National Scout Jamboree 2013

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Risk Management or Safety Management is the formal process of figuring out what might happen and then checking/instituting preventative measures to counter that, and also measuring the effectiveness of those preventative measures (and yes it can be done without the risk turning real!!)

And "far out" risks are included - madman with a gun/terrorist attack, mass food poisoning, etc - because their consequence is normally catastrophic even if the likelihood is considered very low.

So TBH I think there's probably nothing much that CT's can dream up that the appropriate risk management plan doesn't actually address - perhaps planes crashing into the fields might be a specific circumstance envisioned....but there will be a "mass casualty" plan!
Risk Management or Safety Management is the formal process of figuring out what might happen and then checking/instituting preventative measures to counter that, and also measuring the effectiveness of those preventative measures (and yes it can be done without the risk turning real!!)

And "far out" risks are included - madman with a gun/terrorist attack, mass food poisoning, etc - because their consequence is normally catastrophic even if the likelihood is considered very low.

So TBH I think there's probably nothing much that CT's can dream up that the appropriate risk management plan doesn't actually address - perhaps planes crashing into the fields might be a specific circumstance envisioned....but there will be a "mass casualty" plan!

Yes, the jamboree is one of three top priorities for "Defense Center of Excellence lll" in this exact regard, in the state of West Virginia. As outlined in the .pdf link in the reply to Cairenn above. There are no specifics about perceived risks though.
Yes, the jamboree is one of three top priorities for "Defense Center of Excellence lll" in this exact regard, in the state of West Virginia. As outlined in the .pdf link in the reply to Cairenn above. There are no specifics about perceived risks though.

It's on their radar because it's a planned event. To say it's a priority is a stretch. It's not a National Special Security Event (NSSE).
It's on their radar because it's a planned event. To say it's a priority is a stretch. It's not a National Special Security Event (NSSE).

Generally the three top priorities for Defense Center of Excellence lll are Bluestone dam failure, flood response and Chemical Valley incident.

As of May 2012, Defense Coordinating Officer priorities are:

Exercises/CONPLANS (Concept of Operations Plans) for:
*Bluestone Dam Consequence Management Planning
*National Scout Jamboree (July 13th)
*Enhance Preparation and Readiness Through Training
and so on...
Actually one of the funniest paranoid ideas around this meme has been the idea that thousands of girls are attending the boy's jamboree for the very first time, this time, to fulfill a secret agenda of some kind, akin to Hitler's youth camps in the thirties, where horny Hitler Youth teenagers begat model children for the "plan". Lo! The new Jerusalem springs forth from the loins of Obama's young minions, or something like that... Don't take me too seriously, only jesting. These ideas float around, that's all. Was it Icke's forum? Can't recall.
Boodles why is that you READ things into things? Then you claim you are just joking. I do not see where such posts add to the knowledge base of anyone.

This is not some on line game forum, where that is normal behavior. If I wanted to read such nonsense, I would go reak Icke and Jones.
Boodles why is that you READ things into things? Then you claim you are just joking. I do not see where such posts add to the knowledge base of anyone.

This is not some on line game forum, where that is normal behavior. If I wanted to read such nonsense, I would go reak Icke and Jones.

I was being flippant. Actually, eccentric as he is, and ood-ball as many of his contributors are, the Icke forum is often a hive of useful information, and a source of great discomfort to the British establishment, quite seriously.
The scandal over sex abuse in the BBC? Icke's forum. The scandal over Jimmy Saville serial child abuse? Icke's Forum. So on and so forth. The scandal over former prime ministers and sexual abuse, and related matters (censored)? David Icke's forum. Current reopening of the case involving Madeleine McCann? To a large extent, Icke's forum and related sites, The Tap etc. Anti-establishment, see, and quite dangerous. There are numerous cases and events going on in Britain that have their basis in information originally leaked there, or nearby.

