Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

I can confirm this is true. Same noise patterns on both sides.

I looked into this some more, and I don't think matching noise alone proves that it's fake. This could be a single visible camera combined with synthetic aperture radar interferometry for depth. But I did find another hint that it's probably fake, which is a slow subpixel-precision cursor drift that usually only shows up with animation keyframing. If this is a remote desktop session I could imagine a virtual cursor rendered with this kind of subpixel precision, but I've never seen it in practice before.
There's a debunk of this video causing a stir on reddit right now from user u/kcimc. Short version: He noticed that the cursor in the video's UI is drifting unnaturally smooth at one point, which he argues is due to messing up the keyframing of an animation in a VFX editor:

While I follow the argument here, I mostly have to take it on faith that what he's saying is indicative of VFX editors. Is anyone here able to confirm?

He's identifying that the stereoscopic version of the video appears to be edited, via cursor vs cursor comparison.

The original provenance of the video is uncertain. I believe I read it was located on Vimeo or a forum. In any case, the true original is not-stereo, and a copy of it is located here:
(sorry for the duplicate)

I still believe this could be done via VFX, but I think analysing the stereo version has definitively demonstrated that someone took the original video and edited in order to make it look like a stereo image.
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There's a debunk of this video causing a stir on reddit right now from user u/kcimc. Short version: He noticed that the cursor in the video's UI is drifting unnaturally smooth at one point, which he argues is due to messing up the keyframing of an animation in a VFX editor:

While I follow the argument here, I mostly have to take it on faith that what he's saying is indicative of VFX editors. Is anyone here able to confirm?
We can consider this /closed now.
The only questions that we should be asking is, who created it and why. My guess is still the same, it's the Russian intelligence. Just like MH17, they are somehow responsible for the disappearance of MH370 and thus such campaigns to spread disinformation XD
My guess is still the same, it's the Russian intelligence. Just like MH17, they are somehow responsible for the disappearance of MH370 and thus such campaigns to spread disinformation XD
MH17 was downed by Russian intelligence?
There was a Russian military presence in the Indian Ocean in 2014?

Also, you're behind the times. Nowadays, it's customary to blame the Chinese. :p
We can consider this /closed now.
The only questions that we should be asking is, who created it and why. My guess is still the same, it's the Russian intelligence. Just like MH17, they are somehow responsible for the disappearance of MH370 and thus such campaigns to spread disinformation XD
no conspiracy theories here my friend, thats what r/ufos is for

lets follow the facts
He's identifying that the stereoscopic version of the video appears to be edited, via cursor vs cursor comparison.

The original provenance of the video is uncertain. I believe I read it was located on Vimeo or a forum. In any case, the true original is not-stereo, and a copy of it is located here:
The cursor drift is visible in this version, so it's not caused by the stereoscopic manipulation. Full screen the video, go to 00:36 and put your mouse cursor over the onscreen cursor then watch closely what happens over the next 10 or so seconds.

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How do I do this?
The way I do it is to go to the archived page on, start the video playing, and then open your browser's developer tools (the shortcut is often F12, or you can find it under "More Tools >" in Chrome).

Look for a tab in the developer tools that says "Console". Go to the console and enter this Javascript code, which finds the first video element in the page and prints its source URL:

You should then just be able to click on the link produced.

Another way is to enter this into the address bar, and substitute <video ID> with whatever alphanumeric string you see in the YouTube URL:

In this case the archived YouTube page is:
so the video ID is 5Ok1A1fSzxY

This method seems a bit fragile as it is spoofing some internals, but appears to have been working for at least the last couple of years.
no conspiracy theories here my friend, thats what r/ufos is for

lets follow the facts
r/UFOs is for trying to prove how it's related to UFOs.
Given how it's already proven that it's not, one can either continue to dispute the debunk or talk about its provenance.
I personally find the latter more interesting topic.
Some observations based on the other video

The non stereoscopic video, look stretched but I think it's actually that the stereoscopic video is squashed, if you look at the mouse cursor and compare it to your own default cursor


It could be that the stereoscopic view is designed to be looked at on some device that undoes the squash, which would explain the 2 mouse cursors. This is similar to modern VR headset screen mirroring


The YT versions are 24FPS, the cursor and screen drag updates each frame, the plane/orb/noise pattern updates every 4th frame so its at 6FPS
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r/UFOs is for trying to prove how it's related to UFOs.
Given how it's already proven that it's not, one can either continue to dispute the debunk or talk about its provenance.
I personally find the latter more interesting topic.
Yes. However, you were not talking about its provenance, you were imagining it.
Unless you have evidence in your talk, it's not interesting.
There's a debunk of this video causing a stir on reddit right now from user u/kcimc. Short version: He noticed that the cursor in the video's UI is drifting unnaturally smooth at one point, which he argues is due to messing up the keyframing of an animation in a VFX editor:

While I follow the argument here, I mostly have to take it on faith that what he's saying is indicative of VFX editors. Is anyone here able to confirm?

