Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

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Hi from Australia! I came here after hearing your interview on Skeptics Guide to the Universe. I’m a life long skeptic dealing with a colleague who has gone down the QAnon rabbit hole which is disappointing and challenging.
Hi! I used to lurk a lot on the subreddit communities, to find rational explanations of certain events, but lately, they are lacking in that department. I found Mick's video on the triangle UAPs, then this community and I gotta say, you guys are doing an amazing job. Keep it up!
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

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Hi Mick and forum, You were mentioned in an interview with Rikke Peters on Danish Radio. As a student of psychotherapy and father, I am occasionally confronted with theories, that makes me tired, sad and impatient. So hope to get inspiration on how to approach (myself) next time I face theories beyond my imagination
Hi Mick et al! I'm LilWabbit, a Senior Risk Analyst working in Foreign Service and Defence for 17 years, with an educational background in Theoretical Philosophy including Logic and the Philosophy of Science. I am a new fan of your dispassionate, truth-seeking and scrupulous content. Just stumbled upon it two weeks ago. Keep up the excellent work!
Hi there,
I'm a computer programmer/data analyst and recently got curious about all the hype surrounding UAP news. Looking forward to reading new posts and contribute myself if possible.
Hey, Joined this forum after following the uap thing that is going on on different media. Being an ex-conspiracy theorist myself but always had doubt about dubious evidence i went back to school to study physics, chem, math and biology to make more sense of it all. I have learned that big and complex problems can be solved by breaking them into small parts and evaluating them individualy. I hope i can help.
Hi all. I've been sucked into caring about UAPs by the 60 Minutes broadcast. I came across Mick's debunking of the Gofast, Gimbal & FLIR1 videos, and the green pyramid video, and thought they were very well done.

Generally, I'm fascinated by the psychology of belief. How & why people come to believe in things, how they evaluate evidence, how they come to change their minds, etc.

I'm enjoying the subject matter and cast of characters involved in this topic. Jeremy Corbell is a hoot. Bob Lazar, Tom Delonge, Steven Greer, Luis Elizondo—remarkable folks. UAPs are fascinating in themselves, but an examination of the dynamics of the "UFO Community" is probably just as interesting to me.

So far, I've been delving a bit into the Omaha radar footage discussed in this thread. I've been impressed by how seriously members of this site seem to take the process of piecing together the evidence, and I hope I can help contribute.

It's been a fun little distraction!
Hey, I am Steve. I got interested in UAP stories following the recent interviews with Fravor and Elizondo. The excellent analysis videos of Mick brought me finally to Metabunk. I was always interested in out-of-this-world stuff since the beginning of my childhood and this even led to an advanced scientific degree as well as my current research-oriented position. The odd interplay between government disinformation, fallacies of layman analysts, and believable accounts of highly qualified military personnel really create fascinating dynamics in the current UAP craze. And I hope my healthy dose of skepticism can contribute to clearing out some of these opacities.
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

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Hello everybody! My name is Tucker I initially saw the Navy UAP videos and listened to commander Favor's testimony and was totally convinced, but I then noticed that the GoFast video contained a lot of data that could be used to calculate the approximate speed of the object in the video. After doing some research and learning what the values on the FLIR hud indicated I calculated a speed much lower than what the media and ufo sensationalists where suggesting. This led me to search for others that disagreed with the idea that it was a low fast moving object and discovered Mick Wests YouTube channel. After watching all of his other videos with his other fantastic explanations and learning about this thread I cant wait to help contribute unbiased analysis in anyway I can to this site.
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!

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Aloha. I am a 75 year-old retired postal employee, as well as a skeptic. I heard about your site on the SGU podcat.
Hi, folks. I am a chemist, 40 year old. I am so fascinated by the impressive work, Mick and the others are doing here. First of all, I saw the Pentagon Videos on YouTube and, among others, I was wondering, why nobody in the media is looking to the data on the Display of the cockpits. I mean, there should be some interesting informations, right? :)

Mick did that on YouTube and after a bit of research I found that fantastic forum.
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Hi there,

My name is Chris and I found this website thanks to the link on Mick's YouTube channel.

I'm a research scientist by trade and hence I'm interested in image and data analysis, scientific writing etc., and hence I enjoy watching Mick's explanations of various phenomena, particularly some of the more contentious 'UFO/UAP' footage. I'm also stunned at just how little proper scrutiny UFO/UAP footage gets, which is why I enjoy Mick's videos on YT in particular.