As for Jones, I have never viewed a video on his channel, nor read a single page of content on Infowars, in my life.
The Jimmy Saville scandal originally leaked by Icke? Pull the other one it has bells on. Rumours about Saville go back decades and before Ickes "son of God" incident. What about the interview with Louis Theroux? Are you saying that it has been Icke that has been instrumental in the McCann case? The case btw has never been closed. There was a suspension of active investigation while there was a case review by the Met which took over a year and a half.
Provisions of Section Six, Article Five, Chapter Fifteen of the Code of West Virginia


§15-5-6. Emergency powers of Governor.The provisions of this section shall be operative only during the existence of a state of emergency. The existence of a state of emergency may be proclaimed by the Governor or by concurrent resolution of the Legislature if the Governor in such proclamation, or the Legislature in such resolution, finds that an attack upon the United States has occurred or is anticipated in the immediate future, or that a natural or man-made disaster of major proportions has actually occurred or is imminent within the state, and that the safety and welfare of the inhabitants of this state require an invocation of the provisions of this section. Any such emergency, whether proclaimed by the Governor or by the Legislature, shall terminate upon the proclamation of the termination thereof by the Governor, or the passage by the Legislature of a concurrent resolution terminating such emergency.So long as such state of emergency exists, the Governor shall have and may exercise the following additional emergency powers:
(a) To enforce all laws, rules and regulations relating to the provision of emergency services and to assume direct operational control of any or all emergency service forces and helpers in the state;
(b) To sell, lend, lease, giveee, transfer or deliver materials or perform functions relating to emergency services on such terms and conditions as he or she shall prescribe and without regard to the limitations of any existing law and to account to the State Treasurer for any funds received for such property;
(c) To procure materials and facilities for emergency services by purchase, condemnation under the provisions of chapter fifty-four of this code or seizure pending institution of condemnation proceedings within thirty days from the seizing thereof and to construct, lease, transport, store, maintain, renovate or distribute such materials and facilities. Compensation for property so procured shall be made in the manner provided in chapter fifty-four of this code;
(d) To obtain the services of necessary personnel, required during the emergency, and to compensate them for their services from his or her contingent funds or such other funds as may be available to him or her;(e) To provide and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the state and to take such steps as are necessary for the receipt and care of such evacuees;(f) To control ingress and egress to and from a disaster area, the movement of persons within the area and the occupancy of premises therein;
(g) To suspend the provisions of any regulatory statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business or the orders, rules or regulations of any state agency, if strict compliance therewith would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency;(h) To utilize such available resources of the state and of its political subdivisions as are reasonably necessary to cope with the emergency;
(i) To suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives and combustibles;
(j) To make provision for the availability and use of temporary emergency housing; and
(k) To perform and exercise such other functions, powers and duties as are necessary to promote and secure the safety and protection of the civilian population.No powers granted under this section may be interpreted to authorize the seizure or confiscation of a firearm from a person unless that firearm is unlawfully possessed or unlawfully carried by the person, or the person is otherwise engaged in a criminal act.
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I don't see anything unusual in what is included in a disaster declaration. I guess that folks like you in the UK are unfamiliar with what happens in even a natural disaster or a man made one. In Arkansas, there was an oil pipeline leak and folks that to be moved out of their homes during the cleanup. In less that 3 days, there were looters going through the vacant homes.

During the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, they had to close the air space over it, because they had 3 near collisions of planes/copters. There were also incidences of 'citizen journalists' (anyone with a blog) moving booms and doing other things that interfered with the clean up efforts.

There have been cases in wildfires where folks had to be forced to evacuate. Or at least told that if they stay that they will not have any fire protection.
I don't see anything unusual in what is included in a disaster declaration. I guess that folks like you in the UK are unfamiliar with what happens in even a natural disaster or a man made one. In Arkansas, there was an oil pipeline leak and folks that to be moved out of their homes during the cleanup. In less that 3 days, there were looters going through the vacant homes.

During the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, they had to close the air space over it, because they had 3 near collisions of planes/copters. There were also incidences of 'citizen journalists' (anyone with a blog) moving booms and doing other things that interfered with the clean up efforts.

There have been cases in wildfires where folks had to be forced to evacuate. Or at least told that if they stay that they will not have any fire protection.

These are examples of natural or industrial disaster, nothing has happened.
So no plans should be in place ahead of time?

I was once in charge of an event for around 500 folks camping out during severe weather season in Texas. I went down to the offices of the Emergency Preparedness, with a topographic map of the site, with details added to it (camping areas/woods/ open woods/ open areas) and I asked for a disaster plan for us. That was the SMART thing to do. This is the same way.

Even businesses plan for disasters. Along the Gulf coast they will stock items that will be needed in case of a hurricane in warehouses away from the coast. In fact, during Katrina, it was Wal Mart that got water into NOLA, will the government was having to wait for authorization and such.
I only meant a priority for Philly DCE.