This is weak argument.
If the screen was recorded using remote desktop that does resolution downscaling, compression and probably cursor glitches like drifting, the cursor would look just like that.

The numbers at the bottom looks like they are heavily downscaled.
Yes. However, you were not talking about its provenance, you were imagining it.
Unless you have evidence in your talk, it's not interesting.
Yea, that was lazy posting from my side. I should have included the part where the guy who found debris had links to Russia and whoever made the video had knowledge about satellite surveillance & drones.
That's a lot of ifs.

Yes, but then why would someone put so much effort realistically animating the cursor that many times goes out of the screen?
To me it looks like someone was using actual software that plays video and prints some coordinates under the mouse. It would faster to do than animating everything in some post production software.

The whole satellite video is also weirdly cropped.
. I should have included the part where the guy who found debris had links to Russia
There wasn't "one guy" who found debris. If you want to discuss this further, make a new topic in .
The first SIX pieces found were located by locals in Reunion Island, South Africa, Madagascar and Mozambique from mid-2015 to early 2016. Blaine had been searching for debris for some time with no success.
Blaine’s first actual find was seven months after the first debris was located.
Interesting video. My job is VFX, 3D, AfterEffects, particles etc. Going to download the video and have a good look, but first glance it is very well done. I will say that some of the clouds do seem to be moving (not so much the main big clouds, but the layers of clouds/vapours below) - I'll make a clip and show you what I mean. Lastly, this could of course be replicated with a load of work. The easiest way to do this would be to have the 2 videos and then of course comp in the UFOs and the portal. However, you would have to track the scene very well to avoid any slippage with the video and the comped in items. It all looks very well made, but I intend to run this through AfterEffects. Bare in mind that I am not a fake video analyst - I know there are certain tools that can help determine, but serious debunkers like yourselves must have already tried.

Of course, this must be fake simply because there are UFOs flying around :eek:
So if the mouse cursor is not part of the stereoscopic video we would expect it to be in the same place on both views right?

It would not seem to make any sense that the mouse cursor is part of the 3d separation

Yet in the same frame it shares the same same deflection from side to side.
Some observations based on the other video

The non stereoscopic video, look stretched but I think it's actually that the stereoscopic video is squashed, if you look at the mouse cursor and compare it to your own default cursor


It could be that the stereoscopic view is designed to be looked at on some device that undoes the squash, which would explain the 2 mouse cursors. This is similar to modern VR headset screen mirroring


The YT versions are 24FPS, the cursor and screen drag updates each frame, the plane/orb/noise pattern updates every 4th frame so its at 6FPS
be aware, the cursor could belong to a dedicated software that was recorded. similar to a cursor of a video game. they come in various shapes.
So if the mouse cursor is not part of the stereoscopic video we would expect it to be in the same place on both views right?

It would not seem to make any sense that the mouse cursor is part of the 3d separation

Yet in the same frame it shares the same same deflection from side to side.
Due to distortions of the text overlay in one of the two stereo fields (and the near-identical noise), the consensus seems to be that it's a mono image that has had tranformations applied to mimic stereo.

See the slant here, which is not consistent throughout the entire video:

Particularly noticeable between 0:33 and 0:36 while the co-ordinates are not updating, in this (unfortunately non-embeddable) comparison:

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Yea, that was lazy posting from my side. I should have included the part where the guy who found debris had links to Russia and whoever made the video had knowledge about satellite surveillance & drones.
what is your evidence that the alleged creator had knowledge about satellite surveillance and drones?

so far every evidence is pointing against this narrative:

- no parallax visible
- drone with rainbow flir instead of grey scale
- hud not matching
- huge questionmarks regarding the visible light sensor capabilities and positioning of the alleged satellite model

what if the finder of the debris had ties to Switzerland? would you suggest that a passenger was trying to sell a secret chocolate receipt to the chinese and hence the Swiss had an interest to down the airplane? respectfully, you are reaching so much that Dhalsim (streetfighter character) would be jealous.
So the given the horizontal compression then the stereo video was created later as an intentional hoax by both cropping and compressing horizontally the full frame video (which has a more realistic aspect ratio for the text and cursor and more text visible) posted earlier and then creating a second version with a slightly different horizontal crop to create the impression of a stereoscopic video.

