Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

Perhaps you should tell them that HAARP is currently abandoned, so it should be easy to sneak in and stop it working....:rolleyes::D:cool:
You people need to get a life. You sound like a bunch of catty little 13 year old
school girls gossiping about other people. It's apparent that this Carly girl is fed up
with having toxins dumped on her head, and I don't see any of her comments as a threat.
She is just venting and she is for your information, shooting off model rocket engines which
are glued to small wooden sticks. You can buy them at any hobby shot and I think even
Walmart. Estes makes them. She has shown them in detail before launching them.
Grow up and get a life. There are newspaper articles written in the public press out of
Colorado on the subject of shooting down drones. That is what started this whole conversation,
and it's funny how you conveniently left that out. You people are delusional to defend the
crimes being committed by your not so faithful leaders. Wake up and get a life of your own.
The hobby of rocket making and launching is not illegal. Read the laws.

Madison, are you advocating that a plane flying at 200 ft. over populated areas, eradicating mosquitos, is now a target that should be shot down?

This shows your ignorance. What chemical do they claim to be spraying you with to "eradicate mosquitos?" Look into that. Because in Maricopa County Arizona, they spray the public with Fyfanon ULV. It's right on the front page of the county's web site.
And if you know how to read an OSHA sheet, you can easily find that Fyfanon ULV is actually MALATHION! Now go look up Malathion, and tell me how harmless this is. You are being lied to and duped. There are no Mosquitoes in this part of Arizona, and whether there are or aren't, they have no right to spray the public with something that is extremely poisonous and requires that the area be evacuated for 6 days. THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS HERE,
This shows your ignorance. What chemical do they claim to be spraying you with to "eradicate mosquitos?" Look into that. Because in Maricopa County Arizona, they spray the public with Fyfanon ULV. It's right on the front page of the county's web site.

Take a look at the Pic from Madinsonstar Moon and read the article:

Air Force Reserve C-130s, crews begin aerial spraying Southern Louisiana in aftermath of Hurricanes Gustav, Ike

Posted 9/22/2008
Content from External Source
And if you know how to read an OSHA sheet, you can easily find that Fyfanon ULV is actually MALATHION!

So why not make it easy and link to one - like here

Now go look up Malathion, and tell me how harmless this is.

And here's an MSDS for malathion

See how easy it is to provide the actual documents rather than just raving on about them??

I've attached an image of the toxilogical information from there at eth bottom of this post - and it looks like it's not particularly toxic to humans at all - certainly to be avoided of course, but not "extremely poisonous" at all a far as I can see - mostly it is an irritant.

they have no right to spray the public with something that is extremely poisonous and requires that the area be evacuated for 6 days.

I can't see anything about spraying for mosquito control on the front page of the county website, and a search of the website for "Fyfanon ULV" found nothing.

However on the front page of that website there IS an article about the first death from West Nile Virus in 2013 from July 21, and elsewhere on het site you can find a "fogging" schedule for mosquito adulticide - but it doesn't' seem to say what they use.

so it seems to me that you have made a couple of serious errors in your post - clearly there ARE mosquitos in that part of Arizona, perhaps they do use Fyfanon - but it is not "right there on the front page" of the county website, nor is the chemical "extremely poisonous" (except to insects and acquatics), and I also couldn't find any requirement to vacate an area for 6 days after "fogging".

Where did you get all that from???


  • malathion.png
    14 KB · Views: 384
Where are the mass deaths these criminals are causing? People are hysterically claiming genocide and murder and working themselves into a frenzy, based on what evidence? Where are the bodies?

Maricopa County has a history of mosquitos and West Nile Virus that has killed quite a number of people in that county alone. According to the CDC, from 1999 - 2012, 37,088 people have been afflicted with West Nile virus with 1549 deaths across the US. West Nile Virus is a real disease with real consequences. Please show me 1 documented death directly attributable to "chemtrails," or even to the spraying for mosquitos.
I believe that malathion is used in truck fogging. They had to spray by air, in Dallas last year to get West Nile under control and they didn't use malathion for that. I pay attention since my dad was allergic to it and I am somewhat sensitive. I would never use it, but the city's spraying has never bothered me, and I don't have AC, so my windows are open..
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So the question then is, did she pull it off this site or another?

