What Is this time-lapse sequence of? [Contrails]


Ok, one more time; Do you think this time-lapse photo is genuine. Photo was taken in Switzerland, last year, showing part of the sky, which is covered with trails, after that in few hrs, the sky was completely blocked with a thin layer of particles, which were shining and partially blocked sunrays, while changing metallic-like colours, although weather was clear, blue sky, with no precit. of raining, humidity ...


  • trails1c6.JPG
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Ok, one more time; Do you think this time-lapse photo is genuine.
No reason not to think it is, it shows nothing remarkable. The 'thin layer of particles' is a cirrus sheet, as has been happening on the planet for aeons. The contrails forming show that such a formation is likely, and then it arrives later in the day.
Ok, one more time; Do you think this time-lapse photo is genuine. Photo was taken in Switzerland, last year, showing part of the sky, which is covered with trails, after that in few hrs, the sky was completely blocked with a thin layer of particles, which were shining and partially blocked sunrays, while changing metallic-like colours, although weather was clear, blue sky, with no precit. of raining, humidity ...
Looks perfectly genuine. It simply shows the sky clouding over ahead of a weather front. Often, persistent contrails are the first sign of this, as they cause cloud to form somewhat earlier than it would do naturally. But rest assured, that grey sheet of high cloud would have formed even if not one single plane flew over.

Contrails are an EFFECT of the increasing humidity approaching, not the CAUSE. It has been known since at least the 1960s by outdoors enthusiasts that suddenly persisting jet trails can be used as a crude forecasting tool of a change in the weather on the way.

Edit to add link to back this up: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id...redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=ski contrails&f=false


From Skiing magazine, January 1968.
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Do you think this time-lapse photo is genuine. Photo was taken in Switzerland, last year...

I see no reason to think that it is not. This time-lapse series shows a weather front coming that carries a lot of moisture. The persistent contrails in the earlier images indicate the presence of high relative humidity at high altitudes. If it were a movie, we could see how these contrails form, spread and move out of frame to be replaced by newer contrails and finally by a incoming cirrus sheet. BTW, the last photo is taken against the Sun (at the top edge of the frame). The camera probably adjusted exposure automatically, that may be the reason why the ground features on this photo looks darker.

Do you know the date when these photos were taken and the filming location? We can check the weather records for this place on the date.
In my 40 yrs of web media relations, public posting, forum admins etc, only here, at Metabunk, you deliberately deleteted two of my posts, with a ridiculous explanation/reason.
"Your message (Debunked: CIA studying Geoengineering, Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare) Is significantly off-topic for the topic of the thread. Your message may have been removed or altered." said Mick West, although I didn´t post in that topic, as, for sure, you are aware!!
"Please add when/where this was taken. What direction was the camera pointed?" ..moderator Landru added. So I must ask, if you believe, that a camera have built-in compass, to know in what direction it was pointed??
Or, is there just a forum rules for not allowing open-minding people to find some answers?

Yes you did post there, maybe by accident? And yes it would be off-topic for that thread.

It's not at all unrealistic to know the time and location and direction of pictures taken by a camera. Knowing those details helps to find weather conditions, flights, etc. If you don't know that's fine, but can you provide the original link? The discussion of SRM had been moved here:
Ok, one more time; Do you think this time-lapse photo is genuine. Photo was taken in Switzerland, last year, showing part of the sky, which is covered with trails, after that in few hrs, the sky was completely blocked with a thin layer of particles, which were shining and partially blocked sunrays, while changing metallic-like colours, although weather was clear, blue sky, with no precit. of raining, humidity ...
OK, one more time. I have to take your word that the place is "near [Austrian] town of Bregenz, which is on Austrian/Swiss border", that I was not able to verify so far. However, 'Uhr' after the time values suggests that the time-lapse composition has been made by a German speaker. Perhaps, the original was lifted from a German language site and was made a few days before the earliest known date of its repost (16 Dec 2014). If the photos indeed had been taken in the middle of December, when the Sun is already near its lowest position in the sky (about 20° for this latitude), then their FOV probably are no more than 30° vertically, that is, they are made with 45+mm lenses or cropped. The Sun position at 14:09 suggests that camera points in SSW direction.