Which leaves open the orginal video being real (with a later attempt to make a hoax for ??reason??) or a hoax (later made into a more complicated hoax)
So the given the horizontal compression then the stereo video was created later as an intentional hoax by both cropping and compressing horizontally the full frame video (which has a more realistic aspect ratio for the text and cursor and more text visible) posted earlier and then creating a second version with a slightly different horizontal crop to create the impression of a stereoscopic video.

Which leaves open the orginal video being real (with a later attempt to make a hoax for ??reason??) or a hoax (later made into a more complicated hoax)
maybe the intention wasnt to make a stereoscopic video but to obscure more details

maybe the original version seemed more digitally fabricated?

there could be many reasons. simulating nrol 22 being a relay for two other satellites in order to very occasionally produce 3d image sounds the least plausible to me personally

i also dont think it matters much. its proven to be doctored with so we can focus on the non stereoscopic version and r/ufos can dismiss all weird theories that build upon the 3d part
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Which leaves open the orginal video being real (with a later attempt to make a hoax for ??reason??)
"This never happens", he said confidently.

[It's possible there's a video of a real jet flying a turn at the base of it all, but it wouldn't be 9M-MRO, and there would be no orbs.]
The weird thing to me is the single frame version looks stretched from reality and the stereo version looks squashed, so neither version looks right.

The overlay looks better on the single frame vid but if you look at the plane and the orbs they look stretched.

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do the stereoscopic videos match each other for every frame or are there single frames where we only see one or the other?

im asking because we sometimes see some "twitching" in the video that seems like recording issues or as if its recorded on a vhs tape.

alternating between the stretched and swuashed versions could create this effect.

maybe this was done to make it look more "realistic"?
what is your evidence that the alleged creator had knowledge about satellite surveillance and drones?

so far every evidence is pointing against this narrative:

- no parallax visible
- drone with rainbow flir instead of grey scale
- hud not matching
- huge questionmarks regarding the visible light sensor capabilities and positioning of the alleged satellite model

what if the finder of the debris had ties to Switzerland? would you suggest that a passenger was trying to sell a secret chocolate receipt to the chinese and hence the Swiss had an interest to down the airplane? respectfully, you are reaching so much that Dhalsim (streetfighter character) would be jealous.

If think you are confusing Belgian Chocolates with Swiss chocolates. Nobody would sacrifice a plane over shitty Swiss chocolates but belgian is another thing.
And if the Belgians are involved somehow, then I would guess it would be to hide some paedophilia ring lol

Belgium is famous for two things, chocolate and child molesters. And they only invented the chocolate to get to the kids.
How do I do this?
yt-dlp knows about's API, and happily fetches it, albeit rather slowly:
phil@dovespaz:~$ yt-dlp
[web.archive:youtube] Extracting URL:
[web.archive:youtube] 5Ok1A1fSzxY: Fetching archived video file url
[web.archive:youtube] 5Ok1A1fSzxY: Downloading CDX API JSON
[web.archive:youtube] 5Ok1A1fSzxY: Downloading capture webpage
[web.archive:youtube] 5Ok1A1fSzxY: Downloading capture webpage
[web.archive:youtube] 5Ok1A1fSzxY: Downloading CDX API JSON
[info] 5Ok1A1fSzxY: Downloading 1 format(s): 84
[download] Destination: Satellite Video: Airliner and UFOs [5Ok1A1fSzxY].mp4
[download] 100% of   11.88MiB in 00:00:56 at 216.11KiB/s
To add support to post #57 SatTrackCam Leiden (b)log published an article on 13 March 2014 that says NROL-22 was not in position to observe MH370.

SBIRS currently consists of four satellites (see image above): two satellites in Geostationary orbit (SBIRS Geo 1 and SBIRS Geo 2, 2011-019A and 2013-011A), and two satellites in a Highly Elliptical Orbit (USA 184 and USA 200, 2006-027A and 2008-010A) with a SBIRS package piggybacked on to them.

Of these, two satellites had a view of the area where flight MH370 disappeared at that moment it disappeared: the geostationary SBIRS Geo 1 and the SBIRS HEO USA 200:
Content from External Source
(NROL-22 is USA 184 and NROL-28 is USA 200)

I can not think of a reason or example of satellite data being labeled with the relay it passes through instead of the satellite it originates from.
The cursor drift is visible in this version, so it's not caused by the stereoscopic manipulation. Full screen the video, go to 00:36 and put your mouse cursor over the onscreen cursor then watch closely what happens over the next 10 or so seconds.

