Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

I'm an engineer by profession and a whitewater kayaker hence the name "Eddyhopr". I like to dig into technical info in my spare time when an issue like the Oroville spillway occurs and learn something new outside of my area of expertise along the way. I've been enjoying reading the threads on the Oroville spillway incident for the past week plus. Someone like me was reading the ongoing Oroville threads (he called it "lurking") and then finally had something to contribute and joined the discussion. I prefer to think of myself as riding alongside in the back of the Metabunk peloton and benefiting from those riding ahead of me. I finally have some info to add to the Oroville discussion so it's time to join.

Hello Metabunk and All,
Have visited this site several times. You have put much work into it! Am so glad to read your approaches to demystifying bunk which has littered the internet, especially, social media lately.
My background is in science and engineering so wanted to join up and contribute, or at least, learn in an environment with less name calling, and where respect and honor are valued. That said, I will use the moniker, "NGC2440" when posting, and hopefully take advantage of your text editor as mathematical expressions are difficult in fixed font formats.
Greetings. I stumbled across this site looking for info on the spillway issue. I enjoy engineering and geology and this Oroville thing has it all! My expertise, however is in trucking, heavy equipment especially and this event has this also. I have learned a lot just reading the posts. Retired now and I live near Grass Valley, 40 miles from the dam and always make it a point on motorcycle rides to cross the dam and look in amazement at what man can build.
Excellent site.
Hi all, new fan of the site and the lengths Mick and the others go to debunk the .. er, um, irrational ideas that seem to be popping up a lot more in the internet monetization age (was bad enough when they could only sell their photocopied booklets at conventions).

I especially enjoy the links people post to more indepth information, and I was actually brought to the site by a link posted in YouTube comments section in relation to the whole "Chilean Navy Helicopter Video PROVES UFO" thing. I'll admit to my horrible nature when my first two thought on seeing the title were not "Proof of life from other worlds" and "At last, a government that wants us to know the truth", but rather "Chile has a navy?" and "The Chilean navy has helicopters? Well whatdoya know."

Question to Mick in regards to the first post/response in this thread:
Quoting Mick "Welcome Smillsoid. Is that Kubrick fan as in 'great movies', or 'faked moon landing'?" Well Mick, wouldn't a Kubrick faked moon landing still be a great movie? Thanks and I'll take my answer off the air.

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I am 57 years old mechanical engineer.

I found this site while trying to compose the answers against flat earth claimers to make it simple to understand for people with no technical beck ground.

thanks for accepting me
Hello Everyone,

Work in Business Development, freelance as a Scuba Instructor and Studied Marine Biology and Chemistry in University. I came upon the site while looking for easy ways to debunk the flat earth. Came across a thread discussing Sydney-Santiago flights and enjoyed the style...
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This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!

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Hello everyone! I'm a blogger and truthseeker. Myself and a few others debunk Nibiru/brown dwarf claims on YouTube and Facebook. I also counsel people with cosmophobia and general doomsday fears. Glad to be here. ☺
Hi to all.

I ended up here as my wife has over the last few years, done her 'research' (which seems to be ingesting all sort of rubbish on YouTube etc. And has become an increasingly vocal 'truther' on all subjects from global elite, cover up, false flag, moon landings, child abuse, flat earth, media vs alternative media, and the various characters which sell everything from ideas to books to supplements and all that stuff.
Of course, she now 'knows' lots of stuff which are crazy allegations at best... To defamatory and libellous to downright bonkers.

Now, my wife isn't stupid, but semi plausible scientific babble seems to be more believable to her than my explanations or suppositions. But as we know many of these 'proofs' are rarely more than statements of 'fact' along with thinly veiled ridicule for having believed what we are taught. (Which to me often seems obvious)

But the preposterous nature of many of the 'arguments' used in these proofs leaves me either speechless, or more often confused. I try to explain and she has given up listening...the infectiosness of the secret/coverup is too compelling.

Sadly though I'm not the best at explaining things and the resulting arguments have nearly resulted in relationship breakup. Currently undergoing counselling which I hate and resent.

Lately, it's been with material from Eric Dubay and his FE 'proofs'
Personally I find his monotone irritating, but listen to what her says as I usually have nlittle choice.