It should be noted that DCE stands for Defense Coordinating Element and not Defense Center for Excellence as explained here:

The DCO has a Defense Coordinating Element (DCE) consisting of a staff and military liaison officers to facilitate coordination and support to activated Emergency Support Functions (ESFs).
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The DCE for FEMA Region III is 10 people (I got that out of one of your links).
These are examples of natural or industrial disaster, nothing has happened.

I don't get your point. Has or will the governor of West Virginia declare a disaster for the BSJ? What point are you trying make by pasting WV disaster declaration process and powers?
28th of June, Earl Ray Tomblen orders that a state of emergency shall go into effect in the counties of Fayette, Greenbrier, McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Raleigh, Summers and Wyoming, beginning on the fourteenth day of July until the end of the twenty sixth day of July, unless extended or recinded by further proclaimation. Orders the implementation of the State Emergency Operations Plan, the activation of the State Emergency Operations Center, location to be established by the Director of the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and the provisions of section six, article five, chapter fifteen of the Code of West Virginia.
Content from External Source BSA Proclamation.pdf
28th of June, Earl Ray Tomblen orders that a state of emergency shall go into effect in the counties of Fayette, Greenbrier, McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Raleigh, Summers and Wyoming, beginning on the fourteenth day of July until the end of the twenty sixth day of July, unless extended or recinded by further proclaimation. Orders the implementation of the State Emergency Operations Plan, the activation of the State Emergency Operations Center, location to be established by the Director of the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and the provisions of section six, article five, chapter fifteen of the Code of West Virginia.
Content from External Source BSA Proclamation.pdf

Thanks for that. Do you have any evidence that anything other than posturing of assets is planned. FEMA Camp stuff, false flag attacks, etc. There are 45K scouts and assorted others expected. West Virginia doesn't have the capability to handle any problems that would result without preparation.
The scout camp will have more campers than the entire county has. That is HUGE drain on medical and other public services. Even things like providing food to the site, could have major impact on roads and such. The Emergency declaration allows the Nat'l Guard to help.

Reasonable and not alarmist, unless you are looking for something. Like the guy who is trying to claim to be governor of Nev, when in fact he got less than 5,000 votes in total for Senate.
It should be noted that DCE stands for Defense Coordinating Element and not Defense Center for Excellence as explained here:

The DCO has a Defense Coordinating Element (DCE) consisting of a staff and military liaison officers to facilitate coordination and support to activated Emergency Support Functions (ESFs).
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The DCE for FEMA Region III is 10 people (I got that out of one of your links).

I stand corrected. I'm not familiar with military abbreviations; has two meanings for DCE within the US military, one of which is Defense Center of Excellence, I chose the wrong one, assuming DCE lll to be a sort of synonym for the Philadelphia headquarters of FEMA Region III, which includes West Virginia, as pictured.

Entirely based on the accusations of one guy.
The RUC chief constable Sir Ronnie Flanagan claims no such information was received, despite Fulton claiming to have a tape of a conversation with his handler in which the officer appears to admit the tip-off was received.
Nuala O'Loan, the Northern Ireland ombudsman, has launched an inquiry into claims by Fulton that the RUC ignored his tip-off. John Reid, the Northern Ireland secretary, described Fulton's claims as 'unfounded allegations'.
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Hardly definitive proof that they let it happen to not blow his cover. It seems almost identical the equally specious WTC allegations.

Thinking it sounds like something they would do is not evidence that they did it.

Just as the words of Sir Ronnie Flanagan and Jon Reid (the two most culpable individuals were such a claim true) are not proof in any genuine sense that it is not the case. The Royal Ulster Constabulary of which Flanagan was head was of course entirely disbanded shortly afterwards, as part of IRA terms for the cessation of military operations. This term was non-negotiable, due to the perceived level of corrupt complicity between so called loyalist terrorist groups, the British Army and government, and the constabulary. Flanagan or Reid's dismissal of claims need to understood within the wider context, the historical and cultural context, where it is assumed to be the case, in Northern Ireland, that there was and is collusion between the British government, armed forces and police, and terror groups, in the killing of innocent citizens to achieve political ends. A new police force was instituted in large part for these very reasons. Different topic, was given as an example, within western democracy, of citizens, on home soil, as 'collateral damage'.
Hang on, *why* is there a state of emergency?

