Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

Zaparoony Zap
1 week ago
I think everyone should buy a bazooka and just start shooting down anything that looks like they're releasing chemtrails.



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Gnarly CarlyOr we take hostages and give our demands. Bam, game over
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Gnarly CarlyMichael Fredrickson I'm game for anything. What do you suggest? Surface to air or heat seeking? That's about the only things that will stop it. They don't really even need that many planes anymore. They have many other tricks now.
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Gnarly CarlyI wish there was something we could do to them physically, like tie them up by their ball sacks and smack them in their heads with baseball bats as they swing in the wind. And kick their fucking teeth (dentures) out, jam steel rods up their asses, and cram shit in their mouths. Yup, that would about do it! :0)
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Oh, all of that noise by Carly was in response to some smoke from prescribed fires in the area and a colorful sunset with the sun reflecting off of some interesting mid and high clouds that were drifting in from the north west.

I dunno what radioshow this is, but I noticed them saying this at 6:07 into the show when talking geoengineering:

- I particularly recommend people to search the Youtube video of the Stephen Colbert show where he introduced dr. David Keith, one of the main champions of geoengineering, promoting geoengineering, where he says on the Stephen Colbert show so that millions saw this and heard this, straight from the [???] that this will actually kill people, but it's worth the risk.

- Millions of people at least in some scenario.

- And if you and I where threatening to kill anybody on the radio station, anywhere, we'd have someone knocking on our door with a pair of handcuffs asking them (sic) to follow them to a car. So this is serious matter.

- Yes.

- And it's... I don't believe it's for solar radiation management at all. But however do your own research, go into the chat room, please join us there let's have a chat while we have coffee. It's always open. So if there is no one in the chat room, leave a question, leave a link, leave evidence, leave a Youtube video that you're creating. Or create a document and share them with us in that room. It's for everybody's use.

- Right. I just have a question, kind of comment for this guy who says kill a million people. Maybe he and his family would like to go first? And those who support the spraying, or don't even see the spraying, and find reason the spraying is not happning? Maybe you guys would like to go first?

- Yeah. It's funny they are in such a rush to save the planet, but not the humans.
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I wonder if this is just frustration on their part, or if they are seriously suggesting killing David Keith and his family along with people who doubt the "chemtrail" conspiracy? In any case, disturbing.
I think, above all else, the need to dispute and disrupt this Urban Myth, and business....yes! It's now a business of selling a HOAX of so-called "chem"trails.

This has gone on long enough.

What I fear is that there will actually occur an act of violence, against entirely innocent people, carried out in the "name" of this myth, this HOAX.

When this happens, however, there might possibly be a 'silver lining', in a way...IF it receives proper media attention. However, there should be no reason for circumstances to go that far, in order to educate people about this nonsense.
I think, above all else, the need to dispute and disrupt this Urban Myth, and business....yes! It's now a business of selling a HOAX of so-called "chem"trails.

This has gone on long enough.

What I fear is that there will actually occur an act of violence, against entirely innocent people, carried out in the "name" of this myth, this HOAX.

When this happens, however, there might possibly be a 'silver lining', in a way...IF it receives proper media attention. However, there should be no reason for
circumstances to go that far, in order to educate people about this nonsense.

Most of the people I have come into contact with that believe in chemtrails. Have a religious belief and no amount of science can sway them. I do agree that the belief can lead to a disaster. And there has to be a way to kill the movement, Without censoring the propagators of the disinformation. Yet any science is looked at as a NWO or paid government shill propaganda. People actually believe Dane and Alex and crew. I think a lot of people dont have the capacity to understand the science. Having a emotional/spiritual view rather than a logical approach.
Most of the people I have come into contact with that believe in chemtrails. Have a religious belief and no amount of science can sway them.

Yes, I have noticed this also. It is indeed troubling...because of the conflation of "beliefs" (absent any evidence) that can lead to an almost insane propensity to "follow" a leader, whether or not there is any truth or evidence whatsoever.

This is yet another reason why I personally rail against organized religions...but, that is another issue entirely....
I think a lot of people dont have the capacity to understand the science. Having a emotional/spiritual view rather than a logical approach.

We ran into that problem with the "Planet X" hoax. The proofs that it was nonsense involved quite a lot of astronomy. The believers simply accepted what the charismatic proponents of the story said, rather than strain their brains in the attempt to understand the debunks.
Yes, I have noticed this also. It is indeed troubling...because of the conflation of "beliefs" (absent any evidence) that can lead to an almost insane propensity to "follow" a leader, whether or not there is any truth or evidence whatsoever.

This is yet another reason why I personally rail against organized religions...but, that is another issue entirely....
Yes. It's all very "cult-like".
Yep. I've seen large RC planes about as big as their experimental drone, which is basically just a big RC plane.

@FlyingAtheist, seems more like a personal argument there, the threats are hyperbolic. The best way to avoid that type of thing is to simply ignore them once they step over the line.
@FlyingAtheist, seems more like a personal argument there, the threats are hyperbolic. The best way to avoid that type of thing is to simply ignore them once they step over the line.

I do agree with you for the most part, but the part in which he wants to light pilots on fire and throw them from the planes for fun was I thought less personal.

I would like to thank you personally for all the hard work you have done on this site and contrail science.
I am an A330 pilot with 18 years of flying. I have struggled with what is the best approach at educating the public and dispel the fear and ignorance spread by the Chemtrail conspiracy. I am happy to help any way I can to this worthy cause.

Much thanks.

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3 hours ago
someone should shoot one down... they deny and deny, lets find out... Rocket Launcher on ebay...
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Here's my reply:

I'm a pilot and THIS is why I post in these videos!!!!!! If some chemtrail-believer shoots down a passenger airliner full of innocent people leaving a trail of jet engine exhaust condensation- that would be a shame.
I'm reporting your threat of terrorism against airline passengers to the FBI- enjoy- it should be a fun trip!

Us pilots are keeping a log of all these threats on passenger aircraft.

(I didn't report it to the FBI though since it's not a credible threat that he is going to follow through with)
Not a death threat, but harassment of a meteorologist who countered a chemtrail "activist" (read it chemtrail "harasser"). The latest tactic to "wake people up" is visiting meteorologist pages en masse and bombing then with photos and vidoes of contrails.

One meteorologist fought back and was rewarded with this:

posScreenshot (1183).png

His wife's page was also visited:

ignorScreenshot (1181).png

And a YouTube video:

I have a friend who is a college professor. She said the students are becoming progressively worse. They shout things out in class [i.e. today we're going to study birds. Student: I HATE BIRDS!], one bad one will try to enlist others to make complaints about her, etc. I blame these "social" media for making people ruder and ruder. YouTube and FB are the worst offenders, IMO.