Now it looks like she want a to experiment with viewing light houses or ship from sea level... Which I ought to be glad about. Sadly though I think her 'methods' will not be rigorous enough to prove the point and of course if I interject with an opinion or comment, then I am 'trying to put her off, in case she proves the earth is flat'

It is so good to see sensible discussion and simple debunking of many of ED's 200 proofs of FE but also explanations of what his proofs are actually goi on about..
Particularly, rivers flowing up hill, that really had me confused, I just couldn't see what he was tying to say.

If only the right to free speech that many of us enjoy came with a responsibility to not deliberately mislead. I feel sorry for the younger generation who believe so much of the rubbish, which must be true, because it's on the Internet, wiki, YouTube etc. And fear the world of the movie 'Idiocracy' will be the outcome.
The anti-fake-news crusade should be turbocharged to remove crap science too, but of course, it's unlikely.

So keep up the good work, don't ever stop...
welcome rida if you've not found this thread it may have some value for your debunking efforts


Thanks, still finding my way round..
So frustrating when despite what seems obvious and simple proven facts...
People believe way out wacky complicated ideas..

I have no problem with any religion or faith. They are by their nature unprovable.
But I do resent the perversion of (pseudo) science and math to try to disprove science.

The other bit that gets me, is how self contradicting they sometimes are...
'Don't believe science, because They are all masons/paid/threatened/liars who falsified the results'
Then they use bastardised arguments based on the same science to 'prove' their argument.

Or refute space travel, either because radiation would prevent astronauts getting there, or 'how can anything orbit a flat earth.' But then use high altitude ballon imagery to show how flat the horizon is. Then the common sense bit.. Would the space agencies around the world (not to mention commercial organisations) spend all the money they do just to keep the lies going... Seem unlikely to me.

And of course, all space images are cgi. Even amateur astronomy images of the iss etc from Earth.

Then there's paranoia over chemtrails, fluoridation, Fukushima, fracking
and my personal favourite...
The Mandela effect.
I really love that one, a wonderful 'magic' get out, if ever there was.

The latest interest is sealevel experiments on YouTube showing laser being used to to apparently shine 9 or 13 mile acros the sea. I am assuming the fact the can, is either totally faked setup or just errors in the method down to the fact the 'sea level' is quite difficult to be actually 'at' (wave height and effected of incoming outgoing waves and an error of a even a few inches at either end would really upset the result and increase the range of any visible laser.

Anyway, sorry to ramble on here..
Thanks for the pointers

I've just joined in the German skeptic forum PSIRAM. Maybe from time to time I will need some help to check the plausibility of conclusions.
Greetings All!

I am a resident of the finest little city in America, the greatest narco-state-like collection of the abandoned shells of of once relevant industries: Scranton, Pennsylvania.

I am a former United States Marine, and also a former member of the United States Army. However, because most of my political views lean strongly to the left, I am somehow less patriotic than people who, aside from not having ever served thier country, have more right wing views than I do. In the post fact America, the exact date that happened, the date when plastic flags and lapel buttons became more imprtant than service and honor, seems like maybe, just maybe, and my memory is a little foggy here, was sometime in early to mid September, 2001...but I could be wrong.

I am a pilot and, to be as transparent as possible, am a member of Pilots for 9/11 Truth. I am not a conspiracy nut, but as a responder on 9/11 I feel there is much about that day that still needs explaining beyond the inconsistencies, so typical im confusing emergency situations, that "truthers" love to focus on. I had an excellent, firsthand view of the events that millions upon millions of others did not have. I lost friends that day, my father was almost lost as he responded and I wept when I tought he was dead but, like so many other crisis actors I had to get back to my work so I might not have actually shed a tear that was caught on film...so maybe I am part of the conspiracy...hmm. My former father in law just missed being hit by the first plane but three of his employees died. So while I keep an open mind to all points of view and willingly accept the criticisms and kind hearted efforts of people who try to change my mind in a polite manner, I don't think amything short of a miracle would change my view on what I saw.

I am here mainly because the scum of human existance, Sandy Hook Denialists and thier abhorrant behavior towards the families of murdered children, really make me very angry. Everyone has a right to an opinion, no one has the right to mock, harrass, or insult the families of children sacrificed on the alter of military weapons being easily and readily available to anyone with a heartbeat. I am a firearms owner and I love to operate them, as do my sons since they were 5 years old. I am a proponent of real, effective gun control, not cosmetic assault rifle bans and the like.