I've looked up the satellite images for that area on EODIS WorldView. The only earlier near date when the sky was clear (apart contrails) was December 13:

Terra image at 10:05 UTC (11:05 local time, CET)

Aqua image at 11:50 UTC (12:50 CET)

Cirrus clouds also were present southwest of the location in the later image and would be moved closer to the place by the forecasted for the date and time south westerly wind (as well as nearly 100% RH - perfect conditions for persistent contrails):
Screen shot 2015-03-31 at 21.24.39.png

As far as I can get, the results of my analysis are in an agreement with my preliminary conclusions from just the photo series (#4).
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"near [Austrian] town of Bregenz, which is on Austrian/Swiss border", that I was not able to verify so far. However, 'Uhr' after the time values suggests that the time-lapse composition has been made by a German speaker.
Swiss, Austrians and Germans, they all speak roughly the same main (german ) language and they write "Uhr" as time. Bregenz is historical austrian town with a lake, which borders on Swiss and Germany

(as well as nearly 100% RH - perfect conditions for persistent contrails):
That explain a lot, except that nobody has ever seen such a metalic-look-a-like colors, not like they appears normally in rainbows, before that day.

(edit: geo details)
I don't understand. Clouds are grey. Metal is gray. You are saying no one had ever seen a cloud that color before the day of the photo? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof!
The cloud sheet in the final picture is an altostratus layer. If you search google for images of altostratus you'll see a profusion of featureless, gunmetal grey skies with diffuse light from a partially concealed sun.

Altostratus are mostly seen on ahead of fronts as the front forces lifting in the airmass ahead of it. On chase they were colloquially called "altocrappus" due to their indication both of stable air aloft (capped environment) as well as their reduction of insolation which tends to delay storm initiation untill they dissipate later in the day.
Swiss, Austrians and Germans, they all speak roughly the same main (german ) language and they write "Uhr" as time. Bregenz is historical austrian town with a lake, which borders on Swiss and Germany
It is what I said: the photos probably were taken in a German-speaking area (which includes Austria and most of Switzerland).

That explain a lot, except that nobody has ever seen such a metalic-look-a-like colors, not like they appears normally in rainbows, before that day.

It is an overstatement. We only were presented with a photograph of a relatively small patch of sky taken against the Sun shining through grey but not so thick clouds. I have seen many photographs taken in similar conditions and showing similar 'metallic sheen' effects; here is one of mine:
(Date Time Original: 2012:11:24 10:27:13; note the contrail shadow going diagonally above the Sun, which was the main subject of this photo).
As far as I can get, the results of my analysis are in an agreement with my preliminary conclusions from just the photo series
13.12.2014 is wrong date for this photo. So Your preliminary conclusions doesn´t proove anything, except 99% humidity @10.000m high, few days before photo was taken.
If you know the exact date the pictures were taken, by all means let us know!

Trailspotters reasoning looks sound to me.

You agreed with my above post. Apyou're aware that altostratus are perfectly normal, and what's more, they are usually a few thousand meters under the levels aircraft would be flying at? The contrails earlier couldn't have affected the formation of an altostratus sheet because there's too much vertical seperation.
13.12.2014 is wrong date for this photo. So Your preliminary conclusions doesn´t proove anything, except 99% humidity @10.000m high, few days before photo was taken.
You did not provide a verifiable info on when (the date) and where (the place) these photos were taken despite multiple requests to do so. I've tried my best shot with the location you mentioned without any supporting evidence. According to the time labels, the photos were taken ± 2hours around the noon of local time, which covers the time interval when the MODIS Terra and Aqua heliosynchronous satellites pass over and take photos of the Earth surface. The satellite images of this area after 13-Dec-2014 show extensive cloud cover that is lacking in the ground images. It is very unlikely that the ground photos were taken in the said area just a few days later. Therefore you should either show us your evidence regarding the date and place of these photos or admit that you have misled us with a wrong information.

Regardless of the actual date and place of these particular photos, this kind of analysis of cloud coverage and weather conditions does work well, providing a bigger picture for the ground observations of known time and location. See, for example, my other recent analysis:
Unfortunately the scans of the photos are pretty poor, but the phenomenon of persistent contrails preceding a depression is specifically mentioned in the cirro-stratus section of this article from The Sunday Times, August 28 1977.

