Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

Raul Colon Jr
1 day ago


Raul Colon Jr
1 day ago


Not a death threat, but harassment of a meteorologist who countered a chemtrail "activist" (read it chemtrail "harasser"). The latest tactic to "wake people up" is visiting meteorologist pages en masse and bombing then with photos and vidoes of contrails.

One meteorologist fought back and was rewarded with this:

posScreenshot (1183).png

His wife's page was also visited:

ignorScreenshot (1181).png

And a YouTube video:

I have a friend who is a college professor. She said the students are becoming progressively worse. They shout things out in class [i.e. today we're going to study birds. Student: I HATE BIRDS!], one bad one will try to enlist others to make complaints about her, etc. I blame these "social" media for making people ruder and ruder. YouTube and FB are the worst offenders, IMO.

Dutchinse sent a lot of his disciples Jacob's (the meteorologist you refer to) way via multiple posts about Jacob on his Facebook page over this past weekend. Strangely, I don't see any of them anymore on Dutch's page. But visiting Jacob's page, you can see the incredible amount of harassment he's been getting, including multiple entries from Dutch:

He even just changed his profile pic to one of himself in a tin foil hat. That should further stir them up.

We get posts all the time from people about chemtrails and geoengineering on our NWS facebook page. Policy is to just delete them and not respond. But, I am sure that just validates the conspiracy even further in the minds of those who post.
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This is just frightening. But, on the other hand, such actions carry SEVERE felony offense penalties. Putting these people away in Federal prisons for 10 to 15 years? Priceless!!

Are you guys submitting these to the FBI or just making a log? They probably wouldn't consider them credible threats?
I realize that psychology says that paranoid delusional people don't actually act... although it makes me wonder about the motives of those who hit airline pilots with lasers...
Reminder: This is an archive thread for recording threats of violence. Please let's keep it to just that. It's long enough as it is.


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Paul Bennett aka Paul MAC (Melbourne against chemtrails) recently organised a lecture regarding geo-Engineering held in Geelong, Victoria.

Paul did not make any threats but I post the video of the event, which I have also downloaded for future reference, due to the very first question being asked of Paul when the time came.

It occurs at the 1 hour 24 minute 24 second mark and the question was if Paul Mac "had the names and addresses of the people spraying us?" Paul of course answered that he didn't but proceeded to name Qantas, Virgin Australia, Air New Zealand and others as the airlines engaged in spraying.

Paul, I know you read this forum. You need to be aware of your legal culpability should any of the people you seek to influence take action against any pilot, due to the misinformation you give them. There will be direct ramifications on you. Be advised accordingly
...but [he] proceeded to name Qantas, Virgin Australia, Air New Zealand and others as the airlines engaged in spraying.

[snip video]

Paul, I know you read this forum. You need to be aware of your legal culpability should any of the people you seek to influence take action against any pilot, due to the misinformation you give them. There will be direct ramifications on you. Be advised accordingly

I would also suggest that any and all legal authorities in the countries of Australia and New Zealand be advised of this man's accusations.

The equivalent criminal prosecution proceedings, per the nations involved, can then be initiated.
Paul Bennett aka Paul MAC (Melbourne against chemtrails) recently organised a lecture regarding geo-Engineering held in Geelong, Victoria.

Paul did not make any threats but I post the video of the event, which I have also downloaded for future reference, due to the very first question being asked of Paul when the time came.

It occurs at the 1 hour 24 minute 24 second mark and the question was if Paul Mac "had the names and addresses of the people spraying us?" Paul of course answered that he didn't but proceeded to name Qantas, Virgin Australia, Air New Zealand and others as the airlines engaged in spraying.

Paul, I know you read this forum. You need to be aware of your legal culpability should any of the people you seek to influence take action against any pilot, due to the misinformation you give them. There will be direct ramifications on you. Be advised accordingly

The question plays at a little later time stamp for me.

Look at this comment below that vid on Youtube:

Boy Trent
2 days ago

we have a problem guys. And it's an important one.

I believe that Dane Wigington & Michael Murphy are gatekeepers. Just as the "Occupy" movement was and IS a CIA construct. So is the information presented in their videos.

In the U.S - there are literally tens of thousands of disinformants. And also agent provocateurs. All employed by NSA - CIA - FBI - FEMA - ICLEI et al. They created the hippy movement back in the 70s and many are "economic hitmen/women" - whose jobs are very real and active in 2014.

What triggered my suspicion about this bunch of "activists" surrounding the two films was the very early and very professional nature of production values and the access they gained to certain political structures.

I don't expect you to believe me. But somewhere you will have an intuition in your built in "radar" that this is true. They are obfuscating and curving the data. Dane Wigington clearly states that "global warming or "climate change" is caused by human beings. This is contradictory to the majority thinking amongst those of us who are campaigning/fighting against chemtrails.

I'm so sorry to have to tell you this. But Dane Wigington and his rather cagey looking colleagues are deceptive and covertly working against the truth of chemtrails. The CIA knew the public would begin to notice the relentless spraying - so they prepared this very subtle obfuscation of the truth. "oh look - someone has made a video - they must be on the side of truth." No.!

A deconstruction of the truth that still puts human beings as the problem. This confirms and validates Agenda 21 and depopulation scenarios. WHICH is WHY THEY ARE SPRAYING US.

Come on guys. please. You've got to use your radar. Your built in intuition. Or all your work will be in vain.
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The guy making the threat isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, in the thread he posted a photo taken from his place of work.


