Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

I wonder what would happen if some of these posts were passed to relevant law enforcement agencies rather than just Facebook
Tom, I have personally gone to the Memphis FBI office and discussed the situation with them twice. They were interested and were referred to this thread. They took down my information and said that it would be passed on to the responsible people.
Many are often repeated by the same person, over and over. Think about it, if you seriously believed you were being poisoned or that your neighbor was trying to kill you ..... I am afraid one day one of these folks will do something. Hopefully it will not involve fatalities.


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This is in a comment there

But thinking about it in practical terms: Chinese-made, hand-held LASERS of the high-intensity GREEN hue are still readily available in shops AND online… One of THOSE in Accurate Hands is said to be capable of boggling many modern aircraft guidance-and-orientation systems in-flight iirc. Now, it is a real natural (and Federal) crime to lay such a beam into the systems of a PASSENGER aircraft, and I do NOT know how such statutes might apply to marauding mil-contractor-owned/operated craptrail airships. But when it comes right down to it, gee, it does seem like a fine stealthy start to a Complete Takedown.
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There was a skeptoid Q/A just recently about laser's and how cheap knock-off's are often higher in power and hence dangerous compared to legit ones. And green lasers are more harmful.
That guy is someone I would be seriously concerned about. SUpposedly he's ex military, he seriously believes they're targeting him and he's really really angry.

frankrealetime 13 hours ago

wake up people . when are the people going to do something this shit. every time I see this shit being sprayed I would like to get ahold of one of these cock suckers and make them bleed out slowly. you can only hope these fuckers will die from the hands of the people there are trying to kill. I wish these scum bags and there family will suffer a terrible cancer and die slowly. fuck these scum bags.

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frankrealetime 13 hours ago

wake up people . when are the people going to do something this shit. every time I see this shit being sprayed I would like to get ahold of one of these cock suckers and make them bleed out slowly. you can only hope these fuckers will die from the hands of the people there are trying to kill. I wish these scum bags and there family will suffer a terrible cancer and die slowly. fuck these scum bags.

Wow. Check out this guys YouTube profile. He's a real bundle of laughs...

the only gun this bitch should worry about is the one she puts in her mouth every nite. I know who's gun she constantly likes to put in her mouth but it doesn't have a trigger just skin. Pelosi you eat shit for the lies you spew you are a nothing old spent fucking rag. I hope we get to see you hang by the neck until dead. fuck you bitch
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the only thing good about this shit is these cock suckers and there piece of shit family will have to breath the same chemicals as us. fuck all of them evil scum bags. Its a small world, Maby some day some one will meat one of these pricks and fill his head with chemicals
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...and many many more.
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I mentioned the subject of threats when I was talking to Dane Wigington and Barbara Coulter before the showing of "Look up," with its pitch for Skyderalert last week. Dane said indignantly, "What does that have to do with us?"
I mentioned the subject of threats when I was talking to Dane Wigington and Barbara Coulter before the showing of "Look up," with its pitch for Skyderalert last week. Dane said indignantly, "What does that have to do with us?"

Some of them have taken to claiming that it is only "shills" making the threats in an attempt to discredit their movement. That's what they are saying about the one to which Dane responded "We all feel that way". Of course Dane denies saying that at all. It's near the end of this vid, somewhere, where they claim it was only a "shill" making the threat.,John-Massaria.html#.Uk9mMNKsiSq
The conference call system gives Tanner a list of all callers. There were probably less than a dozen people on the phone. He knows who spoke that threat. He probably has a recording and some day I will question him about that. This thread contains ample evidence that many of the people making these threats are identifiable as real people who have been incited. That evidence adds up almost every day. It has to do with Dane and the other leaders because they are inciting people by telling them they are being attacked, poisoned, and killed.
Some of them have taken to claiming that it is only "shills" making the threats in an attempt to discredit their movement. That's what they are saying about the one to which Dane responded "We all feel that way". Of course Dane denies saying that at all. It's near the end of this vid, somewhere, where they claim it was only a "shill" making the threat.,John-Massaria.html#.Uk9mMNKsiSq

I guess that makes Gnarly Carly a shill, since she makes up the lion's share of screencaps here.
The conference call system gives Tanner a list of all callers. There were probably less than a dozen people on the phone. He knows who spoke that threat. He probably has a recording and some day I will question him about that. This thread contains ample evidence that many of the people making these threats are identifiable as real people who have been incited. That evidence adds up almost every day. It has to do with Dane and the other leaders because they are inciting people by telling them they are being attacked, poisoned, and killed.