I think that is a very reasonable question to ask. It is full martial law, a full relinquishing of state power to the US military and it's agencies, for at least two weeks, across nine counties. I seem to be the only "dude" on the internet that has noticed. Considering the dirth of blogs on the "fear of martial law" you'd have thought bloggers would have picked up on it but when it happens, not a peep from anyone, the Governor's press release and the local paper coverage, both of which dress it up with shining terms, and without specifics which are tidied away in a .pdf format.

Glastonbury festival is an 'ista-city', with two to three times the crowd, but we don't hand over total governmental control of nine counties to the British army for the event.
The scout camp will have more campers than the entire county has. That is HUGE drain on medical and other public services. Even things like providing food to the site, could have major impact on roads and such. The Emergency declaration allows the Nat'l Guard to help.

Reasonable and not alarmist, unless you are looking for something. Like the guy who is trying to claim to be governor of Nev, when in fact he got less than 5,000 votes in total for Senate.


"I hereby delegate to the Director of the Division of Homeland Security those powers that are 'reasonably necessary' to activate the state resources and solicit assistance from other states in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of all scout participants, their leaders, and visitors and citizens of this state

'reasonably necessary', nebulous legalese, carte blanche.
A couple of questions about Glastonbury. What is the average age of those attending it? What kind of a road system is in the area? How close are things like hospitals?

It seems that the major activity there is walking around and listening to music. That is a lot different than an adventure camp.

I think you may be comparing West Virginia to the UK. West Virginia is about the size of Scotland and the population density is less than one third that of the least densely populated areas, like the Highlands.
A couple of questions about Glastonbury. What is the average age of those attending it? What kind of a road system is in the area? How close are things like hospitals?

It seems that the major activity there is walking around and listening to music. That is a lot different than an adventure camp.

I think you may be comparing West Virginia to the UK. West Virginia is about the size of Scotland and the population density is less than one third that of the least densely populated areas, like the Highlands.

Glastonbury is remote but not as remote as... Average age, couldn't say, all ages. I could just as easily draw a comparison with the jamboree here, presumably on Brownsea Island, where scouting began. The idea of martial law across coastal southern England for that would be preposterous.
Gastonbury was not even held last year, the reason given was the Olympics and that they had the port a lets and POLICE tied up.

Remember the US does not have a national police force. There are local ones, county ones and a state one. NONE of those have the numbers of members needed to spare to even handle the extra traffic this will cause.

A State of Emergency is not the same thing as martial law.

This is the Code, notice the word MAY My guess is that (d) is the main reason. In case of a storm then sections a,b,c, and f might be needed.

States of Emergency were declared in WV last year for storms in late June and then before Sandy.

Governors up and down the East Coast are declaring states of emergency in advance of Hurricane Irene’s landfall. The words pop up in the news every few months, but what does the dire-sounding phrase “state of emergency” really mean?

The answer varies a bit from state to state, but basically, declaring a state of emergency gives the governor and his emergency management team a bit of extra latitude to deal with a situation quickly and with maximum coordination. Most of these powers are fairly straightforward; the governor can close state offices, deploy the National Guard and other emergency responders, and make evacuation recommendations.

Other powers are specific to a certain situation. For example, in a blizzard a governor can impose travel restrictions to clear roads for snowplows and other emergency vehicles.
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Read the full text here:
--brought to you by mental_floss!

