Debunked: WTC: Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally.

I don't what building and what floor you are calculating the percentage of area of the steel columns compared to the entire foot print.... but for flor 2 where the column size was max... the columns were 0.748% of the foot print. ..les than 1% and higher up it would have been probably about 1/3 of that so it the columns at floor 78 would be about 0.25% of the total footprint. (twin towers)
Doesn't change the argument significantly - whether 98% or 99.75%, nearly 100% of the floor area is floor, and so the floors would bear almost all of the impact of chaotically falling debris and distorted structure.
My calculation was quick and dirty, let me see if I can reproduce it:
- Total area is 209 ft x209 ft = 43681 ft^2 (that's ignoring the oblique corners)
- Each perimeter column was 1'2" x 1'1.5" = 1.31 fr^2; we have 240 of these -> 315 ft^2. That's 0.72% of floor area
- Add a bit for spandrels: Spandrels are 2/3 of the total perimeter of 4X209 ft, and, say, 1/2 inch thick, that's 23 ft^2 - almost negligible
- The core columns are fewer (47) but bigger; I have assumed that their total area would not exceed that of the perimeter columns, but also would not be far less. Make that anywhere between 0.5% and 0.7% of total area. Of course that depends much on the height.

So hmm yeah, 2% was a bit of an overestimate, but not wildly so. I like to err on the conservative side.
Doesn't change the argument significantly - whether 98% or 99.75%, nearly 100% of the floor area is floor, and so the floors would bear almost all of the impact of chaotically falling debris and distorted structure.
My calculation was quick and dirty, let me see if I can reproduce it:
- Total area is 209 ft x209 ft = 43681 ft^2 (that's ignoring the oblique corners)
- Each perimeter column was 1'2" x 1'1.5" = 1.31 fr^2; we have 240 of these -> 315 ft^2. That's 0.72% of floor area
- Add a bit for spandrels: Spandrels are 2/3 of the total perimeter of 4X209 ft, and, say, 1/2 inch thick, that's 23 ft^2 - almost negligible
- The core columns are fewer (47) but bigger; I have assumed that their total area would not exceed that of the perimeter columns, but also would not be far less. Make that anywhere between 0.5% and 0.7% of total area. Of course that depends much on the height.

So hmm yeah, 2% was a bit of an overestimate, but not wildly so. I like to err on the conservative side.

If you technically compute the foot print of the steel... not the OAL column area... my figures are more accurate. If you consider a WF column as a rectangular area... the percentage would be more for sure. But you can't impact "air" and so I am not sure what the point is. And example... see what happens when 2 columns of the same size are displaced by 1"... very little area of contact.


  • Core column flr 88-90.JPG
    Core column flr 88-90.JPG
    42.4 KB · Views: 397
If you technically compute the foot print of the steel... not the OAL column area... my figures are more accurate. If you consider a WF column as a rectangular area... the percentage would be more for sure. But you can't impact "air" and so I am not sure what the point is. And example... see what happens when 2 columns of the same size are displaced by 1"... very little area of contact.
So there are even a few more angels that can dance on the tip of that needle :p
The potential energy stored in the towers released during the collapse was what made the facade peel out like that. And that 47-story vertical gash on building 7 was caused by a chunk of the perimeter wall slicing through it like a sword.
The potential energy stored in the towers released during the collapse was what made the facade peel out like that. And that 47-story vertical gash on building 7 was caused by a chunk of the perimeter wall slicing through it like a sword.
Could you you provide evidence to support your claims?
That's pretty much impossible, as there's a large cloud of debris that obscures the regions where the bounce might have started. But there are no unexplainable beams that Im aware of. The walls peel away, and the interior falls. Things also bounce.

One can disprove the "ejected" notion simply by noting that no debris at all is observed to go up. It all goes down. If there were massive explosions tossing steel beams around then some things would go up.