So that threat event was one of their conference calls? Then there's not much doubt that it was recorded. Maybe you or somebody else can ask about a recording of that event without mentioning the threat aspect. It would be great to have.
I did, and the service they used at the time said they did not record it. I think that Tanner probably did, but the recording doesn't match what he is saying. Unless he has a recording it is his word against mine. It would be great to have to prove whose recollection was better. I have already shown my notes taken during the call:

Here is my original report:
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Sean Cairney is apparently an admin on the Chamtrail World Facebook page. He claims to welcome trolls to the page as showing them to be wrong just strengthens their argument and shows those on the fence that what they say must be true. I was banned within 3 posts on that page :rolleyes:

He lives in my part of the world in a city whose inhabitants are known locally as 'smoggies' due to the amount of chemical industry in the area :D
Sean Cairney is apparently an admin on the Chamtrail World Facebook page. He claims to welcome trolls to the page as showing them to be wrong just strengthens their argument and shows those on the fence that what they say must be true. I was banned within 3 posts on that page :rolleyes:

He lives in my part of the world in a city whose inhabitants are known locally as 'smoggies' due to the amount of chemical industry in the area :D

Yep. Typical. Jamnoise72 challenged debunkers to come but blocked me supposedly for not showing my real identity. Funny how she had a different excuse for blocking someone who DID use their real name. They NEVER allow open debate. NEVER.
Sean Cairney is apparently an admin on the Chamtrail World Facebook page. He claims to welcome trolls to the page as showing them to be wrong just strengthens their argument and shows those on the fence that what they say must be true. I was banned within 3 posts on that page :rolleyes:

Yep. Typical. Jamnoise72 challenged debunkers to come but blocked me supposedly for not showing my real identity. Funny how she had a different excuse for blocking someone who DID use their real name. They NEVER allow open debate. NEVER.

Snap. A New Zealand-based FB group called 'Chemtraits' has a similar 'Trolls Welcome' policy. As soon as some dissenting voices appeared, they were banned, and the policy changed. Sigh.
Snap. A New Zealand-based FB group called 'Chemtraits' has a similar 'Trolls Welcome' policy. As soon as some dissenting voices appeared, they were banned, and the policy changed. Sigh.

I think they really believe that no one can debunk their claims and are shocked when it happens. At that point I think at least some of them simply decide that since they CAN'T be wrong, you must be cheating, somehow, when you make them seem to be wrong. That means you have to be lying (though they never seem to be able to cite any lies) and must be kept from doing that. They apparently aren't able to grasp their own intellectual dishonesty.
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Snap. A New Zealand-based FB group called 'Chemtraits' has a similar 'Trolls Welcome' policy. As soon as some dissenting voices appeared, they were banned, and the policy changed. Sigh.

I see one of their members has dutifully reported the totally normal and expected pre-frontal high cloud that built over Wellington yesterday as "whiteout".
I see one of their members has dutifully reported the totally normal and expected pre-frontal high cloud that built over Wellington yesterday as "whiteout".
My assessment is that it was too warm yesterday morning for any kind of contrails here (Central NZ). I seriously doubt that the streak of cloud in the first image of the series is actually a trail from an aircraft.
In the afternoon, the temperature lowered, and the RH increased to the point where at least one persistent contrail formed. This MODIS AQUA image shows the contrail, and the cirrus that was advecting over from the southwest ahead of the weather we now have.
This MODIS AQUA image shows the contrail, and the cirrus that was advecting over from the southwest ahead of the weather we now have.

Great link, cheers. It's an often raised point, but what I can't figure out is how I as an enthusiast layperson with no formal meteorology training can look at a weather map, and note that said cirrus buildup agrees with it, and these chemtrailers can't. A cirrus buildup to the west is one of the easiest weather tells in Wellington (and a lot of other places besides). Why do people who are supposedly "looking up" not notice this?

I thought they are supposed to be interested. Which doesn't explain commentary like this, which is wrong on at least two counts:
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My instinctive response is the join the group and help them out with what I know, and what I know I can find out.
*face-palm* No, Ross, don't do it! Asking for trouble.
My instinctive response is the join the group and help them out with what I know, and what I know I can find out.
*face-palm* No, Ross, don't do it! Asking for trouble.

I tried it once with the Chemtrails over NZ page while it was still un-closed. Didn't last very long, although I managed to put them straight/out of their misery on a couple of RNZAF aircraft while I was there.

I was intrigued by chemtraits current header pic, so I looked it up. I don't think they realise it's from 1989 :)
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For a chemtrails group there doesn't seem to be a conspiracy they don't like - there's the banking cartels, Monsanto, Guantanamo/war on terror = money, fracking, gang stalking, & comet ison causing the US Govt shutdown just in the first bit...