All the best,
Hello everyone,
My name is Daniel. I’m a bespoke joiner from the UK. I stumbled upon this site ( it seems I’m very late to the party ) after falling down countless rabbit holes on YouTube and catching Mick West’s videos. I’m interested in the debate around the US government released footage of uap’s. I’m particularly impressed by the clever hypothesis put forward by people here. I will add my humble, probably not so clever, opinions where I can if I feel there is a point to make. Just happy to participate a bit rather than just read the forums from afar.
Pleasure to be here
all the best
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

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Hi from Spain.
Just decided to register after some time reading this forum about the Navy UAPs, and trying my own analyses on the videos, which end up with similar conclusions as those over here.
Hello! Mainly here due to the Navy UAP videos. Mick, you've opened up a fun world of debunking to me. Now, the PROCESS of debunking is more interesting than the "UAP" thing. Hope to be able to contribute to the community. Sadly, probably don't have the time to do all of the awesome analysis that you all do, but I'll try to chime in where I can. Nearly 20 years in aerospace/defense, some coding experience, 3D printing, CAD, blah blah blah. I'll contribute where I can!
Hey Mick, thank you for all of your videos, explanations and communications throughout the years. You are doing a great job.

I do wish you'd release more Podcast episodes on 'Tales from the Rabit Hole' as I thoroughly enjoy listening to them. Lately, i've been exploring some of your visits on other peoples' podcasts to hear more of your cool, calm, collected explanations and debates on a variety of topics. Which you always do amicably and respectfully. You and Michael Shermer are some of my favorites in this manner.

Recently, I stumbled across a certain 'flat earth discord' where there were a whole bunch of people shouting over you and at you and even at eachother. There were no signs of any sort of 'discord' but rather a demeaning of your character by ways of intimidation, name-calling, put-downs and the lot. Simply, awful.

You are a cool character Mr West and handle yourself very well in difficult and tense situations. Though I wish you'd give 'em a thrashing every once in awhile ;).

Keep up the good work! We thank you for it.
Hi everyone. Newbie here. I am a surgeon who practices in Anchorage AK. I'm a great admirer of debunkers everywhere. Did a bit of debunking back in the day when Oliver Stone's movie "JFK" promoted many of the conspiracy theories of the JFK assassination. I published an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association entitled, "JFK's Assassination: Conspiracy, Forensic Science, and Common Sense." One can find other stuff I've written on the assassination in forums by googling "Robert Artwohl JFK Assassination."


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I found Mick West thanks to his work debunking a Biden green screen theory.

I love the clarification on this site: Metabunk is about debunking specific claims of evidence, not arguing the merits of broader theories.

I hope to support and draw support from this group in using facts, logic, and respect in debunking conspiracy theories.
Approval post.

I browsed a few threads back during the Orville Spillway dam time period, was really impressed with level of conversation of that event relative to other forums ( that may or may not start with "r"), and then moved on. But Mick's GoFast video brought me back, and the analysis of recent US Navy UFO/UAP/Burrito/Balloon videos makes me want to stay.
Hello Everyone, I’ll keep it short and simple.

I’m a person who while I mostly believe in official stories as long as they are backed up by sufficient evidence, I also am suspect of some events that occurred and lean more towards conspiratorial things in those regards. I love having my beliefs challenged and learning new things and have came to this site for just that, I do hope my presence here is enjoyable and educational and I hope to bring some things to the table as well.

Hey Mick, thank you for all of your videos, explanations and communications throughout the years. You are doing a great job.

I do wish you'd release more Podcast episodes on 'Tales from the Rabit Hole' as I thoroughly enjoy listening to them. Lately, i've been exploring some of your visits on other peoples' podcasts to hear more of your cool, calm, collected explanations and debates on a variety of topics. Which you always do amicably and respectfully. You and Michael Shermer are some of my favorites in this manner.

Recently, I stumbled across a certain 'flat earth discord' where there were a whole bunch of people shouting over you and at you and even at eachother. There were no signs of any sort of 'discord' but rather a demeaning of your character by ways of intimidation, name-calling, put-downs and the lot. Simply, awful.

You are a cool character Mr West and handle yourself very well in difficult and tense situations. Though I wish you'd give 'em a thrashing every once in awhile ;).