The walls do not peel away, they explode into debris. How you can even suggest this despite the clear visual evidence is astounding. As the buildings erupt outwards no walls remain to fall away. All beams flying outwards are unexplained by a gravity driven collapse. They are not falling away, they are flying energetically sometimes close to 80 mph.

No you cannot disprove the notion of ejected debris by noting that they go down, it's called gravity, that's the direction it works in. If you shoot a cannon from the top of a skyscraper, it goes out and down, not up. Gravity only works perpendicular to the Earth, so there cannot be lateral energy.

Image :

You can see the eruptions ripping and racing through the facades in close up videos :

Kinematic analysis proves no collapse :

WTC 1 top was in constant downward acceleration, which means there was a net downward force. This in turn means that the normal force of the lower block acting on the top was less than the weight of the top. Due to Newton's third law of motion, this means the force of the top on the bottom is also less than it's own weight. As the building's were built progressively heavier towards the bottom, a force that is less than the weight of the top cannot overcome the rest of the building. There goes NIST-Bazant's explanation of the collapse, which was only a theory anyways.
No you cannot disprove the notion of ejected debris by noting that they go down, it's called gravity, that's the direction it works in.

Okay, so these ejections you posit are not gravity, so why did none of them propel the beams upwards?
Okay, so these ejections you posit are not gravity, so why did none of them propel the beams upwards?

The energy must have been directed straight outwards, like a cannon being shot. If I recall I think I've seen photos or videos of arching debris, I'll see if I can find this.
The energy must have been directed straight outwards, like a cannon being shot. If I recall I think I've seen photos or videos of arching debris, I'll see if I can find this.
We've seen the pictures.

So, how would a "straight out" explosive work? Were these giant sections inside giant cannons? Can you draw a picture?
If you shoot a cannon from the top of a skyscraper, it goes out and down, not up.

You might want to rethink this line of reasoning. What if the cannon was aimed slightly up? Gravity is one force, but it's obviously not the only one working on the cannon ball that's been fired...
You might want to rethink this line of reasoning. What if the cannon was aimed slightly up? Gravity is one force, but it's obviously not the only one working on the cannon ball that's been fired...

This is splitting straws and ultimately irrelevant, there is lateral force when there should be none. How do you explain multi ton pieces flying upwards of 80 mph, and ending up 600 feet away?

We've seen the pictures.

So, how would a "straight out" explosive work? Were these giant sections inside giant cannons? Can you draw a picture?

Because you can't understand how something works, doesn't mean it didn't happen, you are basically making an argument from ignorance fallacy. It need not be explained how, to show that it did. Are you suggesting explosive force cannot be directed? These lateral high speed ejections prove a force other than gravity is at work.

How do you explain multi ton pieces flying upwards of 80 mph, and ending up 600 feet away? Kinematic analysis proves the NIST-Bazant theory to be invalid, there was no gravitational collapse, case closed.

This thread title is spurious, there were most definitely ejected multi ton pieces.
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Because you can't understand how something works, doesn't mean it didn't happen, you are basically making an argument from ignorance fallacy. It need not be explained how, to show that it did.
So why are you seeking to explain it with explosives?
How do you explain multi ton pieces flying upwards of 80 mph, and ending up 600 feet away? Kinematic analysis proves the NIST-Bazant theory to be invalid, there was no gravitational collapse, case closed. ...
Show the multi-ton pieces at 80 mph, where is your study?
There is not Kinematic analysis showing the academic work of Bazant to be invalid. Do you have a source for this opinion, and proves your claim gravity did not do the ejections? Source please.
NIST was not shown to be invalid on this issue, there is no kinematic analysis to prove this. Can you source this? Please.

Actually it is gravity, mass, and height which caused the ejections. If you do the physics, or study this forum, you will see evidence gravity, mass, and height will cause ejections, it is physics. Please show a study which proves with physics objects can't be ejected from an event like a gravity collapse.