I hate the distorted "logic" of "truthers", as a Jew detest how most truthers also turn out to be believers in Jewish world control conspiracies (apparently I didn't get the memo because my Catholic wife controls everything I do), abhor how many "truthers" are also Holocaust deniers, and seriously question the dpsanity of anyone who would want to look at pictures of children hit by high velocity, low calibre rifle fire. Since they all claim to love America and want to protect her so much, maybe they should all man up and join the service. Then they can see dead children when they go to Iraq or Afghanistan and get thier sick, perveted kicks, standing over thier bodies and the grieving families.

To be clear, these "men" aren't fit to wear the uniform of our nation. There are certain measurements they take when you enlist as, apart from IQ, I am willing to bet that many "truthers", eve the tallest ones, would max out several inches too short to be accepted. :) This, and the fact that few of them are brave enough to do anything more than attack pretty, little Carlee Soto, is the reason they have to say stupid things on the internet and only in the presense of those who will agree with them and reinformce thier beliefs. Typical, post fact Americans.

Honestly, I do not think that most people who claim to believe the "truth" about Sandy Hook really do hold such beliefs. I believe that many of the people who post and repost this nonsense are only doing it to look cool or more right wing or more anti gubmint than thier peers. Their greatest fear, as sad land lonely menis being targetted as a liberal so they have to up the ante every time someone comes up woth something outrageous. This is how Sandy Hook parents go from "crisis actors" to "chld porn producers" in the span of a few days. I make light of it, but these people are overrepresented in our plitical system and hold undue influence over the politics of the strongest, richest nation on the planet.

Though this isn't political forum, politics always gets dragged into these things (especially the Sandy Hook discussions), so I think it only fair, as people who lose arguements tend to focus on the background of ther person who is beating them in said arguement, and because of this and in the interests of being as transparent as possible my political record is as follows:

Drew a picture of jelly beans fir President Reagan when I was in Kindergarten.
Worked for Congressman Frelighuysen (R-NJ).
Voted for Pat Buchanan in the primaries in 1996.
Voted for Senator Bob Dole in 1996.
Voted for Alan Keyes in 2000 primaries.
Voted for Governor George W. Bush in 2000.
World goes crazy and splits into Patriots vs. Liberal Terrorist Loving America Haters
Voted for General Wesley Clark in 2004 primaries.
Voted for Senator John F. Kerry in 2004.
Voted for General Wesley Clark in 2008 primaries.
Voted for Senator and then President Obama in 2008 and 2012.
Voted ror General Wesley Clark in 2016 Primaries.
Held nose and voted for Secretary Clinton in 2016
Respected office of the Presidency by NOT attempting to delegitimize President Trump's electoral victory.
Pray for the safety and, hopefully, good guidance of President Trump every day.

Long story short, used to be a Republican...and then that party when crazy and I found my once Radical right wing views (like requiring a background check to buy an assault rifle) to suddenly have become bleeding heart liberal views...so I became a member of the Democratic Party. Don't get me wrong, the Democratic Party sucks too, and has proven its ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory time and again.

I used to work in the frac sand industry so don't even get me started on all the nonsense surrounding what is a relatively mundane method of energy extraction.

I have worked in the consumer paper industry, thankfully in thr production of paper towels and toilet paper...and not all the other varieties of paper whose abandoned production locations are awaiting for President Trump to reopen them.

I now write for a defense-issues oriented publisher. I also write fiction and have been published. I love reading people's scripts, simce almost everyone has a script, and giving notes. So if you are like everyone, and have a script that you would like read, let me know!

I have a wife and two sons. We have recieved several threats from our local "Sandy Hook truthers" and I love ery minute of it. These so-called men, whose Freudian love for guns belies an obvious failure to to have successful relationships with a woman (a woman being a person they can't tell what to do these days, unlike thier guns that are objects under thier total command), are a bunch of clowns and I challenge them to bring it on!