Keep up the good work! We thank you for it.
That's something I really like about Mick and something I am silently attempting to learn from him.

I often find it very easy to get caught up in internet argument mentality and acquire a brash attitude and get snarky when confronting bad arguments being repeated.

This has never worked out positively for me and invariably I would have been better off with conducting myself politely and respectfully. It feels more cathartic to be snarky, specially when some on the "other side" are also conducting themselves poorly, but it never accomplishes the goal of convincing someone to look at something in a different way.

It's sooo easy to get caught up and get rude but the true Alpha Chad move is to stay cool and polite.
Hi all, I found Metabunk from the recent UFO news. Like some others here I was also intrigued initially, but now agree that the popular videos are more easily explained as normal phenomena.
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

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Hi, I'm trying to learn more about the UAP programs and the pilots' claims in the videos. I'm doing preliminary research on the government's past UFO program and the controversial leaked Navy videos you've [Mick West] so expertly debunked. https://twitter.com/MickWest/status/1255659086965731328… You've offered plausible explanations of why Fravor mistakenly believed he was chasing and circling a UFO. Is there any comments or claims by pilots Fravor, Graves and Dietrich that strike you or others on Metabunk as inconsistent, implausible or changed stories that you or others have cited that you believe undermine credibility or are making mistakes in what they've seen? Or alternative explanations for the Graves and Dietrich claims, with her comments highlighted here: https://thefocus.news/culture/alex-dietrich/ Also, how do I post a new post either here or in other sections of the web page?
Hi, I'm a first -time poster looking into criticisms /analysis of UFO claims and alternative explanations, and looking for analyses here or online of specifics of Graves, Fravor and Dietrich eyewitness claims?
You've offered plausible explanations of why Fravor mistakenly believed he was chasing and circling a UFO. Is there any comments or claims by pilots Fravor, Graves and Dietrich that strike you or others on Metabunk as inconsistent, implausible or changed stories that you or others have cited that you believe undermine credibility or are making mistakes in what they've seen?
This thread is the place for that type of thing:
Thanks, also sent a query via Twitter DM. I'm a journalist doing some preliminary research. And I was following the rules about posting first at the welcome thread. Thanks, Art.
This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!

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This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!

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Hello all. I became aware of this site when reading the article by Mr. West in the Indian River Press Journal. I was impressed by the facts presented and I look forward to reviewing the information presented here.
Hello, I've been following the UFO/UAP pentagon cases for a while and am here mainly to get more informed about those. Love the rationality and the respect that's given to identifying these things.
Thanks, also sent a query via Twitter DM. I'm a journalist doing some preliminary research. And I was following the rules about posting first at the welcome thread. Thanks, Art.
There was a time that a journalist doing research before reporting would not have seemed as unusual to me as it does now! How cynical I've become...

Anyway, welcome, and Good On Ya!
Greetings one and all. I'm interested in weird phenomena, genuinely and respectfully explored, whether that's parapsychology a la William James, eerie things a la Fortean Times, urban myths a la Snopes, general debunking a la Brian Dunning etc. I'm interested in the psychology of belief, in particular the ways in which the human mind is flawed in how it evaluates evidence, such as cognitive biases and our poor ability to comprehend big numbers. I arrived here this morning because of a controversy brewing here in Australia over a recent book, Dark Emu, which has elicited a book in response challenging its claims... which led me to Mick West's piece in the Guardian about UFOs or whatever we're calling them now. I liked the cut of his jib, I thought, then discovered as I read on that an aeronautical image might be more appropriate. Then - cue Twilight Zone music - I noticed that this morning had become late this afternoon. It's a mystery!

PS Plus I'm also very interested in why QED has Robert Berry's image of James Joyce in Finnegans Wake mode as their image...
Hello everyone--

I found this site through reading Mick West's opinion piece in The Guardian about the release of the Pentagon's report on UPA. Being a child of the ʻ60s, I grew up reading science fiction, as well as fake science accounts about alien aircraft, alien visits to Earth and aliens shaping human cultures and being responsible for human achievements. As I get older, this nonsense has become more annoying and with the eruption of false narratives in the United States, I would like to be better informed about current bunk and better able to debunk. Being a better (and kinder) debunker, I hope, will help a few of my friends think a little more clearly. In any case, I am pleased to have found this site.
I was sure the US is hiding aliens 20 years ago while watching the X-Files with my friends. I'm still sure there are inhabited planets. I still hope there is a loophole to break the speed of light, but I give it maybe a 5% chance. So ET visiting is not very likely. Spacecrafts with extraordinary capabilities are not very likely.