An explosive strong enough to blast a multi-ton piece would be heard for miles, and would have been captured as the sound of an explosive on 9/11, and there would be visually evidence of the explosion. There are none. Do you have the calculation and evidence a multi-ton piece was ejected 600 feet? Is there a study showing the physics?

The energy of the WTC collapse for one tower due to gravity, mass and height (E=mgh) is more than the energy from 100 2,000 pound bombs. That energy released during the collapse is more than enough to do the damage seen on 9/11. Controlled Demolition events done to remove building use tiny amounts of energy from explosives to start the collapse, and E=mgh released does the work of demolition, not the explosives. Explosives are used in CD to start the collapse. Do the physics, the energy in a tower due to E=mgh was more than 100 2,000 pound bombs (TNT). Do you agree on this fact?

Please review this thread, it has examples using science and experiments to prove ejections can be driven by gravity. Plus the videos do show the Shell being peeled away and falling over. The energetic ejections of dust is driven by the floors failing, faster and faster, reaching the speed of over 50 m/s. Did you calculation the speed of collapse?
Lmao, oh boy that is an absurd analogy, the buildings aren't giant fruits and they weren't crushed by anything. We've already eliminated the pile driver remember, via kinematic analysis. This is a done deal, they exploded.
Not true, the buildings were crushed by the falling mass of the upper section of the buildings. There is no kinematic analysis to support the claim you imply. In addition, there is no evidence for explosives.

Please source the kinematic analysis which supports explosives, and proves gravity, mass and height did not cause the ejections. Saying there is a kinematic analysis is hearsay. Please produce the analysis, and the journal it is published in. Note: if you have the evidence for explosives you claim you do, please run to the nearest newspaper, team up, and earn the biggest Pulitzer since Watergate for exposing this crime. Or contact the FBI with the evidence, no one has done this for over 16 years: you will be the first. Famous stuff.

Yes, the WTC towers were crushed by anything, parts of the WTC.
Please list the evidence explosives were used for the ejections, and produce the kinematics associated with the size of explosives required. Show one multi-ton piece of the WTC ejected 600 feet, and show the damage due to explosives on any WTC steel. As of this date, no one has shown damage done by explosives to WTC steel.
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Not true, the buildings were crushed by the falling mass of the upper section of the buildings. There is no kinematic analysis to support the claim you imply. In addition, there is no evidence for explosives.

Please source the kinematic analysis which supports explosives, and proves gravity, mass and height did not cause the ejections. Saying there is a kinematic analysis is hearsay. Please produce the analysis, and the journal it is published in. Note: if you have the evidence for explosives you claim you do, please run to the nearest newspaper, team up, and earn the biggest Pulitzer since Watergate for exposing this crime. Or contact the FBI with the evidence, no one has done this for over 16 years: you will be the first. Famous stuff.

Yes, the WTC towers were crushed by anything, parts of the WTC.
Please list the evidence explosives were used for the ejections, and produce the kinematics associated with the size of explosives required. Show one multi-ton piece of the WTC ejected 600 feet, and show the damage due to explosives on any WTC steel. As of this date, no one has shown damage done by explosives to WTC steel.

Chandler ignores E=mgh, and he ignores the fact the gravity collapse of the WTC matches the momentum profile of the WTC collapsing. The rate of collapse is gravity driven, it is a fact. In fact CD is a gravity driven event, using explosives to start the collapse - the WTC towers started to collapse due to fire. The energy to make the ejections as seen was due to E=mgh, not explosives. Try calculating the energy, and decide if the energy of over 100 2,000 pounds bombs found in a falling building is enough to do all the damage seen. Chandler has not shown or proved gravity, mass and height can't do the ejections.

Lol can't let go of your belief system can you? No matter how many times you state it, it's still wrong, there was no crushing. It's not hearsay because you don't know about it. I've done what you asked, wonder what your next excuse will be. The FBI, which is a governmental agency, is going to do what? Arrest the government? The criminal deep state has been operating for decades without prosecution. Nobody was arrest or tried for Operation Northwoods.

Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics -

The roof line of the North Tower of the World Trade Center is shown to have been in constant downward acceleration until it disappeared. A downward acceleration of the falling upper block implies a downward net force, which requires that the upward resistive force was less than the weight of the block. Therefore the downward force exerted by the falling block must also have been less than its weight. Since the lower section of the building was designed to support several times the weight of the upper block, the reduced force exerted by the falling block was insufficient to crush the lower section of the building. Therefore the falling block could not have acted as a "pile driver." The downward acceleration of the upper block can be understood as a consequence of, not the cause of, the disintegration of the lower section of the building.
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Constant downward acceleration disproves the pile driver hypothesis, entirely. Despite this Chandler goes ahead and calculates a "load" based on the amount of acceleration :

Our data shows that from the sixth computed velocity data point onward, the upper block is accelerating uniformly (with an R2 value of 0.997) at a = -6.31 m/s2 , or in other words, 64% of the acceleration of gravity. For this value of a, N = mg - 0.64mg = 0.36 mg
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Even if there was a load, it would only have 36% of the weight of the top, that's less than a full static load, much less a dynamic load.

"Chandler ignores E=mgh, and he ignores the fact the gravity collapse of the WTC matches the momentum profile of the WTC collapsing"

Umm no, you clearly don't understand the physics involved. When an object experiences resistance it decelerates. That is why an object in free fall eventually reaches an acceleration of zero, terminal velocity. The top of WTC 1 is in constant downward deceleration, ruling out NIST-Bazant hypothesis. Chandler proved that the top could not have crushed the bottom, period.
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Lol can't let go of your belief system can you? No matter how many times you state it, it's still wrong, there was no crushing.

Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics -

"The roof line of the North Tower of the World Trade Center is shown to have been in constant downward acceleration until it disappeared. A downward acceleration of the falling upper block implies a downward net force, which requires that the upward resistive force was less than the weight of the block. Therefore the downward force exerted by the falling block must also have been less than its weight. Since the lower section of the building was designed to support several times the weight of the upper block, the reduced force exerted by the falling block was insufficient to crush the lower section of the building. Therefore the falling block could not have acted as a "pile driver." The downward acceleration of the upper block can be understood as a consequence of, not the cause of, the disintegration of the lower section of the building."

Constant downward acceleration disproves the pile driver hypothesis, entirely. Despite this Chandler goes ahead and calculates a "load" based on the amount of acceleration :

"Our data shows that from the sixth computed velocity data point onward, the upper block is accelerating uniformly (with an R2 value of 0.997) at a = -6.31 m/s2 , or in other words, 64% of the acceleration of gravity. For this value of a, N = mg - 0.64mg = 0.36 mg"

Even if there was a load, it would only have 36% of the weight of the top, that's less than a full static load, much less a dynamic load.

Chandler ignores E=mgh, and he ignores the fact the gravity collapse of the WTC matches the momentum profile of the WTC collapsing. The rate of collapse is gravity driven, it is a fact. In fact CD is a gravity driven event, using explosives to start the collapse - the WTC towers started to collapse due to fire.
The energy to make the ejections as seen was due to E=mgh, not explosives. Try calculating the energy, and decide if the energy of over 100 2,000 pounds bombs found in a falling building is enough to do all the damage seen. Chandler has not shown or proved gravity, mass and height can't do the ejections.

Chandler work makes no sense, and are not valid. The speed of collapse is exactly what it should be, and he can't wave his hands and ignore E=mgh. The WTC collapse continues because the upper section weight more than a floor in the WTC can handle, and the speed and rapid failure is due this overwhelming mass, and the fact it is moving down. A floor can only hold 29,000,000 pounds, it fails and the shell connections are ripped apart, as are core connections, these fail essentially instantly, and the speed of collapse can be modeled effectively using physics, a simple momentum model, which chandler has not done. The collapse is driven by floor failure, the energy released and as it destroys lower floors parts of the WTC are ejected.

