle name so I went with the Mickey moniker as opposed to Donald o_O
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This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!
just found your site and i'm so glad i did! FINALLY found a great wealth of info with real usable links. i know people who could appreciate your posts on the commercial plane contrail concerns, with Tom's post, can't wait to share your site :)
thank you!
Hey there all you shiny people! I am a female human, from that ball of dirt called "Earth" - I work for a slave-drive that literally makes grown men cry. Other than that, at this point, I am just enjoying the show.

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."
Hey there all you shiny people! I am a female human, from that ball of dirt called "Earth" - I work for a slave-drive that literally makes grown men cry. Other than that, at this point, I am just enjoying the show.

"My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Welcome, we are all leaves on the wind - watch how we soar.

edit: that quote doesn't seem to have as much gravity when its pluralised, my bad.
Hi, just here for loads of info. Stumbled upon this site when needed to look up some info on that Chechnya building that supposedly burned for 29 hours without collapsing. Great source of all kinds of information for debunking, it seems. Thanks for having me. :))
Hello, Mick and everybody. I was trying to find info on Dane Wigington that wasn't autobiographical, so here I am. Somebody on the never-ending comment thread on RollingStone's "The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here" posted a link to a video of Dane's, "Engineered Drought Catastrophe, Target California." The commenter complained that RollingStone should be covering nefarious and intentional SRM, etc. instead of nefarious unintentional AGW. Incidentally, I found Wigington's video to be intellectually offensive. That anyone would intentionally cause the drought in California for whatever reason is, is...well, there are no words...

So, a wonderfully informative site; and I have something to post on the "How a Rogue Scientist Disproved the Last Resort of the Chemtrail Theory by Accident" thread...