Are these old photos of contrails?


New Member
Pictures I've found with very strange "whispy" Chem-clouds and trails going back to the '20's.
I found a document once (I'll try to find it again) talking about Weather Modification as far back
as the early 1800's with balloons, dumping powdery chemicals off the sides???
There are Thousands and Thousands of old pictures on this 'site, there are also late 1800's
pictures of Colorado showing many native American Indians outside, but it will take time to
go through most of them to see what the skies looked like. [off topic material removed]



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They just look like ordinary clouds to me.

Cirrus clouds often form linear shapes. In fact a lot of photos that chemtrail believers share as "chemtrails" aren't even contrails, just linear cirrus clouds. They seem to have a strange idea that any clouds with lines or waves are somehow suspicious.

These are from an old 1940s weather book I have, "Cloud Forms" published by the UK Meteorological Office. I posted scans here:




Going back even earlier, the artist John Constable painted this work, entitled "A Study of Cirrus Clouds", in 1822. Lots of suspicious wispy bits there :)

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I found a document once (I'll try to find it again) talking about Weather Modification as far back
as the early 1800's with balloons, dumping powdery chemicals off the sides???

not sure if this is off-topic:

I'm trying to confirm your document, but cant find any links. Doesnt seem plausible a balloon in the early 1800s could carry enough xtra weight to form a "cloud" or even "seed a cloud" sufficiently. ??

I found one article that includes a balloon, but the balloon prose isnt tied to the early weather modification prose.

Monika, an elderly lady from Münchenerin, plunges to her death from a hot-air balloon - See more at:


This problem began in the 1800s. Though many people may argue that “there was cloudy weather before the 1800s,” America is, unfortunately, becoming more and more like the genocidal mongrels in Communist China. Also, no cloud that we will ever lay eyes upon – is “natural,” but rather man-made. The first cloud seeding experiments, in Texas, took place in 1891. After noticing that the Civil War bombardments and shellings produced rain, Texas generals decided to “break the balanced state of nature” by reproducing the effect of gunpowder shellings into the sky. In 1923, aircraft began to enhance these cloud-seeding projects with silver iodide, cooperating with the ground-seeding technique, - See more at:

Content from External Source
more on the 1891 cloud seeding experiments

A Brief History of Weather Modification in Texas
In Texas, man's efforts to modify the weather date back to the 1880s, when the U.S.
Department of Agriculture sponsored efforts by General R. G. Dyrenforth in the High
Plains. The project used balloons to carry explosives into the sky where they would
bombard convective clouds and make them rain. In 1910, Post began experiments near
Post City. He had workers attach dynamite to 15 or 20 kites. After the kites had risen to
100 feet high or higher, the dynamite would be detonated. Post had what can best be
termed as occasional success. Sometimes rain fell after the explosions, but often it didn't.
Post continued to believe that this form of weather modification would work, until the
tests were stopped in 1914
Content from External Source
not sure if this is off-topic:

I'm trying to confirm your document, but cant find any links. Doesnt seem plausible a balloon in the early 1800s could carry enough xtra weight to form a "cloud" or even "seed a cloud" sufficiently. ??

I found one article that includes a balloon, but the balloon prose isnt tied to the early weather modification prose.

You don't need much weight to seed a cloud. The seeding material is basically smoke.

By the way, that "stopchemicalterrorism" site is run by Michael D. Fleming, who has some rather unusual beliefs, among them that cloud cannot form at all without human activity. He has some self-published books on Amazon in which he explains all.
Pictures I've found with very strange "whispy" Chem-clouds and trails going back to the '20's.
I found a document once (I'll try to find it again) talking about Weather Modification as far back
as the early 1800's with balloons, dumping powdery chemicals off the sides???
There are Thousands and Thousands of old pictures on this 'site, there are also late 1800's
pictures of Colorado showing many native American Indians outside, but it will take time to
go through most of them to see what the skies looked like. [off topic material removed]