Chandler's work is nonsense. Does Chandler realize the failing floors drive the collapse, because a floor only holds up itself, not the upper floors. Thus if the upper section comes to rest on a lower floor, the floor fails, even if you place it there with zero velocity - the floor fails above 29,000,000 pounds. This massive collapse front is what is crushing the lower WTC, and ejecting material. We can see it.
Chandler ignores E=mgh, and he ignores the fact the gravity collapse of the WTC matches the momentum profile of the WTC collapsing. The rate of collapse is gravity driven, it is a fact. In fact CD is a gravity driven event, using explosives to start the collapse - the WTC towers started to collapse due to fire.
The energy to make the ejections as seen was due to E=mgh, not explosives. Try calculating the energy, and decide if the energy of over 100 2,000 pounds bombs found in a falling building is enough to do all the damage seen. Chandler has not shown or proved gravity, mass and height can't do the ejections.

Chandler work makes no sense, and are not valid. The speed of collapse is exactly what it should be, and he can't wave his hands and ignore E=mgh. The WTC collapse continues because the upper section weight more than a floor in the WTC can handle, and the speed and rapid failure is due this overwhelming mass, and the fact it is moving down. A floor can only hold 29,000,000 pounds, it fails and the shell connections are ripped apart, as are core connections, these fail essentially instantly, and the speed of collapse can be modeled effectively using physics, a simple momentum model, which chandler has not done. The collapse is driven by floor failure, the energy released and as it destroys lower floors parts of the WTC are ejected.

Chandler's work is nonsense. Does Chandler realize the failing floors drive the collapse, because a floor only holds up itself, not the upper floors. Thus if the upper section comes to rest on a lower floor, the floor fails, even if you place it there with zero velocity - the floor fails above 29,000,000 pounds. This massive collapse front is what is crushing the lower WTC, and ejecting material. We can see it.

Chandler doesn't ignore E = mgh, you don't understand the physics or his paper. He shows that due to the constant downward acceleration, the top cannot be crushing the bottom. An object falling though air decelerates, let alone one supposedly crushing a skyscraper. Where is deceleration?

Chandler's work makes perfect sense and is totally valid, unlike your replies. No the speed of the collapse is not exactly what it should be. The acceleration is 64% of gravity which yields a 36% of the weight of the upper block load, in contrast to NIST-Bazank's dynamic loading fantasy.

Bazank's papers are hypothetical, they involve no actual kinematic analysis and don't model the collapses. They only deal with a potential explanation for the events leading up to a collapse, and thus are self limited and of little practical value.

Failing floors don't drive the collapse, if they did the cores would remain standing. Now you seem to be confusing the pile driver hypothesis with the long discarded pancake collapse theory, which is it? You are clearly confused on all ends.

There is no collapse front, the constant downward acceleration proves this. The material ejected must then be from another source. How could such a front send multi ton pieces at high speeds up to 600 feet away?

Here is another paper :

The missing jolt : A simple refutation of the Nist-Bazant collapse hypothesis

We have tracked the fall of the roof of the North Tower through 114.4 feet, (approximately 9 stories) and we have found that it did not suffer severe and sudden impact or abrupt deceleration. There was no jolt. Thus there could not have been any amplified load. In the absence of an amplified load there is no mechanism to explain the collapse of the lower portion of the building, which was undamaged by fire. The collapse hypothesis of Bazant and the authors of the NIST report has not withstood scrutiny
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If the top is a pile driver that impacts the bottom, it should decelerate upon contact, it does not. Thus the NIST-Bazant hypothesis is easily discarded.
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No it's about "collapse" in progress until the roof line disappears, or the first four seconds. NIST-Bazant's papers would be off topic by this reasoning.
This thread topic is about sections of the tower flying horizontally away from the building. It is not about the first 4 seconds. It is not about collapse initiation.