It wasn't difficult to figure out the address. I will be watching, and I ask others in the group to watch the LA papers for the next few days for any mention of a laser attack.
Would contacting the local authorities where he works do any good? Would they go talk to him or does someone actually have to point a laser at a plane to garner more attention?
FAA "hotline" -

which is actually a web form...but one hopes someone is monitoring it 24/7......

This is not the appropriate place to report these "criminal threat" type of issues.
The FAA inspectors who read that information are not police. For example, one of them told me that when a chemtrail nut threatened a facility they called the FBI because "they didn't know what else to do".

All the following is regulatory stuff:

Fill out the form below to report:
  • Maintenance issues
  • Aircraft Incidents
  • Aircraft Accidents
  • Suspected violations of Federal Aviation Regulations

    An aircraft incident or accident is an event where an aircraft sustains damage or has a malfunction with the aircraft.
    That form is for reporting regulatory anomalies- not for reporting outside threats that police need to deal with.

    I would probably go right to the FBI's incident reporting page.
Using one against an aircraft would be in breach of Chapter 29 of FAA regulations - so that page does cover it.

FAA inspectors are not the FAA staff that would become involved - inspectors are there to check operators and other participants in the aviation system - the FAA itself does not prosecute criminal cases - I'm not sure who it would pass the case to - perhaps the Federal Attorney General - here in New Zealand the CAA passes cases to the Crown Prosecution service.

Edit to add - according to this legal service:

Falsification cases are being investigated by the FAA, FBI, and other local and federal law enforcement agencies and, where appropriate, cases are being referred to state and federal attorneys for prosecution.
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They are talking specifically about falsification of maintenance records, but I expect the situation would be the same for a laser strike.

And according to this article (from March 2013) the FAA had already taken a few dozen people to court
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said it has taken enforcement action against 28 people charged with aiming a laser device at an aircraft since June 2011.
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So I disagree with you saying the FAA is not an appropriate place to report - police and FBI are ALSO appropriate places to report - but there's nothing wrong with using the FAA.
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Using one against an aircraft would be in breach of Chapter 29 of FAA regulations - so that page does cover it..

In the US the FAA is a regulatory agency. They have no "teeth". All they can do is revoke FAA certificates (including operating certificates of carriers). If there is a criminal issue it will be referred to law enforcement. This may be different than in your country.

From that regulation:
b. Regional/service area offices having control jurisdiction over the airspace where laser operations are planned must conduct an aeronautical review of all proposed laser operations to be performed in the NAS to ensure that these types of operations will not have a detrimental effect on aircraft operations.

FAA inspectors are not the FAA staff that would become involved - inspectors are there to check operators and other participants in the aviation system - the FAA itself does not prosecute criminal cases - I'm not sure who it would pass the case to - perhaps the Federal Attorney General - here in New Zealand the CAA passes cases to the Crown Prosecution service.

All I'm saying is that submitting it to the FAA means that someone at the FAA has to forward your report to the appropriate agency (probably the FBI). I would think that it just adds an extra step and a delay in the investigation. ?
The FAA actually requests people report to them:

If you're a member of the public who witnessed an individual aiming a laser at an aircraft, send an e-mail to and include the following information:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Date and time you witnessed the laser incident
  • Location and description of the incident
After the FAA has received your e-mail, FAA staff or the appropriate law enforcement agency may decide to contact you if additional information or clarification is needed
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The FAA actually requests people report to them:

Thanks for that link- I added it to my favorites (hopefully I never need it).

Yes, the FAA wants a report of any threat to the safety of flight. Something that has happened to a flight. Not a suspicion.

I don't think that the FAA is going to go to this guy's facebook page and try to hunt him down. Mostly because they don't have the manpower.
I'm posting only to say that I think that going direct to the FBI or local law enforcement skips an unnecessary step. But I could be wrong.
I'm basing it mostly on my experience working with Aviation Safety Inspectors who told me about a time that a woman called in a bomb threat to a FSDO (Flight Standards District Office) in Florida (I think) after having called one or two previous times demanding that they "stop the chemtrail spraying". The ASIs had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. They didn't know what else to do so they called the FBI.

With budget cutbacks, the FAA barely has enough manpower to accomplish their primary duties as it is.
Maybe a "multi-pronged" approach would be a good idea, in these matters (i.e., reporting laser attacks on aircraft).

Tell the FAA
Tell the FBI
Tell any local authorities with jurisdiction.

TELL them that you reported it to the other agencies.
The big issue here is that there's no actual proof that this guys not doing more than just talkin smack.. its going to take something actually happening before any of the agencies will be able to take preventative steps. Law Enforcement, for the most part, is more REactionary than PROactionary. Think about the hundreds of thousands of threats these agencies receive a day.. They treat them like Triage. They glance over it, do a quick cursory search to see if its credible.. IE run the name through a few databases, and place the name on a list IF anything happens. They wont go our and make an arrest unless they are 110% sure the threat's credible. Basically the same way threats to the President are treated... which is what I think Strat's trying to say. You're talking hundreds and thousands, if not 10s of thousands of man hours on a hunch that came from some random guy on the internet.
Having been on the investigation end of some threats like this outside the USA I'd be surprised if anyone spent more than 10 hrs on any one case that turns out to be "some random guy one the 'net mouthing off" - in my experience of such cases (a couple of handful of complaints) a visit and an explanation from officialdom as to the law, the reasons for the law, and the consequences has always sufficed.

But even in the case of a prosecution usually the evidence is obvious - like idiots still being in the same place an hour later when the Police turn up after a pilot has complained to ATC and given a rough location as to where they thought the light was coming from!! Thousands of hours were not required! :)

the key is to inform the authorities and let them make the judgments on progressing the case they are trained and paid to make.