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§15-5-6. Emergency powers of Governor.
The provisions of this section shall be operative only during the existence of a state of emergency. The existence of a state of emergency may be proclaimed by the Governor or by concurrent resolution of the Legislature if the Governor in such proclamation, or the Legislature in such resolution, finds that an attack upon the United States has occurred or is anticipated in the immediate future, or that a natural or man-made disaster of major proportions has actually occurred or is imminent within the state, and that the safety and welfare of the inhabitants of this state require an invocation of the provisions of this section. Any such emergency, whether proclaimed by the Governor or by the Legislature, shall terminate upon the proclamation of the termination thereof by the Governor, or the passage by the Legislature of a concurrent resolution terminating such emergency.
So long as such state of emergency exists, the Governor shall have and may exercise the following additional emergency powers:
(a) To enforce all laws, rules and regulations relating to the provision of emergency services and to assume direct operational control of any or all emergency service forces and helpers in the state;
(b) To sell, lend, lease, give, transfer or deliver materials or perform functions relating to emergency services on such terms and conditions as he or she shall prescribe and without regard to the limitations of any existing law and to account to the State Treasurer for any funds received for such property;
(c) To procure materials and facilities for emergency services by purchase, condemnation under the provisions of chapter fifty-four of this code or seizure pending institution of condemnation proceedings within thirty days from the seizing thereof and to construct, lease, transport, store, maintain, renovate or distribute such materials and facilities. Compensation for property so procured shall be made in the manner provided in chapter fifty-four of this code;
(d) To obtain the services of necessary personnel, required during the emergency, and to compensate them for their services from his or her contingent funds or such other funds as may be available to him or her;
(e) To provide and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the state and to take such steps as are necessary for the receipt and care of such evacuees;
(f) To control ingress and egress to and from a disaster area, the movement of persons within the area and the occupancy of premises therein;
(g) To suspend the provisions of any regulatory statute prescribing the procedures for conduct of state business or the orders, rules or regulations of any state agency, if strict compliance therewith would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency;
(h) To utilize such available resources of the state and of its political subdivisions as are reasonably necessary to cope with the emergency;
(i) To suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives and combustibles; (j) To make provision for the availability and use of temporary emergency housing; and
(k) To perform and exercise such other functions, powers and duties as are necessary to promote and secure the safety and protection of the civilian population.
No powers granted under this section may be interpreted to authorize the seizure or confiscation of a firearm from a person unless that firearm is unlawfully possessed or unlawfully carried by the person, or the person is otherwise engaged in a criminal act.
Note: WV Code updated with legislation passed through the 2012 1st Special Session
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No, it doesn't just allow the National Guard to 'help', it places the Department of Defense, DHS and FEMA in control of nine counties within the state, by proxy. He has 'delegated' power, which is governor talk for lost control.

"I hereby delegate to the Director of the Division of Homeland Security those powers that are 'reasonably necessary' to activate the state resources and solicit assistance from other states in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of all scout participants, their leaders, and visitors and [here it comes...] citizens of this state."

"Powers that are 'reasonably necessary'" is nebulous legalise. Of course such generality in terms is sometimes necessary in the formulation of sound statutes, orders etc. The powers he refers to are within Section 6, Article 5, Chapter 15 of the state code, and amount to carte blanche. It is not simply a matter of help or back up, it is a relinquishing of control to federal authority.

Now, I'm not making anything of that other than what it is. You are talking of alarmism, or rather, saying there is nothing alarmist about it, that it is 'normal'. The phrase 'thin end of the wedge' springs to mind. If it is now normal for martial law to be enacted because of an event involving 50 000 people, and in all counties for hundreds of miles around, is martial law the new normal, then, to be applied whenever there is a large gathering of any kind? If you consider that normal, I'd worry about what you'd consider abnormal, or rather, where your limitations are and just how much power, as an individual and as a citizen of your state, you would be happily prepared to just casually relinquish as insignificant. Martial law for Superbowl? Martial law for the Rolling Stones concert? How about martial law 24/7? Just incase, you know, it would be pragmatic. Be careful where you let your government set parameters because of fear and perceived threats from the bogeyman.

First, you have gone way over the edge on the martial law thing. It is understandable as you are from Britain and may not understand US government structure. There are fundamental differences on how government is done. I won’t try to contrast the differences but I will try to explain to the best of my knowledge how things are done in the USA.

A state of emergency is not martial law. Governor Tomblin has declared a soe many times. On June 13th an soe was declared for Roane Co. due to thunderstorms causing damage in the area. June 30th, 2012 the Gov. declared a soe for the entire State. October 29th, 2012 as a result of Hurricane Sandy. There are many more instances if you do your research. For the Boy Scout Jamboree the Gov. declared a soe and named the Director of the WV Division of Homeland Security as the sole liaison to the Governor for the planning, coordination, direction and management of all details of all events sponsored by, or related to, the Boy Scouts of America that take place in West Virginia for which any major State assistance is required. That person is James Giannato. It should be noted that James is a State employee and the WV Division of Homeland Security is a State agency. Nothing has been ceded to the federal government and I don’t get where any control has been given to an army colonel. A soe allows James to invoke Emergency Management Assistance Compacts which

The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is a mutual aid agreement between states and territories of the United States. It enables states to share resources during natural and man-made disasters, including terrorism.
EMAC complements the national disaster response system. EMAC is used alongside federal assistance or when federal assistance is not warranted. EMAC facilitates the maximum use of all available resources within member states' inventories.[1]
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FEMA is not going to take over the state and in fact never takes over from local and state responders at any time. FEMA will not even be able to respond to a request from WV without a disaster declaration.