I love trains, hiking, exploring abandoned places, and spending time with my family. I am a pilot and lve flying. As stated before I really enjoy firearms and shooting, but find the love of a beautiful woman to be much more comforting than sitting down at the local range complaining about the government. Unlike every other man I know, I am genuinely happy to be married and consider the best part of my day to be any time I get to see my wife smile. She is in upper, upper, upper levels of management at Amazon, which is a good thing, because writing doesn't pay all that well...hmm.

Anyway, I ramble...a lot...as you might have noticed...so I bid you fond welcome and my nest wishes for all of you.

Semper Fidelis

PS- Ms. Deirdre, I imagine I violtae some forum rules about not making fun of hoaxers and for that I apologize. I have not gone anywhere near as far as some people have with thier attacks on this forum, but if you must censor the post, please do so. I understand.
Hey I am recovering conspiracy theorist from Canada and I came across this site attempting to find evidence to counter my theories and to get an idea of what people think in general about CTS.

I don't really have much to say but I love reading responses to the evidence provided by CTers from members of Metabunk, I have since come to grow more rational in the sense that I don't believe the argument "A can't be disproved, there A exists" anymore as it can lead to all sorts of nonsense. Such as:

Flying Spaghetti can't be disproved, there Flying Spaghetti exists.

Then what you may hear in real life.

One World Order can't be disproved, there One World Order exists.

Thank you guys a ton for the work you have done hopefully this fits without posting rules.
Hi! I'm just an undergrad aerospace student living in the UK who has in the past used this website to try to debunk, but it never gets far sadly...

Drew a picture of jelly beans fir President Reagan when I was in Kindergarten.

I am curious about this artwork...
Hi! I'm just an undergrad aerospace student living in the UK who has in the past used this website to try to debunk, but it never gets far sadly...

I am curious about this artwork...
and did he get to see this picture?
and did he get to see this picture?
fun, off topic, fact no one knew they wanted to know
When Ronald Reagan ran for Governor of California in 1966, he began eating “Goelitz Mini Jelly Beans” as part of his successful attempt to give up pipe smoking. Herman Goelitz Candy Company, the Oakland-based producer of the jelly beans, sent a monthly shipment to the Governor’s Office throughout Reagan’s two terms in Sacramento. The company also made a custom-designed jelly bean jar for Reagan https://reaganlibrary.archives.gov/archives/reference/jellybellies.html
Content from External Source
Drew a picture of jelly beans fir President Reagan when I was in Kindergarten.
fun, off topic, fact no one knew they wanted to know
When Ronald Reagan ran for Governor of California in 1966, he began eating “Goelitz Mini Jelly Beans” as part of his successful attempt to give up pipe smoking. Herman Goelitz Candy Company, the Oakland-based producer of the jelly beans, sent a monthly shipment to the Governor’s Office throughout Reagan’s two terms in Sacramento. The company also made a custom-designed jelly bean jar for Reagan https://reaganlibrary.archives.gov/archives/reference/jellybellies.html
Content from External Source
I've taken the Jelly Belly factory tour in Fairfield, CA...and this picture of Reagan made of jelly beans hangs on the wall.
(it's 5 to 6 feet tall) Reagan & I both prefer the licorice flavor. Okay...no further off topic...
Hey guys! Mick your website has been amazing for me! After looking through many sights to debunk conspricy claims most are very badly done until I found your amazing website. And it's great being able to debunk claims with other people and pretty much work as a team. I'm looking forward to debunking things with you guys already have a few claims I'm interested to debunk.
Vgcoop here.
I am very interested in the Universe - I am specialising in the Universe and all that surrounds it.
Also a Peter Cook fan.
Thanks for having me (hopefully)
Hey all! I'm HoaxEye, a fact finder & debunker. My real name is Janne Ahlberg. I'm from Finland.
I'm using the same nickname on Twitter and Facebook, but the idea is not to hide my identity :)
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Just joined. The word "bunk" caught my eye. I'm an old black airplane chaser. I once joined a ChemTrail forum and tried to offer some of my skills at tracking airplanes but was promptly labeled as a heretic and banished into the wilderness from the forum. Probably just as well for everyone involved. Hope to read some good posts here. Thanks!
Hi All... I am a systems engineer with a NASA contractor who has a PhD in astrophysics. I recently got into an exchange on Facebook with someone who said that the stars don't change in the sky (I provided lots of examples that they do) and that discussion led to him espousing flat earth theories and linking to a "200 proofs" video. In my research of debunking some of the claims I found myself here at metabunk, where there was just tons of great info. That discussion is over, but I'm sure I'll be hanging around here reading some threads now and then. Cheers, Amber.
Hi to everyone!
I'm Ilic and I am from Italy... so I beg your pardon in advance for inevitable mistakes... sorry.
I am 39 and I have a PHD in Physical Education and "some" practice in various sports, especially boxing. I've done so many jobs it's too long to tell here, but I would like to be a PE teacher in a public school. (and in Italy is quite impossible without "links" but I don't despair).
One costant of my life is a passion for: Math, Physics, Astronomy, Physiology, Philosophy etc. everything about Science Divulgation; which has led me to the debunking. I am affiliate or follower of famous italian debunkers such as Redazione Montaigne, Butac, Paolo Attivissimo etc.
I hope to learn something here and to find a community that feels the ethical duty to fight misinformation.
I am no expert but if you need for something (research, fact checking, translation etc.) feel free to ask.
Best regards
Hello, I've just joined Metabunk, having read a fascinating take on the V3Solar "20x" claim. I look forward to discovering more of this community's views and thoughts, and hope to perhaps contribute myself, if able.