13.12.2014 is wrong date for this photo. So Your preliminary conclusions doesn´t proove anything, except 99% humidity @10.000m high, few days before photo was taken.
One more time. Now I have the proof of your information being false. I have eventually found the presumably original photo posted on a German FB page on 13 December 2014:
It was posted by Benno Felben of Mittenwald, Bavaria, Germany, who said that the original photos were taken by him much earlier, in September 2014:
Achja, die Bilder wurden dieses Jahr im September gemacht. In der nähe von der Österreichischen Grenze. Die Flieger kommen also aus Österreich. Das nennt man dann wohl Grenzübergreifende zusammenarbeit...

By the way, the pictures were made in September this year. Near the Austrian border. The flyers come from Austria. Man I guess that is called cross-border cooperation...
Translated by Bing
Content from External Source
Die Fotos habe ich selber gemacht. Wer will dem schicke ich die Originale per Email zu
(I made myself the photos. Who wants that I send to the originals by email).
Content from External Source
A September date makes more sense. The Sun elevation around the noon at this place was about 40°, so the photos could have been taken by wide angle lenses without resorting to zooming or cropping to cut off the Sun from the frame. Also, there seems to be some greenery on the ground that would be unusual for December.

I've looked up the satellite images and the relative humidity forecasts at 250 hPa for the Mittenwald area and identified the most likely date of the original photos being 24 September:
On the date, the cloud front approached the area from the South, preceded by persistent contrails.
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I have succeeded in the confirmation of the new date and place of the OP photos: 24 September 2014, Mittenwald, Bavaria:cool:

Here is a couple of flickr photos from Bavarian Alps taken on 24 September at the times approximately corresponding to the first and the last parts of the OP photo series.
The sky in the morning (2014:09:24 10:34:04):

and in the afternoon (2014:09:24 14:33:04):

The contrail pattern on the right hand side of the first photo matches the pattern on the left hand side of the first part of the OP series, taken some 25 minutes later:
Screen shot 2015-04-04 at 18.50.06.png
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Very cool, and it's quite possible these trails can be matched to the satellite images of that day.
Based on the 14:09 image, the view is slightly west of south. Mittenwald is about 10 miles north of Innsbruck

I've looked into this. The Terra image was taken at 10:05 UTC, or 12:05 local time (CEST, it still was summer time on 24 September 2014). Some of its contrails are seen only as shadows they cast on the snowy mountain picks. This image corresponds to the third part of OP series (12:15 Uhr) displaying a rather messy contrail pattern.
BTW, the Aqua image was taken at 11:50 UTC, or 13:50 CEST.
Perhaps, this is an overkill, but I have identified the probable camera location. There is no StreetView for Mittenwald; however, I have found a matching buildings' footprint on Google Earth. There is a matching skyline to the South as well:
Mittenwald contrails.jpg
I've downloaded a kmz file with the Terra satellite image and raised the image to the altitude of 10,600 metres on Google Earth to view its contrail pattern from the identified location. There is a partial match between the the contrail patterns in the generated image and the OP photo taken ten minutes later:

During this time interval, the forecasted southerly wind would have brought the bundle of contrails on the left hand side closer to the camera, increasing their angles with the horizon.

KMZ file for this analysis is attached.


  • Mittenwald contrails.kmz
    3 MB · Views: 819
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That is some outstanding detective work, @Trailspotter. If chemtrail believers put in one hundredth as much research, the myth would die out overnight.

Edit: Here is the Skyvector map of this area. Mittenwald is marked by the red dot. The area just to the south is extremely busy with criss-crossing air traffic routes.

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I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this, but it is a nice illustration of how outdoors people (sailors in this case) have known about using contrails to forecast a change in the weather for decades. This is from a boating magazine published in 1972.


As an added bonus it features photos of various cloud types, including the mammatus that Ian Simpson claims is a new invention (https://www.metabunk.org/threads/look-up-no-more-lies-campaign.3912/page-2#post-122809) :)


Link here: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id...edir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="vapor trails"&f=false