Looks like an uncalibrated trackball. You can see the same thing with XBOX controllers, and video game joysticks. They require dead zone parameters in-game to prevent drift.
Try scrolling around a zoomed in image by holding down the mouse button and letting off to stop, if you leave your hand on the mouse there is a good chance it will still move slightly if you aren't paying attention to your hand.
The most interesting part for me is when the implosion happens. In the thermal view the plane is dragged backwards into the implosion for a few frames just before it starts. However in the satellite view we have a lot of dropped frames. During the implosion we get just 1 frame for the 5 or 6 frames in the thermal view.

The implosion can be easily created BTW in AfterEffects by using a circle shape layer and adding the roughen edges effect. A few different comps and blend modes can achieve the look and we only get 4/5 frames of the actual explosion.

I can’t help but think the easiet way to recreate this would be to have 1 scene in 3D of the plane/UFOs and 2 different cameras. The clouds in both scenes can then be comped in, in post using AfterEffects or another compositing package. The satellite background could just be a still photo. You could just add a wavy displacement effect to the clouds to get a very subtle movement. Question is is it possible to compare the clouds in the 2 scenes. I don’t think so but interesting if anyone has any ideas.

Seems very well done…hard to find a fault. I’m not sure how I would simulate the thermal view, but there is no doubt a way.
I tried to sync the thermal video with the vimeo version of the satellite video. If I'm not mistaken the difference in length between the start of the videos and "the flash" is of only 1 frame, which could be rounded up to 0 if you consider the difference in framerates.
For two recordings from different sources it's a huge coincidence.
An observation in the webarchive source video. From the 'teleportation zap' frame onwards, the entire scene is significantly sharper than before the zap. No change of sharpness occurs from frame to frame for the entirety of the video until the zap. Make of that what you will.

The footage of the plane seems at a glance pretty good. If the footage is genuine, the undoctored video should be out there somewhere. Where would someone go to get footage like this?
While I follow the argument here, I mostly have to take it on faith that what he's saying is indicative of VFX editors. Is anyone here able to confirm?

I wanted to take a closer look at the motion. Here are my thoughts

1. you could animate a mouse
2. but its hard to animate "live" human behavior. There are a lot of like, fast, jittery, and small movements people do that are tough to, "recreate" with animation. But tough, is not impossible!
3. The motions the mouse path takes are very deliberate in their jitteriness.. I stepped through the video a bunch, trying to look at some areas
a. the path it takes is not a direct curve, you see it moving, then dropping down a frame, moving then dropping down a frame, that... seems like if you were animating a mouse would be hard to decide to put in there, however it could be deliberate (because someone spent a lot of time thinking about little things like that to distract the debunking)​
4. "the mouse drift" I see it in the cloud there - if they were setting keyframes as detailed as they had to its hard to imagine them missing that before upload, but mistakes happen!
5. could the drift be caused by the mouse sensor?
6. could the drift be caused by wireless mouse behavior?

It's hard for me to say...

Can anyone please explain how video from a satellite of a plane flying within the frame shows ZERO parallax? Is it even possible?
A satellite orbiting between 200-1000 km traveling @ 7.5-10 km/sec. observing an airplane in flight for 60 seconds and panning an area on the ground covering roughly 3.2 km according to the satellite coordinates from the beginning to end of video. Assuming the coordinates are at the center of the video on earth.
MH370 Plot.png
I wanted to take a closer look at the motion. Here are my thoughts

1. you could animate a mouse
2. but its hard to animate "live" human behavior. There are a lot of like, fast, jittery, and small movements people do that are tough to, "recreate" with animation. But tough, is not impossible!
3. The motions the mouse path takes are very deliberate in their jitteriness.. I stepped through the video a bunch, trying to look at some areas
a. the path it takes is not a direct curve, you see it moving, then dropping down a frame, moving then dropping down a frame, that... seems like if you were animating a mouse would be hard to decide to put in there, however it could be deliberate (because someone spent a lot of time thinking about little things like that to distract the debunking)​
4. "the mouse drift" I see it in the cloud there - if they were setting keyframes as detailed as they had to its hard to imagine them missing that before upload, but mistakes happen!
5. could the drift be caused by the mouse sensor?
6. could the drift be caused by wireless mouse behavior?

It's hard for me to say...

I think the mouse slide thing is a little weird by not a smoking gun, the mouse cursor and dragging updates happen every frame, but the plane / orb movements only happen every 4 frames, which means that if they were both key framed it was on different keyframing.