NIST-Bazant's papers would be off topic by this reasoning.
Probably, I'm not really listening to you two.
This thread topic is about sections of the tower flying horizontally away from the building. It is not about the first 4 seconds. It is not about collapse initiation.

Probably, I'm not really listening to you two.

The cause of such phenomenon is in question. If it can be shown that the "collapses" were not gravity driven, then it stands to reason that neither was the debris ejection.
If it can be shown that the "collapses" were not gravity driven, then it stands to reason that neither was the debris ejection.
you are confusing the collapse initiation with the collapse. Arguing about the collapse initiation can be done in other threads.

From the truther video above.. here is where the roofline disappears

and this is the projectile they complain about

Even if the initiation was started by CD, the rest of the building fell due to gravity just like in every Verniage Demolition. Nobody would waste money planting explosives all the way down.. because they wouldn't have to.
you are confusing the collapse initiation with the collapse. Arguing about the collapse initiation can be done in other threads.

From the truther video above.. here is where the roofline disappears

and this is the projectile they complain about

Even if the initiation was started by CD, the rest of the building fell due to gravity just like in every Verniage Demolition. Nobody would waste money planting explosives all the way down.. because they wouldn't have to.

No I'm not confusing the initiation with the collapse, and it's not a collapse, that's the whole point of the published papers including Chandler's. Gravity cannot be at work due to the constant downward acceleration.

Verinage demos are not done near the top, but in the middle. And in order to be successful the damage must be levied uniformly with explosives.

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um... it's getting heavier as it goes.

Actually it goes before the bottom does, that is the top disintegrates before the bottom starts to erupt.

Chandler addressed this argument and refuted it :

Note that this is the same as our previous result (Eq. [3]) except the normal force is reduced even further, since both v and dm dt are positive. Therefore, perhaps counter-intuitively, any accreted material reduces the effectiveness of an assumed pile driver. This result may become reasonably intuitive once one recognizes that the falling block must transfer some of its momentum to the accreted mass to bring it up to speed.
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Makes perfect sense, the accretion would be a hindrance for any pile driver. And remember there is no pile driver, because there is no jolt upon impact.

On a further note it would rather miraculous that the accretion would perfectly net out the acceleration and make it constant, demolition is far more plausible.
You've already caused yourself an issue with:

How do you explain multi ton pieces flying upwards of 80 mph, and ending up 600 feet away?

In an explosive demolition, chunks of the building can fly quite some distance. But those are relatively small chunks.

In your example, you are trying to make the case that multi-TON sections of building are being propelled by explosives for a distance of up to 600 metres, at a speed of 80mph...that's quite a lot of bang required to produce that sort of force. Can you see where that might be problematic in the rigging up of said bang? Let alone hiding the explosion convincingly.

There's no reason that a demolition would require that much explosive to cause a building to come down, as said above it's only used to further weaken a structure enough for it to collapse, usually at key structural points. Not throw a "multi-ton" section massive distances at ridiculous speeds.

Edit: Sorry - Oy and others already tackled this subject here
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You've already caused yourself an issue with:

In an explosive demolition, chunks of the building can fly quite some distance. But those are relatively small chunks.

In your example, you are trying to make the case that multi-TON sections of building are being propelled by explosives for a distance of up to 600 metres, at a speed of 80mph...that's quite a lot of bang required to produce that sort of force. Can you see where that might be problematic in the rigging up of said bang? Let alone hiding the explosion convincingly.

There's no reason that a demolition would require that much explosive to cause a building to come down, as said above it's only used to further weaken a structure enough for it to collapse, usually at key structural points. Not throw a "multi-ton" section massive distances at ridiculous speeds.

Edit: Sorry - Oy and others already tackled this subject here

Quite a lot of bang, but only explainable with explosives. It's a far bigger issue for a gravity driven collapse, no viable explanation for how such an event would propel these pieces. Remember it's probably not just conventional bombs we are dealing with, the USGS report 01-0429 documents radioactive elements in significant quantities and correlations.
Quite a lot of bang, but only explainable with explosives. It's a far bigger issue for a gravity driven collapse, no viable explanation for how such an event would propel these pieces.