The Declaration Process

The Stafford Act (§401) requires that: "All requests for a declaration by the President that a major disaster exists shall be made by the Governor of the affected State." A State also includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia are also eligible to request a declaration and receive assistance.
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The Stafford act can be found here. Read it and pick something out something where you think FEMA can take control.

As for the DoD taking over they are prevented from acting in a law enforcement manner by Posse Comitatus.

The Posse Comitatus Act is the United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) that was passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction and was updated in 1981. Its intent (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) was to limit the powers of Federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce the State laws.
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Talking of Glastonbury, well, more Glastonbury Tor, Stonehenge, and that whole druidic thing associated with Somerset and Wiltshire (where these places are), I noticed someyhing unusual about the Bechtal summit, there. At certain altitudes/scales on Google Maps (in satelite mode) there is a definite, but faint line, that is way too straight to be a road, and seemingly stretches for a hundred miles plus, going from the south west to the north east; it passes directly over the spot, the summit.
Boodles why is that you READ things into things? Then you claim you are just joking. I do not see where such posts add to the knowledge base of anyone. This is not some on line game forum, where that is normal behavior. If I wanted to read such nonsense, I would go reak Icke and Jones.

I know you guys don't speak kook, so I will show you how such crazy ideas take wind. I'll walk you through the moonbat mindfield and show you how they come up with this icky stuff. This will help add to your knowledge base by being able to better recognize the base knowledge that is the source of moonbats' lack of critical thinking skills, which we know is legion.

Start with this pic:

That's worth a thousand words at least, and the first two that popped into a moonbat brainpan were "holy shit." Now look at the text and I'll show you how crazy begins it's mission creep.
The Explorers program, a coeducational affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America that began 60 years ago, is training thousands of young people in skills used to confront terrorism, illegal immigration and escalating border violence — an intense ratcheting up of one of the group’s longtime missions to prepare youths for more traditional jobs as police officers and firefighters.

Training for escalating violence has a nasty ring to it, doesn't it? Because the moonbats can't think too deeply, they see "intense ratcheting up of long term missions," and skip right over the "border" because, well, because everyone else is doing it without any difficulty, so this must have some other violence in mind. Being dim, he wonders where the escalation would come from in order to need such an intense ratcheting up, and what the point of all this is. The next bit didn't help that already difficult process.

“This is about being a true-blooded American guy and girl,” said A. J. Lowenthal, a sheriff’s deputy here in Imperial County, whose life clock, he says, is set around the Explorers events he helps run. “It fits right in with the honor and bravery of the Boy Scouts.”

So the call for youth being "true-blooded," coupled with "intense ratcheting up of long-term missions," along with the idea of "escalating border violence," well, it has some overtones from long ago, long gone times. Not realizing that the old thing about history repeating itself is only just a saying or something, moonbats look at the stuff anyway and notice things. That's the problem with moonbats right there, the incessant noticing of things. But nobody's perfect, and even a moonbat might miss the next bit if they don't read carefully, which they don't as a rule.

The training, which leaders say is not intended to be applied outside the simulated Explorer setting, can involve chasing down illegal border crossers as well as more dangerous situations that include facing down terrorists and taking out “active shooters,” like those who bring gunfire and death to college campuses.

It would be easy to see how this could be cause for concern, especially when moonbats wonder about why these kids are being trained for taking out "active shooters," in the first place. Luckily, there is an airtight assurance that all this training was not intended for outside applicatio beyond simulation. Moonbats have trouble wrapping their heads around training that isn't intended to be used, but they are a paranoid lot, so it's to be expected.

In a simulation here of a raid on a marijuana field, several Explorers were instructed on how to quiet an obstreperous lookout. “Put him on his face and put a knee in his back,” a Border Patrol agent explained. “I guarantee that he’ll shut up.”

Moonbats get twirled over nothing, right, so when they hear about kids being trained to silence noisy and difficult to control people via a boot in the back after a faceplant, well, they don't understand what it really means and go all literal.