I came here because someone commented on a news about this thunderf00t debunker. I found him quite annoying, so I was looking for sane people discussing these videos. After some UFO dude was talking about this conspiracy too much, I fell down the rabbi hole of viewing many of Micks videos and reading the latest threads here.
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This thread is for any first time poster to (optionally) post an introductory "hi everyone" post, which will also get you "verified" (meaning you can post without anti-spam restrictions) once that post, and a few posts in another sub-forum, have been approved.

A few words on who you are and how you ended up here would be appreciated. Or just say hi!

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Hello, I first heard about Mick West's book when he was on Skeptical Help Bar with my friend Kenny Biddle. I finally ordered it after I watched Mick West on Skeptical Inquirer Presents. I greatly appreciate the book, especially during these days of misinformation. I used to be into the woo (recovered ghost hunter here) and as I asked more questions from helpful skeptics, I gradually became a skeptic myself and wrote a blog about the subject for several years. Looking forward to learning more here!
Hi! I visited Metabunk many years back, just lurking at that time, and had almost forgotten about it until the recent surge in media attention dedicated to UAPs. I was quite disappointed with how uncritically the media covered the topic, and when I stumbled across some of Mick's excellent videos on YouTube I found my way back to this site. I'm now firmly in the "skeptical camp", but I've also had a period in my life many years ago where I was a full blown conspiracy nut listening to Alex Jones, and believing in chemtrails. Fortunately, my conspiracy leanings gradually petered out, and I found my way back to reality.
Hi everyone. I'm Jon Gold. I have been an advocate for 9/11 Justice since mid 2002-early 2003. I have worked with the September Eleventh Advocates (The Jersey Girls), and other 9/11 Family Members. I have held multiple fund-raisers for the sick and dying 9/11 First Responders, essentially helping to put the FealGood Foundation on the map. The organization Jon Stewart partnered with during his fight for the 9/11 First Responders. I've written 2 books which are available for free. They are "9/11 Truther: The Fight For Peace, Justice And Accountability," and "We Were Lied To About 9/11: The Interviews." Find out how to get both in the second book available at www.wewereliedtoabout911.com I am the one who coined the phrase "9/11 Truther" though I go by "advocate for 9/11 Justice" now. The NYTimes cited me on it.

To me, a "9/11 Truther" is someone who fights alongside the family members seeking truth and accountability for the 9/11 attacks. In my mind, a "9/11 Truther" is someone who fights for the sick and dying 9/11 First Responders who need health care desperately. In my mind, a "9/11 Truther" is someone who does not like how the day of 9/11 is being used to inflict pain and suffering around the world, and is trying to stop it. Stop it by using the truth. Something we have been denied by our Government regarding the 9/11 attacks.

I gave them the money to finish the documentaries 9/11: Press For Truth and In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories Of The 9/11 Families... that should be enough about me.

I came here to ask the host this question... "Have you ever "debunked" Philip Zelikow, and the different actions he took as Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission?"
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Hi! I visited Metabunk many years back, just lurking at that time, and had almost forgotten about it until the recent surge in media attention dedicated to UAPs. I was quite disappointed with how uncritically the media covered the topic, and when I stumbled across some of Mick's excellent videos on YouTube I found my way back to this site. I'm now firmly in the "skeptical camp", but I've also had a period in my life many years ago where I was a full blown conspiracy nut listening to Alex Jones, and believing in chemtrails. Fortunately, my conspiracy leanings gradually petered out, and I found my way back to reality.

Welcome Luster! It would be great to hear from you how your "conspiracy leanings gradually petered out" from Alex Jones to sobriety? Perhaps you could provide your account on this thread in relation to the thread-starter. Was it because skeptics were so good at correcting you and providing irrefutable counter-arguments to yours during vitriolic debates, or some other reason? (I suspect the latter but maybe wrong.)
Hello people.

Joined to possibly post at times, tho I notice mick mostly wants to keep it about working towards evidence and finding answers. Not necessarily just chatting about this stuff? One thing that makes me join is actually the hate mick gets on reddit. I find it tribalistic and just pathetic. I don't see them doing any work into actually getting possible answers.