If you do a right click 'save as' (but you don't need to save each pic), you'll see the dates on them,
the 'whispy' cloud picture with no train in view is from 1981 if I recall, the others are the '20's and '50's.
I've found many more that are similar with Blatant trails that are NOT clouds, if I post them I will try
to include the exact date and location of the pictures. If I may inject personal opinion (seems to be not
very welcomed on this 'site), old books on Cloud Formations were published to hide and deceive the fact
that irregular "clouds" are normal, so they gave them names, I personally believe they are Chemical
formations, you can probably bet folks began to question these odd formations and asking local news
papers and officials (police, Mayors, etc) about these formations, eventually the government had to
commission someone to publish books about these oddities to make them seem legit to the everyone?
just my opinion, hopefully you won't take this off my post. It's all about Conditioning the Public.
If I may inject personal opinion (seems to be not
very welcomed on this 'site), old books on Cloud Formations were published to hide and deceive the fact
that irregular "clouds" are normal, so they gave them names…
…and so were "irregular" clouds in centuries-old paintings drawn by various artists all around the world: :confused::eek:o_O;)

It's all about Conditioning the Public.
Or, perhaps, about following this cloud "guide"?;)
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If you do a right click 'save as' (but you don't need to save each pic), you'll see the dates on them,
the 'whispy' cloud picture with no train in view is from 1981 if I recall, the others are the '20's and '50's.
I've found many more that are similar with Blatant trails that are NOT clouds, if I post them I will try
to include the exact date and location of the pictures. If I may inject personal opinion (seems to be not
very welcomed on this 'site), old books on Cloud Formations were published to hide and deceive the fact
that irregular "clouds" are normal, so they gave them names, I personally believe they are Chemical
formations, you can probably bet folks began to question these odd formations and asking local news
papers and officials (police, Mayors, etc) about these formations, eventually the government had to
commission someone to publish books about these oddities to make them seem legit to the everyone?
just my opinion, hopefully you won't take this off my post. It's all about Conditioning the Public.

You are ascribing motivation ("They gave them names so irregular clouds would appear normal") without providing proof of the motivation. You are agreeing these are indeed old photos in books, but the names are to deceive? How are you sure of that? What is your proof the gov't commissioned someone to public fake science books? Have meteorologists always been in on it? You make a lot of claims with no proof.
So every previously published book about clouds specifically and meteorology in general has been replaced in every library in the world with these adulterated books.

There are an estimated 119,487 libraries of all kinds in the United States today.
Content from External Source

The logistics must have been a nightmare just for the USA alone.
So every previously published book about clouds specifically and meteorology in general has been replaced in every library in the world with these adulterated books.

There are an estimated 119,487 libraries of all kinds in the United States today.
Content from External Source

The logistics must have been a nightmare just for the USA alone.

Not just libraries, personal collections as well. They sneak into our houses and change our books.
I personally believe they are Chemical
formations, you can probably bet folks began to question these odd formations and asking local news
papers and officials (police, Mayors, etc) about these formations, eventually the government had to
commission someone to publish books about these oddities to make them seem legit to the everyone?
I take it you havent checked out the American Indian section yet? Theres no way all the clouds shown in those pics were made by balloonists. a few examples:



1907 horse.jpg
Not just libraries, personal collections as well. They sneak into our houses and change our books.
I THINK Go Cat is suggesting that, people were messing with stuff and making "unnatural" clouds back in the 1800s and so ANY Cloud book published ever would have been full of these fake clouds. so there is no need to go and change the old books.
(I this is the technique known as Retconning. First you say these things did not exist before 1996, then when that is shown to be wrong they must have been doing longer than we first thought. So now ALL clouds must always have been man made. I don't know how we ever had rain.)
As people have mentioned though, The FIRST Balloon flight was the Montgolfier Brothers in 1783.
But People like Peter Paul Reubens painted stuff like this:

with wispier and other "odd " cloud formations more than 100 years prior to that.
It's amazing Reubens managed to notice any clouds at all with all that rave partying going on.

That illustrates the psychological basis for many people not paying much attention to cloud formations. Whilst my eyes went straight to the voluptuous curves of cumulus , others may have been more taken by the fashions on display.Unless someone has told you clouds are deadly poison, just about anything else at ground level including grass growing will seem more interesting most of the time.
The old cloud drawings in the following show 100+ year old clouds that resemble those labelled suspicious by many folks nowdays.
It's false memory syndrome. People susceptible to this belief say that the only clouds that existed in the past looked like sheep without legs, floating in a deep blue sky.