You know how some people are, especially when they don't think for themselves. They see this as being part of the DHS umbrella and they can get skittish. Maybe it's all those billions of bullets the DHS bought for training. That's one hell of a lot of bullets for the Homeland. To be fair, it did raise some questions about how agents could use that many bullets, but it seems they were just thinking ahead.

"Many law enforcement officials, particularly those who work for the rapidly growing Border Patrol, part of the Homeland Security Department, have helped shape the program’s focus and see it as preparing the Explorers as potential employees. The Explorer posts are attached to various agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local police and fire departments, that sponsor them much the way churches sponsor Boy Scout troops. “Our end goal is to create more agents,” said April McKee, a senior Border Patrol agent and mentor at the session here."

See? It's a shame that people would see any more into it than that when it being just for training future agents. Moonbats get suspicious when the hear stuff like "end goal," because they have come to equate "goal" with "plan," and you know where that goes, especially when you tack on "end," which is suspiciously like "final." The solution to riddle of what they are on about now comes into view.

Then the start seeing the ten FEMA regions and the Council of Governors that have been appointed to oversee those regions in the case of mass cases of whatever it would be that could summon up the need to train kids to silence noisy trouble makers and the get confused. They add the billions of bullets to the guns the kids are being trained to use in the future and they remember the "true-blooded" part.

Then they remember the knee in the back and the face plant, and take a look around. Everyone else thinks they are crazy. And then because of that history they failed to forget, they remember who the first to go on a train ride were back in distant past, and something seems suspiciously final in all this talk about end goals. Nobody else is making a peep about any or this. Therefore the only one's making any noise are themselves.

So they figure they are the only one's who need to be silenced.

It makes no sense, certainly, but that's pretty much how it rolls in the moonbat mindfield.
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In google earth I see a "strip" passing through Glastonbury that is fairly obviously a "3rd photo" - it there's a photo to the left, and a photo to the right, and this strip is about 70 m (0.07km according to the ruler) wide between where those photos do not overlap and it looks a bit different - some of the foliage is a different colour, some of the fields have sheep in this strip but not outside or vice versa.

It is aligned 0.71 degrees according to the ruler - not sure that's what you see or not?


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Then the start seeing the ten FEMA regions and the Council of Governors that have been appointed to oversee those regions in the case of mass cases of whatever it would be that could summon up the need to train kids to silence noisy trouble makers and the get confused. They add the billions of bullets to the guns the kids are being trained to use in the future and they remember the "true-blooded" part.
Then they remember the knee in the back and the face plant, and take a look around. Everyone else thinks they are crazy. And then because of that history they failed to forget, they remember who the first to go on a train ride were back in distant past, and something seems suspiciously final in all this talk about end goals. Nobody else is making a peep about any or this. Therefore the only one's making any noise are themselves.

Any evidence of this or the rest of your Gish Gallup?
Any evidence of this or the rest of your Gish Gallup?

Since I'm staring right at it, and you have apparently done the same, then I'd say yes, there is evidence for all of it, so we agree on that part. I see no evidence of a gg, though. It's one sustained theme. Sorry. Maybe if you actually read it, you might see the difference. Then again, maybe not.
Since I'm staring right at it, and you have apparently done the same, then I'd say yes, there is evidence for all of it, so we agree on that part. I see no evidence of a gg, though. It's one sustained theme. Sorry. Maybe if you actually read it, you might see the difference. Then again, maybe not.

Here is your GG:

Boy Scouts training up a cadre of jack booted thugs

Ten FEMA regions using these kids to take away civil rights

DHS buying billions of rounds of ammunition to arm these kids

FEMA will put everyone on trains to send to camps

What I don't see is any evidence.
Here is your GG:

Boy Scouts training up a cadre of jack booted thugs

Ten FEMA regions using these kids to take away civil rights

DHS buying billions of rounds of ammunition to arm these kids

FEMA will put everyone on trains to send to camps

What I don't see is any evidence.

Well, who could blame you? You got some of the twigs and trees, albeit in a twisted form, but you missed the forest entirely. It was about how the crazy ideas of moonbats are formed in reaction to what on the surface seems like an outlandish idea.

If all you do is focus on the twigs and branches and never examine the roots, you will never see that any issue clearly. After all, they call it the surface for a reason. It means there's something else underneath.
One thing's for certain, the height and strenght of the boundary wall means no one will be able to get ourtr enter without authority.
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