Debunked: Chemtrail Plane and Other Unlabeled Photos from Facebook etc.


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Yes I spotted that just before you posted... For some reason neither Google Image Search nor Tineye finds photos on Metabunk.
Mick knows how to search out photos on Google for photos in metabunk. He explained it to me once, but I'm having a hard time locating it..
This is off topic for this thread, but what you say is quite simply not true. What people refer to as "chemtrails" (in actual fact persistent contrails) are typically found above 30,000ft.

This is easily tested using one of the several flight-tracking programs that are available.

Well here's a photo that a chemtrail believer sent to me on Twitter. I'd say that pretty conclusively shows that the trails (and the cirrus formed as they spread) are well above the clouds!

Well here's a photo that a chemtrail believer sent to me on Twitter. I'd say that pretty conclusively shows that the trails (and the cirrus formed as they spread) are well above the clouds!

Interesting. I believe these

This video shows a high altitude contrail disappearing before the lower chemtrail. Why?

Why shouldn't it? It just shows that the conditions at higher altitude don't support contrail formation as they do lower down. That's pretty common: the area of high humidity can be very shallow.

This video shows a high altitude contrail disappearing before the lower chemtrail. Why?

you don't' actually know what altitude the aircraft are at - which is higher or lower.

The larger contrail is evidently older - you can see that it has spread - but whether it is higher or lower - no-one knows.
Why shouldn't it? It just shows that the conditions at higher altitude don't support contrail formation as they do lower down. That's pretty common: the area of high humidity can be very shallow.

Everything I read on contrails usually states that the higher and colder, there is the better chance for contrails. The lower trail should vanish sooner.
as long as it is cold ENOUGH, the temperature isn't as important as the local humidity - which can be any value at any altitude.
you don't' actually know what altitude the aircraft are at - which is higher or lower.

The larger contrail is evidently older - you can see that it has spread - but whether it is higher or lower - no-one knows.

True. But why do the chemtrails always have a colored glow and the normal contrails have a pure white reflection?
True. But why do the chemtrails always have a colored glow and the normal contrails have a pure white reflection?
The difference in colour isn't very obvious to me. The wider trail is a little more diffuse, that's all.

What is labelled a "chemtrail" on this video is just a persistent contrail. There is no way of telling whether it is higher or lower than the non-persistent contrail. The air is usually colder as you go higher but that doesn't mean that contrails necessarily form better. If the air at 39,000ft is a lot drier than the air at 30,000ft (which happens quite often) then you will get contrails at FL300 but not at FL390. Or vice versa if the conditions are reversed.

Now, take a look at this screenshot:

Compare the non-persistent trail on the left with the persistent one on the right. The one on the left is basically just composed of the exhaust coming from the plane. See how small it is? And the plane itself is so small you can barely even see it.

Now look at the one on the right. Do you really think all that "stuff" can have come out of that tiny little plane? Of course not. Just look at the size of it!

This is the key thing: almost all of the ice making up a persistent contrail comes FROM THE ATMOSPHERE, not the plane!

The exhaust just seeds the trail. If the conditions are right, water from the air crystallises and the cloud expands and grows.
But why do the chemtrails always have a colored glow and the normal contrails have a pure white reflection?

First, it's important to note that in the (recent) common internet meme...."chem"trails do NOT exist. They are a misconception at best, and often promoted by some who wish to continue the myth...thus, these people might be deemed "hoaxers".

Second, as to the 'colored glow' (not sure what that means, but I will hazard a guess):

Since ALL contrails are merely clouds (cirrus-type, in this case) AND can exist at various altitudes, usually (most cases) above about 27,000 certain times of the day, when the Sun is low on the horizon (mornings, evenings especially) these clouds (contrails) can be illuminated just like other clouds, by the refraction of the Sun's light, through the atmosphere.

This is why, if you notice, on occasion sunset if there is a "deck" of clouds, they seem to be illuminated at the lower end of the visual light spectrum. Orange, red mostly. It is related to the height of the clouds, the angle of the Sun (compared to the observer's physical location.
Notice in the picture that Marine 0811 assumes the bigger trail is lower. That's due to our subconscious familiarity with perspective. For two objects of similar appearance, we assume they are probably similar size, and in the absence of other visual cues, assume if one looks smaller then it is further away.

But since humans tend to not be familiar with contrails, many seem to assume they are all about the same width even though their lengths vary. A big contrail LOOKS closer. It might be closer or it might not.

Watch this video carefully and besides some rudeness, you might momentarily experience your brain struggle, dealing with the effect of its assumptions.
It's not necessarily correct that the larger contrail was higher , it may have been lower in more humid air as others have stated, but you can't always trust your eyes to be accurate regarding what is higher or lower
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And planes (and hence contrails) also differ greatly in size.

One of these planes is more than twice as far away as the other. But they look like they are touching.



It's easier for your brain to figure out when it's on the ground. But when you look up, it's playing all kinds of tricks on you:
This photo, and variations of it, seems to be a favourite on Twitter and Facebook.

It's pretty obviously Photoshopped, but I've managed to track down the component parts.