I don't want to re-hash what's been said earlier in this thread, but if you haven't done so already, I'd head back to pages 2 and 3 to read the discussion there which very thoroughly explains why explosives are unlikely (including the discussion relating to frag and smaller pieces of debris being propelled for some distance, or lack thereof).

Remember it's probably not just conventional bombs we are dealing with, the USGS report 01-0429 documents radioactive elements in significant quantities and correlations.

You've lost me on this bit - are you trying to suggest 'non conventional bombs' were used?
How do you explain multi ton pieces flying upwards of 80 mph, and ending up 600 feet away?
just curious.. where are you getting these numbers from? I'm reading one of ae911 presentations and they have 54mph. and 'over 500 feet'.
Some force was strong enough to accelerate hundreds of 4-ton steel Outer Wall Units from 0 to over 50 MPH in 0.09 sec. and eject the material over 500 ft. out over Lower Manhattan.
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I have read your posts. Hence why I posted.

Explosives are the only viable explanation that explain ALL of the evidence.

...only if you ignore the physics behind using explosives. There have been several very technical explanations as to why this is not the case, but in summary, seeing how you don't want to acknowledge the previous posts, it's not possible to have enough explosives present to impart the force required to move steel beams like that without it being very obvious and leaving behind some very telling evidence.

Nuclear devices were most definitely employed
Nope - this is going to need another thread.
Actually it goes before the bottom does, that is the top disintegrates before the bottom starts to erupt.

Chandler addressed this argument and refuted it :

Note that this is the same as our previous result (Eq. [3]) except the normal force is reduced even further, since both v and dm dt are positive. Therefore, perhaps counter-intuitively, any accreted material reduces the effectiveness of an assumed pile driver. This result may become reasonably intuitive once one recognizes that the falling block must transfer some of its momentum to the accreted mass to bring it up to speed.
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Makes perfect sense, the accretion would be a hindrance for any pile driver. And remember there is no pile driver, because there is no jolt upon impact.

On a further note it would rather miraculous that the accretion would perfectly net out the acceleration and make it constant, demolition is far more plausible.
No one has shown a multi-ton piece of the WTC 600 feet away. Please show the piece, and distance, and show the charge required to blast it 600 feet, and why no sounds of explosives were heard on 9/11, and nobody saw an explosive going off with the associated super sonic blast wave.


Thus Chandlers constant acceleration is bogus. And no jolt is silly, the velocity graph shows reality. The jolt Tony is looking for is a model, academic. Did you plot the data? The initial velocity of impact in a model hitting the next lower floor at initiation would be 8.52 m/s, and the new velocity when the floor fails due to momentum transfer for that instant would be 7.86 m/s - and the new mass would fall at g. In a CD model, the next floor has been blown up, it would fall before the upper mass hit, or is it after it hits? It makes no sense for CD, since the dynamics of the collapse are exactly what a gravity collapse would be. Are you and 9/11 truth saying the explosives were timed to go off exactly the time the upper mass hits, to fake a gravity collapse? it is silly... the fact is the mass is crushing the lower section, and this kinetic energy is what ejects parts of the WTC. Thus the ejections are a function of gravity, mass, and height. It is physics.

The velocity graph from a math expert, posted above, is proof Chandler is wrong. The acceleration averages out, but as you can see if you graphed the velocity, it is not constant as graphed by Chandler.

The velocity of collapse was not constant. The fact the WTC didn't collapse at g, means the floors failed due to mass falling, falling due to gravity. The massive energy of the collapse is responsible for all ejections, and all damage. E=mgh. In addition, it is a fact, a floor fails above 29,000,000 pounds.

Please take time to calculate the energy of collapse, it is massive due to the height, mass, and gravity. (omg, how big was the nuke... )
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