WHAT IS THIS LINE? (on my Super Blue Blood Moon Photo) - Smarter Every Day 188

Hopefully I'm doing this right and in the right forum section (please move if not).

I subscribe to a youtube channel called Smarter Every Day. The guy (Destin) does some fantastic science videos.
[off topic video removed.. confuses the issue at hand]

But the reason for this thread is in one of his latest videos he and a friend try to take a photo of the recent 'blood moon' while it moves over the Saturn V rocket (how cool is that? The Sat V went to the moon, now the moon is coming to the Saturn V), which they do. But as Destin is taking the photo, he notices a line go across the moon where the point of the rocket intersects with the moon. He sees this in the view finder so doesn't think it happened in the camera's sensor. He has no idea what it is so is asking for anyone to help work out what it is. Someone in the comments said it was a contrail caused by a plane that flew in that area at the time.

Seeing as you guys here know how to find plane flight paths, can any of you work out if it was a plane?

Or do you have any ideas on what you think the line could be?

Here's the video:

Source: https://youtu.be/9reizHjwuNY?t=262

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please move if not).
the problem is you give no data and violate the No Click Policy.

Can you summarize the needed data from the video.. and perhaps any useful info from the comments.. for instance in the first comment I see

SmarterEveryDay2 days ago (edited)
It happened on all 3 cameras, but only from one of our 2 shooting locations. We were approximately 2.2 miles away. Here are the exact TPE data from this shot: http://app.photoephemeris.com/?ll=34.700583,-86.619095&center=34.7058,-86.6382&z=14&spn=0.05,0.14&dt=20180131063500-0600&sll=34.711166,-86.655948 I was shooting with a 300mm lens on a Canon 70D, also a 100mm lens on a Panasonic GH5. Trevor also saw it on his Canon7D MkII. All the raw photos are in the dropbox folder on the Patreon page. (Sorry I've limited that folder of photos to Patrons only because they're cool and have an incredible track record of keeping all photos and digital content for personal use only https://www.patreon.com/posts/raw-saturn-v-16800811 ) Here's one of the images I put up on a public post (Paywalls suck.) Here you go: https://www.patreon.com/posts/16802286
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so... where were the 3 cameras? location of?
Date. Time. Timezone etc.
Ok hi slink there shows data
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Sorry Deirdre. It's all gobbledigook to me, which is why I sought help from you guys.

I found this site very good at providing rational explanations for weird things. I didn't provide a link to the direct point in the video because I thought the whole video was relevant and would be useful to you guys.
I thought the whole video was relevant and would be useful to you guys.
the main point is to provide some data. But just skimming that video I'm not sure there was any data in it. I found it anyway... and not to go off topic, but once the guys figure out the line, I want to know what this blob shadow is. (original color snippet attached)



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I want to know what this blob shadow is
most likely a bird. here is the frame you posted


and that here is just the very next frame


and a few frames earlier you can see barely a swarm (I did some strong contrast to enhance visibility and marked a few). those are not artefacts because as in the frames before this one, no blob appears in them at all:

Ooh that one's easy. At 3:40 there's a flock of birds going across the screen from right to left. That frame is of the last bird. He/she's a straggler. If I can get an animated gif going, I'll post it.

Edit: oops I was late to the party. Answered above.
Seeing as you guys here know how to find plane flight paths, can any of you work out if it was a plane?
seems like this is already answered in this reddit-thread:

So after watching Destin's latest video I decided to try to figure out what the mysterious line across the moon was in his photos. Some people in the YouTube comments suggested it may be a distant contrail from a jet. I thought that was a plausible explanation, so I went with that hypothesis first.

Destin shared his and Trevor's location and line of sight at this link.

So I opened a flight tracking site and moved along their line of sight looking for flights which crossed it around 6:35AM CST (12:35 UTC).

There are about three planes crossing more or less perpendicular to Destin and Trevor's line of sight at this time. After doing some math it seems that only one plane was at the correct height for its contrail to appear at the top of the mock Saturn V in the photos. It's this one, and it happens to be an Amazon Prime Air flight.
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source: https://www.reddit.com/r/SmarterEve...have_figured_out_what_the_mysterious_line_is/

and as I was going first with a sensor-phenomenon, Destin states on youtube in the comments:

It happened on all 3 cameras, but only from one of our 2 shooting locations.
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so from this statement alone its most likely what it looks like; a pretty far away contrail which is by pure chance so perfectly aligned with the tip of the saturn and in line of sight.

edit/ Destin posted a "raw" (sort of) JPG of the event through his reddit-thread here

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/SmarterEveryDay/comments/7v947v/what_is_this_line_on_my_super_blue_blood_moon/dtqfkc0/

here (didnt embedded it, as I have no idea if it would be ok with him):
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they seem to agree that the contrail would be too far and too low to be seen by Destin
they are according to this comment (in the mainthread of destin) more flights which could be that particular contrail:
There are quite a few flights that could fit the bill, but SWA1658 seems to be the best match, maybe even a better match than DAL8948. At 6:30 AM Central time, SWA1658 was about 10 km South-Southwest of Covington, Tennessee, putting it directly in the viewing path behind the rocket from your vantage point in the church parking lot, at an altitude of 40,000 ft. and was ~175 miles from your location putting it at just the right height.
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/SmarterEveryDay/comments/7v947v/what_is_this_line_on_my_super_blue_blood_moon/dtrdrjn/

Destin himself says in that thread that he didnt think of contrails that far away:
I didn’t think about planes that far away. I could totally be wrong.
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I admit, math is not exactly my thing, I go with visuals. and have found a nice comparison


description for right photo reads

Super Moon rising over Benfleet 6.52 pm 27th September 2015. The black line across it is the vapour trail of a plane that crossed in front of the moon.
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source: http://www.benfleethistory.org.uk/content/topics/topics-2/unusual-events/lunar_eclipse_over_benfleet

Time: AD 2015-09-27 PM 05:52:00.000 (Sun) Coordinated Universal Time

From latitude 51.55000° N, longitude 0.55000° E:

The moon is located 2.6366° above the horizon (rising).
True compass bearing: 94.6672°

Illuminated fraction: 99.78% (waxing).

Angle of center of moon's bright limb:
73.1 degrees clockwise (286.9 degrees counterclockwise) from zenith.
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Hmm, take your pick!



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