Hello, I've just joined Metabunk, having read a fascinating take on the V3Solar "20x" claim. I look forward to discovering more of this community's views and thoughts, and hope to perhaps contribute myself, if able.



Welcome aboard! The standard issue straight jackets are down the hall, 2nd door on the left.
Hey folks! just here to learn as much as i can, thank you so much for bringing this website into existence. Please keep it up!
thank you ... i came across this site via a post on facebook..thanks to this site i now have an answer to a question ive been looking for... (see photo)


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This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!

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Hi - to post a new thread within the Welcome thread, should I have gone for "new thread"? I was afraid that would take me out of the Welcome thread entirely. I'm interested in belief, certainty, culture; the capacity humans have to believe in flat-out anything with a conviction of 'logic and evidence'. And by corollary, the doubtfulness of the concept of 'logic and evidence' as it's commonly understood and used. I was looking at some discussions here, and I like the way they're constrained so that they move along rather than degenerating into insult contests and mindless repetitions. I'm a veterinarian by trade so I know some things about biology and medicine and I've read a fair amount about how we arrive at the ideas we would say that we agree with. I can play most instruments, other than bowed strings, badly.
I'm from west texas and out here the Marfa lights are the most mysterious/ paranormal. I would really like to see it explained. Thanks for having me tho!
Hi all! @joerogan podcast brought me here. Hoping to gain a broader understanding of the world around us and the science behind it all.
So far I'm impressed with your site and your efforts. I know I would have a hard time doing it. Partially because I find it a little depressing that so many people are not only convinced of some of the weirdest things (flat earth, 9/11 truth, JFK, alien visitation, big foot, gods, global floods, free energy, etc), but most of them refuse to accept all contradictory evidence.

I used to do a segment on a weekly internet radio show on the paranormal where I would report on search engine metadata of conspiracy theories. Kind of like a "stock market", where I might say something like, "JFK conspiracy theories are up 5% this week and 9/11 CTs are holding steady again for the 3rd straight week." If I missed a week, I would explain the next week with something like, "my CIA handler wanted to slap my wrist for mentioning that test rocket in public" and that would spur emails from people who actually (at least claimed to) believe the CIA shtick. It's hard to continue the joke when there are some listeners who are afflicted with the very beliefs I'm poking fun at.

Anyway, you seem to have a healthier path for the topic and I'll likely spend some more time here.

Best regards,

Like the last few posts I found the page through JRE. Love a good conspiracy theory. Used to think the government was out to get us all etc etc... then I grew up. Still good to look at conspiracies through proper science and the like. Loving the page so far!
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once it has been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!

It's highly recommended that you first read the Posting Guidelines:

Hello Metabunk!! My name is Gerald II, I hail from Tulsa, OK but currently reside in a little town North of Tulsa called Collinsville. I heard Mick on Joe Rogans podcast today & thought I'd check the site out. Still looking around but just wanted to say hello & glad to be part of this site!
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