The post with my text is on AboveTopSecret, and as far as Google knows, that's the only place it occurs. It's possible she just pulled it from Google's image search without going to the page.
You people need to get a life. You sound like a bunch of catty little 13 year old
school girls gossiping about other people. It's apparent that this Carly girl is fed up
with having toxins dumped on her head, and I don't see any of her comments as a threat.
She is just venting and she is for your information, shooting off model rocket engines which
are glued to small wooden sticks. You can buy them at any hobby shot and I think even
Walmart. Estes makes them. She has shown them in detail before launching them.
Grow up and get a life. There are newspaper articles written in the public press out of
Colorado on the subject of shooting down drones. That is what started this whole conversation,
and it's funny how you conveniently left that out. You people are delusional to defend the
crimes being committed by your not so faithful leaders. Wake up and get a life of your own.
The hobby of rocket making and launching is not illegal. Read the laws.

But she does shine lasers at planes, no?
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Can anyone explain what is actually shown there in that Flightradar image?
It looks like two or three planes are using the same ADS-B code. The FR24 software tries to plot a track assuming this is just one flight. It's no surprise that the result is erratic.

Edit: there are so many planes involved in this that it's more likely that there is a problem with the ADS-B receiver which feeds its readings to the FR24 site.
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Not a direct threat but definitely a suggestion from Before its News

More evidence that they really are trying to exterminate us! Very informative video. A whistle blower tell Max what the government has been up to, in trying to kill us. When will there be revolt over this? I have often wondered when someone will try to shoot one of those chemtrail planes down. It has surprised me no one has yet.
Content from External Source
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N. Morgan who wrote that comment seems to be unaware that Max Bliss knows he is seeing passenger jets carrying innocent people.
Though shooting at ANY airplane is highly illegal, this is a good example of how Max needs to step up and correct a situation. I have informed him of this by leaving a comment at his blog.
Max must act.jpg
1 day ago

THIS is an INTERNATIONAL CRIME CALLED “GENOCIDE”..thge only punishment if being HANGED OR stood against a wall and being SHOT,you people who are in volved in these crimes remember YOUR GUILTY OF GENOCIDE,and the days coming when your doors will be kicked in and you’ll be hauled out of your house and PUT ON TRIAL FOR GENOCIDE,you’ve BEEN WARNED…………….
Content from External Source
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DForever, when you post something like that, can you also post a link by right-clicking on the date of the comment (like above, "10 minutes ago"), and then "Copy Link", then paste it here. Thanks
Do it. At this time the internet is a lawless country with little supervision. Until libel/slander laws are enforced on it, it will continue to be that way.

Wow... That doesn't even make sense. She had to remove her posts with "7" from her public space, for.... WHAT now??? His "PROTECTION"? What sense does that make? It's OK for them to be on HER public site, where she actively tries to get them exposed to the greater world, but not somewhere else on the internet? Now the stuff "7" says is a SECRET? On the other hand, Madison has no problem at all ranting about what is said on Metabunk, or repeating what is said to her by Mick or others, personally. The mind is all out of boggle.
What is the "7" she's referring to??

Like TWCobra said, her "whistleblower". "7" in pop sci-fi culture is also the nickname for a Star Trek Next Generation character "Seven of Nine", a human "assimilated" by the "Borg" as a child. The "Borg" are a hive-like parasitic intergalactic advanced steam-punkesque race of cyborgs (resistance is futile), a concept that plays like a magical flute to "The Matrix" worldview of certain conspiracy minded folk. "7", who was physically hot yet emotionally cold, was subsequently rescued and joined the crew of the starship Enterprise, yippeeeee.