The sky was easy: it's the classic 2002 shot by Dr Phil Leigh of Lancaster University that has been circulating for ages, from


The festival shot was harder to pin down, but after plenty of searching I found this:

It's a shot from the stage of the V Festival in Weston Park, Staffordshire, England, in 2012, taken by Richard Hughes, the drummer of the band Keane.
Not sure that this is a correct thread, but I've just found a very fresh fake photo on flickr:

The original was taken from this blog:

It does mention spraying ;)
On to a tamer animal. Way before the C-5's began being based there, Westover was primarily a C-130 base. Long trains of these fast, rugged propeller driven cargo planes would fly by several times daily when I was growing up. I can still easily recognise the growl of the four props on each of them, from years and years of watching as four or more of them would fly by in a line, low overhead.

These guys are incredibly versatile and rugged. They're used for everything from troop transport, to cannon-bristling gunships, to in this case, pest control. This particular plane has been doing duty in the hurricane ravaged regions of Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, keeping mosquito populations in check. They've been running back and forth along the southeast coast spraying for them until these big tanks were empty.
Content from External Source

I wonder how far the fake would go?
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Folks, do you confirm that this "strange looking" 747:

is indeed a water bomber as explained in a comment by YT user "accipiterbellum":

OK, time for some actual truth. That 747 (a 747-100 registration number N470EV) was modified by Evergreen International as a water bomber for fighting wildfires. It could lay a swath of "chemicals", i.e. fire retardent, 3 miles long and 100 yards wide. Evergreen international filed for Chapter 11 in early 2014 and N470EV is not currently flying. Chemtrails are urban myths told by the semi-educated to the ill informed.​
Folks, do you confirm that this "strange looking" 747:

is indeed a water bomber as explained in a comment by YT user "accipiterbellum":

OK, time for some actual truth. That 747 (a 747-100 registration number N470EV) was modified by Evergreen International as a water bomber for fighting wildfires. It could lay a swath of "chemicals", i.e. fire retardent, 3 miles long and 100 yards wide. Evergreen international filed for Chapter 11 in early 2014 and N470EV is not currently flying. Chemtrails are urban myths told by the semi-educated to the ill informed.​

Yes. I believe two aircraft were modified, but only one at a time. The other registration was N479EV.
Folks, do you confirm that this "strange looking" 747:

is indeed a water bomber as explained in a comment by YT user "accipiterbellum":

OK, time for some actual truth. That 747 (a 747-100 registration number N470EV) was modified by Evergreen International as a water bomber for fighting wildfires. It could lay a swath of "chemicals", i.e. fire retardent, 3 miles long and 100 yards wide. Evergreen international filed for Chapter 11 in early 2014 and N470EV is not currently flying. Chemtrails are urban myths told by the semi-educated to the ill informed.​

Sorry I have just checked on, this is clearly confirmed:
Folks, do you confirm that this "strange looking" 747:

is indeed a water bomber as explained in a comment by YT user "accipiterbellum":

OK, time for some actual truth. That 747 (a 747-100 registration number N470EV) was modified by Evergreen International as a water bomber for fighting wildfires. It could lay a swath of "chemicals", i.e. fire retardent, 3 miles long and 100 yards wide. Evergreen international filed for Chapter 11 in early 2014 and N470EV is not currently flying. Chemtrails are urban myths told by the semi-educated to the ill informed.​

it now it sits here, dispersing chemicals like calcium hypochlorite, lithium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite, organic chlorinating agents such as trichloroisocyanuric acid, potassium dichloroisocyanurate, sodium dichlorocyanurate
chlorine over willing fee paying human bodies ;) & waves waterpark&biw=1242&bih=585&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hAFjVOuSCsLfmAWPgYLQDA&sqi=2&ved=0CEMQsAQ

Wow, they couldn't make it any more blatant. What are these pipes for? WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


(Just being picky, that isn't actually one of the tankers, is it? Just a cargo plane?)
I got sent this picture today and I am no sure if it is a fuel dumper(my best guess) or possibly something else, can someone please help and also let me know what sort of plane this is etc. I have failed in my efforts to find this out for myself so far and I know a lot of you know far far more about air craft than I do. Thanks

I got sent this picture today and I am no sure if it is a fuel dumper(my best guess) or possibly something else, can someone please help and also let me know what sort of plane this is etc. I have failed in my efforts to find this out for myself so far and I know a lot of you know far far more about air craft than I do. Thanks

No, pylon drain tubes....meant for ON THE GROUND expelling of excess fluids....NOT "in-flight".
No, pylon drain tubes....meant for ON THE GROUND expelling of excess fluids....NOT "in-flight".

Oh. I thought they were just vents into compartments in the pylon for whenever anything ended up in there. How does it work differently on the ground than in the air?
Oh. I thought they were just vents into compartments in the pylon for whenever anything ended up in there. How does it work differently on the ground than in the air?

They 'vent' ...mostly OUT after engine shut-down, ON the ground....AFTER a flight. They drip stuff, so when a pilot does a "walk-around", he/she doesn't walk directly beneath, lest he/she get oil on his/her uniform shirt.

(The dry cleaning expenses are high enough, already!!).